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单词 blackthorn
释义  Related topics: Plantsblack·thorn /ˈblækθɔːn $ -θɔːrn/ noun [countable]  HBPa European bush that has small white flowers 黑刺李〔一种开白色小花的欧洲灌木〕Examples from the Corpusblackthorn• Elder and blackthorn bushes offered patches of shade.• Graceful spikes of lords-and-ladies pushed up through the earth below white-blossomed blackthorn.• The day was warm, the air sweet with the scent of scythed grass and chopped blackthorn.• The immanent blackthorn bloom is pushing inside tiny pink buds.• The old blackthorn tree, twisted and stunted by its choice of birthplace, made a convenient leaning post.• Blossom on blackthorn and great banks of bluebells.• It may also be noted that last year the true blackthorn overlapped the Myrobalan in flowering season.• She struggled through holly thickets, forced through dense stands of winter blackthorn, still shrouded in dead·thorn nounChineseSyllable  white bush a flowers Corpus small has that European




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