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单词 uninviting
释义 Word family  noun invitation invite adjective uninvited inviting ≠ uninviting verb invite adverb invitingly  un·in·vit·ing /ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪŋ◂/ adjective  1  UNFRIENDLYan uninviting place seems unattractive or unpleasant 〔地方〕无吸引力的;令人讨厌的 The building was cold, dark, and uninviting. 那幢大楼又冷又黑,让人不敢进去。2  uninviting prospect something unpleasant that you will have to do 将不得不做的事 He faced the uninviting prospect of a two-hour wait for the next train. 眼下他得花两个小时等待下一班火车。Examples from the Corpusuninviting• The old part of the city is tiny and uninviting.• The fault lay not with Alison but with her surroundings, soulless and uninviting.• Barbon High Fell, rising on the east, is also uninviting although easier of access.• This uninviting prospect was offered to a people who, in name at any rate, had tasted independence.un·in·vit·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  uninviting Corpus place or seems unpleasant unattractive an




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