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单词 reclaim
释义  re·claim /rɪˈkleɪm/ ●○○ verb [transitive]  1  to get back an amount of money that you have paid 取回〔已付的金钱〕 SYN claim back You may be entitled to reclaim some tax. 你也许可以享受一定额度的退税。2  TBTAto make an area of desert, wet land etc suitable for farming or building 开垦,开拓〔沙漠、湿地等〕 This land will be reclaimed for a new airport. 这块土地将被开发用来建新机场。3  to get back something that you have lost or that has been taken away from you 恢复;夺回 I want to reclaim the championship that I lost in 1999. 我想夺回1999年失去的冠军称号。4  TIto obtain useful products from waste material 回收〔废料〕利用 → recycle You can reclaim old boards and use them as shelves. 旧木板可以废物利用,当搁板。 —reclamation /ˌrekləˈmeɪʃən/ noun [uncountable] land reclamation 垦荒→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreclaim• A message arrived from a local farmer who had found and secured it until it could be reclaimed.• An alternative could be high coupon gilts as the tax can be reclaimed.• A British woman is waiting to hear how she can reclaim a family estate inside the former Soviet Union.• In each case £20 million to £30 million of government money was spent reclaiming a site for flowers and later development.• Nature can reclaim an entire farm in 14 years and leave nothing behind but the masonry.• The organization is trying to reclaim desert land for farming.• China reclaimed Hong Kong from Britain in 1997.• The Inland Revenue permits us to reclaim tax and pay dividends gross.• You can reclaim tax if you find you have paid too much.• What they learn in school about writing helps to preserve and reclaim that heritage.• The radio was reclaimed the next morning.• The golf course will use reclaimed wastewater to water the grass.From Longman Business Dictionaryreclaimre‧claim /rɪˈkleɪm/ verb [transitive]1to get back something that has been taken from you or money that you have paidIf a delivery date is not met, the buyer can reject the goods and reclaim any money paid.Tax deducted on the dividends can be reclaimed.2to make an area of very wet or very dry land suitable for building or farmingThey plan to reclaim 1.5 million square kilometres of salt marsh.3to obtain useful products from waste materialThe new recycling plant can reclaim 27,000 tons a year of discarded plastic. —reclamation noun [uncountable]land reclamationrecycling and reclamation→ See Verb tablere·claim verbChineseSyllable  back amount of Business get that to Corpus an money




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