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单词 Fussy
1. She is not fussy about her food.
2. Leonora was fussy about her looks.
3. All my children were fussy eaters.
4. Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.
5. I am not fussy about what I eat.
6. She's such a fussy eater.
7. Don't be so fussy .
8. Are you fussy what time we have dinner?
9. She used to be so fussy about her appearance.
10. You should avoid patterned wallpaper and fussy ornaments.
11. A lot of small children are fussy eaters .
12. Her aunt was small, with a rather fussy manner.
13. Grant was always fussy about his personal appearance .
14. He eats anything?he's not a fussy eater.
15. I've never been a fussy eater.
16. She patted her hair with small fussy movements.
17. The little girl dislikes her fussy parents.
18. The furniture looked comfortable, nothing fussy or too elaborate.
19. A sick person is likely to be fussy about his food.
20. The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing.
21. He's so fussy about the house - everything has to be absolutely perfect.
22. He was a vegetarian, and a fussy one to boot.
23. It had surprised me to find how fussy he was about some things.
24. Hang those on big glass? Too fussy.
25. Too fussy. Find another solution, wrote Harsnet.
26. 'Where do you want to go for lunch?' 'I'm not fussy .'
27. I like all sorts of food - I'm not fussy.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. I can get down to nitpicking detail, I am pretty fussy about certain things.
29. They've got those curtains that tie up with big bows - they're a bit fussy for my taste.
30. We are not very keen on floral patterns and fussy designs.
1. She is not fussy about her food.
2. Leonora was fussy about her looks.
3. All my children were fussy eaters.
4. Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.
5. I am not fussy about what I eat.
6. She's such a fussy eater.
7. 'Where do you want to go for lunch?' 'I'm not fussy .'
31. I don't like anything too fussy.
32. The plain fact is that us women are fussy.
33. My grandmother was a notoriously fussy housekeeper.
34. Matthias was not too fussy about how he went about his book-collecting.
35. Instead of generating less waste, they get rid of fussy impediments to waste disposal.
36. They are somewhat fussy about soil, preferring an acidic, sunny site that is not waterlogged.
37. A bossy, fussy girl with only a few friends, she frustrated and alienated even the people who loved her most.
38. In this his inventive energy makes Welch's more delicate line appear fussy and twee.
39. Alice was quick, fussy, nervous, like a little grey terrier.
40. At his side a fussy grey-faced scribe was penning details about Zen Sharpik into a leatherbound ledger.
41. Even those who attempt to split the difference are not too fussy about where the line is drawn.
42. Never fussy about such things as food and dress, he ate many of his meals in the Y cafeteria.
43. Living where they do, mountain goats can not afford to be fussy about what they eat.
44. Although he spent three years writing these songs, the album does not sound fussy or labored.
45. Glassfish are not suitable for a community tank in any case, as they are nervous fish and fussy feeders.
46. We didn't escape entirely however - Grand Canyon animals are not fussy and they were happy to eat my sunblock cream.
47. He's so fussy about how he wants things done, it really does my head in.
48. A clean site that people can find their way around easily will always beat one that's complicated, dull or fussy.
49. If you wear your own clothes, try to make them smart and not too fussy.
50. Our more skeptical age is apt to greet a performance like this with a smirk, as just more fussy Victorian moralism.
51. I've become much more fussy about how I draw the characters.
52. Cultivation: The plant is not too fussy about the planting medium.
53. But from what I hear he was too fussy for his own good.
54. This is why some combinations of drives from different manufacturers are fussy about which is the master.
55. I want to avoid anything too fussy as my bathroom's tiny.
56. And he takes a travelling rug with him - another of those fussy bag-and-baggage objects which assert the novel's tonality.
57. A fussy neighbour broke his collar bone building barricades against the hippies.
58. It will not be fussy about the coal it burns, and will do so more thoroughly, producing little pollution.
59. He had a little leather case to put it in, terribly fussy!
60. He's very fussy about his drinks being served in the right kind of glass.
61. Where Tudor is economical, organic and disciplined, Stevenson is fussy, distracted and ambiguous.
62. Cultivated blackberries are not far removed from their wild parents and do not need much fussy soil preparation.
63. And fussy, fidgety babies, the researchers found, show an identifiable brain-wave pattern.
64. She developed a peremptory and fussy disposition.
65. Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative.
66. This attitude seemed to me unduly fussy.
67. He is a fussy eater.
68. A sick person is likely to is fussy about his food.
69. We can get fussy similarity data correlation by using general analysis in modern mathematics.
70. Calvin : well , I don't think being fussy is bad.
71. Fussy 1 . I'm not fussy . 2 . He's a finicky eater 3. Why should we make a fuss about it?
72. We had rented the fussy apartment of a bachelor professor every wall sateen, every curtain eyelet.
73. The reading experience is a matter of taste but I prefer the Kindle app's simplicity to the rather fussy, fake book stylings of Apple's own iBooks app.
74. B : When did you become so fussy? You've never turned your nose up at dinner before.
75. Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.
76. And a novel approach to update the parameters of fussy neurons is proposed. Some experiential rules are applied to the adjustment procedure of load, which can reduce the forecast error effectively.
77. Easy to talk to. Hard to please . Harsh. Practical and fussy.
78. Shortcomings: Fussy, a worrier, overcritical, harsh, perfectionist and conservative, hard to please, pessimistic, worries.
79. On June 25, it got fussy, rebellious, selfish, ego - driven fat cat Garfield.
80. Instrument makers are often much more fussy about finishes so an article on French-polishing furniture may not translate well to the luthier.
81. GOLDILOCKS , the fussy, blonde, larcenous heroine of an English children's story, liked her porridge neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right.
82. To overcome the defect of overelaborate for the fussy, intricate and low accurate method, a new method of stability analysis of loess slopes is put forward with the theory of neural network.
83. His insistence upon precision of language is apt to seem fussy.
84. He esteems extremely Zhai very much long, and the Zhai grows to do Tan to concuss and have not overly fussy, so be phoned down is also should.
85. He was mentally clear, but appeared to be fussy, irritable, and was hard to please.
86. French cuisine is criticized by international food philosophers as fussy, heavy, and unadventurous.
87. Plus, they aren't fussy about who they'll do the deed with,() sometimes mating with their own father or brothers.
88. They are not fussy, so flocks are as likely to alight in a cotoneaster bush in a city park as on a rural hawthorn hedge.
89. Koalas are very fussy eaters, feeding almost exclusively on the leaves of a few species of eucalypt.
90. The GPS receiver also has some shortcomings that it cant save data, the panel is small, the screen is hard to be read, operation menu is fussy, repetitive and not be easy to inquiry.
91. When penguins get a call of nature, they're generally not too fussy where they go.
92. A lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. As she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one.
93. Most dating websites are nothing like as harsh and judgmental as HatefulBastards, although fussy categorisation does seem to be the name of the game with many.
94. The short-haired bumblebee is a very fussy eater, " she said.
95. The consummate and facile lines, the succinct designs, the high-quality glazed material, which can keep velvet and bright for a long fem, make the fussy work of balneary cleaning easily.




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