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单词 Expertise
1. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise.
2. Customers will be impressed by the expertise of our highly trained employees.
3. She brings expertise on general financial and technical matters.
4. She has considerable expertise in French history.
5. It's a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility.
6. We sometimes have to call on outside expertise.
7. They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills.
8. What he's bringing to the company is financial expertise.
9. Software is not really my area of expertise.
10. I have no expertise in sewing/sewing expertise.
11. She has great expertise in these matters.
12. Industry is being starved of technical expertise.
13. Professor Simpson provided expertise in engineering.
14. A high degree of expertise is required for this stage of the manufacturing process.
15. Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.
16. MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
17. We have the expertise to help you run your business.
18. The project brings together expertise in teaching and library provision.
19. He will bring a great deal of expertise to bear on this issue.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. This project builds on the existing expertise of staff at the centre.
21. We need to draw on the professional expertise of a large number of teachers.
22. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.
23. These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues.
24. Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
25. Mediocrity is not the lack of effort, but the lack of goals; dream is not without action, but the action is too late; the poor is not hard, but the lack of expertise; lazy not pace, but the pace is too shallow.
26. You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise.
27. I've been in this job for thirty years, and I've picked up a good deal of expertise along the way.
28. The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.
29. The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.
30. To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team.
1. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise.
2. These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues.
3. Each area of the curriculum should be led by a staff member with appropriate expertise.
4. A high degree of expertise is required for this stage of the manufacturing process.
5. Expertise in this field is very thinly spread across the country.
6. We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.
7. MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
31. How could he apply his academic expertise to practical matters?
32. They met regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
33. We need to discover what relevant expertise is available to us.
34. It is difficult to find staff with the level of expertise required for this job.
35. MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
36. Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.
37. The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.
38. The teachers would be available to share expertise and offer advice.
39. The variety of technology requires a wide range of expertise.
40. We admired the expertise with which he prepared the meal.
41. The firm decided to refocus its attention back onto its traditional strengths and expertise.
42. We need to tap the expertise and skill of the people we already have.
43. Buyers have different backgrounds, technical expertise and intelligence levels.
44. Eva was exceedingly grateful for his expertise.
45. He has expertise in the biotechnology industry.
46. She learned to control these manoeuvres with great expertise.
47. I had to call upon Bob's expertise.
48. Expertise Expertise is a major power base.
49. Through cross-training[], the breadth of team member expertise expanded.
49. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
50. He had the expertise and financial backing.
51. Both groups had d power base of expertise.
52. The technical expertise was provided by a Japanese company.
53. Many administrators develop great expertise within their specialized areas.
54. It is concerned about the lack of Windows technical expertise and the effect this will have on specification schedules.
55. We have invested considerable resources and expertise to ensure a superior brewing process for Kaliber.
56. A considerable injection of resources will be required to provide the managerial and technological expertise called for in the White Paper.
57. Hunt's laconic expertise provided a perfect counterpoint to Walker's high-octane delivery.
58. Oppenheimer seems to have absolved himself for lack of special expertise in ethics.
59. Many old brokers were unable to become independent advisers because they lacked the expertise and resources to win authorisation.
60. One of the problems facing the very small builder is lack of time and accounting expertise.
61. The Bush team's depth of managerial expertise has been rightly praised.
62. Legislation now produced separate apparatuses and spheres of activity, with distinctive forms of knowledge and expertise.
63. Listen carefully, clarify with questions if necessary, but don't challenge that person's expertise.
64. Furthermore, the practice of good dermatology does not depend solely on adequate eyesight and clinical expertise.
65. There are two views of the purposes for which corporate managers will use their expertise.
66. A number of foreign banks have developed considerable expertise in the area of project finance.
67. Organization and expertise were available there for the financing of increasingly complicated business.
68. Where window-glazing repairs were concerned, Timothy turned to Kent Blaxill, a Colchester firm with great expertise.
69. The experienced drafter, with expertise in contract and commercial matters, may need little or no guidance on these matters.
70. You can bounce ideas off them and benefit from their expertise, as they have often been self-employed themselves.
71. Hence, subject and support teachers will need to develop expertise in modifying curriculum materials and managing behaviour problems.
72. The presentation was an excellent example of design expertise using the C.A.D. and the latest computerised sample machine.
73. We hope to cross-fertilize the company with the expertise we've gained from other industries.
74. The restructuring will enable it to focus better on the two areas of its expertise in both wide area and local networks.
75. For Ure, however, special expertise is less important than the essentials of contact and clout.
76. Red Water Arts also draws upon the expertise of other professionals who work with us on a freelance basis.
77. This has enabled M.P.s to build up considerable expertise in their chosen fields.
78. Each teacher approaches a procedure in an individual way and has different areas of expertise and interest.
79. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
80. Such power may derive from an individual's physical strength, their economic resources, position, expertise(), personal charisma etc.
81. The scientists reassigned to the survey possess expertise in areas such as population dynamics, physiology, animal behavior, habitats and biodiversity.
82. Far better, he argues, would be a system in which governments choose firms according to their technical expertise.
83. I had a lot of seniority, and expertise in a specialized body of nursing.
84. However, he said, he hopes his expertise in the field can be carried over to the new position.
85. There is particular expertise in computing applications, especially those using large data sets.
86. The aim is to provide a comprehensive range of services and expertise on a national scale to the business community in particular.
87. The organisation has employees with expertise in both medical and counselling services.
88. The Forces Legal Network has a 24-hour hotline which links callers to solicitors with an expertise in military law.
89. In some areas fundholders had formed liaison groups and were meeting regularly to share experiences and develop their collective expertise.
90. In places the text is a little unsatisfactory but this reflects the early stage of development rather than the author's own expertise.
91. It will be appreciated that this rapidly developing field of expertise contains extensive new jargon.
92. The membership of the teams is bringing together a unique combination of experience and expertise in developing services for carers.
93. But access to the sites where arctic-alpines grew often demands considerable rock-climbing expertise, so Evan touches upon our world again.
94. Best of all, our new offices in London put all that expertise right on your doorstep.
95. Professor Hugh Simpson provided expertise in engineering and was the liveliest and most questioning of the three.
96. However, such a development would need nurturing, and there are few people with adequate expertise to nurture it.
97. Mechanical expertise and mechanical and electrical components, including bogies, will come from Adtranz.
98. This has opened up new areas of employment for actuaries, frequently involving communication skills as well as technical expertise.
99. It is even unclear whether the individual contributors see their particular expertise being subsumed into this new academic category.
100. In times of financial stringency and the adoption of Value for Money strategies in government those with financial expertise may acquire power.
101. This process demonstrates that your organization has successfully produced something of quality or value solely through its own expertise and resources.
102. Another area of expertise is the repair of combustion chambers, used in both aviation and industrial gas turbines.
103. I know my limitations and most of my security comes from hard -learned technical expertise.
104. Now encryption will cause the erosion of the current corporate monopoly on expertise and proprietary knowledge.
105. Even new-media producers concede there is considerable expense and technical expertise needed to surf the Internet.
106. It also identified a list of competencies that it said rivaled technical expertise in their importance.
107. They might be asked to contribute information to a careers programme, or technical expertise to a science lesson.
108. Expertise and experience count for nothing if a fighter isn't mentally prepared before he enters the ring.
109. An advanced course develops existing expertise - exploring factors that influence the customer, business, produce and sales-person.
109. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
110. Again, the medical profession will argue that an individual without medical expertise can not pass judgement on their performance.
111. Professional associations would seem to be well placed in terms of expertise and disinterest to carry out this kind of selection.
112. He says that we should harness the expertise of the various agencies involved in health care.
113. Affiliation to the National Confederation will provide your group with access to a network of services and expertise.
114. The project is intended to begin to explore these possibilities by examining the extent to which expert systems can acquire human expertise.
115. But substantial progress is being made and the most important resources of all, expertise and know-how, are now becoming available.
116. He emphasized that he had chosen ministers on grounds of expertise - only three members of the Cabinet had previous ministerial experience.
117. As recession forces companies to cut costs, fundraisers are emphasising the equal value to charities of sparing time and expertise.
118. The development of self-study materials which cater for a range of expertise is an important contribution central government could make.
119. Increased contacts with teachers will enable you to understand their skills and expertise so that you can recognise their achievements.
120. Our expertise in Engineering Contracting and Design has given us a strong position in long term partnering contracts.
121. Assistance is provided through financial expertise, technical abilities, and management expertise.
122. They will have a great deal of expertise to offer within the administrative support function.
123. The advanced military technology expertise of Shorts Brothers in Belfast played a crucial role in the war - for both sides.
124. This ongoing professional development is based on the fundamental premise that solutions and strategies lie in teachers' own expertise and experience.
125. Among those attending the conference this week is Robert Galler, a man who had no medical expertise until tragedy struck.
126. This allows the small company with little planning expertise to gain experience for an outlay at the £100 level.
127. Our Barings coverage, for example, drew on the expertise of reporters and their news sources on three continents.
128. And now, Chlor-Chemicals lis using its electro-chemical technology expertise to protect over 100 ships, including the QE2, from corrosion.
129. These two universities have been involved as two of the few in Britain with expertise in both theology and development. 3.
130. For one thing, most other potential bidders have expertise in either lodging or gaming, not both.
131. The content validity of individual items may be determined by inspection by some one with expertise in the area of language assessment.
132. Instead, proposals have involved moving him to his area of greatest expertise as public works director.
133. This is but an extension of the expertise which Max Weber claimed to be the foundation of bureaucratic power.
134. Netcom also has the expertise of working with Internet customers that a telephone company would need badly to succeed in the business.
135. Membership enables you to benefit from the Thomas Cook expertise in obtaining the best value for money deals.
136. First, it may appear as if the legitimacy of an authority rests on its greater expertise.
137. You must continue to gain expertise, but avoid thinking like an expert. Denis Waitley 
138. In both areas there is an acute shortage of expertise at the Garden.
139. They would be available to share expertise(Sentence dictionary), offer advice and provide an informed focus for locally based educational advance.
140. When people flee, they deprive the organization of their expertise and experience, while at the same time undermining its reputation.
141. The mix of skills should also be very different with an emphasis on analytical and contracting expertise.
142. An effective choice of emergency surgical procedure may require considerable surgical expertise.
143. However, expertise within a specific domain is needed in order for the techniques to be effective.
144. The booming Golden State, no longer moving to rural rhythms, needed constant attention from lawmakers armed with expertise.
145. It enables governors to draw upon the creativity, expertise, experience and commitment of the teaching staff.
146. Lawyers and accountants, for example, exercise substantial influence over those who do not possess similar expertise.
147. The department's wide expertise in technical matters can be drawn upon more easily.
148. Use the expertise and facilities of your local authorities and voluntary services for practical help, advice and social activities.
149. These professional advisers will need statistical and analytical skills as well as expertise in drug therapy.
150. As we predicted, the first movers have enjoyed the advantages of sound management expertise and an increase in their public profile.
151. Mr. Hogg My hon. Friend brings a great deal of expertise to bear on this issue.
152. His expertise will be invaluable to understanding technological challenges the BBC is facing.
153. Some 60 companies there claim competence and expertise in the technology, each trying to identify its own market niche.
154. A brief has been prepared and proposals have been invited from consultants with acknowledged expertise in the road safety field.
155. Teachers have already developed considerable expertise within the classroom to provide a good basis upon which to build effective communication outside.
156. Bureaucracies are often credited with a monopoly of expertise which place them in a superior position to lay politicians.
157. Elliot was one of a new type of mining engineer whose expertise extended to many parts of the industry.
158. But certain teachers may lack the competence and expertise to avoid controversy completely.
159. You live and die by your expertise, not your day job.
160. Then he was drafted into Laura's studio where his technical expertise was critical in strengthening the developing team.
161. Artificial expertise produces more consistent results than does human expertise.
162. First, there is their expertise derived from the subject content of their degree.
163. Porter's Lexington team handled the sales project, with decorator contributing her colour expertise.
164. Some of the departments were small and without sufficient staff with relevant expertise in areas it was proposed to teach.
165. Those which trade generally tend to offer technical expertise and support service that includes training facilities and delivery.
166. To be successful, a former member must have served on an influential committee and acquired expertise on controversial issues.
167. Closer investigation shows the extraordinary extent of Miller's theoretical knowledge of and practical expertise with an enormous diversity of matters.
168. But it needs complementary mechanisms for counselling, transmission of experience, management expertise, financial support, upskilling programmes.
169. Feeding little and often with loose feed sounds like a simple exercise that requires no great thought or expertise.
170. The autonomy granted to the legal profession by the state and tolerated by the public is based upon its expertise and altruism.
171. The only justification for sub-contracting is if you need to hire in some specialist expertise on a temporary basis.
172. It has developed specialist expertise in the Management of Technology as well as in Business Development.
173. They were friends of his, real estate developers with no expertise whatsoever in media, much less multimedia.
174. Cade could provide for both the Crown and its debtors credit and financial expertise.
175. The emphasis is now on technical specialization and expertise rather than democratic control.
176. Knowing the right questions to ask often depends on being familiar with the activity in hand and on general business expertise.
177. Coupled with this expertise, lower costs make arbitration a very attractive option.
178. Successful nominees to the committee contribute greatly to the Trust's work, offering a wealth of specialist expertise and experience.
179. Often official syllabuses and timetables reflect the influence and expertise of infant method specialists in ministries or from colleges of education.
180. How much might we learn by concentrating ecological effort, expertise and funding on our own backyards?
181. Most of these new management teams have drawn their expertise from earlier times with one or other of the major brewers.
182. In principle, direct investment brings with it better management, improved technology, and marketing expertise.
183. They were faced with bankruptcy but there was enough expertise within the company to take a gamble on a change of direction.
184. Earlier plans to have a full-time member with financial expertise or to take charge of relations with Area Boards had been abandoned.
185. They provide expertise across a wide range of topics while allowing the students to contribute to the year-to-year developments in experimental techniques.
186. Drawing on the organisation's wide range of membrane technology expertise, it offers impartial advice on improving process efficiency.
187. Reyntiens' considerable technical expertise is at one with his imagination.
188. This will serve to make our research experience and expertise more widely known to potential users of our consultancy services.
189. This is more than skills because the total expertise will include also rules, knowledge and contextual information.
190. Not all voluntary organisations have the resource to develop financial management expertise and this can obviously pose problems in administering schemes.
191. The book is written by various authors, all of them well respected in their field of expertise.
192. Costs tend to decrease as expertise in accessing data develops.
193. To replace this expertise, top managements have turned to outside management consultants.
194. There was a professionalism and explosive expertise about the operation totally alien to the loyalist slap-dash, amateur bombers.
195. To start with, the management team combines vision, technical savvy, financial acumen and expertise in the area of entertainment.
196. Their role will be to provide specialist expertise in this area for the profession on a full-time basis.
197. Their area of expertise includes complementary products such as pension plans and insurance policies.
198. This involves developing critical expertise in scalable computing areas such as components, interconnects, computing architectures, and systems software.
199. Nor should they be; unless they are in the therapy business,(http:///expertise.html) their expertise lies elsewhere.
200. Catherine had trouble tending to their own domestic affairs though they had a handy expertise for the affairs of others.
201. That a young boy of none too comfortable means would be impressed by all this worldly expertise is not difficult to imagine.
202. Bull will lead co-operative development projects for a range of symmetrical multiprocessing systems based on its multi-processing expertise.
203. Such expertise helps OFCs to beat off the competition.
204. Provide expertise needed in fault feedback analysis.
205. We are looking for expertise in this arena and must have zero loss of store up-time due to ongoing programming integration.
206. Conclusion These results have great effects upon prevention of medical tangles and medicolegal expertise.
207. But developers typically provide a minimal set of services, given their limited security expertise.
208. Beijing Summit Wines Ltd. is a foreign invested company incorporated in Beijing that combines the experiences of the new world wine production and China wine market expertise.
209. As a technical expertise of KST team, proficient in product function and usage. Provide product and technical training for clients and KS team.
210. Next year, Professor Claypool will bring his expertise to bear on WPI's new interactive media and games development major.
211. Priority to who is familiar with mechanical and electro-mechanical expertise, auto industry.
212. I'm also thinking of consulting a professional hairstylist . They have the expertise to tell people what would look good on them.
213. Work Skills and Abilities Expertise in making checking approving piping drawings like isometrics layouts support drawings etc.
214. Companies gathered the qualified technicians at home and abroad of machinery, electronics, chemical industry expertise, independent research and development a number of inventions, new patents.
215. To avoid administrative punishment, some medical institutions give up technical appraisal of medical negligence, and enter instead medicolegal expertise of medical treatment mistakes.
216. This paper aims at particularity of IPO audit, and researches two potential factors affect IPO audit fee:accounting firms' industry expertise and client character of collected capital.
217. A certain British water company did the same in a certain South American nation which badly needed foreign expertise to overhaul its creaking water services.
218. We understand that your expertise lies in your core business, not necessarily in hard money lending.
219. Treating expertise as a business asset that needs continual investment.
220. That is a testament to the teams' hard work over the last few years and their expertise in this realm, " program manager Jaime Engdahl told reporters during a call-in conference for the press.
221. The point is, "people must value your expertise, " so much so that if you didn't exist their lives would be inconvenienced.
222. Fortunately, Selby is eager to share his expertise: the historian cum weekend warrior has been intermittently giving free lessons at his home on Victoria Peak for 15 years.
223. Organisations can list their requests there, and scientists can provide details of their expertise and available time.
224. Good judicial expertise system will affect law arbitrament with a active influence, which does not only help to realize justice, but also guarantee the quality of cases.
225. If you're a nontraditional applicant, chances are you're not like everyone else from your original field of expertise.
226. The open source paradigm embraces this kind of disaggregation and, more broadly, mitigates against the idea of stovepiped expertise categories.
227. Objective To discuss the problem of the clinical medicolegal expertise on traumatic carotid cavernous fistula.
228. Kent Gilmore, COO of $100-million Nahan Printing, St. Cloud, MN, wanted to bring lean manufacturing expertise to his firm.
229. For combining technical expertise and leadership skills helm ISF as its Chief Executive Officer in 2006.
230. The death caused of anaphylactic shock is common in clinical medicine and medicolegal expertise, but it is a nodus to diagnose sudden death from allergy.
231. The group, based in New York, Florida and Pennsylvania, used the social networking sites to promote top picks in penny stocks, supposedly based on their own expertise and independent research.
232. No scholar can claim expertise in all areas of Mahayana Buddhism.
233. Korea (Mr Cumings's early area of expertise), Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan: the left-leaning historian sees a consistency, at least, in latter-day interventions.
234. But there are many other sources of informal power that are up for grabs to anyone in the pecking order: information, expertise, who you know, control of resources, charisma and coercive force.
235. But a new study shows that people with true expertise in a subject have some immunity to the siren song of corporate sponsorship.
236. I wouldn't rely on my advice about the gold price, not if I were you: my professional expertise is in the rare earth metals, a very different game indeed.
237. By further combining mechanics expertise into its service offering, Elcoteq's vision is to be a leading integrated electronics manufacturing services (IEMS) company.
238. Unless there is internal expertise management training may require a specialist manual handling trainer.
239. Yet the government does not have the expertise or experience to construct a national network—an enormous undertaking in such a vast, largely unpopulated country.
240. In an organization, effective work teams have to be based on function, purpose, or individual expertise rather than on personality.
241. This assignment required expertise in C programming on RS/6000 under AIX, detailed knowledge of rasterization algorithms, and cross-functional coordination with the VLSI designers.
242. Shrugging off foibles — like subpar corn that led them to seek an organic grain from the Finger Lakes — they are content to gain their expertise as they go.
243. After years of doing business with Brio we have found their patience, expertise and customer service of great assistance in allowing us to make the move from small scale to large volume production.
244. Standardizing on such a tool is a long-term investment that incurs up-front costs, including training, data migration, and productivity hits as the team grows its expertise with the new tool.
245. China also agreed to help Pakistan develop a space industry, expertise in oceanology, and more electronics and heavy industry.
246. You'll be well paid for your expertise, receiving flight pay in addition to normal pay, allowances and benefit.
246. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
247. You don't need to have expertise in every area of cybercrime.
248. The winemaker's art owes much to his viticultural knowledge and expertise.
249. "The Greece case will sensitize U.S. authorities to the benefits," allowing both sides to develop expertise in dealing with the regulatory process as it pertains to diaspora financing.
250. SMEs offer expertise in a particular tool or subject area.
251. The diverse and high-level expertise represented in this room is itself a statement about how deeply we need to be concerned and how broadly we need to engage.
252. The rules of design standards, basic theory, expertise and evaluation are constructed, and the control mechanisms and model library are also established.
253. Conclusion Objective, complete and precise conclusion should based on the characteristics and regularity of sudden death in medicolegal expertise.
254. Defiler (Xadaganian); Art of Reanimation, increases the strength and expertise of any summoned creature by 30% for 30 seconds.
255. In answer to his own question, Ji Long Feng reportedly created a style of weaponless combat based on his expertise with the spear.
256. We aim to expand our business by providing the special purpose machine and precision parts processing service best suited to our customers while maximizing our accumulated expertise.
257. Moreover, the centre's training and expertise will be transferred to other regions only if scientists, farmers and agro-processors from across the country participate in the programme.
258. The technical breadth of such polyglot applications exceeds the expertise of any single developer or project team because of the multiple languages, technologies, methods, and platforms involved.
259. Amylin 's research and development activities leverage the Company's expertise in metabolism to develop potential therapies to treat diabetes and obesity.
260. The Directory of professionals and organizations can also be searched by name, area and geographical region of expertise.
261. The council also co - ordinates economic development plans and provides technical expertise to member countries.
262. If China really wants to have our expertise let them come to India and we charge them 48% more than the normal cost.
263. The success of the Erie Canal motivated other states to begin their own canal projects, and engineers trained on the Erie fanned out across the country providing expertise to these projects.




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