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单词 Sharply
1) She turned the wheel sharply to the left.
2) Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.
3) Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.
4) 'Is there a problem?' he asked sharply.
5) The report was sharply critical of the police.
6) House prices are expected to rise sharply.
7) She prodded me sharply in the ribs.
8) The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.
9) The price of oil has risen sharply.
10) The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.
11) The import of cotton goods went up sharply.
12) He checked his horse sharply.
13) The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
14) The manager rebuked the salesgirl sharply for being rude to customers.
15) The phone trilled sharply.
16) Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year.
17) Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
18) Commodity prices fell sharply.
19) She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.
20) The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.
21) He rapped sharply on the door.
22) Lucie whistled sharply to catch the other girl's attention.
23) He pinched me sharply on the arm.
24) Her injured arm pained her sharply.
25) Her ears are sharply attuned to her baby's cry.
26) The price of coal fell sharply.
27) Opinion is sharply divided .
28) She pulled sharply on the reins.
29) On the other side of the hill[],(http:///sharply.html) the land falls away sharply.
30) Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.
1) She turned the wheel sharply to the left.
2) Prices have risen sharply over the last few months.
3) Public opinion is sharply polarized on this issue.
4) 'Is there a problem?' he asked sharply.
5) The report was sharply critical of the police.
6) House prices are expected to rise sharply.
7) The car swerved sharply to avoid the dog.
8) The price of oil has risen sharply.
9) The fighting in the area has intensified sharply.
10) The import of cotton goods went up sharply.
11) The phone trilled sharply.
12) On the other side of the hill, the land falls away sharply.
13) Our share of the market has decreased sharply this year.
14) Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.
15) Inflate your life jacket by pulling sharply on the cord.
16) Commodity prices fell sharply.
17) She pressed her foot down sharply on the brake pedal.
18) The only time we sharply disagreed was over the children's education.
19) This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.
20) Marihuana consumption has increased sharply.
21) Manufacturing fell sharply under the impact of the recession.
22) Attendance at Professor Smith's lecture fell off sharply that evening.
23) His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters.
31) We have sharply differing views.
32) The temperature fell sharply in the night.
33) Norton glanced sharply at him.
34) The number of applicants has fallen away sharply.
35) Just before the trees the path turns sharply right.
36) He rapped sharply on the window.
37) The highway banks sharply on this curve.
38) The road swung sharply round.
39) Opinions on this are sharply divided.
40) The unemployment rate plunged sharply.
41) He spoke sharply to his daughter.
42) 'What do you mean by that?' Paul asked sharply.
43) The plane dived sharply and rose again.
44) " Don't talk nonsense ", she said sharply.
45) The mountain was sharply defined against the sky.
46) Support dipped sharply to 51%.
47) The number of multiple births has risen sharply.
48) The issue of cloning has sharply divided voters.
49) The accident sharply depreciated the value of the car.
50) Per capita income rose sharply last year.
51) Inflation advanced sharply during the 1980s.
52) The cost of living has risen sharply.
53) The road bent sharply to the right.
54) The tragic event is sharply etched into my memory.
55) Cannabis consumption has increased sharply.
56) This episode remains sharply engraved on my mind.
57) The path veers sharply to the right.
58) Their experiences contrast sharply with those of other children.
59) Sales peaked in August,(http:///sharply.html) then fell sharply.
60) Investment is turning up sharply.
61) The car swerved sharply to avoid the bus.
62) The dog threw his head back and barked sharply.
63) He replied sharply, and without his wonted courtesy.
64) His beliefs and values contrast sharply with his father's.
65) She rebuked herself sharply for her stupidity.
66) The programme's ratings have dipped sharply.
67) Demand for personal computers has risen sharply.
68) Bill started to complain. I brought him up sharply.
69) After initial logarithmic progress growth plateaued sharply.
70) The roof of this house pitches sharply.
71) Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply.
72) Her story is sharply evocative of Italian provincial life.
73) His health improved/deteriorated sharply this week.
74) The numbers applying for membership have dropped off sharply.
75) Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.
76) The road bends sharply to the left.
77) The price of oil jumped sharply in 1973.
78) Discontent resulted from sharply rising rents.
79) The bus swung sharply to the left.
80) Prices have climbed sharply in recent months.
81) A car swung sharply round the corner.
82) The cliff drops sharply .
83) The bird has sharply defined black and rust markings.
84) The cost of raw materials has escalated sharply.
85) He is talking to her sharply.
86) Marihuana consumption has increased sharply.
87) He braked sharply to avoid the dog.
88) The spring jutted sharply through the mattress.
89) The road fell sharply to the sea.
90) The ground tilted sharply downwards.
91) The bank sloped down sharply to the river.
92) Share prices fell sharply this week.
93) He drew in his breath sharply.
94) Rose drew her breath in sharply.
95) Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises.
96) The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply.
97) He drew his breath in sharply.
98) Janet inhaled sharply when she saw him.
99) The economy has declined sharply in recent years.
100) She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist.
101) The mountain was sharply defined against the eastern sky.
102) His politics have moved sharply to the right.
103) Manufacturing fell sharply under the impact of the recession.
104) The poor harvest caused prices to rise sharply.
105) Emily drew in her breath sharply.
106) She braked sharply to avoid another car.
107) House prices have risen sharply in recent months.
108) She braked sharply and came off her bike.
109) London share prices fell sharply yesterday.
110) Profits fell sharply following the takeover.
111) The roof of the house pitches sharply.
112) Per capita incomes rose sharply last year.
113) The police have been sharply criticized for their handling of the affair.
114) The airline has reduced its prices so sharply that it has been accused of predatory pricing.
115) The City reacted sharply to the fall in oil prices.
116) Prices are rising sharply, while incomes are lagging far behind.
117) I'd hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.
118) Members of the jury were sharply rebuked for speaking to the press.
119) Stock prices pushed sharply higher this afternoon in tandem with a rise in the dollar.
120) The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly,(/sharply.html) we were forced to increase our prices.
121) The road bends sharply.
122) The clatter of the typewriter rapped sharply from the opposite room.
123) The walk descends sharply.
124) We've seen our house diminish greatly/sharply/substantially in value over the last six months.
125) He was walking towards the door when a loud knock drew him up sharply .
126) She moved sharply across the room to block his exit.
127) The number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen sharply this month.
128) The number of graduates going into teaching has dropped off sharply.
129) The number of people seeking asylum in the United Kingdom has risen sharply.
130) She took me up sharply when I suggested that the job was only suitable for a man.
131) The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated.
132) He is the most sharply etched character in the movie.
133) Johnson's easy charm contrasted sharply with the prickliness of his boss.
134) After a pause Alex said sharply: "I'm sorry if I've upset you".
135) The foothills of the Himalayas were sharply etched against the pale blue sky.
136) He would zoom up to junctions and brake hard/sharply at the last minute.
137) The number of deaths on the roads has dropped sharply.
138) On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.
139) Unemployment among the over forties has risen sharply in recent years.
140) Sales of precooked meals have risen sharply over the past few years.
141) He waited until they were level with the door before he turned around sharply and punched Graham.
142) The road turns sharply at the top of the hill.
143) Germany's rate has also risen sharply, up from 3 percent to 4.5 percent.
144) In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.
145) The cost of living has risen sharply in the last year.
146) Graham looked up sharply, startled by a noise behind him.
147) The plane bucked sharply.
148) Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.
149) She took the pupil up sharply when he had a slip of the tongue.
150) The car braked sharply.
151) The pound fell sharply to a record low against the yen.
152) Oil prices jumped sharply.
153) The lorry cut in suddenly and I had to brake sharply.
154) The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.
155) The number of homicides in the city has risen sharply.
156) Beyond the hill, the land falls away sharply towards the river.
157) He spun the wheel sharply and made a U turn in the middle of the road.
158) It is clear from the graph that sales have dropped sharply.
159) After the business failed, he had to pull in his horns pretty sharply.
160) Beyond the hill, the land falls sharply towards the river.
161) Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right.
162) Inflation has risen/fallen sharply.
163) Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.
164) Her head lifted sharply.
165) She looked up at me sharply when I said that.
166) After the business failed, he had to draw in his horns pretty sharply.
167) In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.
168) These results contrast sharply with other medical tests carried out in Australia.
169) Attendance at Professor Smith's lecture fell off sharply that evening.
170) After Mrs Thatcher's first election victory in 1979, Labour moved sharply to the left.
171) The gap between the two parties narrowed sharply in the days before the election.
172) Their reaction contrasts sharply with the stiff upper lip of the English.
173) The prices dropped sharply.
174) He had his knuckles rapped sharply for meddling in foreign policy.
175) Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.
176) From where we stood, the ground fell away sharply to the valley floor.
177) As new mines come on stream, Chile's share of world copper output will increase sharply.
177) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
178) All that betrayed his surprise was a sharply indrawn breath.
179) Oil prices reacted sharply to news of the crisis in the Middle East.
180) His optimism contrasted sharply with the low morale of his supporters.
181) The roof pitches sharply to the rear of the house.
182) Prices have risen sharply, as we know only too well.
183) She turned the steering - wheel sharply to the left to avoid a cyclist.
184) She looked up at me sharply, clearly nettled by the interruption.
185) Its aerospace business fell off sharply thereafter.
186) Yet the actual experience of bombing was sharply differentiated.
187) The proportion of the population living and employed in rural areas declined sharply.
188) The Potomac was clean again, a haven for windsurfers, and certain airborne pollutants had fallen sharply.
189) He has spoken sharply to Mr Dach about it and has received his assurance that such a thing will never happen again.
190) But it does shift some people's choices quite sharply in the direction of lower total cost or lower APR.
191) Instead, he was confronted by Howard's aide-de-camp Lieutenant Boyle,() who sharply refuted the suggestion.
192) Also, in writing of events the writer is certain to have to abbreviate any descriptions very sharply.
193) Anger gave her an added surge of strength, and she twisted her arm sharply downwards and broke his grip.
194) At Tsu Ma's toast, however, she looked down sharply, as if abashed.
195) The highly charged atmosphere of the House panel contrasted sharply with a similar investigation being conducted in the Senate, where Sen.
196) After Stonewall this process sharply accelerated, creating a radical new medical situation in the gay world.
197) Since accurate data have been kept, there have been no other periods of sharply rising inequality.
198) According to Planned Parenthood, parental consent laws have sharply altered abortion patterns.
199) When people do no respect us we are sharply offended; yet in his private heart no man much respects himself. Mark Twain 
200) The gate handle clicked sharply and she drew aside the lace curtain.
201) At that point, its accumulation of knowledge is expected to accelerate sharply.
202) Alexander, who was sharply critical of Forbes' negative ads, appeared to benefit from running a positive campaign.
203) Here in that contrast, the antithesis between the interests of Consumers' and Producers' Co-operation is sharply presented.
204) Long-term research projects within companies will most likely be abandoned altogether or sharply reduced.
205) Expenditures will reduce sharply during 1993 as several developments are completed and as obligations are reduced as a result of asset sales.
206) About seven more years had been added to expectation of life up to 1901, after which the pace accelerated sharply.




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