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单词 recluse
释义  re·cluse /rɪˈkluːs $ ˈrekluːs/ noun [countable]  ALONEsomeone who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people 隐居者,隐士,遁世者 She became a recluse after her two sons were murdered. 两个儿子被杀后,她就一直离群索居。 —reclusive /rɪˈkluːsɪv/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusrecluse• Hudson became a recluse after her husband's death.• He had been a recluse, completely isolated from the world, for the last ten years.• If you don't get out more, you're going to turn into a recluse.• She turned into a recluse or something?• I became more and more of a recluse, avoiding our old haunts for fear of running into him.• They may owe their intact status to the fact that they belong to a recluse.• He was a natural recluse who found all human relationships difficult.• Many people become human relations victims over and over again without becoming hardened, insensitive or recluses.• Old Mr Grimes was a bad-tempered recluse, rarely seen in the town.• The recluse is shy, only biting when threatened.Origin recluse (1100-1200) Old French reclus “shut up”, from Late Latin recludere “to shut up”re·cluse nounChineseSyllable  chooses like not does seeing Corpus alone, who to someone live and




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