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单词 Stew
1. She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.
2. She served him a bowl of beef stew.
3. I'm making a stew for lunch.
4. She eked out the stew to make another meal.
5. Steam rose from the simmering stew.
6. The meat needs to stew for several hours.
7. Stew the pears in red wine for a couple of hours.
8. I made a stew with meat and vegetables.
9. The national dish is "bigos"?hunter's stew.
10. The main course was a vegetable stew.
11. She had no stomach for the leftover stew.
12. You can stew fruit in water and sugar.
13. You can thicken the stew with flour.
14. He ate a whole tin of stew.
15. The stew smelled delicious .
16. She chopped the carrots for the stew.
17. Pete gobbled all the beef stew.
18. There's no need to get in a stew.
19. There's no point getting in a stew about it.
20. You can taste the garlic in this stew.
21. Can you taste the garlic in this stew?
22. The meat needs to stew for two hours.
23. Simmer the stew for an hour.
24. The stew must be boiled up before serving.
25. She browned onions before adding them to the stew.
26. A vegetable stew can be perked up with a dash of chilli sauce.
26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
27. He found a can of beef stew and dumped it in a saucepan to heat.
28. We washed the stew down with a bottle of cheap red wine.
29. With jobs so scarce, many young people spend long hours with little to do but drink and stew.
30. He knew he'd be in trouble with the bank if he overspent again;I've helped him before,but this time I'm leaving him to stew in his own juice.
1. She prepared a hearty stew for dinner.
2. She served him a bowl of beef stew.
3. I'm making a stew for lunch.
4. She eked out the stew to make another meal.
5. Steam rose from the simmering stew.
6. Stew the pears in red wine for a couple of hours.
7. There's no need to get in a stew.
8. The stew must be boiled up before serving.
9. He ate every savoury morsel of a delectable stew at the dinner.
31. The meat is divided evenly and boiled in a stew.
32. I added some potatoes to the stew to bulk it out.
33. Leave him to stew.
34. He's got himself into a complete stew about his exams.
35. He took a spoonful of the stew and ate it.
36. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp.
37. I don't see why I should help her -- she can stew in her own juice for a bit.
38. They feasted well into the afternoon on mutton and corn stew.
39. He ate every savoury morsel of a delectable stew at the dinner.
40. The sight of the greasy stew made his stomach turn / turned his stomach.
41. William is in a stew about/over the demand he received from the tax office.
42. Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri's signature dishes.
43. With slotted spoon, remove meat from stew.
44. Don't hurry with your stew, er - Vern.
45. Why are they making so much stew about this?
46. So he left me in a stew of doubt.
47. She could stew in her own juice.
48. Fry it up. Make a stew.
49. Boiled, baked, whipped, fried, roasted, cooked in stew.
50. It is traditionally made it into a spicy stew.
51. Our kitchenware consisted of two pots, one for cooking rice and the other for soup or stew.
52. Up went a roar as he plunged headlong into the stew.
53. Steven opened the newspaper with one hand while he tucked into the beef stew with the other.
54. Dinner is something like a chicken stew with lots of vegetables and potatoes.
55. The pub was a pullulating stew of people, swelling and bubbling behind a screen of smoke.
56. Thankfully, the world of stews does not begin and end with the rather simplistic beef stew of yesteryear.
56. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
57. There's nothing to beat a handful of mushrooms in with a rabbit stew.
58. In the store cupboard, he found a can of beef stew and dumped it in a saucepan to heat.
59. Coffin found it hard to tuck into Mrs Lorimer's cold beef and salad after having eaten Lily Bates's stew.
60. The stew was on and simmering, and the fragrance in the rectory was intoxicating.
61. It's all been thrown into the pot rather like that stew we've just been eating.
62. The maid served dinner: beef stew pie, the pastry crisp and golden.
63. Inside the mirrored towers of its operations complex, it decodes, translates and analyzes the electronic stew known as signals intelligence.
64. The two Celts hit it off immediately and their melting pot of country and house was first put on to stew.
65. At the Desert Garden Hotel, the buffet line is digging into kangaroo stew.
66. Dinner was sardines and stew, made palatable by two lots of vodka.
67. The remaining wholesale cuts provide hamburger, stew meat, short ribs, flank steak, and brisket of beef.
68. Yesterday I fed him the bony scraps from my reindeer stew and he is now mine for ever.
69. Hot soup, stew or casserole in a thermos flask, plus a roll - but no butter or margarine.
70. Make sure you heat that stew through before you eat it.
71. But occasionally I will take the big pan and fill it with onions, carrots and potatoes for a grand stew.
72. Of course, Kate could have shrugged and let him stew in his own juice, or lack of it.
73. The royal kitchen will be serving up roasted turkey drumsticks, steak on a stake and stew.
74. Cynthia arrived, wearing a pair of blue oven mitts and carrying a large stew pot.
75. Our hotel had an indoor pool, a nightclub and good food - notably, reindeer stew with cranberry sauce.
76. Blend cornstarch with cup cold water, stir into stew and cook, stirring, until sauce thickens.
77. He had no intention of getting himself into a stew about that.
78. That will cost you some money, but it beats letting the customer stew while an employee hunts for a supervisor.
79. She nodded absently and began peeling vegetables and chopping them into a stew that she put in the pressure cooker.
80. TSlmis a. A kind of vegetable stew with carrots and prunes.
81. If things start happening, don't worry, don't stew, just go right along and you'll start happening too. Dr. Seuss 
82. He allowed himself to be filmed on television absent-mindedly pouring a bottle of Petrus into the stew.
83. All right, then, fish stew and lemon pie it is!
84. The ingredients which make up the special stew are a closely kept secret and vary from chef to chef.
85. This rustic, flavorful stew is good hot or at room temperature on a warm summer day.
86. At every station the locals wandered through the carriages selling local produce: plates of stew, sweets, bags of oranges.
86. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
87. Society is like a stew. If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top. Edward Abbey 
88. Long tables with stainless-steel trays held mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, fried oysters and oyster stew.
89. Mix liquid part of stew with pita bread, moistening thoroughly.
90. Today's main dish was cabbage and swede stew with dumplings.
91. The food will revolve around veal stew at about £6.
92. Bring the stew to a boil, then let it simmer for 20 minutes.
93. They made a stew.
94. A thin stew followed, then ripe cheese and fresh bread.
95. Grillades Despite its name, this is a meat stew popular in bayou country.
96. Shirley FongTorres says this stew is delicious over steamed rice and is even better the next day.
97. Human and animal, they all stirred up together in some great mental stew.
98. The captain gave him a bowl of cold stew which he could only swallow by gulping it down with wine.
99. If stew is too thick, add chicken stock as needed for desired consistency.
100. As for new ideas, yes, the Apple folks cooked up a thick stew of them.
101. She had prepared a large stew, or thick soup, her speciality, brought to perfection in years of communal living.
102. There was a choice of vegetarian lasagne or lamb stew with baked potatoes, sweet corn and garlic bread.
103. Her nose twitched to the smell: mouldy and fetid like sweaty clothes left to stew in a plastic bag.
104. I was tired, and wanted to recover from the stew.
105. Specialities include mussel and onion stew and chicken de vaux.
106. Kunta warily smelled the stew before tasting it.
107. We had beef stew for supper.
108. The stew remained at a simmer for hours.
109. She doled him out a plateful of stew.
110. Why not try the oyster stew?
111. An aromatic beef stew waited on the stove.
112. Leave them to stew in their own juice.
113. He's been in a stew since early this morning.
114. She makes a mean chicken stew.
115. Would you like some beef stew?
116. Lancashire hotpot is a well known stew.
117. We had beef stew for lunch.
118. This stew is a bit greasy.
119. She served a flavorous stew to her friends.
120. Today's Special is beef stew with garlic bread.
121. Goldilocks saw the three bowls of stew.
122. Add appropriate amount of water pot, covered with lid, stew fry 23 minutes.
123. The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal, stew to comfort, escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate.
124. Feat match game, thick soup stew. 16 –18 degrees drink the best.
125. Learn how to simmer the vegetables for making country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.
126. Learn how to chop onions and garlic for making country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.
127. " Black beans and rice, fried bananas, and some stew.
128. Keep the stew on the simmer for another 20 minutes because the meat is rather tough.
129. After immersing laver abluent, thin pork is abluent section, both put bowl together inside, add clear water right amount, stew on buy slow fire boil.
130. Learn how to add aromatic vegetables for country chicken stew in this free recipe video on making chicken stew with caraway dumplings.
131. Arriving in Britain in the 1960s, he invented the modern tabloid newspaper—a stew of sexual titillation, moral outrage and political aggression.
132. She is all in a stew over her lost suitcase.
133. Simmering on the stove was a Jamaican stew of oxtail and chicken, whose smell wafted through the open doorway.
134. The most famous of Shouzhua mutton, Chop Suey of cow and sheep, lamb dumplings, stew lamb, Mutton and Bread Pieces in Soup, and so on.
135. You've got to chop up the pork before you stew it.
136. Beef stew with red wine and tomatoes, simmering with root vegetables spiced burgundy - like version.
137. beef stew and dumplings.
138. Mixed salad, meatball and brochettes, vegetable stew and all daily meals.
139. The stew was poured out for the men, but as they began to eat it, they cried out, 'O man of God, there is death in the pot!'
140. Cured meat and fish stew son meal stew now a bit now , in addition, cured meat and fish cooperate with the meal , meal that pot come out entry very much fragrant.
141. Guards brought us s large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.
142. Hong Kong property prices rising Yang 1,000 frenzied stew slowly value for beta . Moldy plate showing.
143. Stew Thornley analyzes the effect of the very short porches along the foul lines and a cavernous center field on home run production and hitting in general.
144. Earthenware casserole is with the casserole soup, stew, can better maintain the food color, smell and taste.
145. The dishes include Jambalaya stew, pecan pie and roasted salmon.
146. The bus has not come, and she is in a stew[/stew.html], for fear she will be late.
147. Oxtail beef stew with "Sangre de Toro" is simmered for six hours, so that the bone comes off during eating.
148. Both Winston and the girl were eating steadily. The stuff they were eating was a thin stew, actually a soup, of haricot beans.
149. B : Well , yes. about beef stew? We can serve you at once.
150. The Embassy staff walked through the crowd, dispensing ready-to-eat packets of beef stew.
151. It's a kind of stew made with black beans, pork, and spices.
152. Earthenware casserole is with the casserole soup, stew can keep food color, smell and taste. However, if the incorrect use, the casserole is easy to damage.
153. But you shouldn t stodge yourself with roast duck and beef stew , John .
154. He consumed a large plateful of the very savory stew.
155. For meals, they were given a stew that contained horse-beans, boiled yams( ), and scraps of meat. Each group of ten ate from a single bucket.
156. If you just can not help, consume them along with alkaline foodstuffs. For example, stew meat with kelp and cook beef with radish will help to reduce acidity of the food.
157. The disgruntled diner summoned his waiter to the table, complaining, "My oyster stew doesn't have any oysters init."
158. Edibility method:At edibility affiliation this condiment, can make fry the vegetables, infused in boiling the soup, stew meat the much more fresh, nourishment plentifulness .
159. Non-vegetarians can substitute dal with chicken stew, both a source of proteins.
160. This method is best suited to less tender cuts such as round or chuck steak, flank steak, stew BEEF, and short ribs.
161. We sat down to filmy glasses of beer and a clear unmarked bottle of grain alcohol and saucers of peppers and tripe tofu soup noodles and fish stew.




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