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单词 boy
释义  Related topics: Children, Familyboy1 /bɔɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun [countable]  1  CHILDSSCCHILDa male child, or a male person in general 男孩,少年;男人 → girl The boys wanted to play football. 男孩子们想踢足球。 boys and girls aged 11–18 11到18岁之间的男孩和女孩a teenage/adolescent boy A group of teenage boys stood talking in a group outside. 一群十几岁的男孩站在外面交谈。bad/naughty boy ‘You naughty boy!’ she said in a harsh voice. “你这个皮小子!”她厉声说道。 What a polite little boy (=young male child) you are. 你真是个有礼貌的小男孩。 Come on, Timmy, act like a big boy (=an older boy) now. 行了,蒂米,要有大男孩的样子了。► see thesaurus at man2  SONSSFa son 儿子 I love my boys, but I’d like to have a girl, too. 我爱我的儿子,但还是希望再有个女儿。 How old is your little boy (=young son)? 你的小儿子多大了?3. office/paper/delivery etc boy BOa young man who does a particular job 〔年轻男性〕办公室杂务员/送报员/送货员等4  city/local/country boy informal a man of any age who is typical of people from a particular place, or who feels a strong connection with the place he grew up in 城里人/当地人/乡下人 The classic story of a local boy who’s made good (=who has succeeded). 讲一个本地人如何出息成材的经典故事 I’m just a country boy. 我不过是个乡下人。5  the boys [plural] informalGROUP OF PEOPLE a group of men who are friends and often go out together 男性朋友们;一群男伙伴 Friday is his night out with the boys. 星期五晚上是他和一班弟兄们出去玩的时间。 He considers himself just one of the boys (=not anyone special, but liked by other men). 他认为自己只是这群伙伴中的一份子。6  ANIMALSHBANAME OF A THINGa way of talking to a male horse or dog 〔用于称呼公马或公犬〕家伙 Good boy! 好伙计!7  boys [plural] informal a) BOGROUP OF PEOPLEa group of men who do the same job 一群从事同一职业的男子 Oh no! Wait until the press boys get hold of this story. 噢,不!记者发现了这个新闻就好看了。 b) PMmen in the army, navy etc, especially those who are fighting in a war 〔尤指在战场上作战的〕士兵 our boys on the front lines 我们在前线的男儿8. boys will be boys BEHAVEused to say that you should not be surprised when boys or men behave badly, are noisy etc 男孩子总归是男孩子〔表示不需为男性的淘气、吵闹感到惊讶〕9. the boys in blue informal the police 警察10. old boy/my dear boy TALK TO somebody British English old-fashioned a friendly way for one man to speak to another man 老兄〔男人之间的友好称呼〕11. INSULT American English not polite an offensive way of talking to a black man 小子〔对黑人男性的冒犯语〕 → blue-eyed boy, → jobs for the boys at job(16), → mama's boy, mummy's boy, old boy, wide boyExamples from the Corpusboy• Harry teaches in a boys' school in Glasgow.• I used to live in Spain when I was a boy.• A confrontation developed and the aggrieved boy decided to take the matter to the headmaster.• It is the stuff of ivory towers and only clever boys and girls are expected to reflect upon its themes.• There are only five boys in the class.• Down the hall in a waiting room, volunteer Eula Gray finishes reading a story to a little boy.• Why don't you go play with that little boy over there?• At last, the morning came when Oliver was allowed to go out to work with the two other boys.• She looked at the boy now.• He put a hand on the boy's shoulder and walked with him down the hall.• The boys outpaced the girls in mechanical, verbal, and abstract reasoning, space relations, and numerical ability.• My two boys are still in college.big boy• United lit the fuse for a quality cup tie by giving everything they had against the big boys from the premier league.• They appeared to have one law for the big boys and another for the minnows.• I've had the big boys on to me today.• I have imagined him bravely making himself walk down the steps and face the hoarse shouts and attacks of the bigger boys.• And those are just some of the big boys.• Bethlehem was a new record company in 1957 and gathered this huge gang together to show up the big boys.• I wanted to prove myself by competing with the big boys.little boy• He was a bright little boy and a natural ham who took easily to the cameras.• Prince Henry, who's nine, is very a nice little boy, and his sister Elizabeth is beautiful.• But so happen, one little boy not so good.• Nobody pushed little boys to play sports if they preferred to cook instead; nobody mocked little girls who collected spiders.• After Madeleine left, Edouard spent more and more time with the little boy -every free moment.• The little boy had left his table and was coming over to ours.• The little boy had lost interest and started pulling open the drawers of the dressing-table.• The little boy loved toy soldiers and drafted speeches for the commanders-in-chief.boy2 interjection American English informal  1  EXCITEDused when you are excited or pleased about something 好家伙〔表示兴奋、欣喜〕 Boy, that was a great meal! 嘿,那顿饭真不错!2  oh boy! informal ANNOYused when you are slightly annoyed or disappointed about something 唉!〔表示有点厌烦或失望〕 Oh boy! Bethany’s sick again. 唉! 贝瑟妮又病了。Examples from the Corpusboy• Boy, that chicken was good!From Longman Business DictionaryBOYBOYFINANCE beginning of year; used in documents when talking about the beginning of a financial yearOrigin boy1 (1200-1300) Perhaps from Frisian boi “boy”boy1 nounboy2 interjectionChinese  person Business Corpus a male general male in or a child,




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