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单词 Exchange rate
1 The exchange rate is likely to fall in the near future .
2 The government's current euphoria over the exchange rate is unlikely to last.
3 The exchange rate is in our favor.
4 The exchange rate of the pound moved up sharply.
5 The international exchange rate dipped to a low point yesterday.
6 The exchange rate is in our favour at the moment.
7 He described Britain's entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as an historic move.
8 Because of the high exchange rate,[] our products have lost their competitive edge.
9 Where can I find the best exchange rate / rate of exchange?
10 In September 1989 the exchange rate hovered around 140 yen to the dollar.
11 The change in the exchange rate provided a timely boost to the company's falling profits.
12 Some analysts predicted that the exchange rate would soon be $2 to the pound.
13 The Deutschmark falls out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
14 Single exchange rate for the rouble.
15 The second is via changes in the exchange rate.
16 Both exerted downward pressure on the sterling exchange rate.
17 Second, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will stimulate the manufacturing sectors of member countries.
18 The comparison of the effective exchange rate and actual rates clearly demonstrates the value and necessity for a weighted exchange rate.
19 Under a fixed exchange rate a currency flow surplus is likely to persist for some time.
20 She gives a much better exchange rate and gets forty percent more lira for every pound, deutschmark or dollar she takes.
21 At any moment the current spot exchange rate is the anticipated spot exchange rate discounted to the present.
22 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
23 Our calculations of the cost of our trip were thrown out by changes in the exchange rate.
24 The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.
25 I want to change my dollars into pesetas what is the exchange rate?
26 However, the most important factor influencing overseas investments is exchange rate risk.
27 Much has also been made of the effect the troubles are having on tourism, farming, and the exchange rate.
28 So far we have briefly explained how a free-floating and a rigidly fixed exchange rate system are supposed to operate.
29 We will put the pound into the narrow band of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
30 Imagine an automatically adjusting price list, just change the discount structure or exchange rate and you get a complete new document.
1 The exchange rate is likely to fall in the near future .
2 The government's current euphoria over the exchange rate is unlikely to last.
3 The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
4 The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.
31 Theory suggests that an exchange rate change may be the appropriate response to a country specific shock.
32 Any increase in the money supply, they argue, will simply lead to higher prices and a lower exchange rate.
33 The exchange rate mechanism is a voluntary prototype for a single currency.
34 Losses had also accrued from discounts and subsidies to private and public banks,[] and from exchange rate speculation.
35 The first was that because the exchange rate target was not explicit it was ultimately not credible.
36 Or he could introduce an exchange rate policy to ease the plight of manufacturing companies.
37 If the actual sterling-dollar exchange rate differs from 2.00, then an arbitrage opportunity exists.
38 Everything - growth, employment and prosperity - is to be subordinated and sacrificed to pegging the exchange rate of the pound.
39 The upper limit of the floating exchange rate trading band for today was 1, 024. 79.
40 These comprise the dividend yield or coupon rate and expected capital gains, including currency gains from exchange rate revaluations.
41 Exchange rate: The exchange rate in early December was quite favorable.
42 This aided the operation of the fixed exchange rate system and helped to maintain a low inflation rate in the international economy.
43 The change in the exchange rate would continue automatically until the price difference for cars had been eliminated.
44 With a fixed exchange rate, has not this country badly lost competitiveness?
45 If the interest rate differential increases, the spread between the forward exchange rate and the spot exchange rate increases. 4.
46 There will exist no inflation rate differentials which could justify exchange rate changes, if they were available.
47 Having a stable exchange rate with our biggest trading partner-Euroland-will eliminate uncertainties and so boost trade further.
48 Fourth, by pushing up interest rates, fiscal policy can push up the exchange rate of the currency.
49 Yet there could be no more symbolic act of defiance than a currency with a separate exchange rate against the rouble.
50 Fourth, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty is likely to yield benefits in terms of higher growth rates of intra-union trade and investment.
51 This will increase the demand for sterling on the foreign exchange markets and hence cause an appreciation of the exchange rate.
52 The benefits of lower interest rates, ending exchange rate uncertainty and reducing business transaction costs are too powerful to ignore.
53 Exchange rate uncertainty places small and medium-sized firms at a special disadvantage.
54 Many of them care less about the exchange rate than about what is shown on the chart on the right.
55 Will he please grant an urgent debate on the specific subject of the exchange rate mechanism?
56 The second factor is how the government intervenes to affect the exchange rate.
57 The exchange rate mechanism is a discipline to reduce inflation.
58 In summary, an exchange rate system needs to be sufficiently flexible to cope with long-run changes in countries' competitive positions.
59 Monetary policy is now geared to the exchange rate, not to domestic demand.
60 The effect of exchange rate policy has been reinforced by agricultural pricing policy.
61 Try to pay in pesos, because ticket sellers, like everyone else, usually set an unfair exchange rate for dollars.
62 Due to a number of factors, e.g. inflation and current account imbalances, the fixed exchange rate system collapsed in March 1973.
63 John Smith's devotion to the cause of exchange rate stability is not the symbol of virtue which many mistake it for.
64 Potential profits on overseas transactions can be reduced, eliminated or enhanced by adverse or favourable exchange rate movements.Sentencedict
65 David Prosser, chief executive, said withdrawal from the exchange rate mechanism and interest cuts had greatly improved business prospects.
66 Our first priority must be to maintain the pound's position within the exchange rate mechanism.
67 But the Tories will continue to crucify manufacturing industry, in pursuit of an absurdly high parity in the Exchange Rate Mechanism.
68 Under a totally free floating rate, total currency flow surpluses will be eliminated by an appreciation of the exchange rate.
69 With adjustment, the essential feature was the fixed but adjustable exchange rate structure in which the dollar held a central position.
70 Sir Robin said foreign-exchange gains were helped by sterling's departure from the exchange rate mechanism.
71 Nigel Lawson rightly wanted to join the exchange rate mechanism two years ago - as did Sir Geoffrey Howe.
72 The official exchange rate, was henceforth to be adjusted weekly in line with the prevailing market rate.
73 Accordingly, adjustment via the exchange rate was not able to compensate adequately for long-term changes in competitive conditions.
74 Of course that's if you exchanged money at the regular exchange rate of 12 lei to the pound.
75 For international traders, changes in the exchange rate are an unavoidable hazard.
76 Appendix 3 Exchange Rate Comparisons Table 9.6 shows data for the sterling effective exchange rate as well as for other currencies.
77 Only Hong Kong, which had a formal currency board, retained its exchange rate; its experience is worth studying.
78 In 1926, the exchange rate peaked at fifty francs to the dollar; later, it leveled off at twenty.
79 Most likely it was the continued upward pressure on the sterling exchange rate over the weekend.
80 The two may interact with one another - for instance when countries try to control capital outflows in order to maintain a given exchange rate.
81 It directly affects our exchange rate and interest rates and, indirectly, jobs, trade, investment and economic growth.
82 The companies had to be paid in their own currencies, at a much less favourable exchange rate than last year.
83 Most of the change in the current spot exchange rate reflects changes in the anticipated spot exchange rate.
84 They have to be persuaded, above all on the exchange rate.
85 The cost of exchange rate risk management does not vary significantly with firm size.
86 Equilibrium is achieved through changes in the interest rate and the exchange rate. 2.
87 The pounds you pay will buy ECUs at the current exchange rate, which can fluctuate.
88 In practice, governments can also use monetary policy and exchange rate policy to influence the level of aggregate demand.
89 They feared that it would default on its debts, or even that its fixed exchange rate might collapse.
90 It provided for higher social services expenditure, and also reflected recent unfavourable exchange rate movements.
91 Discretionary adjustment via the exchange rate is not easy under managed floating.
92 Officials said the increase was largely due to extra holidays abroad encouraged by the favourable exchange rate of sterling.
93 If you pay by credit card, the charge will reflect the exchange rate.
94 Exports were calculated based on an exchange rate of 123.77 yen in February against 125.59 a year ago.
94 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
95 By definition monetary stability has two dimensions: a price and an exchange rate dimension.
96 The cost, at today exchange rate on the ferry, eleven pounds seventy three pence.
97 The realignment of exchange rates discussed above might suggest that it has not been very successful in promoting greater exchange rate stability.
98 Since the fundamentals are almost never equivalent, a world of fixed exchange rates requires periodic exchange rate adjustments.
99 Peso bears could therefore push against the exchange rate only by liquidating their long positions.
100 These cover inflation, budget deficits, exchange rate stability and long-term interest rates.
101 First, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will enhance the efficiency of the price mechanism as a resource allocator.
102 A comparison of this approach with simple exchange rate conversions changed the rankings.
103 It seems, however, that the decision to withdraw sterling from the exchange rate mechanism has paid dividends.
104 However, the national monetary sovereignty identified with an exchange rate union is illusory rather than real.
105 Induced trade deficits caused by such structural change may not result in an appropriate exchange rate adjustment.
106 The obvious parallel is with the reaction to Britain's entry into the exchange rate mechanism 18 months ago.
107 Exchange rate changes have been at times suggested as a justifiable response to productivity growth rate differentials.
108 He could have used exports to get the economy going with a substantial reduction in the exchange rate and greater devaluation.
109 Czechoslovakia still insists on an inflated hard currency exchange rate which reflects its closed economy.
110 Preferred stock is often convertible into common stock at a specified exchange rate, or conversion ratio, of common for preferred.
111 Ford blamed the rises on the fall in the pound since the Government pulled out of the exchange rate mechanism in September.
112 Third, the elimination of exchange rate uncertainty will stimulate competitive forces in the union.
113 Just how much people will switch out of sterling depends on how much they think the exchange rate will depreciate.
114 The one mechanism they have at their immediate disposal to stimulate growth is the exchange rate of their currencies.
115 These can rang e from a completely free float to an exchange rate rigidly pegged to another currency or basket of currencies.
116 That is, membership of an exchange rate union is incompatible with the pursuit of an independent monetary policy.
117 These changes were seen as part of a comprehensive strategy to foster exchange rate cohesion.
118 Such a move would probably be ruled out even if we were not members of the exchange rate mechanism.
119 It was after you decided that we'd have to cancel our bookings for Venice next March because of the exchange rate.
120 The official reserve itself is also vulnerable to changes in exchange rate, which compounds the problem of ensuring adequate reserves.
121 He says the government's turnaround on interest and exchange rate policies should give an extra boost to Christmas trading too.
122 They also need to know what the local currency is, the exchange rate and the rate of inflation.
123 If the exchange rate is good, business is good; if not, business is bad.
124 a degree of variability in the exchange rate.
125 They are fluctuating with the exchange rate.
126 We can minimize the exchange rate risk by hedging.
127 Theory research suggests that monetary policies with fixed exchange rate system tend to be void.
128 The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13 - 15[ ], triggering the Convertibility Undertaking.
129 According to knows present dollar exchange Renminbi the exchange rate also to continue to walk lowly.
130 Are you afraid of losing money due to exchange rate fluctuations?
131 Provide data of exchange rate of profit or loss monthly.
132 The main objects of this paper are RMB nominal exchange rate and net barter terms of trade.
133 The policy implication of the findings is that the basket-pegged exchange rate regime of RMB is a realistic and reasonable choice in the near time range.
134 It finds that forward exchange rate had more volatility than spot exchange rate, it means that forward market reflect the useful information efficiently.
135 With the adoption of the dollar, inflation will come downstroke. Exchange rate instability will disappear.
136 Currency exchange is quieter after the government's statement on exchange rate.
137 Exchange rate adjustment accompanied by tighter monetary and fiscal policies restored stability.
138 Recently, however, more than 3 on the Australian dollar exchange rate a standstill.
139 Different kinds of theories are introduced, mainly on exchange rate, the interaction between exchange rate and foreign trade, choice of exchange rate arrangement.
140 Our offer subject to the foreign exchange rate at the date of offer.
141 a free-floating exchange rate.
142 Without actual supervision, control and management to exchange rate, the reform just will be a bosh.
143 Japan and the European Economic Community, Canada and other countries announced a floating exchange rate.
144 The archipelago is just the right choice for sailing in the winter months; Furthermore, the current Euro-Dollar exchange rate, makes the Bahamas particularly attractive for European tourists.
145 This defect means fixed exchange rate schemes have a bias towards deflation.
146 Exchange rate theory holds an unchallengeable basic position in the international macroeconomics.
147 Sir . the margin for our USD against RMB exchange rate is 75 bps.
148 I see. And I've heard about dual exchange rate before.
149 The exchange rate is around 1 USD for 65.73 Taka.
150 We've got a fairly unfavourable exchange rate at the moment.
151 Under the managed floating exchange rate regime, exchange rates always fluctuate acutely.
152 Managed Float The use of both fixed and floating rate policy to maintain the currency exchange rate of a country.
153 This meant, when the time nominal exchange rate is very difficult to avoid the distortion which occurs because of the currency authority exchange rate policy function.
154 This deferral would obviate pressure on the rouble exchange rate.
155 The exchange rate is in our favour today, ie will benefit us when we change money.
156 The feasible way to reform exchange rate mechanism is ameliorating managed floating system.
157 Exchange rate problem always as a hot topic in the macroeconomic field.




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