单词 | Urine |
例句 | 1) All the athletes had to provide a urine sample. 2) I gagged on the stench of stale urine. 3) The kidneys secrete urine. 4) The little boy couldn't contain his urine any longer. 5) The urine tests were negative for protein. 6) The urine test showed some sort of infection. 7) A dog uses urine to mark its territory . 8) They took blood and urine specimens for analysis. 9) He passed blood in his urine again yesterday. 10) He said he leaked urine when he coughed. 11) The motorist may be required to give a urine specimen. 12) All three provided identical urine samples. 13) The sphincters become leaky,(http:///urine.html) and the urine overflows. 14) His urine contains numerous white cells and bacteria. 15) Beggars slept on street corners that reeked of urine. 16) If requested, collect specimens of urine from diabetic residents. 17) The room reeked of talcum powder and dry urine. 18) Stupor with involuntary discharge of faeces and urine. 19) A 24-hour urine specimen should be collected to determine creatinine clearance, and protein and uric acid excretion. 20) His urine tests show glycosuria which over the months abates. 21) The test results were in and only his urine got a passing grade. 22) He was walking in a sea of urine and faeces. 23) These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine. 24) Floyd was banned from racing after a drug test revealed traces of amphetamine in his urine. 25) She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell of urine. 26) The house was full of the rank smell of urine. 27) That is, until something turned up somehow in C.J.'s urine specimen. 28) Whenever a patient returned for a clinic visit, a urine sample was collected and was analyzed for ethanol. 29) It also alleges that they were forced to put their heads into a bucket of urine and excrement. 30) If there is a significant amount of blood in the urine. 1) All the athletes had to provide a urine sample. 2) I gagged on the stench of stale urine. 3) The little boy couldn't contain his urine any longer. 4) These wastes are finally eliminated from the body in the urine. 31) Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation. 32) Discarded sodden matches and joint stubs jostle around in the pan and urine seeps into the sole of my shoe. 33) It is just picking people out randomly, with no grounds for suspicion, and forcing them to give urine specimens. 34) However, human urine would contain hormones that are similar to organic chemicals that sharks use to locate their prey. 35) And as well as a physical examination, your vet will want to check urine and blood samples. 36) Addition of acetic acid to the urine sample dissolves the salts and clears the urine. 37) I blush, my heart pounds, I control my tears, but I feel warm urine run down my legs. 38) I bow over the toilet to retch but reverse away fast as last night's urine smells like cat shit this morning. 39) This, the final cherry on the snake-chasing cake concludes my hysteria with a warm flow of urine down my leg. 40) We were soiled with urine, hungry, thirsty, cold and sick with exhaustion. 41) But he was unconcerned about the bite and thought the tingling pain was more indicative of a urine infection than shingles. 42) This loss of sodium, chloride, and water into the urine will cause the extracellular fluid volume to be decreased. 43) Patients may only record negative urine testing results in the preprandial state and starve themselves before the diabetic clinic. 43) 44) Later workers found that the urine of beer drinkers gave the best yields. 45) Excessive secretion of aldosterone will increase renal tubular reabsorption of sodium, therefore, decrease the loss of sodium in the urine. 46) However, when urine specimens were screened there were several positives in the modern pentathlon contest. 47) Subsequent to this investigation we assessed 2907 urine samples from women attending the antenatal clinics in Dundee between November 1990 and September 1992. 48) Patients were asked to empty their bladder before going to bed, noting the precise time and discarding the urine. 49) A source of some confusion is the patient with polyuria and a dilute urine due to primary polydipsia. 50) When caffeine blocks these receptors, blood vessels dilate, increasing the filtration rate and producing more urine. 51) In the good old days, Eskimos used to wash their hair in urine and share a bowl of seal blood. 52) He had also noticed that there was a slight discomfort when he passed urine. 53) Firstly they prevent the bacteria that cause urine infections from sticking to the skin cells in the bladder and urethra. 54) Medical tests conducted later that evening found evidence of cocaine in the mayor's blood and urine samples. 55) Learning to pass urine in the correct place is the next stage of awareness and learning. 56) A high urine sodium concentration is a variable but frequent confirmatory finding in this disorder. 57) All patients had continuous monitoring of arterial pressure and urine output. 58) Whether this happens or not, one of the main symptoms is dysuria - pain on passing urine. 59) For whatever reason the Act provides that it is his responsibility to make the request, either for blood or urine. 60) Female journalists went to the clinic and took urine samples from men for their pregnancy tests. 61) You can take modest calcium supplements if your urine calcium levels are not elevated. 62) There's no need to separately collect urine, no mess, and no waiting around for a result. 63) When there is active infection, the virus can be found in saliva, urine, vaginal discharge, and semen. 64) Counting was done 2 weeks after completion of studies to avoid interference from urine 1 1 1 In. 65) Patients were instructed to take no alcohol and to collect all urine for the next 24 hours. 66) Often there are phosphates, a sort of salt, in the urine, which give it a cloudy appearance. 67) Blood was detected in the urine on biochemical screening, but microscopy showed very few red cells. 68) The absorption of 5-ASA by the colon is poor, resulting in very low serum and urine concentrations and high faecal concentrations. 69) The hepatitis B antigen is found in blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions and possibly other body fluids. 70) Lead is mainly excreted by the kidney hence urine or whole blood would be appropriate specimens for determining lead exposure. 71) Continence is the ability to control the contents of the bladder and to pass urine only when you want to. 72) After oral administration, mesalazine is extensively acetylated such that N-acetyl-5-ASA is the predominant form found in both plasma and urine. 73) Urine analysis, a red blood cell count,(http://) and blood pressure were also routinely recorded. 74) All three were barred in February for tampering with urine samples during out-of-competition tests. 75) Others have a tendency to cause constipation, and this in turn can produce incontinence both of urine and faeces. 76) Each subject was initially asked to collect their urine for 24 hours. 77) Her legs sagged and a small trickle of urine dampened her inner thighs as the nun slowly turned to face her. 78) I want you to organise full blood analysis, and the usual urine tests. 79) A heavily brocaded blanket pushed towards the bottom of the bed reveals drying pools of odorous urine. 80) For this investigation the patient must attend the clinic in the early morning having held his urine all night. 81) They had hosed him down after that, then poured urine over him. 82) It sits there shivering in its damp towel until she comes with urine bottle and tube. 83) Cotinine in the urine is a reliable indicator that the subject has been exposed to passive smoking. 84) Within 48 hours, Larson forced 4, 000 midshipmen to take urine tests. 85) The stench of the floor was close to him, the smell of vomit and of urine. 86) These spasms squeeze urine from the bladder in large spurts. 87) The rank odour of sweat and urine made him wince. 88) Osmotic diuretics cause in-creased potassium losses, probably primarily because of the increased urine flow accompanying them. 89) Normally, most of the water in urine is recycled through the porous walls of the collecting tubes. 90) Sulphated bile acids are excreted in urine in large amounts under cholestatic conditions. 91) It was Karen Silkwood who had spiked her own urine samples. 92) A few drops of urine on the floor by his slop pail merited a scientifically aimed punch at his kidneys from the guard. 93) Measurement of the albumin excretion rate requires an accurately timed collection of urine, which is difficult in routine clinical practice. 94) They went back to natural oestrogen, a cumbersome and expensive product, harvested from the urine of pregnant mares. 95) Symptoms include fatigue, fever, nausea, jaundice and dark urine, although some people never manifest symptoms. 96) In the wastes of the Chaidam basin he is forced to drink his own urine to survive. 97) It is excreted in the urine as a waste product of creatine. 194. 98) He was taken off the ventilator, although he still had the tracheostomy and a catheter for his urine. 99) So there we are trying to fish out a bunch of keys from a three-foot pit full of human urine and excrement. 100) Urine is processed separately through a more stringent filtration process than the waste water. 101) The toilet stank of urine, and at one point a chef was seen picking his nose while preparing food. 102) Urine was recommended as a mouthwash because its acidity was thought to prevent tooth decay! 103) Secondly they act on E coli,() bacteria responsible for the vast majority of urine infections. 104) Add one teaspoon urine from the tub in the basement of the Mineshaft. 105) As well as the chatty bit about not forgetting the urine sample, both sides carry advertising. 106) He had also felt a stinging sensation every time he passed urine. 107) The treatment of acute retention of urine occurring in a primary herpetic attack in the female deserves a brief mention. 108) The external cause of the rhythms of urine formation comes from two sources: our diet and changes in posture. 109) On the farm, slurry from solid and urine residues is digested by anaerobic bacteria in closed chambers. 110) All round, the rich stink of sweat, urine, spilled ale, even a trace of potpourri. 111) Tracey adds to her notes: Mrs Brown says she passed urine twice during the night, possibly at 4.30 or 5.30. 112) Because blood concentrations of most opiates are quite low even in overdose, screening is usually done on the urine. 113) Subsequent investigations showed normal results on cranial computed tomography with only alcohol present in the urine drug screen. 114) A stream of urine struck the water leaving a phosphorescent trail on the surface. 115) Adenosine helps regulate the delicate balance between blood flow and urine output. 116) Professional help Doctors: your doctor will talk to you about your problem and will probably test a sample of your urine. 117) No further food or fluid was consumed, except for the standard meal until the last urine specimen had been collected. 118) It has to be the first urine passed in the morning in a clean, empty container. 119) It requires fertility monitoring with ultrasound, and blood or urine tests. 120) To overcome the problems of collecting a 24 hour urine specimen, an overnight collection was made. 121) Here a check is kept on weight; blood and urine tests are carried out; and relevant medical history is noted. 122) The type of light chain excreted in the urine may be identified by performing immuno-electrophoresis on a concentrated urine specimen. 173. 123) Darren, aged 5 years, had been found deliberately passing urine in the corner of his bedroom carpet. 124) Mice, for example, excrete scents in their urine that enable females to avoid their close kin. 125) Excess electrolytes are excreted through the urine, but it is not wise to overdose them. 126) Inside were six small children found living in squalor, the smell of urine and feces permeating the house. 127) Body temperature is higher in the daytime than at night, and urine flow is lower overnight. 128) Repeated microbiological examination of sputum, blood, and urine proved negative. 129) Urge incontinence is when you suddenly need to pass urine desperately, but aren't able to reach the toilet in time. 130) Subjects then emptied their bladders, saving a sample of urine. 131) There are pitfalls in its use, since diuretics lead to volume depletion and hyponatremia with a high urine sodium. 132) Doctors now routinely use super-sensitive blood and urine tests to screen women suffering from any lower abdominal pain. 133) Since conjugated bilirubin is water-soluble, it will be excreted in the urine by the kidney. 134) To stop this happening, you have to retrain your bladder to hold larger amounts of urine. 135) It is characterized by escalating blood pressure, protein in the urine and fluid retention in the extremities. 136) When antidiuretic hormone is present to a maximal degree, urine concentration is high. 137) When their overlords came out to relieve themselves in the snow, the serfs collected the urine to drink. 138) I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it. Rodney Dangerfield 139) The urinary bladder in both sexes acts as a halfway house or store for the urine secreted by the kidneys. 140) In both states, urine flow is high, since the urine remains continuously dilute. 141) That was back when our unofficial city aroma was strong coffee and sea air, not urine. 142) This circulating urobilinogen is almost completely picked up by the liver with only a small amount excreted in the urine. 143) We heard a suppressed murmuring and smelled rotting rags and old urine as we passed the gate. 144) Feces contain an enzyme which can release ammonia from urine. 145) Unlike sodium, potassium exhibits no renal threshold being excreted into the urine even in K depleted states. 146) Evelyn is the operations manager who loads Savage down with bureaucratic minutiae and company rules before asking for a urine sample. 147) It is a muscular organ, which, when it contracts, forces the urine down the urethra. 148) The patient complained that she had to void more urine. 149) Similarly, adaptation to very high intakes requires several days and ample urine flow. 150) In neither case is there any need to invite the driver to express his preference for giving blood or urine. 151) Although hypertonicity may develop from extrarenal causes alone, more frequently hypertonicity results from interference with the formation of a concentrated urine. 152) A company must pay consultants to set up the programme and chemists to test the urine. 153) Cats urine glows under a black light. 154) Calcium is excreted in the urine and stools. 155) Cotinine and other metabolites are excreted in your urine. 156) A urine test reveals galactose in the urine. 157) The urine is laden with leukocytes. 158) Excess sugar in the urine, often associated diabetes mellitus. 159) Excretion of excessive amounts of sodium in the urine. 160) Only 1 had unilateral ureteral urine reflux during cystography. 161) The urine pregnancy test proves to be positive. 162) This prevents urine from running back under the cast. 163) They collected a urine specimen for urinalysis.http:///urine.html 164) A cat's urine glows under black light. 165) Being used in spermatorrhea, incontinence, frequent urination cloudy urine. 166) This is why you see excessive urine volume in a diabetic. 167) Usually white coats are the standard physician's attire. However, frequently physicians neglect to change their coat when it becomes "soiled" with blood, ink, urine or even fecal matter. 168) Indeed, one common anti-TB drug, rifampicin, also has the unnerving side effect of turning people's tears, sweat and urine a shade of reddish orange. 169) Recurrent or severe bleeding may do damage to body fluid, resulting in thirst, scanty urine and dry skin. 170) Using the battery's pipette, you insert your urine and the battery will begin recharging. 171) Blood examination showed leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, and positive urinary protein, hematuria, urine inside membrane-like manifestations such as renal dysfunction. 172) Albuminuria is an excess amount of a protein called albumin in the urine. 173) Result It is useful to monitor the results of urine analysis in 3 months by using the statistical diagram of quality control. 174) Methods: The content of EGF in serum and urine was determined radioimmunoassay. 175) Results: Staphylococci were mainly isolated from pus and secretion, and enterococci from urine. 176) Ammonia from protein digestion, the primary excretory product, is converted to urea to be excreted in urine. 177) Separating Amino Acids in Blood and Urine by Microcrystalline Cellulose Film Chromatography - To ldentify Phenylketonuria. 178) Urge incontinence, also known as overactive bladder, is when you feel a sudden urge to urinate, and sometimes accidentally leak urine. 179) Although more urine yellow common in pyretic syndrome, but it is not unique to heat syndrome. 180) Diabetes, cystic fibrosis albumin or sugar in the urine or other endocrine problems? 181) Conclusion Decrease of blood viscosity, basification of urine before chemotherapy and hydrotherapy can decrease incidence of early death of HAL. 182) Drills the urine sickness is one kind of internal secretion metabolic disorder disease. 183) This phrase was coined as a result of the urine tax levied by the Roman emperors Nero and Vespasian in the 1st century upon the collection of urine. 184) MAIA is a more advanced measure technology that measure contents of little incretions and tumor markers of bodies' blood serum and urine. 185) The first diagnostic testing steps include a complete blood count, serum biochemical tests, and urinalysis with urine culture. 186) Only a small hole is left for passing urine and menstrual blood. 187) Conclusions Quantitative determination of HCG contents in urine by DGIFA can help firmly diagnose earlier pregnancy. 188) The fraction of excreting Pm in urine and faeces was power function of time. 189) Usually, the initial symptoms are puffiness of the face or grossly urine or headache and vomiting. 190) Urine reflects ultraviolet light. And to a kestrel searching for food, these trails are perfectly visible from the air. 191) The smell of musth and urine , of fresh death, hung over the mound of the corpse. 192) The urine smell from the security washrooms at the sliding door entrance. 193) Object:To explore whether the change of the content of glycosaminoglycan( GAG ) in urine can be as the assistant index for diagnosis of phlegm syndrome. 194) Results shown: positive percentage of urine ketone body is 10% and that of milk ketone body is 29. 195) Based on the excretion of D—xylose in urine,(http://) it was found to strengthen the intestinal absorption in normal rats and the rats with the deficiency of spleen induced by Rheum palmatum. 196) Both urine VMA and HVA levels were higher in the workers exposed to aluminum, and urine VMA level in the exposed was significantly higher than that in controls. 197) The classic sign of urogenital schistosomiasis is haematuria (blood in urine). 198) Caffeine has a mild diuretic effect, increasing your urine production. 199) Main Products: disposable medical device, such as urine bag, stomach tube, oxygen mask. 200) In any case, the semen is later simply discharged with the urine. 201) The Leptospira bacterium is transmitted to humans through water contaminated by animal urine. 202) Don't be averse to the unattractive side of the job, to cleaning up mucus and phlegm, or urine and excrement. 203) Researchers measured the levels of phyto-estrogens in the urine of 144 British women. 204) On a flat lawn, dig a pentacle hole, then fill it with urine. 205) For treatment of lung heat of cough difficulty in urination, gonorrhea, blood in urine, tumors. 206) Objectives To investigate the significance of raising of urine amylase value in children with epidemic parotiditis. 207) The diagnosis is dependent on the collection and analysis of an uncontaminated urine specimen. 208) Glucose-oxidase method was used to measure blood sugar and urine sugar. 209) It was used for collecting urine from astronauts in USA Space General Administration as hi - tech equipment. 210) Dynamic ceftazidime concentrations in blood, urine and blis - ter fluid were analysed by HPLC. 211) Objective To investigate the training methods of urine and feces incontinence. 212) Check the leptospira in kidney of duck, pig and rodents and urine of cattle. 213) Stagnation of urine in the kidney pelvis seems to greatly encourage pyelitis. 214) To investigate the clinical significance of the spermidine content in urine as an index of accessory diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic effect evaluation for patients with lung cancer. 215) Methods Polyamide thin layer chromatography is used to determine the spermidine content in urine. 216) Results: The progesterone can greatly decrease frequency of eletrical activity and increase urine flow. 217) Findings typically include persistent hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar) and glucosuria (glucose in the urine). Often, ketones are present in the urine or blood. 218) In addition, the baby in the urine or when walking with his left foot on the section of the regular ring, I do not know whether or not this normal? 219) An over the counter urine test kit or a blood test can measure LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, which is the trigger for ovulation and the cause of the subsequent rise in progesterone. 220) Sometimes the urine splashes out of the toilet bowl and It'stinks. 221) Does urine blister grow on infantile back of hand, instep? 222) Objective To detect the trustworthiness of HIV - 1 antibody in the urine specimens. 223) The study also found that urine from enuretic episodes in the first hours of sleep is quite different from the urine the researchers collected in the morning. 223) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. 224) A Swedish study found benzophenone-3 (or B-3), a popular suncream ingredient, in the urine of people who had applied no more than the recommended dose of suncream up to 48 hours before. 225) Urine may drain through one or more skin sinuses to the exterior. 226) Objective To explore the correlation urine freezing point osmotic pressure, refraction osmotic pressure and urine conductivity. 227) Clobetasol propionate after external use can be completely adsorbed by skin, metabolized through liver and be discharged with urine. 228) When I was running the urine, I found another spike that I couldn't identify. 229) Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of ligase chain reaction(LCR) for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in the first-void urine of men. 230) The appearance of visible globin pigments in the urine suggests that the patient is at a greatly increased risk for the development of renal shutdown . 231) When the stones block the normal flow of urine,() a person suffers terrible pain. 232) A kidney stone is a solid mass formed when minerals in our urine crystallise. 233) The Army Field Manual (PDF) for survival, evasion, and recovery specifically lists urine on its "DO NOT drink" list along with seawater and blood. 234) Gynecologic follow-up project is the determination of blood and urine of human chorionic gonadotropin and some other endocrine Nethersole. 235) In Osaka the rights to fecal matter from the occupants of a dwelling belonged to the owner of the building whereas the urine belonged to the tenants...Fights broke out over collection rights and prices. 236) The writing urine sickness patient carries on the kinesiotherapy not to be possible to finish in a hast, the movement wants reasonably right amount. 237) The environmental burden was became heavier due to cow's faeces and urine. 238) Many causes of urine diseases, including exopathic and internal injury, may cause the change of urine. 239) Objective To discuss how to lower the influence of turbid urine on urinalysis instrument. 240) The determinations of free sialic acid (FSA), total sialic acid (TSA)and fucose (FUC) in morning urine were carrivdout in 30 control subjects, 40 atrophic gastritis and 31 gastric cancer patients. 241) Results: 1286 isolates of E. faecium and 1042 isolates of E. faecalis were collected, and both of them mainly isolated from urine and sputamentum. 242) It is important to measure muscle enzymes and 24-hours urine creatine for the evaluation of internal organ involvement, treatment and prognosis in dermatomyositis. 243) The amounts of formic acid in human urine has a direct bearing on the people's health. 244) If the particle does not encounter a B cell, then it gets secreted in the urine. 245) If your urine specimen shows the presence of bacteria, you'll be prescribed antibiotics. 246) It is defined by a loss of function of about 75 percent of the filtration system of the kidney and characterized by azotemia and low specific gravity of the urine. 247) Wrapping the glans penis inflammation performance for wrapping redness and swelling, burn, urine, can accentuate when a purulent since wrapping mouth outflow. 248) When it was apparent that urine pH, and not ash or magnesium was the problem, they began to add Ammonium Chloride to their cat foods to acidify the diet. 249) Using a test called KAtex, which detects proteins from Leishmania infantum in the urine, the researchers found ten positive cases. 250) The urine from the bladder is simply not being transmitted to the outside. 251) Water reach beverage, retain the moisture in alvine path excrement and urine, with benefit aperient, wait like water of morning drink honey. 252) A method was developed for the determination of endogenous steroids in urine using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with methyltestosterone as internal standard. 253) Sodium bicarbonate to alkalinize urine and venoclysis of 5% glucose solution for hydration were used during therapy. 254) Recurrence was determined using cystoscopy or retrograde urethrography and long-term voiding functions were determined using residual urine and uroflowmetry. 255) PPS random sampling was conducted in Xiamen to measure students'thyroid, urine Iodine and salt Iodine and surveil the of factory salt Iodine, resident salt Iodine and oneself iodized salt. 256) The disease onset nasty, many have the frequency, urgent emiction, pain, pass urine urethral a burning sensation, every time urine output is not much. 257) Assaying these biomarkers in synovia fluid, serum and urine is useful in early diagnosis, detecting disease development, understanding organism response to anti-arthritic drugs. 258) Objective: To evaluate the relationship between urine xanthopterin levels and cancer and its clinical significance. 259) Carbazole method was used to measure the content of Glycosaminoglycans(GAGs) in urine of silicotic patients. 260) Chemically, these compounds often remain whole, unlike the broken-down versions in feces and urine. 261) There is evidence that both infectious and Serum hepatitis may be transmitted by faeces , urine, blood and other body fluids such as ascitic fluid. 262) Methods 10 kinds of bone marker were determined by enzyme immunoassay and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay in serum and urine of 164 healthy controls and 120 patients. 263) A simultaneous determination of uric acid, creatinine and pseudouridine in human urine by high performance capillary zone electrophoresis(HPCZE)is described. 264) We reported an infant presented as recurrent abdominal pain and positive urine culture. Subsequent work up revealed the diagnosis of Type A cystinuria. 265) Conclusion Mercury concentrations in the liver, renal cortex, and urine of the rats increased with mercury dose increasing. 266) The validity, specificity and sensitivity of the method as well as the hydrolysis conditions on pretreatment of urine containing morphine-glucuronide conjugate were studied. 267) Urethral calculus: Pain in urination, thready urination , dribbling urination , or even retention of urine may appear. 268) Sodium bicarbonate to alkalinize urine and venoclysis of 5% glucose solution for hydration we... 269) Over the next several days, he drank his own urine to stay hydrated and experimented with the idea of amputating his arm with a pocketknife, but he had no way of sawing through two bones in his arm. 270) Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (CNDI) is a rare inherited disease in which infants suffer serious dehydration as the result of an inability of their kidneys to produce a concentrated urine. 271) The urinary system is comprised of organs which produce urine and excrete it from the body. 272) The mixture includes cow dung, cow urine and jaggery," says Thadani. 273) Her initial symptons were suspicious - loss of appetite, general fatigue, and dark urine. 274) The method was applied to determination of acemetacin in urine sample and capsule with satisfactory results. 275) Methods ALP and PALP in urine were measured by Kings and EDTA inhibition method in pregnancy. 276) This is called a nephrostomy tube and it drains into a urine collection bag on the skin. 277) This means that urine and stool incontinence will accompany paralysis. 278) Treatment may include infusion of fluids and urine alkalinisation, correction of electrolyte and acid-base disturbance, haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, or surgical removal of kidney stones. 279) Conclusion:Early diagnosis and complex treatment with hydroxyurea and zyloprim as well as alkalization of urine may prevent and cure ATLS. 280) Your WBC ( RBC, hemoglobin, urine stool, sputum ) should be checked. 281) Became an outstanding issue to the processing of excrement and urine of pig farm then. 282) B . The diagnosis should be confirmed urinalysis and by urine culture. 283) The index case was identified as a 43 year-old male farmer who presented with clinical symptoms of fever,() jaundice and haematuria (blood in urine). 284) Objective To determine the main metabolites of aconitine in urine in rats. 285) Urinary system: morning and evening with warm water to clean (remember, the water temperature is not too high), with "erythromycin ointment" or "aureomycin ointment" smear Department in the urine. 286) If intrarenal arterial RI and urine albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR) is combined to diagnose early DN, the sensitivity and specificity of diagnosis will be 95% and 85% respectively. 287) Conclusion Urine microproteins increasing in ischemic apoplexy is relative to stages of hypertension, serum lipid level and types of lipid dysbolism. 288) Measurement of the hourly urine volume is not by itself a reliable test of renal function. 289) CONCLUSION The method is simple, sensitive and producible for quantifying oxalate in human urine and the research of formation of uric calcium oxalate stone. 290) Inside there is the familiar faint university whiff of the academic coffee room, but here it is mingled with the pungent smell of monkey urine. 291) Waste matter, such as sweat, urine, or feces, discharged from the body. 291) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. 292) The monitoring of urine tritium of professional workers with direct measurements is studied. 293) A SPE-UPLC-MS/MS method was developed and established to rapidly determine phenylethanolamine A in pig urine. 294) Extra waste matter, which is the end product of protein metabolism, is excreted in the urine. 295) Conclusion: The effect of coloclysis with sodium chloride is satisfactory for relieving postoperative urine retention for patients after lower extremity operation in department of orthopaedics. 296) Your WBC ( RBC, hemoglobin, urine stool, utum ) should be checked. |
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