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单词 Participate in
1. Other countries were invited to participate in the project.
2. All of us will participate in the profits.
3. Did you participate in this discussion?
4. They expected him to participate in the ceremony.
5. I hope everyone will participate in this discussion.
6. She's hoping to participate in the next Olympic Games.
7. She didn't participate in the discussion.
8. All workers participate in the bonus scheme.
9. I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
10. He tamed the urge to participate in the new venture.
11. This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.
12. Young children will participate in a drama class without inhibition.
13. Both participate in war and advance its cause.
14. Houston did participate in the model cities program, however.
15. Some fully participate in the overparenting.
16. Special-needs students also participate in the ninth-grade career-exploration activities.
17. We participate in making things happen.
18. Everyone who signs the petition becomes eligible to participate in the convention tentatively set for Labor Day weekend.
19. And some may choose to participate in less intensive forms of school-to-work.
20. There is no classroom; students participate in a conference call each week for about two hours with an instructor.
21. It was thus forced to participate in elections under the cover of front parties, currently the Socialist Labour Party.
22. We might participate in special exhibitions, which we are doing right now.
23. To know something is to participate in a communicable truth.
23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
24. Few older people, approximately 10 - 20 percent, participate in active leisure pursuits such as swimming or jogging.
25. The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.
26. The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.
27. Seniors also compile a series of graduation portfolios and participate in a portfolio defense.
28. To Governments Democracy is the right of people to participate in running and determining their own destiny.
29. Keyes said he would not break his fast until he was invited to participate in subsequent candidate debates.
30. It is sufficient for the prosecutor to prove that the defendant intended to participate in an act of fighting.
1. Other countries were invited to participate in the project.
2. All of us will participate in the profits.
3. Did you participate in this discussion?
4. The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.
5. I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
31. Anyone can participate in summer schools, as no auditions are required, only completion of an application form.
32. And so can schoolchildren who volunteer to participate in athletic programs and whose expectation of privacy in the locker room is diminished.
33. She may also participate in the ward teaching, either at the bedside or by leading tutorial sessions.
34. This is important for determining the extent to which the congregation may participate in the prayer.
35. Women participate in poorer jobs and in the tertiary sectors, areas which have suffered the most from peripheral capitalist development.
36. She lacked the toughness needed to inform some one she or he would not be allowed to participate in a community money-borrowing scheme.
37. Fortunately Roy was only toying with me, eventually agreeing to participate in good spirit.
38. The pupils participate in Junior School Assemblies twice a week and play an important part in the annual festivals and events.
39. A minority-owned bank had agreed to the arrangements and several nonprofit housing sponsors were lined up to participate in the program.
40. Members pay a small fee to participate in some dining programs; others are gratis.
41. Both local cells and soluble mediators participate in the intestinal inflammatory process.
42. Alan Keyes, the only other Republican presidential candidate to participate in Louisiana, won no delegates.
43. Since everyone enjoyed the results of this laborious task, it seemed only fair that everyone participate in their production.
44. People in the upper brackets of income have the opportunity to participate in the stock and bond markets.
45. But not every student will have the time or inclination to participate in an apprenticeship or even a summer internship.
46. These findings suggest that media coverage did not play an influential role in encouraging people to participate in the Detroit riot.
47. He would therefore argue that conventions are established by their acceptance by those who participate in the political arena.
48. We would like to encourage you to participate in this exciting and overdue development.
49. To participate in the diving program, you must show proof of scuba certification.
50. The bureau has brochures highlighting outdoor activities that tourists can participate in -- activities that are well-suited for a recreational greenway.
51. Families turned out en masse to listen to the orations and participate in the fun.
52. The management of corporate culture is expensive of time to do it - the endless meetings that people participate in.
53. He enrolled in a private school but as a condition of his clemency was not permitted to participate in athletics.
54. Those two will not participate in the ceremonies, he said.
55. Only around 2,000 people a year participate in the sport, which creates the equivalent of 300 full-time jobs.
56. Some older people want classes specially for their own age group; others want simply to participate in adult education generally.
57. On the practical side, a supplementary bottle-feeding makes it a lot easier for men to participate in infant care.
58. My original intention was that the entire Unit should participate in the debate ... Just a moment.
59. Colleges submitting such proposals may, where appropriate, be invited to participate in the central development.
60. They claim the school would be more convenient for pupils who participate in the club.
61. What we want is a system that ensures the ability of citizens to participate in the selection of their representatives.
62. Students in the program participate in three progressive summer internships, starting after their junior year in high school.
63. The first period began after Chicago had decided to participate in the community development program.
64. He made up his mind to participate in the group therapy sessions he had been sitting through mutely.
65. Lack of childcare provision was cited as a major obstacle for women who wish to participate in training and employment initiatives.
66. They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
67. In order to participate in ordinary language usage, one must be able to make such calculations, both in production and interpretation.
68. The federal Family Support Act of 1988 required many welfare recipients to participate in education, training, or work.
69. Members can participate in any of the trips organized by the club.
70. Hopis painted Ruess and allowed him to participate in their traditional Antelope Dance, a high honor.
71. The workers also were given the chance to participate in a job fair.
72. Team members may also participate in problem-solving task forces established to work on particularly difficult problems or those that cross team boundaries.
73. BellSouth also provides opportunities for teachers to participate in work-based learning.
74. He also issued an appeal to all citizens to participate in political liberalization and in the development of the country.
75. Because of family commitments, it is difficult to many people to participate in residential retreats.
76. Living art forms will finally use technology to bring art to the point where the brain can fully participate in it.
77. We invited the principal investigators from the remaining 7 trials to participate in this analysis and they agreed.
78. Early last November, invitations were issued to 12 institutions to participate in the project.
79. Not only do women participate in sport less than men, but also among sports participants they spend less time participating.
80. Nor do all who participate in a joint enterprise agree to its occurrence.
81. However, employees could not participate in a meaningful way in problem-solving efforts without access to information about company performance.
82. Center Jelani McCoy did not participate in the defensive drills as a precautionary measure.
83. The four shortlisted groups will now get formal invitations within the next few weeks to participate in the consultation phase.
83. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
84. Dismiss, suspend, or demote all or any employees who participate in such strike or violation. 2.
85. The increased synthesis of the metabolite is probably performed by the inflammatory cells that participate in this condition.
86. It is unclear whether Perot will be allowed to participate in the three scheduled presidential debates, as he did last time.
87. For instance, for many people the decision to participate in skiing involves the purchase of a package holiday.
88. Plebes play any one of 21 intercollegiate sports or participate in intramurals.
89. I would also be invited to participate in a discussion on the bountiful attractions of timeshare property ownership.
90. More than eighty higher education institutions now participate in this scheme.
91. Members of the audience were invited to participate in some games.
92. Their willingness to do so indicated a strong desire to participate in training.
93. The senior nurse should participate in the teaching of students in the unit.
94. Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
95. Thirty four patients fulfilled these criteria; of these, 25 gave informed written consent to participate in the study.
96. Another major hurdle for the Model School is to encourage parents to participate in their children's education.
97. The stadium campaign organization says it did not authorize or participate in improper conduct.
98. It can be shown that individuals and groups welcome the opportunity to contribute to debate and to participate in policy making.
99. Normally, once these older folk have attended a course they are keen to participate in others.
100. Now business owners must participate in the process of documenting the travel and entertainment expenses of their employees.
101. The workers also participate in such matters as production scheduling, solving quality problems, evaluating performance and recommending new equipment.
102. They had approached Barlow to see if he would participate in the charity event.
103. We use this information to help us interpret our surroundings and the events we observe or participate in.
104. By dispensing with the inconvenience of actually having to go somewhere to vote, they induce more voters to participate in elections.
105. It is time to move forward, to perform and to participate in the research that can help save black lives.
106. They also want to know when they will be able to participate in the share option scheme.
107. These teams will be trained in direction and how to participate in problem solving.
108. The state will provide child care when both parents participate in the training program.
109. The latter group -- of which there are 288 this year -- must apply to participate in the pageant by January.
110. This might include exploiting various language functions in different social contexts, as well as being able to participate in conversations.
111. Elections Only corporate members may participate in elections, either as candidate, proposer, seconder or voter.
112. We might speculate that those with dementia would be less willing to participate in a research project than the mentally fit.
113. Solicitors also participate in social activities likely to get them and their firms known to potential clients.
114. For example, juniors in the health-care program participate in a series of unpaid clinical rotations at one of 12 area hospitals.
115. Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme.
116. Ordinary people might at times come to the outer part of a temple and were able to participate in the festival processions.
117. Meanwhile, they oughta quit bitching about a process they refused to participate in.
118. Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
119. Zhang Kai to Sacramento Kings to participate in preseason.
120. Participate in the Centennial Twin Club program.
121. China should conditionally support and participate in the coordination.
122. Allowing foreign banks to participate in RMB consortium loans.
123. Eventually come to participate in EFT.
124. Nine uniformed groups participate in the Rendezvous.
125. Participate in new product development and current production optimization.
126. Why would the Polynesian race participate in nuclear annihilation?
127. Every year, more than 100 professional athletes participate in what gruelling , 2,000 - mile race?
128. Participate in translation and correction for European Pharmacopoeia and American Pharmacopoeia.
129. Participate in the original ( new ) material investigation and the tryout.
130. Veterans and locals gather to hear speeches, participate in rites honoring the dead , and offer thanksgiving prayers.
131. Parliament has resolved that women could also participate in steeple jack.
132. I would like to sign up as volunteer to participate in the Lifeline Express Flag Day.
133. Conclusion Bcl - 2 , Bax, Bcl - xl proteins might participate in the carcinogenesis and development of BCC.
134. Commission members will not participate in GA voting process in any way!
135. Sponsor or participate in a project to improve literacy and numeracy.
136. Lead the production team to assemble and commission assignation ; and participate in the daily work.
137. Students attend classes, receive grades and participate in extracurricular activities.
138. Trust company's main financial industry, and participate in real estate development and financial equity.
139. In 2001 the first foreign language classes to participate in college entrance examination with flying colors.
140. Come on with your good fiend, and participate in forestry centre driftage.
141. In fact , he found it impossible to participate in American public life.
142. Every year between 30000 and 40000 Miaos participate in the festivities.
143. We invite all Christians to participate in the Communion Service.
143. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
144. Quite the contrary - the events you participate in this month will enliven all else that you do.
145. He spends holiday at the seashore, and goes to participate in surfing every day.
146. How can we mobilize grassroots women to participate in the institutional mechanism?
147. He has invited the all battle companions participate in his wedding party.
148. In 2002 the United States to participate in UBS Warburg's securities exchange research and training.
149. Stockjobber employee must not participate in program of broadcasting television negotiable securities with individual name.
150. Participate in the writing of the anaphase report of practice.
151. HRH The Earl of Wessex KCVO ( Prince Edward ), is also invited to participate in this function.
152. User fees or other costs to participate in a computer network system vary considerably.
153. I agree to the above terms and give my informed consent to participate in this study.
154. Factory in 2005 to participate in school metalworking practice, generally understand the operation of machinery.
155. Terry can't participate in the match because he has hurt his foot.
156. D - phenylalanine is a nonprotein amino acid, meaning that it does not participate in protein biosynthesis.
157. He planned to participate in the demonstration, but then he got cold feet.
158. Hereafter this Turner's 2 nd goal, Beira also has the share to participate in the organization.
159. Would you be good enough to participate in this morning's edification?
160. After graduating from junior police academy in Sichuan was necessary to participate in the service exam?
161. Moderator: Why do you participate in the Assembly of the Internet.
162. Participate in continuing education in the area of current treatment planning techniques, and advances in dosimetry.
163. A blonde, brunette and redhead all decide to participate in the swimming of the English channel.
164. We, too, cherish the opportunity to participate in the decision - making process.
165. The persons who participate in settlement of appeal and complaint shall maintain objectiveness and impartiality.
166. Conclusions: DD and SICAM - 1 participate in the AMI on that happen and development.
167. These four friends always act clannishly, and don't let us participate in their activities.
168. In addition, commercial banks can also participate in physical gold and paper gold business.
169. Participate in the 5 S locale management and quality improvement project.
170. To participate in the technical support and sales promotion positively.
171. Telephone interview: the two Chinese women who participate in influencing US election.
172. We insist wanting his student to participate in this work.
173. They invited the world to participate in at international exposition.
174. Incentive for industry to actively participate in China's venture capital investments.
175. Over half the population of this country participate in sport.
176. Autoimmune may participate in the pathological lesion of nerve in auditory neuropathy.
177. Factory in 2005 to participate in metalworking practice,(http:///participate in.html) generally understand the operation of machinery.
178. Because the bereaved requests himself to invite the expert to participate in the postmortem examination.
179. Gods are invited to participate in the wedding and not only the goddess Eris not invited.
180. In rodeo, cowboys and cowgirls participate in calf roping, bull or bronco riding, and steer wrestling.
181. Agriculture should participate in world market systemic circulation to must change backward face western.
182. Lambda expressions passed as arguments to the generic method participate in this type inference process.
183. So, conditional person as well try, often practice and participate in.
184. Shanghai will participate in 13 major terms, 92 minor term competition's contentions.
185. Participate in memorials, rituals, and use of symbols as a way to express feelings.
186. That boy insists to participate in people's the Liberation Army.
187. It is mentioned that all stakeholders participate in watershed management in the pervious paragraph.
188. Most Langley residents participate in some way in the Mystery Weekend, a true community event.




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