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单词 Yoga
1. Yoga gives me a sense of inner calm.
2. She does line dancing and yoga in the evenings.
3. She does yoga for an hour a day.
4. Pat teaches evening classes in yoga and relaxation.
5. Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
6. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching, and meditation.
7. People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
8. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
9. I find that yoga improves my powers of concentration.
10. I do two hours yoga every day.
11. I always do yoga on a Monday.
12. I'm thinking of signing up for a yoga course.
13. I'm going to drop yoga and do aerobics instead.
14. She started a yoga class at work.
15. She found peace through yoga and meditation.
16. He attends regular yoga classes.
17. Yoga is essentially religious and not just physical.
18. On Monday I do yoga.
19. Yoga originated in the East.
20. My sister minds the baby while I'm at yoga.
21. Yoga is a good discipline for learning to relax.
22. Yoga is one of my favourite relaxations.
23. Yoga is a very effective technique for combating stress.
24. My yoga lesson begins in five minutes.
25. Yoga is excellent for relieving stress.
26. A study of yoga leads naturally to meditation.
27. I don't do yoga any more.
28. One of his greatest enthusiasms was yoga.
29. I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she goes to her yoga class.
30. He was deeply interested in meditation, the East,(http://) and yoga.
1. Yoga gives me a sense of inner calm.
2. She does line dancing and yoga in the evenings.
3. She does yoga for an hour a day.
4. Pat teaches evening classes in yoga and relaxation.
5. Some people take up yoga to aid relaxation.
6. Yoga involves breathing exercises, stretching, and meditation.
7. I babysit for Jane on Tuesday evenings while she goes to her yoga class.
8. People doing yoga benefit from an increased feeling of well-being.
9. He was deeply interested in meditation, the East, and yoga.
10. Many busy executives have begun to practice yoga and meditation.
11. He attends regular yoga classes.
31. It's better to do yoga in bare feet.
32. I go to yoga on Thursdays.
33. Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium.
34. Maybe you should try yoga - it worked miracles for me.
35. On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.
36. She was involved in many New Age activities such as yoga and healing.
37. She's been getting into yoga recently - she does three classes a week.
38. One of the rooms was set aside for a yoga class.
39. Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation.
40. I like yoga, aerobics, and that kind of thing .
41. My yoga class starts this Wednesday.
42. Disciplines such as yoga improve mental and physical fitness.
43. For meditation, yoga or for a philosophical discussion, try a blend of frankincense, myrrh and cedarwood.
44. Apparently, all that yoga stuff doesn't work for the hairline.
45. And yoga, they argue, can contribute to a healthy and more successful life.
46. Again, I know this from my long experience of yoga.
47. There he learned about diet, exercise, yoga, meditation, relationships, and the importance of talking out his frustrations.
48. To smoke is to dissociate oneself from the middle-class health fascists, to say no to jogging and yoghurt and yoga.
49. Daantjie Siebert, told the prison warder that Biko had studied medicine and yoga and was probably faking his injuries.
50. It may also be possible to promote rest by teaching some specific relaxation technique, e.g. deep breathing, yoga.
51. However, your achievements are much more important than whether you read, swim, or study yoga in your leisure time.
52. I am a shy person and I actually get embarrassed when people compliment me for my looks. But when I think about it later, I feel good. I don't have any regrets in my life. I am happy with whatever God has given me be it personally or professionally. I get up early in the morning and do yoga to stay fit. I don't go to gym and all. Dharminder 
53. The practical ways are divided into Karma Yoga, the way of work, and Jnana the way of intellect.
54. And the General Household Survey in Britain informs us that 3 million women now participate regularly in keep-fit, yoga and aerobics.
55. He had become involved in meditation, yoga, and natural foods.
56. This tape is more suited to those with some yoga experience.
57. She recently traded in her punishing daily 6-mile run for a kinder, gentler daily 90-minute yoga session.
58. He claims that adopting certain Buddhist practices and yoga techniques has helped him find peace of mind.
59. You and your companion can learn french, practise yoga - or simply have a coffee and a chat.
60. Miriam finds that yoga and meditation help her in reducing stress.
61. We always do our work with much more energy for several days after a massage or yoga session.
62. Those two little hyphenated words struck terror in the heart of some one eager for a weekend of yoga classes and silent breakfasts.
63. Before dinner, John, who was so laid-back he made the trees seem neurotic, offered us a yoga lesson.
64. Suppleness Exercises ranging from yoga to vigorous swimming engage the body's muscles in regular and rhythmic movements.
65. He joined an athletic club in which there were a large number of activities ranging from yoga to judo.
66. The center also offers tap and ballroom dance classes, yoga and Chairobics, which is a low-impact exercise program.
67. Yoga also highlights the need for investigating the preventive as well as the curative effects of complementary therapies.
68. Yoga or meditation may also be helpful in learning to relax.
69. Strive, therefore, for yoga.
70. Bhakti Yoga is the way of emotion and devotion and love and correspondence with the mystic way.
71. There are many schools of thought on how yoga should be taught.
72. Five to ten minutes of stretching after exercise or attending a yoga class will help promote flexibility.
73. I take classes in yoga to help me unwind.
74. Also yoga is very similar to contortion.
75. Practice yoga, tai chi, or Qigong.
76. Hatha yoga however has been helping everybody.
77. Hatha Yoga is not the ultimate goal.
78. Upon successful completion of this teacher training module, you are encouraged to teach heart yoga series 4 and will receive a certificate of completion for this course.
79. Mindfulness is at the root of Buddhism, Taoism, and many Native - American traditions, not to mention yoga.
80. One of the more advanced yoga poses, the supported headstand, also can be used to calm the brain and relieve stress.
81. Central to this experience are compassion and truth (ahimsa and satya), the first two Yamas of Yoga.
82. Pop culture icons, such as the Beatles, helped popularize yoga by showing interest in yogic meditation.
83. IsoFit - pirates , gyrotonic, fitness physical training Yoga , body kinetics , Rommet technique posture , Allegro.
84. The major movement type was walking which accounting for 63.4 %. Qigong, or breathing exercise accounted for 10.8%, and the least were yoga, swimming and Taijiquan accounting for 1.1%.
85. This paper has probed into the relativity of Exorcise, Shaman and Yoga with prehistorical culture origin and psychological and physical healing.
86. To spice up my life, I decided to learn yoga.
87. Yet secretly he is reading books under the bed cover, reciting scriptures, doing meditation,(Sentencedict) or even practicing luminary dream yoga.
88. Surya Namaskara B - One of the most beautiful parts in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga Practise.
89. Yoga teachers understand and appreciate that teaching Yoga is a noble and ennobling endeavor, which aligns them a long line of honorable teachers.
90. Karan's devotion to yoga and green juice might seem slightly kooky to the non-karmically inclined, but know that this is a woman who puts her money where her mat is.
91. Once tortured by back pain, she teaches us by experience how to practice Yoga to cure dorsalgia caused by Scoliosis.
92. Asana and pranayama are all perceivable aspects of yoga practice but there are other layers which are not that obvious.
93. Imagine a yoga mat you unfurl from a metal tube that's actually a stereo.
94. In addition, This article compiled the distribution of Fujian Tantrism and Fujian Yoga, summary the features of Tantrism on various parts of Fujian, and in various periods.
95. Finally, the most familiar to today's method of yoga practice - Hatha Yoga.
96. This my friends, is the wonderful world of Restorative Yoga.
97. Include the full range of cardiovascular, muscle building and stretching –yoga. Join a health club with a swimming pool.
98. Seting up yoga courses, and investigating yoga is the most important approach which affecting mental health for people to yearn towards "Slow lives" and get over "Fast life".
99. My vision of a yogi was a guy in the forest, sitting on a piece of tree bark — or in the deluxe version, a deerskin. He didn't have a yoga mat carrier!
100. Encouraged by A-listers such as Trudie Styler and Christy Turlington, who claim they owe their perfectly honed bodies to yoga, around half a million of us now regularly attend yoga classes.
101. Hatha yoga competition is the equivalent of organizing a strip show for nuns.
102. A devotee for the past 20 years, she teaches yoga to disabled children.
103. I always thought I wasn't thick-skinned enough to survive yoga class.
104. Once you've learned to sense and release your psoas, you can apply these lessons to your yoga practice and everyday life.
105. The lesson was organised by the Japan Dog Yoga Association at Nippon Ayurveda School in Tokyo.
106. B. We offer various kinds of services, including massage, bodybuilding and yoga.
107. In a New Delhi study of 149 non-insulin-dependent diabetics (NIDDM), sixty-nine percent of the respondents showed a fair to good response to yoga therapy.
108. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter nine, entitled: Raja-Vidya-Guhya Yoga: Confidential Knowledge of the Ultimate Truth.
109. I'm not the only one who treats yoga like it's an athletic competition, either.
110. In Thai yoga massage the shoulder press opens up the client's trapezius muscle.
111. Make time to practice meditation, yoga, tai chi, qigong and prayer.
112. Patanjali was a contemporary of Buddhist and his system of yoga was influenced by the Buddhist philosophy of yama and niyama.
113. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter six, entitled: Abhyasa Yoga: The Science of Self Realization.
114. Other than signature treatments the spa also offers the best in Indian aromatherapy, body scrubs and wraps, Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation as part of the extensive menu.
115. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Simad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter two entitled: Sankhya Yoga: The Eternal Realty of the Soul's Immortality.
116. Yoga is a direct experience of the vast interrelatedness of all life and of all things.
117. But what does it mean to practice Ahimsa on our yoga mats?
118. This is the path of Jainism, Yoga(), and all action-oriented philosophies.
119. INTRO TO YOGA begins this Sat 11 Aug 07 Sat 2 - 3.20 pm.
120. Buffy arranges her toys on me every time I do yoga, ?says Donaldson.
121. So can sensorimotor, or "mind-body, " therapies, like breathing exercises and yoga, which help people cope with their emotions by controlling their body's physical reaction to stress and fear.
122. Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican's chief exorcist, says yoga leads to a belief in Hinduism, and "all eastern religions are based on a false belief in reincarnation, " the Telegraph quotes him as saying.
123. The myth is Mata Parvati was pregnant that time and he knew that Lord Siva know so much about yoga, so she requested him to teach yoga and then yoga first time came to know.
124. Constipation:Backward bend, yoga mudra, knee to chest, shoulder stand, corpse, belly should be drawn in while doing these postures.
125. For example, self - relaxation approaches to the therapy of hypertension include yoga, biofeedback, and meditation.
126. A regular yoga practice can help consolidate friendship, increase compassion and improve your extent of composedness .
127. For exercise, try yoga and aerobics videos at home alone. You're not yet comfortable scantily clad in front of others.
128. It's easy to promise yourself you will get healthy with a brand-new trainer, a membership at the hottest yoga studio in town and a diet filled with nothing but organic fruits and vegetables.
129. The physical building blocks of yoga are the posture ( asana ) and the breath.
130. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter Fourteen, entitled: Gunatraya-Vibhaga Yoga: The Three Qualities of Material Nature.
131. If you're the athletic type, try jogging on a popular beach or trail or taking a hot-box yoga class.
132. A corporate trekker constantly tugging on an ear is probably stressed and may be interested in a yoga kit — or perhaps a therapeutic pillow from the hotel's pillow menu.
133. Each physical yoga asana corresponds to a chakra a mantra as well as a special relationship.
134. He moved to New York and performed an untraditional roster of penniless actor jobs – yoga instructor, manure shoveller, railroad-loader.
135. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, chapter Five, entitled: Karma Vairagya Yoga: Action and Renunciation.
136. Consumers rounding off holiday shopping are turning to 'me-tailing, ' hyper-personalized everything from artwork and earphones to yoga mats and food.
137. A yes answer to any of these questions is a clear indicator that you are ready... THE PROGRAM The 100-hour Anusara Yoga Immersion is a 3-part in depth journey into the study of Anusara Yoga.
138. For these reasons yoga poses can ideally complement the chiropractic rehabilitation program.
139. Often, a session more closely resembles an appointment with a physical therapist or rehabilitation specialist than it does a typical yoga class.
140. Because once you swapped your credit card, your 1 or 2-year membership fee has already paid to Yoga Zone in one lump sum.
141. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter Eighteen, entitled: Moksa-Opadesa Yoga: Final Revelations of the Ultimate Truth.
142. " For those who think yoga is too touchy- feely , Mr. Solan added, "Yoga looks gentle, but when men do it they realize it's a lot more difficult than it looks.
143. I have also studied Western anatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Shiatsu, Reiki, and Indian Ayurveda, as complement to yoga.
144. To that end, health nut Aniston is making sure her body is in tip-top shape to conceive while on the island -- hiring a private chef and doing at least 45 minutes of yoga daily.
145. A hockey fanatic from Chicago's far North Side wouldn't receive a deal for half-price yoga lessons in the city's South Side Hyde Park neighborhood.
146. Kristin McGee, a New York-based yoga and Pilates instructor, tells her clients that the difference between success and failure is mindfulness, so know thyself.
147. Yoga can reduce stress levels. But anyone who thinks they are going to get in shape sitting in the lotus position or any other pose is deluded.
148. This is a very high ritual of the Supreme Yoga Vajra Division(/yoga.html), which cannot be discussed in detail with those who have not received initiation.
149. The free annual'Summer Solstice at Times Square Yoga - thon'attracted thousands of participants long event.
150. Yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana , and Samadhi are the eight limbs of yoga.
151. Furthermore, we have also developed holistic approaches to fighting aging: yoga, herbs, acupuncture, etc.
152. Currently is a full time Yoga teacher and holding international Yoga teaching certificate and also international children Yoga teaching certificate.
153. It can be very high key and aerobic or soothing and meditative, like yoga. Either would help give you a feeling of well being.
154. Meditate with your kids, do yoga with your daughter, ride bikes with your preschooler, listen to relaxation tapes with your kids.
155. Today, yoga is a system of movements and meditation that emphasizes physical control and discipline3 as a way to achieve a state of spiritual knowledge.
156. You are being seen less and less on the international circuit. How did you agree to lead a yoga summit in China on such a large scale?
157. Also consult literature and forums about relaxation, yoga, physiology and tai chi in general.
158. We will also study formal yoga asana practice and natural therapies for a healthy life.
159. There is part of pregnant woman yoga in the CD. It teach us how to correct placental position and how to relieve labor pain from doing sports.
160. Yoga teacher training is not a yoga boot camp of doing the asanas all day.
161. And good habits: The 55-year-old sticks to a diet of mostly fish and vegetables and does yoga five days a week, though the self-proclaimed hedonist admits a weakness for good wine.
162. Yoga can change externality and internal secretion and metabolism of the body if someone keep on practice it well-regulated.
163. Besides , YiJia's latest workroom is responsible for promoting and expanding yoga.
164. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter ten, entitled: Vibhuti-Vistara Yoga: The Infinite Glories of the Ultimate Truth.
165. Yoga can remove fat, reduce hypertelorism, sculpture body, lithe body and reproducible thin physique!
166. Tall-timber resort abutting the entrance to Grand Teton National Park; the new 16, 000-square-foot spa has a rooftop yoga studio that offers kids' classes.
167. Yoga can train your baby's sense of balance and develop his vestibular system.
168. In his spare time he plays guitar, dabbles in Yoga, and sails dinghies, although he has not yet managed to parallelize these activities.
169. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter Fifteen, entitled: Purusottama Yoga: Realization of the Ultimate Truth.
170. People are practicing yoga at call centers and other workplaces.
171. Yoga meditation which focuses on sound vibration is particularly valuable, giving you a sense of tranquility, peace, and strength.http:///yoga.html
172. Thus ends the Sri Bhagavad-Gita Trust translation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita, Chapter four entitled: Jinana Yoga: Approaching the Ultimate Truth.
173. The show included segments on yoga, the 'chinar' shade tree, traditional dancing and drumming, a tribute to Mohandas Gandhi and a performance by Oscar-winning composer A.
174. Monists offer into the fire of self-purification of the mind by yoga, ignited by the urge for self-realization; all the senses and their actions as well as the life breath and its functions.
175. Yoga resembles music. Body's rhythm , the thought pace , intelligent harmony , symphonic music composing life's.
176. The capstone of Hatha Yoga is strength, stamina and supreme control of the body functions.




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