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单词 Insidious
1. The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years.
2. High-blood pressure is an insidious condition which has few symptoms.
3. Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.
4. He is not amenable to insidious influence.
5. Or was Scheck working here at something more insidious?
6. Another possible risk is more insidious.
7. The mental scars are more insidious.
8. It was far worse, more insidious, more destructive.
9. Once again, it was the insidious, unseen nature of the threat which made it even more unpleasant.
10. The insidious course, the behavioural disturbances, and the distress of Alzheimer's disease make this uncommon.
11. Employee advocates argue that the policies are an insidious way for companies to take away statutory rights that Congress granted workers.
12. There is an insidious onset of complaints, several days after exposure or shock etc.
13. The third factor, hygiene, is perhaps the most insidious and difficult to control.
14. She tried to stifle the insidious army of questions tentatively beginning to attack her.
15. Paradoxically, community councils are an insidious form of planning since they stem indirectly from the dominant ideology.
16. Perhaps the most insidious aspect of this movie is the travelogue-porno style in which it is shot.
17. It is a noxious and insidious notion that insults the intellectual abilities of black students.
18. Even more insidious, perhaps, is the rapid acceptance of capital-budgeting techniques, which involve discounting calculations for assessing strategic investments.
19. I also guiltily recollected Lady Carey's insidious remarks: somehow or other Benjamin was always close to the murdered person.
20. She had been fighting this insidious physical attraction, trying to deny its existence ever since they'd met.
21. The insidious cold was once more creeping over George and he sank to the ground benumbed and unwilling to make an effort.
22. Those who no longer wish to disregard the insidious pollution and degradation of the environment are driven to despair.
23. Pollution, though often more insidious in its effects, can cause ill-health and even permanent intellectual impairment.
24. It warns that pollutants in the water may be causing insidious neurological damage in children, and infertility in adults.
25. But confronting the principalities of darkness which foster this insidious violence has meant experiencing spiritual warfare as never before.
25. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
26. There is a massive sub-culture there, looking backwards and it's getting more insidious all the time.
27. Selfexams, low-fat diets, even mammography offer no guarantees of protection against an insidious and unpredictable pathology.
28. No, the threat behind the horoscope had been deeper and more insidious than that.
29. It makes a pleasant whirring sound instead of the insidious roar that power mowers produce.
30. More usually, however, the mental effects of stress are subtle and insidious.
1. The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years.
31. Particularly insidious is the unobtrusive process of grooming for partnership, as revealed in the survey.
32. Ageism is one of the most insidious forms of discrimination, one which is widely accepted and rarely challenged.
33. Furious with myself for these creeping insidious thoughts I focussed on lengthening my stride and levitating the rucksack.
34. Any attempt to stifle or fetter such criticism amounts to political censorship of the most insidious and objectionable kind.
35. But the regenerative powers of the corporate hydra were insidious.
36. A more insidious form of water pollution is chemicals used on farms that get into the water supply.
37. A fall in morale tends to be insidious but can be rapidly reversed with definite and positive action.
38. That way lie new injustices and the most insidious censorship of all - self-censorship.
39. Classical tardive dyskinesia is manifested by the insidious onset of oral-lingual-buccal dyskinesia.
40. The patient may present either with insidious mental changes or subtle choreiform activity.
41. The result looked like an insidious, grey-green growth lopped off an otherwise healthy young tree to protect its trunk.
42. She could only blame the sun, and the sea, and the insidious calypso music.
43. Technological change, however, is less blatant, more insidious, more gradual and more effective.
44. Then the insidious eating away of energy and self-esteem begins in earnest.
45. The code that will compile is more insidious.
46. He is always malicious and insidious, everyone hates him.
47. The more insidious implication is political.
48. the insidious effects of polluted water supplies.
49. In spite of myself, the insidious mastery of song.
50. Objective In order to give clinical doctors a wider thought and decrease misdiagnosis and mistreatment, we analyzed the various insidious clinical manifestation of hematoporphyria.
51. Bleeding may be chronic and insidious or brisk and lifethreatening.
52. Conclusion Erythroderma of unknown origin is mostly related to insidious malignancies and drug reactions.
53. But below the sort of solemn and respectful expression trenchant and insidious uneasiness and panic.
54. As he mumbles meditatively he looks at me with the softest, the most insidious smile.
55. Integration, he said, was "an insidious subterfuge(/insidious.html), for the maintenance of white supremacy."
56. An anti-nuclear activist with Greenpeace Germany picks through discarded tires to measure a more insidious waste—high radiation levels on the banks of the Techa River in Russia's Ural Mountains.
57. I am victim of that most insidious social diseases: shoppers'malaise.
58. It was then followed by a quiescent period and insidious development of jaundice, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain and progressive abdominal distension due to biliary ascites.
59. But new research is showing that nicotine adds further , more insidious risks.
60. Now, as they labor to protect what remains, Chinese preservationists are facing a new, equally insidious threat: gentrification.
61. But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.
62. McManaman says that the drug taunts are as insidious as racism.
63. Although 25 eyes presented with acute angle closure glaucoma , 6 eyes were insidious onset and asymptomatic.
64. A New Orleans coffeehouse selling beignets, an insidious Louisianian cousin of the doughnut that exists to get powdered sugar on your face.
65. Worse yet, the Diamondback is becoming resistant to pesticides. So farmers have begun to deploy an insidious weapon.
66. Myxedema coma is rare but potentially lethal, the symptoms and signs are many and are often insidious .
67. Where do you learn these insidious and caustic tricks from?
68. Of course, the most famous vampire of all remains Bram Stoker's Dracula, the shadowy, insidious Transylvanian count all too fond of necking.
69. Method : 300 patients with insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx were examined and treated through rhinolaryngofiberscope.
70. Dips are one of the more insidious choices on the appetizer table. You don't know what's in them (that healthy-sounding spinach dip may be heavy with cheese), and it's easy to just keep dipping away.
71. Peggy Orenstein, author of "Cinderella Ate My Daughter," tells NBC News the effect of oversexed dolls is insidious.
72. He was the most insidious person I had ever struck.
73. Sarah was abusing something more powerful, insidious, and accessible than any street drug: the adoration and esteem of others that some psychologists call narcissistic supply.
74. Wormtongue's insidious advice poisons the mind of good King Theoden.
75. The abrupt stillness seemed alien and artificial, a little insidious.
76. To some, marijuana is an insidious "stepping-stone " drug, enticing the inexperienced and paving the way to the inevitable abuse of harder drugs.
77. All patients had insidious onset and slow progression of behavioral and cognitive dysfunction accompanied by daytime somnolence and headache.
78. They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.
79. Thoughtcrime is a dreadful thing, old man, ' he said sententiously. 'It's insidious.
80. A New Orleans coffeehouse selling beignets, an insidious Louisianian cousin of the doughnut that exists to get powdered sugar on your facebLos Angeles Times.
81. That insidious man bad mouthed me to almost everyone else.
82. But a new and insidious enemy - global warming - is hitting this South East Asian country, with deadly force.
83. Objective:To search for the newly examination and treatment method of the insidious or dubious foreign bodies in the hypopharynx and larynx.
84. This insidious disease produces extensive and unmeasured economic losses through reduced efficiency in feed utilization.
85. Especially in sugar-free products(/insidious.html), these adverse effects may be more insidious because the public has blind confidence that they are oral health friendly.




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