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单词 Monetary
1. Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
2. The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country.
3. Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.
4. The current monetary policy is strangling the economy.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. The monetary unit of the UK is the pound.
6. We need a more supple monetary policy.
7. The monetary unit of Japan is the yen.
8. He has changed his stance on monetary union.
9. Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
10. The monetary unit of Great Britain is the pound.
11. The grand design of Europe's monetary union is already agreed.
12. Domestic conditions did not justify a loosening of monetary policy.
13. A period of financial crisis has disequilibrated the monetary system.
14. Opponents of the treaty argue that monetary union will turn France into a vassal of Germany.
15. The government has compromised with its critics over monetary policies.
16. During the monetary crisis, several European bankers rallied to the pound.
17. U.S. authorities have not yet indicated their monetary policy plans.
18. The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.
19. The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold.
20. Nor is a quick monetary fix available.
21. I don't believe in just using monetary instruments.
22. Here, then, is a fourth source of monetary growth.
23. An expansionary monetary policy is even less reliable.
24. Thatcher erect new barrier to monetary unity.
25. Bonn sets new deadline for full monetary union.
26. Both need to maintain their capital base in monetary terms.
27. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
28. Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the International Monetary Fund.
29. There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union.
30. In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.
1. The Social Democratic leader launched a broadside against both monetary and political union.
2. Meanwhile the debate on European political and monetary union continues.
3. The policy should bring greater monetary stability to the country.
4. He has changed his stance on monetary union.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. During the monetary crisis, several European bankers rallied to the pound.
6. The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold.
31. Accordingly, they can be ignored by monetary authorities seeking to control the overall price level.
32. A similar constraint is visible in the monetary growth rates of all the advanced industrial countries.
33. The upper graph shows the economy's initial general equilibrium position in the real and monetary sectors.
34. That is,[] the permanent reduction of inflation is accorded a higher priority than the size of revenues associated with monetary creation.
35. If the jurors find Simpson responsible, Fujisaki told them, they will then have to determine the amount of monetary damages.
36. The project assesses the impact of monetary policy on the changing structure of the banking industry on both prices and incomes.
37. Throughout this period, an increasing emphasis was placed on tight monetary policy in an attempt to eradicate inflation.
38. Monetary authorities of those nations are expected to meet again around Jan. 20.
39. It was conditional on Budapest agreeing a structural adjustment programme with the International Monetary Fund and implementing market-based economic reforms.
40. Monetary assets and liabilities are shown at their historic cost.
41. The Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was helpful toward that end and pledged monetary support.
42. In Milwaukee, numerous civil rights lawsuits led to monetary damage awards to victims of police actions.
43. The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.
44. Its function as banker to the government and to the monetary sector.
45. Manypeople have also suffered massive economic hardship in the monetary crisis.
46. Table 8.3 shows that the government regularly exceeded its monetary targets.
47. In May the International Monetary Fund suspended its loans programme.
48. Some countries have drifted towards dollarisation as a result of suffering from political and monetary uncertainty.
49. As cities and their monetary systems organized further into city-states and then into nations, an economic system called mercantilism developed.
50. Deflationary and inflationary gaps can be closed by discretionary monetary and/or fiscal policy.
51. It was agreed to harmonize fiscal incentives for investors and to aim at the creation of a monetary union by 1995.
52. The issuing of bonds and bills will also depend on the government's monetary policy.
53. Its key element was a relaxation of the past two years' tight monetary controls in an effort to halt recession.
54. Government attitudes towards monetary policy have undergone enormous changes since 1945.
55. They have done so by fixing arbitrary standards of monetary compensation which ... are not susceptible of analysis.
56. Be that as it may, there now exists a political consensus in favour of the complete monetary integration of the Community.
57. Holding monetary growth so low virtually dooms the United States to stagnant wages and social tensions.
58. The use of fiscal and monetary policies to influence the level of demand also has implications for the prices and growth objectives.
59. The modern trial is a contest in which justice is defined in easily understood, monetary terms-dollars.
60. And Cross soon careered out of control, relying for information on the local International Monetary Fund office.
61. Gallons of ink have been spilled in academic journals and in newspapers over monetary policy.
62. It was a control on monetary hanky-panky, otherwise known as inflation.
63. The possibility of controlling the monetary base as a means of influencing monetary growth is discussed in section 9.1.
64. The Bundesbank central council will meet Thursday to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.
65. The above figures are also calculated on an International Monetary Fund standard,[] making them internationally comparable.
66. The reserves are composed of convertible foreign currencies, gold and International Monetary Fund special drawing rights.
67. In reality it was simply a recognition that the government had abandoned any serious attempt to keep monetary growth within targets.
68. At points this chapter steps outside the traditional boundaries of economics, and discusses some psychological problems in making monetary policy.
69. The discipline imparted by monetary targeting may also be important. 5.
70. These problems would intensify following the introduction of a core monetary union.
71. Thus if it is aggregate demand that requires controlling, monetary policy is a poor weapon to do this.
72. Open-market operations should therefore be much more effective in reducing general liquidity than in reducing the monetary base.
73. Government also jumped on the bandwagon, first with wage restraint policies and later with restrictive monetary policies to reduce inflationary pressures.
74. The Bundesbank has warned that monetary union will fail because Maastricht did not go far enough on political union.
75. Problem of an unstable demand Accurate monetary control requires the authorities to be able to predict the demand curve for money.
76. Cuevas also intimated that a monetary settlement might be obtained from Texas in exchange for acknowledging her freedom.
77. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
78. Occasionally I meet some one who likes their work but is disappointed with the monetary value put on it.
79. This looks even more unconstitutional - but while the lawyers debate that question, the government could be holding the monetary line.
80. Monetary policy is now geared to the exchange rate, not to domestic demand.
81. There are still matters to be agreed on the monetary union treaty, but in both cases we are making progress.
82. It was thought that skillful monetary and fiscal intervention could rescue the economy.
83. It handles similar subjects to his - monetary policy, delicate decisions affecting the money markets.
84. It is not surprising, then, that banks play an absolutely crucial role in the monetary system.
85. Professor Budd's remarks echo a widespread belief in the City that the Government needs to develop a credible monetary strategy.
86. There exists sufficient political will as to inspire confidence that the Community will proceed towards complete monetary integration.
87. They are intimately connected, for as this chapter will show, acceptance of monetary union implies defacto acceptance of political union.
88. There would be monetary compensation for the loss of the flat.
89. The administration lag should not be as long for monetary policy since formal Parliamentary approval is not required.
90. But this experiment has relaunched the debate over which monetary and exchange system can best cope with international financial instability.
91. Work itself may be a pleasure and the monetary reward may be of limited importance after a minimum income is gained.
92. The remaining type of clause is that which limits liability by reference to an overall monetary figure.
93. However, inflation broke rank in the mid-1980s, when monetary policy was allowed to become too loose.
94. Similarly, the process of monetary integration must be accompanied by progress towards political integration.
94. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
95. The easy money regime focused attention on monetary policy and contributed to the significance accorded to the money supply in later years.
96. Since the middle of the 1870s a world monetary depression had thrown trade into confusion.
97. Probably the last of the true amateur captains, his decisions were not controlled by monetary or vested interests.
98. If nothing else happens, we are in the world of monetary base control.
99. The monetary sector as a whole can not gain balances by bidding for deposits.
100. Such damages can include monetary loss, such as medical expenses, or psychological injury.
101. But, equally, Labour has to state clearly that the productive economy is more important that monetary.
102. It is made annually for eminence in organic chemistry and includes a monetary prize of £2000.
103. The rise of monetarism was accompanied by increased importance being attached to monetary policy.
104. The monetary role enabled the coin to function properly as a coin by ensuring that it circulated smoothly and without interruption.
105. What element of the monetary system should the government seek to control?
106. The Fed sets monetary policy by controlling short-term inter-est rates and by trying to control the supply of money.
107. Given such economic momentum, said the story, the Federal Reserve could run a more stimulative monetary policy without risking inflation.
108. Governments and their agents, the monetary authorities, are continually changing course in the conduct of their monetary policies.
109. Among international economists, it is widely accepted that free trade areas do not require monetary union in order to function effectively.
110. He argued that the international monetary system, based largely on the dollar, contained certain inherent contradictions.
111. This is a stark indicator of the fall in monetary growth since the end of the cold war.
112. That kind of curriculum vitae brings a reward in terms of career advancement, with the inevitable monetary gains.
113. A major purpose of monetary theory is to explain the behavior of real income and prices.
114. Alternatively, the government may wish to alter its monetary policy.
115. In practice, governments can also use monetary policy and exchange rate policy to influence the level of aggregate demand.
116. The Convertible Act requires the Central Bank to maintain 100 % backing for the monetary base in gold and currency.
117. From ancient Rome to the Weimar Republic to the Carter presidency, regimes have been rotted by the monetary cancer called inflation.
118. The policy of economic rigour and monetary stability, which had kept inflation to around 3 percent, would nevertheless be maintained.
119. The single market and economic and monetary union will expose regions and firms to greater competition.
120. Its symptoms are familiar: feeble monetary growth, a weak property market and a distressed banking system.
121. Rational agents are not repeatedly and systematically duped by the actions of the monetary authorities.
122. Battles over the monetary and literary estate of the Fresno author began as soon as he died of cancer at age 72.
123. The upper limit for prospective members of the future monetary union is 3 percent.
124. By the late 1970s it became obvious that the petro-dollar surplus was not going to destroy the international monetary system.
124. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
125. The suit asked the court for injunctive relief and monetary damages.
126. Stabilisation based on fiscal balance and monetary control is thus the sinequanon of a return to economic sanity.
127. For equilibrium, where is the rate of change of the nominal money supply set by the monetary authorities.
128. This betrays a total ignorance of the purpose and role of the International Monetary Fund.
129. The first is that the constant component of monetary growth, g, does now exert an influence on real output.
130. Consequently a lack of cooperation in the international monetary system only served to intensify the economic problem of the 1930s.
131. If the monetary system topples the economic system will also come crashing down.
132. In some other countries central banks are more independent of the government and can take much more initiative in deciding monetary policy.
133. Before the coming of the cotton mill there were few opportunities for children to make a steady monetary contribution to family earnings.
134. The monetary value of the lamp, as opposed to its humanitarian value, was greatly appreciated by all the major principals concerned.
135. If the demand curve shifts very much, and if it is inelastic, then monetary control will be very difficult.
136. He also wants debt relief linked to reform of the International Monetary Fund.
137. That is the rate of monetary growth which is compatible with avoiding inflation.
138. That gap has fluctuated between about 2. 7 percent and 1. 45, widening whenever prospects for monetary union dim.
139. Anyway, as elections approached it was not always politically desirable to have a tight monetary policy.
140. Already we should be persuaded that the Bank has considerable power to influence monetary conditions.
141. Provided this agreement exists there can be no pretence at a system of monetary base control.
142. The next chapter describes the evolution of the International Monetary System.
143. This relationship should be borne in mind when we examine monetary policy in the next two chapters.
144. Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
145. Will we display more of the statesmanship, selflessness, and disregard for monetary advantage associated with public service and professional responsibility?
146. Should monetary compensation be made available as a remedy in public law, and if so, on what basis?
147. On each occasion exchange-rate policy took precedence over the introduction of monetary and fiscal policy appropriate to the needs of the economy.
148. Figure 7-1 shows the monetary growth rate for the United States measured in two ways.
149. Coordinated monetary and fiscal policies put in place to offset the effects of the stock market crash quickly accelerated the global economy.
150. Thus although the monetary base is controlled, spending still expands.
151. The elaborately staged conferences have acquired a reputation for issuing high-sounding communiques urging remedial economic or monetary action.
152. Later, her staff members became aware of the larger number of promotions and monetary rewards accorded to people in other groups.
153. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford 
154. A programme of strict economic austerity agreed with the International Monetary Fund is dead.
155. That is[], membership of an exchange rate union is incompatible with the pursuit of an independent monetary policy.
156. They have none of them anything to do with attempts to specify a ratio for monetary base type control purposes.
157. He provides the intellectual thrust and gravitas of the arguments of those who oppose monetary and political union.
158. Already, there are plans for another intergovernmental conference in 1996 and they already have a timetable for economic and monetary union.
159. Monetarists argue that without monetary growth to finance the increased payments, higher production costs will lead to unemployment rather than inflation.
160. They may also do so if they anticipate that their liquid assets may soon be squeezed by government monetary policy.
161. We then use the diagram to go over the mechanics of monetary and fiscal policy.
162. As 1996 begins, monetary environment favorable but stocks overvalued on fundamentals.
163. He added his approval to the proposed monetary awards for Leonhard Euler and the widow of Tobias Mayer.
164. He clearly favours a state which involves itself essentially through monetary transaction rather than direct intervention in other more qualitative spheres of life.
165. Indeed, if monetary relaxation succeeds in stabilising output, it should unlock sharp productivity gains which could finance higher import costs.
166. This shows how intermediation via Euromarket banks can increase the volume of spending for a given monetary base.
167. A third modification is to introduce an explicit private-sector aggregate demand shock and to eliminate the random component of monetary growth.
168. Certainly for earlier periods the rarity and high monetary value of items will place them beyond the reach of schools.
169. Additionally, the task of monetary policy is also complicated by the nation's balance of payments difficulties.
170. So, how are monetary and fiscal policies used in the United States?
171. She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.
172. Exchange rate adjustment accompanied by tighter monetary and fiscal policies restored stability.
173. The main policy tool is manipulating the level of aggregate demand through fiscal or monetary policy.
174. There were, however, a number of crucial flaws in his monetary theory.
175. What is your lab's protocol for the collection of any monetary evidence?
176. He rejected the austerity program advocated by the International Monetary Fund.
177. In effect, the sponsors want to audit all the Fed's monetary policy.
178. Afterward, the Chinese central bank announced new monetary austerity measures.
179. The objectives of monetary policy are the same as those of fiscal policy.
180. The structuralists'assertion of the complete impotence of monetary policy is surely excessive.
181. Education in the wilderness is not a matter of monetary means.




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