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单词 heated
释义 Word family  noun heat heater heating adjective heated ≠ unheated verb heat overheat adverb heatedly  heat·ed /ˈhiːtɪd/ ●○○ adjective  1. HOTa heated swimming pool, room etc is made warm using a heater 〔人工〕加热的;有暖气的2. heated argument/debate/discussion etc ARGUEANGRYan argument etc that is full of angry and excited feelings 激烈的争论/辩论/讨论等 —heatedly adverbExamples from the Corpusheated• This is another species ideally suited to the heated aquarium.• After a short heated argument, the inspector agreed to pay the costs in cash from his local station funds.• Ed and I used to stay up all night, drinking wine and having heated arguments about politics.• Things got very heated as I demanded he pay me full compensation.• The gun control issue continues to be the subject of heated debate.• Next to the lake is a heated outdoor swimming pool and children's pool.• These wax-filled heated rollers have soft rubber surface which means they are gentle and kind to hair.• a heated swimming poolheat·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  etc room Corpus a pool, swimming is using heated warm a made




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