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单词 stage-manage
释义  ˌstage-ˈmanage verb [transitive]  ARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETCto organize a public event, such as a meeting, in a way that will give you the result that you want – often used to show disapproval 精心安排,周密策划〔公开活动;常含贬义〕 The press conference was cleverly stage-managed. 记者招待会安排得很巧妙。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusstage-manage• Most of the 'spontaneous demonstrations' supporting the President are stage-managed.• Paris must now stage-manage an intergovernmental conference leading to a new treaty.• The First Lady has been known to stage-manage press conferences.• Mixing with the bemused and baffled guests are actors who stage-manage the whole affair.ˌstage-ˈmanage verbChineseSyllable  such event, a organize to meeting, Corpus in public as a




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