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单词 Malnutrition
1 The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
2 It is a classic case of malnutrition.
3 Many of the refugees are suffering from severe malnutrition.
4 Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition.
5 The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition.
6 Malnutrition is one of the common afflictions of the poor.
7 Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78% of children under five years old.
8 Men were dying daily from malaria, dysentery and malnutrition.
9 Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient.
10 Soldiers suffered from malnutrition this winter.
11 The signs of malnutrition are multiple.
12 Malnutrition is one of the most serious dangers.
13 The fight against malnutrition and preventable diseases must continue.
14 Tuberculosis and malnutrition were prevalent, as was rickets.
15 Many of the children showed signs of malnutrition.
16 Some of the more subtle forms of malnutrition are difficult to identify.
17 In general, there was increasing evidence of malnutrition in those persons with the lowest incomes.
18 Malnutrition was considered to have been a contributory cause of death.
19 Children, many suffering from malnutrition, keep warm by doing exercises fully clothed.
20 Malnutrition, which affects a third of the world's population, will be conquered by a diversification of diet.
21 Poverty is widespread and malnutrition is becoming increasingly evident among children and young people.
22 Forty per cent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.
23 In Africa, there are a lot of children suffering from severe malnutrition.
24 Their bodies had suffered contortion as a result of malnutrition.
25 Ill health Drug abuse can lead to damage to main organs of the body, mental illness, malnutrition or death.
26 Causes cirrhosis of the liver, inflammation of the pancreas, damage to brain and heart and malnutrition.
27 Four hundred million women of childbearing age weigh less than 45 kilograms-their malnutrition is passed on to their infants.
28 And the cycle of bad weather, poor harvests, high prices and malnutrition looked all set to repeat itself.
29 Something more than emergency rations are required in a country where 80% of children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition.
30 Populations simply keep rising until they meet the limits of malnutrition.
1 The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
2 Forty per cent of the population is suffering from malnutrition.
31 Next to him lies Mohamed, suffering from tuberculosis as well as malnutrition.
32 Hunger is classed as the worst form of malnutrition by the report, because it often cuts short lives barely begun.
33 Their high death rate is due to malnutrition, through ecological change, as well as introduced diseases.
34 In a medical centre they found dreadful cases of malnutrition, scabies and diarrhoea.
35 The more overt physical signs and symptoms of malnutrition, however, are clearly defined in dietary malnutrition.
36 She has been diagnosed with tuberculosis, kidney problems and malnutrition, health workers say.
37 Among the millions who die each year through malnutrition there are many children of the Kingdom.
38 Long-stay hospital patients, especially the elderly and mentally ill, have been found to be suffering from malnutrition.
39 A survey of US households found evidence of malnutrition in those persons with the lowest incomes.
40 In our cities, children die in their hundreds, every year, from malnutrition and disease.
41 However,(Sentencedict) there are also specific causes of malnutrition in older people.
42 Several important features of the medical history that are suggestive of malnutrition are outlined on p. 190.
43 The decision came amidst continuing reports of severe malnutrition and health epidemics.
44 In developing countries it is uncertain whether cryptosporidiosis leads to failure to thrive or whether malnutrition predisposes to cryptosporidiosis.
45 Worst of all was the high incidence of epidemics, chronic sickness, and malnutrition.
46 Already as a consequence of the war, half the children up to five years are short for their age due to malnutrition.
47 If there are problems of malnutrition and hunger, these can be tackled at source by attempts to produce more food.
48 Happily there were no reports of scurvy, beri beri or other ailments caused by malnutrition!
49 These problems include those associated with rural poverty, malnutrition, population changes and environmental degradation in developing nations.
50 At least 25 percent of malnutrition in the developing world is the result of illness, mostly diarrhea.
51 Some children among Sarajevo's 330,000 inhabitants were showing signs of malnutrition.
52 The starvation effects of anorexia nervosa are very different to those found in conditions such as protein-calorie malnutrition or famine.
53 The Headmaster in an interview said rather surprisingly that he considered this a greater handicap than any actual malnutrition among secondary pupils.
54 Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation, political repression, malnutrition and ecological crisis.
55 It is often difficult to distinguish the effects of low infections from malnutrition.
56 Kadiatu and her family live on a meagre rice diet and so suffer from protein and calorie malnutrition.
57 About 10,000 of them live in camps, where insanitary conditions and malnutrition are becoming more and more commonplace.
58 The article addresses the problems of malnutrition in the state.
59 One third of the population is clinically anaemic and 80% of children under 5 years of age suffer from malnutrition.
60 The reality of poverty here is that 60 percent suffer from malnutrition.
61 The etiology of this disorder may include alcoholism, malnutrition, or submassive hepatic necrosis.
62 Keiko suffers from skin lesions, malnutrition and a weak immune system, biologists say.
63 Sufferers endure diarrhoea, loss of weight and potentially malnutrition.
64 We see severe malnutrition and stunting side-by-side with obesity.
65 A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition.
66 The most common cause is alcohol abuse with malnutrition.
67 Results Domperidone and bifid triple viable powder treat malnutrition children improve the childrens appetite and increase their body weight.
68 Eyelid edema: common in nephritis, chronic liver disease, malnutrition, anemia, blood vessels, such as edema.
69 The results indicate that MNA is effective for diagnosis of malnutrition in oncological patients.
70 A nutritionist from the International Medical Corps weighs a three-month-old baby from one of the camps to check for malnutrition.
71 Acquaint with the clinical manifestations , etiology and pathogenesis of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.
72 However, malnutrition and marasmus are more serious health problems than that of overweight and obesity in Hainan Province.
73 Malnutrition and eventually cachexia have been shown to have a negative influence on the clinical course of CHF and COPD, and to impinge on patients' quality of life.
74 Master the differentiation , diagnosis and cautions of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.
75 Malnutrition among older people can lead to increased hospital stay, increased readmission rates and increased transfer and admission to care homes, all of which costs the government money.
76 Calcium in taking deficiency will give to hypocalcemia symptom or even more seriously calcium - malnutrition disease.
77 Rapid correction of chronic osmolar imbalance, especially in the presence of concurrent malnutrition, can cause rapid demyelination. This can also occur with normal serum sodium.
78 Kellogg created the bestseller of cereals to compete against the evils of alcohol, tobacco and malnutrition.
79 Malnutrition will increase, as will the number of deaths from diarrhoeal disease. More storms and floods will cause more deaths and injuries, and cholera outbreaks will occur with greater frequency.
80 Malnutrition in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: Is Intradialytic Parenteral Nutrition the Answer?
81 Poor health and stunting caused by malnutrition often prevent or delay enrolment in school.
82 Comparative digestibility of goats' vs. cows' milk fats in children with digestive malnutrition: a double-blind study.
83 Objective To examine the correlation between metabolic acidosis and malnutrition in maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) patients.
84 Recent figures for children under five years of age show chronic malnutrition levels, i.e. stunting, at 33 percent nationwide and 45 percent in the north of the country.
85 This demonstrates that pygmyism is not a result of early malnutrition, as another hypothesis has it.
86 Like other poor African countries in this list the Central African Republic is actually self-sufficient in food but still a lot of people suffer from malnutrition and famine.
87 Other trace elements have been observed with phenylketonuria, an inherited metabolic disorder, and kwashiorkor, a severe form of malnutrition that occurs mainly in developing nations.
88 However, the use of enteral feeding in patients with gastrointestinal intolerance is associated with underfeeding and consequent malnutrition.
89 In the developing countries, more than 10 million people die from hunger or malnutrition every year.
90 The following conditions were excluded: severe hepatic and renal dysfunction, malnutrition, malignant tumour, malignant anemia, diabetes.
91 Results: The general medical conditions mostly were skin parenchyma scathe , infection disease, malnutrition and fracture and so on.
92 Objective: To explore the relationship between trace elements zinc, cuprum, iron, calcium and manganese and malnutrition.
93 The World Health Organization says malnutrition in children can lifelong health problems.
94 The region is known to be endemic for many health problems, including cholera, diarrhea, malaria, shigellosis, Rift Valley fever, measles, meningitis and malnutrition.
95 Increases in malnutrition are expected to be especially severe in countries where large populations depend on rain-fed subsistence farming.
96 Intimate partner violence has also been associated with higher rates of infant and child mortality and morbidity (e.g. diarrhoeal disease, malnutrition).
97 There were babies with kwashiorkor, a disease caused by malnutrition, which I'd assumed occurred only in war zones.
98 For malnutrition caused by the failure of the body to absorb nutrients, see the article on Malabsorption.
99 The proportion of malnutrition, supernutrition including overweight and obesity were 22.2% and 24.8%.
100 Shenyang East New - Indication: sedation, sedative, for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, susceptible to fatigue, malnutrition, poor health.
101 Thus( ), lactalbumin power has an obvious clinic effect towards the improvement of protein malnutrition status of the patients carrying through hemodialysis.
102 The sum total of lymphocytes was reduced in middle malnutrition patients.
103 If the long - term malnutrition baby malnutrition, excessive weight, will also appear before the fontanelle depression.
104 According to the Lancet, malnutrition in the first two years is irreversible.
105 The symptoms of lead poisoning are much like those of malnutrition.
106 Results: Malnutrition and metabolism disorders were improved in all patients TPN support therapy.
107 Experts warn that when it comes to allergy testing, blind trust in blood tests is not wise as it can lead to an unbalanced, monotonous diet that may contribute to malnutrition.
108 Early life and childhood malnutrition leads to stunting and anaemia, which not only causes low birth-weight in the next generation but also harms cognitive development.
109 Malnutrition is rife: 6 out of 10 children show signs of stunting, and are vulnerable to disease.
110 Outbreaks are due to low immunization coverage, malnutrition, and vitamin A deficiency.
111 International Digest: How we would assess severity of protein energy malnutrition?
112 Plumpy'nut, a peanut butter-like paste used to treat severe malnutrition, and its derivative Plumpy'doz(), have become the subject of controversy among the nutrition community.
113 Malnutrition poses a challenge for all low - income developing countries, large or small.
114 The 28-year-old man, identified as Evan Muncie, suffered from extreme dehydration and malnutrition, but did not appear to have significant crushing injuries, the doctors said.
115 Arnold Kunzli, in his book Karl Marx - A Psychogram, writes about Marx's life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition.
116 Young pilose antler tablets uneasiness of body and mind, malnutrition and amnesia.
117 Malnutrition has high occurrence in patients of hepatocirrhosis, which is mainly about protein - energy malnutrition.
118 The human body doesn't have to be starving to suffer from malnutrition.
119 Perhaps it was born defective, or perhaps imbecile through fear, malnutrition, and neglect.
120 Paradoxically, both forms of malnutrition may act through a similar molecular process of modifying DNA, called epigenetics, to cause stable, but non-heritable, changes to the way genes are used.
121 Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition.
122 In Pande's home state, Uttar Pradesh, infant mortality and malnutrition rates are high.
123 Kwashiorkor : a type of malnutrition caused by a lack of protein in the diet.
124 A number of investigations showed the effects of amino aicd peritoneal dialysate in malnutrition CAPD patients had benefit effects on improving nutrition status.
125 Patients with analbuminemia are not malnourished andwith simple malnutrition are rarely hypoalbuminemic.
126 One in 10hildren in the Central African Republic is suffering from malnutrition - a humanitarian crisis blamed on the collapse of the world diamond price.
127 Master the acupuncture treatment of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition.
128 Protein malnutrition may result in a number of other adverse effect.
129 Many of the new arrivals are still suffering from malnutrition and malnourishment after enduring often long and arduous journeys from famine-stricken Somalia.
130 Long - term effects of malnutrition in children include stunted growth and abnormal decreases in brain development.
131 Understand the differentiation and diagnosis of Infantile Enuresis and Infantile Malnutrition and other therapies.
132 "Without full funding of these emergency requirements, we risk again the specter of widespread hunger, malnutrition and social unrest on an unprecedented scale,(http:///malnutrition.html)" he said.
133 "We don't let them leave, " said Sister Genova, a diminutive woman who weaves between the cribs, reaching out to stroke the head of a twig-like child with bright orange hair, a sign of malnutrition.
134 If he has the malnutrition or the healthy question, do not take too many baths to the dog, like this will let his superficial knowledge look like a more luminous spot.
135 "Without full funding of these emergency requirements, we risk again the specter of widespread hunger, malnutrition, and social unrest on an unprecedented scale," Ban warned.
136 Measurable effects on body chemical processes occur only after prolonged malnutrition.
137 Depression may result in malnutrition, noncompliance and dialysis inadequacy, etc.
138 Malnutrition: Condition resulting from inadequate diet or from inability to absorb or metabolize nutrients.
139 Either a long-term malnutrition or a lasting hypofunction of the spleen and stomach may cause insufficient blood formation, resulting in blood deficiency.
140 Malnutrition makes a child more vulnerable to otherwise treatable illnesses like diarrhea or malaria.
141 Many of you cited poverty - together with malnutrition - as a breeding ground for ill-health.




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