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单词 Thereby
1. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
2. Our bodies can sweat, thereby losing heat by evaporation.
3. Regular exercise strengthens the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack.
4. He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
5. Thereby hangs a tale.
6. He became a citizen in 1978, thereby gaining the right to vote.
7. The party thereby lays itself open to charges of conflict of interest.
8. It thereby seeks to manipulate interest rates.
9. Risk to haemophiliacs was thereby sharply reduced.
10. He thereby substantially improved the lethal effect of attack.
11. The metal is thereby stripped off the anode.
12. He thereby joined their experiment in self-rule.
13. The purchaser would thereby be deemed to have full knowledge of all disputes.
14. If I have thereby diminished Carr and Rees's very valuable contribution to this subject, then I am sincerely sorry.
15. Both would thereby indicate a preference for the Conservative Party but their attitudes would not be the same.
16. Instead, it fired her outright, hoping thereby to placate the students and thus bring the whole matter to a close.
17. Let him be cordial in his ways and refined in conduct ; thereby full of joy he will make an end of ill.
18. The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners, thereby urging state-owned enterprises to improve management.
19. Diets that are high in saturated fat and cholesterol tend to clog up our arteries, thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.
20. Conventionality in a system of communication offers stability, and thereby makes communication feasible from one occasion to the next.
21. The accumulation of lactate in the blood results from any mechanism that produces oxygen deprivation of tissues and thereby anaerobic metabolism.
21. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. For the worker, it made equally good sense to limit output and thereby ward off a rate cut.
23. The allegation was that the defendants had supplied contaminated water to the plaintiffs thereby causing them personal injury.
24. This was a rare opportunity to study the attenuation of strong seismic waves and thereby improve seismic hazard assessment.
25. They must not demand a very high cash outlay or demand a very high degree of risk thereby endangering subsistence.
26. Evolution proceeds by the accidental combination of already existing stable sub-assemblies, thereby producing new stable assemblies of higher complexity.
27. Such provisions would go a considerable way toward protecting caretakers and thereby enhancing the value of caretaking in our society.
28. The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create, amend or repeal law, thereby giving effect to the intentions of Parliament.
29. Exxon subsequently withdrew guilty pleas to four misdemeanour charges relating to the spill, thereby formally dissolving the out of court settlement.
30. But nor is there a consensus on ending sanctions, thereby admitting that the policy of 10 years has failed.
1. He became a citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
2. He became a British citizen, thereby gaining the right to vote.
31. So, although predicting is risky, it seems likely that the special learner population will expand and pressures thereby will accelerate.
32. Using committees internally to overcome restrictions on information and thereby arrive at a decision.
33. Refusal in payment, forgery or any other misuse thereby became treason or sacrilege and attracted savage penalties.
34. It successfully produces delinquents, creating a criminal section of the population and thereby dividing the subordinate classes into mutually antagonistic fractions.
35. It acts by inhibiting bone resorption of calcium thereby preventing significant variations in plasma calcium concentrations.
36. This involves selling more government securities and thereby reducing banks' reserves when their customers pay for them from their bank accounts.
37. My Department is providing £200,000 this financial year to motor projects dealing with young offenders, thereby keeping them out of custody.
38. The combinations of words that form compounds thereby become number sequences which are stored in a compound tree.
39. It induces nausea and thereby inaction, since nothing can be done to affect the essential condition: action requires illusion.
40. Food product quality is more easily maintained thereby reducing spoilage losses and production time through unscheduled cleaning.
41. The Asaimara were thereby convinced they could successfully defy the Government.
42. And he has been set thereby in relationship to a deity, apart from himself, who also enjoys free will.
43. Its tip can stay alive and grow for many days, thereby increasing its chances of meeting a host.
44. A system of indirect control and accountability is thereby established over the directors as those responsible for the management of the company.
45. The peasantry were being drawn into the money economy, thereby raising consumer demand.
46. Writing also provides a permanent representation, hence the writing may be manually edited, thereby simplifying the identification of false starts.
47. One has low power requirements, thereby dissipating little heat, the other has high-density circuitry.
48. After killing it, Siegfried bathed in its blood, thereby rendering himself invulnerable.
49. The frost causes the bracken to die back and thereby opens up the canopy to let in more light.
50. The superior man acquaints himself with many sayings of antiquity and many deeds of the past, in order to strengthen his character thereby. John Milton 
51. The monopolist is normally considered to exploit consumers by charging a high price and thereby destroying some consumer surplus.
51. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
52. Huamanga, which had rejected all political influence, had few partisans in Congress and thereby found itself in grave danger.
53. He urged wealthy nations to plant tropical hardwoods in desert lands, thereby tripling the area under tropical timber within a century.
54. Election results Mahathir's coalition won 127 parliamentary seats, thereby securing its two-thirds majority.
55. The cells destroy infected cells early, before they produce virus, thereby inhibiting viral replication, the company said.
56. Fortunately band-pass and band-stop filters can be constructed from just capacitors and resistors, thereby avoiding the inductive problem.
57. The onus of domestic labour leads to an abbreviated educational career and thereby reduces women's chances of getting proper wage labour.
58. Eurobonds are principally in bearer form, transferable by delivery with no record of holder, thereby preserving anonymity.
59. Had the peak risen up from the waters and punctured the keel, thereby skewering the vessel in place?
60. Sun is paying an undisclosed amount towards the cost of the project, thereby fulfilling some of its operating obligations down under.
61. Neither should quotations be used to express an opinion and thereby avoid expressing your own opinion or using your own words.
62. Nature allows some persons to pass through all the successive levels of biological growth and thereby attain their biological needs.
63. He thereby pays less attention than he might to interpreting the science of art as a cultural phenomenon.
64. However, thereby they lose contact with the professional environment in the basic organization.
65. Take for example, the matrix structure, what it does is establish an adversary system, thereby institutionalizing organizational conflict.
66. As technology improves, thereby making it possible to set a lower emission standard, new sources face increasingly more strict controls.
67. Thereby the publisher's final profit would drop some 50 percent: so he would need to raise his price.
68. Moreover, members may thereby be enabled to avoid direct responsibility for poor results arising from decisions taken in committee.
69. Consequently, they may neglect the child's need to develop a balanced racial identity and thereby a well-integrated personality.
70. That union effaces at least a part of the gulf between mine and thine and thereby creates strength with happiness.
71. Internal tensions can be resolved through a creative channelling and thereby reinforce the group's own boundary.
72. Liberalization will also change the technical configuration of electricity systems, and thereby their environmental impact.
73. The personal scent trail which it thereby leaves provides an easily identifiable highway home.
74. Regions are also allowed to change the boundaries of protected areas, thereby allowing hunting in areas where it was previously banned.
75. By their guerrilla activities they hoped to generate a revolt against Rome, thereby hastening the coming of the Kingdom.
76. As a result of these expectations, funds flow from short-term markets to long-term markets, thereby driving down long-term interest rates.
77. Evidence can thereby be admitted to prove or disprove the existence of the element which has been deemed jurisdictional.
78. Moreover, the recognition process is a double mirror structure in that a Subject is also recognized and thereby constituted.
79. The whole emphasis is placed on the terms being negated, thereby reflecting a profound bias towards aggression as the norm.
80. He never acquires the ability to picture his feelings and is thereby unable to fully contemplate his actions in advance.
81. It thereby becomes inviolate until an equally vast majority decides otherwise.
82. Understanding the actual forms and extents of state intervention thereby becomes a largely empirical matter.
83. Her main motive was simple: to retrieve the ring and thereby enable Rick to make peace with his family.
84. He almost single-handedly brokered a peace deal with secessionist rebels in Chechnya last fall, thereby ending an inordinately bloody war.
85. Murdoch had turned his hat on a lathe, thereby inventing a method of turning oval objects.
86. But how more precisely will the court fix the procedural requirements and what concept of fairness is thereby entailed?
87. For example, one can fulfill the role of being a food server, and thereby help to alleviate hunger.
88. Did television marginalize the Alliance and thereby contribute to its failure?
89. The wasp lays eggs inside the eggs laid by the whitefly, thereby destroying the whitefly eggs.
90. The other part of my proposal will probably prove annoying to radicals, thereby ensuring a proper balance.
91. Borehole break-outs have been found to give an indication of stress anisotropy thereby enabling the fracture orientation to be predicted.
92. This has enabled staff to match their management techniques to an agreed standard and children have thereby experienced a more consistent approach.
93. The dominant class, the capitalists, own and control the means of production and thereby exploit the subordinate working class.
94. They can thereby create patient expectation of the level of demand that will be serviced.
95. The film's posters and publicity thereby recalled the original book and not just because later editions featured this image.
96. One of the key actions taken was to raise market prices immediately to increase revenues and thereby achieve the 1984 plan.
97. It was here that they were forced to eat beef thereby becoming instantly de-Hinduized.
98. The child in due course in new contexts uses the modifier with substantives, thereby expressing his desires more clearly.
99. Any partial parse that is rejected will be removed - thereby removing any parse that would have contained this component.
100. However this largely-quantitative work seeks to understand relationships predominantly in terms of economic power, thereby ignoring the importance of emotional bonds.
101. It can also happen that one player can fuel the confidence of a teammate, thereby causing a prophecy to be fulfilled.
102. An end to unity on the left, and thereby of its political dominance, was in sight.
103. Like pectin, psyllium forms a gel which is not digested or absorbed, thereby increasing the viscosity of the meal.
104. Most work in which humans engage with some personal satisfaction would seem emptied of all point thereby.
105. It thereby assists the maintenance of domestic capitalist interests and elaborates its repressive apparatuses.
106. The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
107. He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
108. That problem will increase, thereby penalising schools with the most experienced and loyal teaching staffs.
109. Similarly, the classes-in-struggle contest control of the state and its apparatus, thereby seeking to promote their own interests.
110. Females tend to remain in their natal units, which thereby increase gradually in size.
111. The board should minute the projections thereby approving them before the Information memorandum is distributed.
111. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
112. By relieving it of responsibility for details, Parliament was thereby able to concentrate on major issues of policy.
113. Thereby, he gives the field involving very diverse solvents a generality that is not often discerned in the writing of others.
114. Some programs maintain the aspect ratio between width and height whilst scaling, thereby avoiding distortion.
115. The perverted originality of Iago's ruse, now linked to a cause, thereby loses its lurid gleam.
116. In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
117. As it is thereby illustrated and developed its implications should clarify.
118. Can they reach point B, thereby preserving their privileged position as insiders?
119. So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
120. New equipment was therefore brought sparingly or deferred altogether, thereby slowing relative progress still further.
121. Consequently, they might remove the base, thereby removing the reason for a nuclear attack.
122. A constant stream of spoken advice and directions that this child is less able to comprehend will thereby exaggerate her difficulty.
123. The natural decomposition process which occurs in landfills also produces large quantities of methane and thereby presents a significant explosion hazard.
124. Occupiers also raise the internal temperature, thereby increasing the stack effect.
125. Trace metal ions in the solution are thereby reduced and plated on to the anodic electrode.
126. In these situations, acetazolamide may be needed to decrease proximal bicarbonate and sodium reabsorption, thereby reducing the serum bicarbonate level.
127. With no-one wishing to appear insensitive or dull-witted the audience gives an enthusiastic response, thereby upsetting Nero.
128. Kissinger finally got the interim agreement through the Senate, thereby completing the first step in linkage.
129. The board prohibited the petition because it was controversial and would cause teachers to take opposing political positions, thereby creating discord.
130. Loans would only incur future debt obligations, thereby hindering growth.
131. Management control thereby has a tendency to become more centralized.
132. Thereby I hope to provide moral justification for the non-egalitarian presuppositions of the methodology that is presented elsewhere in the book.
133. Of course, if delivery is late the buyer may accept late delivery thereby waiving his right to treat the contract as repudiated.
134. The governor, a political being, still appoints judges and creates political obligations thereby.
135. Not only does she execute embroideries, but designs them too - thereby encroaching on what had formerly been a male preserve.
136. It swept a road weekend in Arizona and thereby took command of the conference race.
137. Their fortunes may thereby serve as an early warning system to humankind of previously unrecognized environmental problems.
138. This approach she adopted in all her subsequent work thereby introducing a revolutionary style of attack on problems of algebra.
139. The main disadvantage of the network approach is that areas which are not covered are thereby excluded completely.
140. They thereby avoid commitment to any current fad that comes up on the whirligig of fashion.
141. As soon as a contract becomes legally binding, performance ceases to be optional(http:///thereby.html), thereby curtailing individual autonomy.
142. Time limits are important and may well prevent a grievance from rumbling on, thereby causing ill feeling and low morale.
143. The stage fields provided each flight with a private airfield, thereby separating advanced and beginning students.
144. Inevitably I fell for him, thereby complicating my life horrendously and introducing an unexpected wild card into his.
145. There is a risk, too, that he would meddle in economic matters better left alone, and thereby derail growth.
146. Scoring the soil film thereby allowing cleaning agent to penetrate to the substance and work from underneath is a partial answer.
147. That is the emphatic point; the tone of the book, its whole direction, is thereby established.
148. Similarly, branches may be short-staffed thereby increasing loading and unloading times.
149. Next is a desire to maximise fixed interest rate financing thereby providing some degree of certainty as to the project's financial cost.
150. Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
151. Once again it did not honour its commitments, he says, thereby making a mockery of the Good Friday agreement.
152. It exposes the reproductive parts of the flowers, thereby allowing pollinating insects to get at them.
153. Dare to be true. Nothing can need a lie: a fault which needs it most, grows two thereby. George Herbert 
154. I hope that this book provides others with insights, thereby enabling a scientific consensus to emerge.
155. They express their anger by destroying their own lives and thereby hurting others, while seeming to be wide-eyed and innocent.
156. He says he will cut interest rates on short-term investments to below inflation, thereby discouraging speculation.
157. Firms would find their inventories involuntarily building up and so would cut back production thereby reducing national income.
158. An incidental advantage of splitting pupillage is that you thereby become known in two places instead of one.
159. Thereby completely missing the point of being at a health farm.
160. Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall.
161. Base on the problem that we adhibit the way of answering the test paper by pen in the examination, we calculate use computer to accomplish test, thereby wipe off the abuses.
162. An output sawtooth thereby is produced having one endpoint determined by a fixed voltage source and the other endpoint in accord with the capacitance ratio of the timing and switched capacitors.
163. In particular, it enables members of the director-shareholder's family to sell shares in order to pay inheritance taxes(), and thereby avoid having to sell company assets.
164. If the government takes over a bank, the taxpayers tacitly acquire its assets, thereby inheriting all the uncertainties over valuation.
165. In either case, he is motivated by secondary selfish thoughts and thereby loses both his original state of vacuity in quiescence and the corollary state of straightforwardness in movement.
166. Optimum number-sequence arrangement mode is thereby proposed, and method of optimum number-sequence arrangement described in detail.
167. The apparatus and method thereby compensates for variations in slave cylinder piston 62 zero position due to clutch wear.
168. - to whom, when sickened with the praises of all other men, I could daily betake myself, and be known as the vilest of all sinners, methinks my soul might keep itself alive thereby.
169. Nasal cannulae are now available with a separate tube that can be attached to the sampling probe from a capnograph, thereby allowing for end-tidal CO2 monitoring.
170. When weather changes, baric meeting occurrence wave motion, affect the gravitational wave in atmosphere thereby.
171. The automatic high-speed cushion covering machine is utilized to realize the automatic cushion covering to a steel gun nail workpiece,(http:///thereby.html) thereby effectively improving machining efficiency.
172. Flexible topology and coupling structures are used to realize transmission zeros, thereby enhancing the stop band rejection or making more flat group delay.
173. In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.
174. He regards Marxism as basic principle containing all kinds of theories, thereby rumly combines with postmodernism.
175. The regeneration gas drip pot was thereby displaced by the regeneration gas pipelines with electric tracing ribbon and insulating barrier.
176. A type of read-only memory that can be erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state.
177. This system further presses close to information electronization treatment , the accuracy thereby, having reduced manpower physical labour and having increased information's.
178. Thereby the long-distance range calibration service web-site is established, which can be used to publish the data of common-view, share the track schedule and exchange the technological.
179. In the interrupt handling function, the home digital TimerFlag, thereby extinguished LED 1.
180. It's possible, as shown above, to write a rename rule that converts case-sensitive files into lowercase file names, thereby causing clashes among previously unique file names.
181. When chroma of serum Potassium ion is elevatory, can promote adrenal coriaceous secrete aldehyde solid ketone, make potassium is excreted thereby increase, make potassium ion chroma returns to normal.
182. Results show that degree of compaction, compaction water content and saturation state of compacted soil have influence on cohesion and angle of friction of clay, thereby on the shear strength of clay.
183. In addition they have used interest policy as a popularity contest thereby creating a totally artificial market which distorts the normal laws of supply and demand.
184. Preconditioning the slurry catalyst raises its temperature, thereby reducing shock on the catalyst slurry as it enters the hydroprocessing reactor.
185. Clytemnestra persuades Agamemnon to expend public wealth by treading upon delicate, invaluable fabrics, thereby destroying them, as a token of his triumph.
186. The aim of the Synod consisted in enabling the church to get rid of the control of the foreign mission, and thereby to establish and develop indigenousness and united church in its proper sense.
187. The external mapping file enables developers to customize the data mapping and thereby gaining more control over the way mapping can be derived.
188. Note first how he calls it "the Mulcaire case", mentioning only the private investigator Glenn Mulcaire and thereby neatly omitting to mention the name of his own culpable royal editor, Clive Goodman.
189. The industry would respond by pointing out that, no matter what the current price, the bonds will be paid in full at maturity, thereby eventually eliminating any interim price decline.
190. Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen , thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene.
191. A log structured file system writes all modifications to disk sequentially in a log like structure, thereby speeding up both file writing and crash recovery.
192. Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation.
193. Hestia's product contrived by italian famous designers based on the fashion, classical and aulic style, thereby creating 5 series: Rever, Lise, Rada, Milano and Florence.
194. A Chinese military posture that is too aggressive could produce a countervailing coalition among its neighbors, thereby weakening China's hard and soft power.
195. Cutting the extruder screw rod with this improved lathe tool makes the processing accuracy and production efficiency increased, thereby reducing the processing cost.
196. A variety of factors can distort normal sexual development thereby giving rise to various forms of abnormal genitalia or intersexuality.
197. It was the achievement of Newton and Leibnitz to make the last statement precise in a mathematical sense, thereby solving both problems.
198. The compressed data is kept both on disk and memory and DB2 also compresses user data stored in log files, thereby reducing log file size.
199. LOCK OUTS, are mechanical locks that will be fixed to certain isolators with individual keys for each technician, thereby allowing only the originator to switch the nit back on.
200. This risks entangling the Fed in attempts to influence credit allocation, thereby exposing monetary policy to political pressure.
201. According to the multiplex information, a channel multiplexing unit (114) time-division multiplexes the SCCH and the SDCH thereby to generate a transmission signal.
201. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
202. The electron collector stabilizes the metal layer and fluorescent layers, thereby reducing arc and maintaining uniform brightness by re-directing scattered electrons toward thefluorescent layers.
203. The Air Pillow can stop activity of cerebral cortex during sleeping and come into resting status, thereby it improve quality and effect of sleeping.
204. The first pull-up resistance unit supplies a supply voltage to the first node, thereby determining an initial pull-up code or a voltage level on the first node.
205. Excellent water proofness and moisture resistance. enhancing the cable insulation strength to be more reliable and thereby prolonging the service life of such cable.
206. Thereby the relationships between the colloidal stability of viscose and the ester value of cellulose sulphonate, as well as the alkalinity and the quantity of CS2 used are discussed.
207. This would reduce the amount of service interaction functionality in your production DSL, thereby improving administration and operational characteristics.
208. The utility model can be used for switching two kinds of gas as well as correct adjusting the air input of the primary admission port with the air supply difference, thereby having a simple structure.
209. The results indicate that this fuzzy algorithm, to a certain extent, can replace the traditional control methods, thereby enhancing the efficiency of congestion management.
210. The invention is capable of reducing light quantity generated in the resetting region, thereby improving a brightness proportion of the plasma display.
211. The planting of the common four-o'clock can beautify the environment while simultaneously controlling environmental pollution, thereby bringing about good ecological benefits.
212. The IgE produced in response to the pollen protein can bind to the homologues in these tissues, thereby triggering an allergic reaction.
213. The regulator says Trillium, through nine proprietary traders, sent non-bona fide orders into the markets to create false volume, thereby attracting buying or selling interest.
214. The former is characterized by the ability to know requirements with surety in advance, thereby making deterministic scheduling possible.
215. For travellers, malaria can be prevented through chemoprophylaxis, which suppresses the blood stage of malaria infections, thereby preventing malaria disease.
216. Ultimately, operators want to become one-stop shops for all services and thereby increase their average revenue per user.
217. Search engine, as one of its primary navigational system, thereby gains its widespread application as well.
218. Yea and nay due to pursuing a better choice. They thought that they can avoid committing mistakes by delaying, thereby avoiding anxiety.
219. In case of fire, vinyl building products begin to smolder long before they burn, releasing toxic fumes of hydrochloric acid, and thereby threatening building occupants and firefighters.
220. For isolated LDMOS devices, the resistance between the lateral isolation wall (32) (tied to the source) and the buried layer (24) is reduced, thereby reducing substrate injection current.
221. The method realizes the perennial cultivation of the annual cotton, thereby enlarging the cultivation area of the cotton from the tropical zone to the southern subtropical zone.
222. Product design idea being full of personalization , having high reliability, the high limit field reduces cost of goods manufactured , the broader scale field satisfies a market demand thereby.
223. The calcium bonding with fatty acids prevents the product from being reacted upon in the rumen stage thereby providing the crucial "inertness".
224. For the crew of a spacecraft ramping up to light speed, interstellar space would appear highly compressed, thereby increasing the number of hydrogen atoms hitting the craft.
225. Traditionally the term "food" in China is synonymous with "food grain" and, thereby, "agriculture" with "crop production".
226. From 1962 to 1983, Project Storm fury shot silver iodide just outside the eye walls of four hurricanes, to increase convection and thereby cause the eye wall to re-form at a larger radius.
227. The resistance value should be large enough to limit the current flowing through the diodes to one-tenth of their forward current rating, thereby preventing diode damage.
228. When in use, the ballonet in the straw plugs the straw upon encountering high-temperature, so that the thermal liquor can not be suctioned to the mouth, thereby protecting the mouth from scalding.
229. When in use, water passes through the water opening below the light wind screen, thereby providing function of blocking air and passing water.
230. The invention adopts a design of shock resistance of double-layer of the vibration table and the shock excitation body, thereby improving the vibration environment greatly.
231. Thereby proposes a method to classify fabric thickness by means of the mass unit fabric area or the linear density sum of warp and weft.
231. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
232. This applicationmodulates the threshold voltage and, thereby the time delay, of a free-running oscillator.
233. Because theine can be excited central nervous, enhance the excited process with coriaceous cerebra, achieve hearten spirit thereby, eliminate the fatigue, goal that improves labor efficiency.
234. It would increase nurses' confidence in the delivery of nasogastric feeding and reduce incidences of complications from mal-positioned tubes, thereby increasing patient safety.
235. Thereby, in China stock market condition, the main factor of IPO under-pricing is rather investors'non-rational behavior than publishers'pricing actions.
236. It is a well-fixed ground 's time and investigated folk custom where the native people love the traditional culture left by forefather, thereby the tradition has a good survival space there.
237. Firstly, the system and mechanism should be reformed; thereby the mineral resources could be exploited onerously and efficiently.
238. Publicly revealing an encryption key does not thereby reveal the correspongding decryption decryption.
239. The rotating disc rotates to drive the two blocks so as to drive the clamped transformer to be alternately wrapped with the adhesive tape, thereby enhancing the adhesive tape wrapping efficiency.
240. The fuel injector can realize homogeneity and fuel stratified injection in a cylinder, thereby improving the efficiency of the motor and environment conservation.
241. Conclusion: that the determination of bilirubin in gastric juice is helpful to judge bile reflux. The result confirms that dimethicone can lessen bile reflux, thereby mitigating bile reflux gastritis.
242. According to the principle of equivalent stiffness, we analyze the stability of the whole pipe, and thereby get a theory formula of the critical load of the whole pipe.
243. So technical personnel scarcely can forget his corvine identity, because ear root is soft, did not forgo oneself profit, be used thereby.
244. The web also increases the entanglement density in the amorphous region and thereby has the effect of increasing breaking elongation and impact strength.
245. A ledger, then, is a book of accounts in which data from transactions recorded in journals are posted and thereby classified and summarized.
246. To create nanoscale transistor junctions, engineers can crisscross different types of semiconducting strands, thereby stacking the materials in layers crucial for manipulating electron flow.
247. Thereby we go further into the formation of regional mineral economic region and distriutional mechanism of regional mineral economy.
248. MTF can be deduced by PSF and the filter used in image reconstruction can be made thereby, so the accuracy of PSF directly affects the performance of reconstructed image.




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