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单词 Practically
1 He'd known the old man practically all his life.
2 My essay is practically finished now.
3 She practically accused me of starting the fire!
4 She's practically always late for school.
5 I've read practically all of his books.
6 Practically, the plan didn't work well.
7 I meet famous people practically every day.
8 It was very neat,[] and practically bloodless.
9 He is practically typecast for the role of a gangster.
10 I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.
11 The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.
12 There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.
13 The carpet's so old, it's practically bald.
14 That practically amounts to a fraud.
15 Her blouse was practically transparent!
16 Italy had thus practically declared her independence.
17 This drug was practically unknown in Britain.
18 She's practically always late for work.
19 Practically the whole nation watched the ceremony on television.
20 He practically lives on fish and chips!
21 Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically non-existent.
22 It's practically impossible to predict what will happen.
23 I was practically nodding off in that meeting.
24 These chemicals are practically insoluble in water.
25 She solved the problem very practically.
26 I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.
27 I was practically screaming with frustration.
28 The most normal and the most perfect human being is the one who most thoroughly addresses himself to the activity of his best powers,gives himself most thoroughly to the world around him,flings himself out into the midst of humanity,and is so preoccu pied by his own beneficent reaction on the world that he is practically unconscious of a sep arate existence... 
29 With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing.
30 I hate to disillusion you, but your chances of winning are practically zero.
1 He'd known the old man practically all his life.
2 My essay is practically finished now.
3 She practically accused me of starting the fire!
4 She's practically always late for school.
5 I've read practically all of his books.
6 Practically, the plan didn't work well.
7 I meet famous people practically every day.
8 It was very neat, and practically bloodless.
9 With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing.
10 I attended practically every lecture and seminar when I was a student.
11 The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.
12 There is a place in London that supplies practically everything for left-handed people.
13 Italy had thus practically declared her independence.
14 These chemicals are practically insoluble in water.
15 He solved the problem very practically.
16 The law was rushed through Congress with practically no discussion.
31 These changes would cost us practically nothing.
32 A candle is practically useless as a light source.
33 The two designs were practically identical.
34 Practically speaking, we can't afford it.
35 His work is practically unknown here.
36 He solved the problem very practically.
37 She sees him practically every day.
38 Their provisions were practically gone.
39 It rained practically every day.
40 She blamed me for practically every mistake in the report.
41 The law was rushed through Congress with practically no discussion.
42 I know people who find it practically impossible to give up smoking.
43 When Joely went missing, we were practically climbing the walls.
44 'But how can we pay for it?' said John practically.
45 Practically all these devices for saving time and labour have been piloted in the fifties.
46 The old barn we bought to convert into flats was practically tumbling down.
47 You'd have to be practically on your deathbed before the doctor would come and see you!
48 With practically all the results declared, the Nationalist Party has 68% of the vote, so it's all over bar the shouting.
49 They used to argue all the time and now they've practically stopped talking to each other.
50 The subject is practically useful and will stand you in good stead when looking for a job.
51 It's practically impossible for me to get home in less than an hour.
52 We all knew by then that the affair was practically over.
53 Many people have offered to help, but there is little they can do practically.
54 Theoretically, it's a good idea to live without a car, but practically speaking, it would be difficult to manage without one.
55 She'll walk the interview - the job is practically hers already.
56 The object of this society is to perfect its members practically and scientifically.
57 He closed up when he found he knew practically nothing about the subject under discussion.
58 Practically every movie he made was nominated for an Oscar.
59 Keeping him upright was no easy task , for he was practically a deadweight.
60 Bread was practically non-existent.
61 It sounds like a good idea, but I don't think it will work practically.
62 The course is more practically based than the Masters degree.
63 I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.
64 You practically run the business downstairs.
65 You practically jumped on me when we met.
66 This reversal would have been practically impossible under Gats.
67 Practically, problems can arise when administering the intravenous injection.
68 And we talk practically every day.
69 He practically lived at the Metropolitan on Fourteenth Street.
70 Practically everyone from work was at the party.
71 In the Midwest,[/practically.html] introspection is practically forbidden.
72 Her technique as a performer is practically nonexistent.
73 You can practically hear the toilets flushing.
74 Practically all moralizing is absent from Romantic drama.
75 We were practically shocked our results were totally ignored.
76 You practically live in the place.
77 Posters of Elvis covered practically the whole wall.
78 I practically lived at the plant.
79 It used to be practically against the law.
80 Polly battled on, practically biting her tongue in half.
81 Practically all domestic cheeses are made with pasteurized milk.
82 On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy.
83 Unfortunately, Practically Speaking can not enter into personal correspondence on any topic - all correspondence must be conducted via Practically Speaking.
84 He chooses to believe that Hilary practically badgered her into her grave.
85 It was practically empty except for two middle-aged men in khaki pants and cotton shirts lounging over a quart of beer.
86 Practically put, corn farmers would find themselves with unwanted inventories of output.
87 Newly hatched birds were prepared to accept practically anything as their parent.
88 You will find that in all such pictures before the war practically every man is wearing a cloth-cap or a hat.
89 The surface is physically modified, and the painting becomes practically illegible.
90 Practically, the banks are not wishing to pull the plug.
91 As frailty increases that kind of basic tending by the family may ease the terminal phase for everyone, practically and emotionally.
92 Ion channels are found in the membranes of practically all cells, but they are particularly important for neurons.
93 He had the same pumping swagger that practically every young defendant in the Bronx affected, the Pimp Roll.
94 Practically speaking, we ritually verify what is there, and are disposed to call it reality.
95 I crushed up the cockroach in my clothes and practically ripped my blouse off, there in open sunlight.
96 Yet he was so thin he practically needed reverse liposuction.
97 The receptionist had obviously recognised him too, had practically fallen over herself to bat her long dark eyelashes at him.
98 During the past couple of years,[http:///practically.html] Jerry had practically become his younger alter ego.
99 I had been practically living in a studio for years and had not seen my children grow. Jeetendra 
100 The pragmatist is more flexible, recognising that exceptions do arise and must be practically catered for.
101 The ground was frozen, and digging foundations was practically impossible in such drastic weather conditions.
102 Jaq suspected that their recycling and export trade had practically become instinctive.
103 In the last hectic weeks before the show started we were practically living in the theatre to get it ready on time.
104 The house was filthy, she realized, practically falling to pieces.
105 Butter and cheese were made on practically every farm and even the cottager killed and salted his own bacon.
106 Rounding the third aisle, catching up on months of gossip, we practically hit her with our shopping cart.
107 This preparatory work was practically complete at the outbreak of war and authority was given a few days before for completion.
108 Marsalis renders it with such bounce and joy that he practically devours it.
109 Doris Howell recently suffered the shock of losing her sight practically overnight and finds everyday things difficult to cope with.
110 It just caught me by the scruff of the neck and practically hammered my guts out.
111 The octave combinations are practically confined, in the small orchestra, to 1. Double bass and bassoon. 2.
112 When I went to Webber Douglas they practically fell on any man as a rare species.
113 The station was practically empty of people and Emily felt so alone as she stepped on to the train.
114 And the prevailing compensation structure in practically all businesses reinforces this attitude because it is heavily biased towards managerial positions and titles.
115 It had been refitted with a low-watt bulb practically too dim to see by, in order to save electricity.
116 Practically every scheduled flight is sold out, including extra flights.
117 As a result of her actions, Amelia became even more popular and within a short time was practically running Ogontz.
118 After money is transferred out of the U.S., it's practically irretrievable.
119 The octave combinations are practically confined, in the small orchestra, to 1.
120 The nature of the market practically guarantees that such a day will come.
121 For some who have seen the entire episode develop, it practically drips with an uneasy feeling.
122 The lift will practically prevent all loss of water by lockage under the present system.
123 And I should perhaps add that to this day I am practically innumerate.
124 As it turns out, the Hare virus was practically nonexistent.
125 The Bardo trial aside, Dietz practically always testifies for the prosecution.
126 And me who's been firing a gun from when I was practically able to walk.
127 Foulkes won practically every honour in the game as a defender in the Busby Babes team.
128 In the high-pressured and directive context of undergraduate teaching it may be desirable, but is not practically possible.
128 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
129 This said practically nothing to stimulate action in relation to the systematic health differentials between social groups in Britain.
130 The artillery was firing at low elevation and was practically out of high-explosive ammo.
131 Dozens of families in the farms around the hamlet have practically barricaded themselves into their homes.
132 The company will operate practically in conformity with cultural expectations.
133 More practically, he consulted solicitors of his own in an attempt to have the will disputed.
134 Gossip is the art of saying nothing in a way that leaves practically nothing unsaid. Walter Winchell 
135 Recent employee relations surveys had reached an all-time low-significantly below the crisis point in practically every area.
136 Practically lies down and purrs ... Well it's nice to roll out the red carpet, isn't it?
137 It is in examining the ways in which these problems of need and use are practically organized, in specific social orders.
138 Even so, what is trivial linguistically and practically may be elevated to importance socially.
139 A very wise provision, under which practically the whole South Metropolitan system was laid with double track.
140 They have been around, practically unchanged, for at least 200 million years.
141 That is why there are so many books on management published and that is why I have read practically all of them.
142 The question has become practically irrelevant, but not politically or morally so.
143 When Charles moved in to Highgrove there was practically no garden at all, just acres of lawn and some box hedges.
144 He beamed again as Ali, practically choking on his own saliva, fell forward into a group of pupils.
145 The Paladins are practically regulars here in the Old Pueblo, making their round of Tucson stages on an almost quarterly basis.
146 They set her to work in a field where it was so hot she practically burned her feet.
147 The popular president not only made it acceptable for male politicians to sob; he made it practically mandatory.
148 I load the cart practically to toppling and roll it across the stream into the arms of my beloved solitude.
149 In practically all other versions, she is on the surface entirely innocent.
150 You practically needed a stepladder to get their autographs, and their sheer size and strength was intimidating and overwhelming.
151 The strain of having him in the club practically all the time had been hard enough.
152 For instance, the default risk on a loan to the United Kingdom government is practically nil.
153 You can practically see it in the process of covering up the feeble attempts at civilization.
154 Instead of organizing the plant along traditional lines, practically all production and support people were assigned to teams.
155 But Mr Weinberg was persistent, and would send a script practically every week.
156 Practically any archaeological in exceptional circumstances. inorganic materials survive far ones.
157 Advertising was practically never used, even in the early 1970s when the use of search by companies was much less widespread.
158 This would lead to a mixing of chemicals and cause explosions that together with flooding would make evacuation practically impossible.
159 A Common Law right was practically, though not theoretically, nullified by the existence of a countervailing equitable right.
160 Edinburgh had practically no textile workers, men or women; but as we have seen it had a great many domestic servants.
161 In all the years since Wilson proposed his theory of hot spots, plumes have remained elusive, practically imaginary structures.
162 There is now practically no danger, as there once was, of players overdoing vibrato.
163 In this exploratory project this was neither sensible nor practically possible.
164 I was practically certain that Hertz Lipmann was not a provocateur.
165 A college-age man violently curses a woman he has never met and practically assaults her.
166 These are a large number of possibilities and they would be practically impossible to distinguish by breeding experiments.
167 This seems practically certain from the plan he devised for killing Perseus.
168 In spite of the best endeavours of a range of correspondents, practically none of our plans had been leaked.
169 The decision to include married people in this was both practically and theoretically crucial.
170 And it would be practically impossible to require a teacher to watch each student at all times.
171 This was a big concession by Lord Owen, which went practically unnoticed at first.
172 The Midland Group has been an active supporter of the railway since 1955, both practically and financially.
173 She had not made Dan go, he had practically run out of her life.
174 Amongst black school leavers, finding a job is practically impossible.
175 The experience is universally true of practically all review readers.
176 Lights were burning in practically every damned shack on the grounds.
177 Young poultry is marketed at such an early age that these differences have practically ceased to exist. 8.
178 I soon found that practically everyone had authority over the lowly stewardess.
179 The first was that the adjoining bungalow would not be overshadowed, either practically or figuratively, by the new house.
180 The bells crashed out the joyous news practically all day.
181 Only when one is practically face-to-face with them does one notice a small crucifix pinned on their shirt.
182 In fact, Beaton suggested, the screen had become practically their only source of inspiration.
183 Apparently I practically lived in the Bedford for weeks after that.
184 The weather will gradually improve and by early afternoon the sun will be shining practically everywhere.
185 The berths were practically dry at low water and vessels lay aground on the mud bottom whilst loading and discharging their cargoes.
186 She had a ferocious hedge of hair on her upper lip, practically a mustache.
187 When Macey wanted to see her husband, she practically had to make an appointment.
188 Until the late 1950s it was practically the only effective remedy for a most distressing disorder.
188 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
189 The main block of the mill is practically empty but the older part now houses grain storage bins.
190 The species of Aponogeton are practically the only aquarium plants that must be virtually propagated from seeds.
191 The valuable software developed by Microsoft weighs practically nothing, but it takes a lot of active brain cells to produce it.
192 Practically all moralizing is absent from this play as it is from Romantic theater.
193 But checking with knowledgeable people at the Vermont Maple Laboratory, I found that the literature was practically nonexistent.
194 The same sort of thing is true of Grimes on practically every level.
195 These courses proved highly popular with our lads and there was practically a hundred percent pass rate.
196 In this period Charlton, previously beaten only twice at the Valley in the league, were first to practically every ball.
197 Advertising made it possible for them to distribute news practically free of charge, with the profit coming from marketing.
198 Practically all the news from research into the immunological impacts of chronic alcohol use is negative.
199 Soon, Miss Monti began to practically live at the house.
200 Practically nothing is known about the race dimension to ageing with a disability.
201 I suppose that if we include New Zealand, we can claim to have new season lamb practically all year long.
202 If poor countries want to compete, they must practically give their goods away.
203 So, not only is conductive education theoretically unproven but also practically unsubstantiated.
204 But the idea is practically an article of faith among Republicans elected in the 1990s.
205 There was no one around so I went up and put my nose practically against the glass.
206 When we were kids, we used to spend practically the whole summer outdoors.
207 We know this because White practically calls a news conference every day to relate those facts.
208 They will also do everything practically possible to protect the public.
209 The President accepted these arrangements with what seemed to me to be practically superhuman good nature.
210 If he really and honestly was still attracted to her now that she was practically middle-aged and pregnant. Very pregnant.
211 He was practically laughing out loud as Ali reached critical mass.
212 We practically lived together the last three summers, and she wanted to hide it from him.
213 Thus practically every boring seems to vindicate the subsidence theory and to provide evidence against the Glacial Control theory.
214 But about himself he practically told me what he had for breakfast.
215 Of course, as practically every actress in Hollywood will tell you, acclaim does not necessarily translate into box-office security.
216 In fact, both practically and philosophically our reality often turns out not to be very real.
217 It was hot in the thin corridor, and the hanging husks made going forwards practically impossible.
218 We would have liked to build, but planning permission in Snowdonia National Park was practically nonexistent.
219 The Hotel les Tipaniers, practically hidden between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth finding.
220 Teachers can use the sorting feature very practically during examination time.
221 His ingredients for success were the same as those of practically everyone connected with the series.
222 Once, when I ask how her son is doing, she practically runs from the room.
223 Craig and Johnson met the way practically anyone meets an inmate: They became pen pals.
224 In the case of West Virginia, the situation was practically identical, but the judicial decision was different.
225 So long as a tiger stands still or moves slowly, its stripes make it practically invisible in the jungle or among reeds.
226 And annual; by the time they've got themselves together it will be practically time for them to disperse.
227 The aim was to restore as far as was practically possible the conditions of the pre-First World War era.
228 Education of Negroes was almost nonexistent, and practically all of the race were illiterate.
229 But then she'd practically loaded the gun that had shot her down and handed it to him.
230 The signature pizza has a thin, thin crust and practically no edge.
231 We put together the new packaging overnight practically, when it would have normally taken two years.
232 Linda practically jumped out of her chair when the phone rang.
233 I have had motor neurone disease for practically all my adult life.
234 A specifically military form of life was characteristic for practically all areas of southern Siberia.
235 She bargains for him, and he gets his poncho for practically nothing.
236 White to off - white, practically crystalline solid.
237 This Paper describes the problem to improve military intergrated circuit reliability, and how to take actions practically to further improve IC reliability.
238 The results in this paper can be practically used for pipe string design and operational parameter selection for HPHT deep well down hole operations.
239 I speak understandingly on this subject, for I have made myself acquainted with it both theoretically and practically.
240 More practically, considering DOS shell of laser as non-perfect one, or supposing that DOS shell is separated from the laser, we can obtain more significative results.
241 The results are theoretically and practically significant for the research on biological nitrogen fixation in plants of Graminae and the popularization of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
242 Practically, by utilizing PP and considering the flexibility of the parts in valve mechanism, geometric accuracy and design automatization are improved.
243 Getting lost, easy enough during the day, practically inevitable at night, only jacks up the frisson of tension.
244 Keep ladling and stirring until the rice is practically al dente and the last ladle of stock is in the pan.
245 Then it is proved the multi-scaling functions which are practically valuable and which components satisfy antisymmetry do not exist.
246 Although it only existed more than one year and operated practically more than half a year, it played a great role in promoting production, working in U. S. Lend-lease Act and so on.
247 It was also found that the dispersity of the color coupler has some influence on the absorption bands of the images, whereas it has practically no effect on the CPE of the dye images.
248 But practically speaking, a prenuptial agreement does save a lot of time and disputes in court," Shanghai divorce lawyer Mike Liang said.
248 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
249 The visible supply is practically inexhaustible; and the invisible supply really IS inexhaustible.
250 What difference does this make practically in terms of how we think the Lord's Day ought to be observed?
251 Since the process of colliding mechanism of electric rock drill is complex, there isn′t a set of calculating method practically still now.
252 The experiments showed that the model can work efficiently and practically, and keep the topological insistency of the vector spatial data.
253 It is practically insoluble in water and only very slowly soluble in diluted acids, so it is largely converted for fertilizing purposes into superphosphate.
254 Both the therapy and the pharmacological effect of hyoscine are practically discussed in this article.
255 The light coloured nephrite, which formed on the contact zone of the dolomitic marbles and the granites, has more translucency and practically has not ore dissemination.
256 But imports are exempt, so practically all of the sport cars and large sport utility vehicles sold in China are imported.
257 Gulf-shaped region, open, a north side lies, west south veins heaven standing, southern is a pamirs plateau, the search for what the eastern practically unpatrolled karakoram taklamakan big desert.
258 With a special burial ground accessible every hour of the day, friends and family from all around the world could practically come together at anytime to pay tribute to the deceased.
259 Practically anyone who is alive in Britain today has a higher real income than they would have had if capitalism had never existed.
260 The barn at which Hurstwood applied was exceedingly short-handed , and was being operated practically by three men as directors.
261 In the former case, the first body rebounds with practically its original velocity.
262 Practically I lived the second half of the middle school and the high school I spent in Palestine, in the Mola City.
263 If someone considered that Quine's and Giere's thoughts about naturalized philosophy of science were still abstracted theory, Thagard's thoughts tried to demonstrate the epistemology practically.
264 There are two quite different basic classifications of cocoa, under which practically all varieties can be categorised: Criollo and Forastero cocoas .
265 By practically applying the bare thermocouple sensor to measuring the explosion temperature of in-hole gas during charging, the authors proved the accuracy of the formulas.
266 The view of disaffirmation of the codification of administrative law is ungrounded theoretically and practically.
267 Since the Internet is comprised of an ever-changing number of servers, pinning down the precise amount of data contained online is practically impossible.
268 I used practically a whole bottle of red dye in the frosting, which in earlier days would appall me.
269 "Lord of Misrule," for example, has a full cloth cover and a stitched binding, which is practically unheard of these days.
270 Removing the seeds under general anaesthesia is practically always necessary.
271 It is a challengeable problem to track maneuvering targets, especially tracking the high speed and high maneuvering targets, which has both theoretically and practically technical difficulties.
272 But there many CLV models based on different angle, too hard to apply practically in real business.
273 In modern China, The state Enterprise's Reform is a practically significant task. "
274 It is practically showed that it is of shock-resistant, universality, stability and high-efficiency.
275 Since the establishment of the company, we insist on the enterprise development paths of"specialization, technicalization, scale", with people first, innovate practically.




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