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单词 Of choice
1, The new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.
2, It's the software of choice for business use.
3, Customers are confronted with a bewildering amount of choice.
4, If people want more freedom of choice, then I'm all for it .
5, The drug is set to become the treatment of choice for asthma worldwide.
6, It is the drug of choice for this type of illness.
7, This accessory offers complete freedom of choice!
8, As with yaws, penicillin is the treatment of choice.
9, This is a matter of choice.
10, I lived a life of choice and possibility during the weekdays and then returned every evening to South Vermont.
11, When considering the notion of choice in relation to institutional care there are a number of different strands which require separate examination.
12, This complicates the issue of choice but is essentially a good thing from the point of view of potential students.
13, In practice there will not be complete freedom of choice for the individual.
14, Destiny is not a matter of chance. It's a matter of choice.
15, She is in the fortunate position of having plenty of choice.
16, Many universities argued that students learned more when they were in classes out of choice rather than compulsion.
17, The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
18, Many people would like to have the same kind of choice when dining out.
19, In Iowa, for generations, high school girls' basketball has been the entertainment of choice.
20, Firms said that tax complexity and administrative problems were the major hurdles in the path of extending freedom of choice.
21, In 1983, the district converted all its junior high schools to schools of choice, doing away with assignment by zone.
22, This is known as a geostationary orbit and it is the orbit of choice for communications satellites.
23, For this reason, it is generally regarded as the drug of choice for acute gouty arthritis.
24, A weekend's sport in California no longer requires a surfboard: panning for gold is now the sport of choice.
25, We are thus not persuaded that the Hyde Amendment impinges on the constitutionally protected freedom of choice recognized in Wade.
26, I forget now why we disliked each other,[http:///of choice.html] but stare contests were definitely the weapons of choice.
27, Urgent surgical treatment by direct suture ligation is the treatment of choice, but the prognosis for most patients is extremely poor.
28, A purely national project, however, can give a country's astronomers more freedom of choice, and assuages national pride.
29, It should always be carried out with tact, care and respect for the individual's privacy and freedom of choice.
30, Many councillors said they felt compelled to vote against the motion because they believed in the tenant farmers freedom of choice.
1, The new syllabus allows students greater freedom of choice.
31, Health insurance plans that offer patients greater freedom of choice in selecting doctors are becoming too expensive for most people.
32, The chronograph is the timepiece of choice for today's active man-on-the-go.
33, The operating system of choice will depend to some extent on which transport highway consumers ride and the user interface they prefer.
34, But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.
35, Flexibility, freedom of choice - and complete peace of mind.
36, It therefore seems justified to recommend amoxicillin/omeprazole as the treatment of choice to eradicate H pylori in H pylori related gastroduodenal diseases.
37, If these results can be confirmed, chemotherapy without gastrectomy should be the treatment of choice for agressive gastric lymphomas.
38, In the United States, alcohol is second only to caffeine as the drug of choice.
39, There's plenty of choice as cosmetics made with natural extracts abound.
40, A 24-or 72-hour fecal specimen should be collected; the latter being the specimen of choice.
41, Few would doubt that the rise of government has produced economic inefficiency and restricted the freedom of choice.
42, It would give the viewer freedom of choice, even if that freedom was not extended to the broadcasters.
43, For the younger generation the marriage problem is one of choice.
44, Most people provide small items set out on an open plan system, which gives the children a great deal of choice.
45, He allowed her more freedom of choice than many of his clients who were perhaps a better advertisement for his dressmaking skills.
46, When it was designed, oral cholecystectography was the method of choice for the diagnosis of gall stones.
47, Currently, the application of choice among the cable and telecom providers who are developing the infrastructure is video on-demand.
48, Because people have freedom of choice where to shop there is some overlap between these spheres of influence.
49, In daily life, therefore, the individual rediscovered a certain freedom of choice.
50, Most were hired annually, and the employment did give young women a measure of choice and relative economic independence.
51, I don't believe in fate - we all have freedom of choice.
52, Are not consumers still being denied freedom of choice, resulting in delays in the introduction of more humane systems of husbandry?
53, In this instance, with intact parathyroid and renal function, replacement therapy with vitamin D2 is the therapy of choice.
54, Making insurance compulsory would - they say - not only free Health Service resources, but guarantee freedom of choice.
54, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
55, I owe my existence to their absence of choice, as, almost certainly, does everyone reading this.
56, More importantly, the definition of the adventitious population stresses an element of choice in rural residence.
57, Schools of choice have lower dropout rates, fewer discipline problems, better student attitudes, and higher teacher satisfaction.
58, During the early weeks of the 1968 Tet Offensive, the Duper was his weapon of choice.
59, None the less, viewers seemed to resent their lack of choice and lack of control over what they saw.
60, Freedom of choice is a feeble rejoinder when the issue is global suicide.
61, As a matter of strict law, party elections can neither preclude nor pre-empt the prerogative of choice.
62, People are born and raised within one country, without considering the question of choice.
63, The check had become a matter of necessity rather than of choice.
64, Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice for most patients who require surgical treatment for ulcerative colitis.
65, You have much greater freedom of choice how you spend your time -but that freedom also confers greater responsibility on you.
66, While an authority's management style is usually affected by environmental factors there always remains an element of choice.
67, Yet our everyday understanding of this term is intimately connected with the idea of choice.
68, Yet in a very real way, we all owe our existence to the absence of choice available to our ancestors.
69, Certainly, insufficient attention is often paid to concepts of choice, self-expression and self-help.
70, This freedom of choice, our local knowledge and the security of purchasing through a household name must be an unbeatable combination.
71, The Supreme Court's decision also focused attention on the Freedom of Choice bill currently awaiting congressional consideration.
72, For four hundred years after this formulation, mercury was the main drug of choice in the treatment of syphilis.
73, Product of choice is an acid cleaner with good detergency properties used in the following way. 1.
74, Yet, once the doctrine of consideration has been abandoned, the central dilemma of choice theories becomes even more obvious.
75, You have a great deal of choice in the matter but there are also certain rules designed to protect you.
76, The possible dissemination of tumour by percutaneous fine needle aspiration cytology may result in these becoming the diagnostic techniques of choice.
77, And while full-service islands still exist, pumping your own is the method of choice.
78, Their adoption is, however, a matter of choice, in line with Council strategy to keep regulation to a minimum.
79, Capitalist accompanies its development with a fanfare about freedom of choice, free markets, and all the rest of it.
80, I found myself in pursuit, not out of choice, but because I was being chased by the mob behind.
81, It often happens that the greater the area of choice, the less clear cut are the guidelines.
82, And nuclear warheads seem to be the weapon or toy of choice for all those involved.
83, The size of the pleat is a matter of choice.
84, The treatment of choice for rectal and rectosigmoid cancer is complete surgical resection.
85, Suicide is voluntary[sentence dictionary], and implies freedom of choice.
86, Surgical extirpation is the effective treatment of choice.
87, Heparin is the treatment of choice.
88, Metronidazole is the treatment of choice.
89, Where possible, heat sterilisation is the method of choice.
90, Solar collector plate fin surface coating of choice.
91, Be cognizant of the freedom of choice of individuals.
92, Skin flap is the method of choice.
93, Weapon of choice: Smartphone, in an uncredited lead role.
94, Emigration was still theoretically a matter of choice.
95, The drink of choice seems to be vodka.
96, The main treatment of choice was surgical wide excision.
97, Metronidazole drug of choice in pregnancy.
98, The machete is the weapon of choice.
99, With U.S. midterm election campaigns now in high gear, the boogeyman of choice in regions with high unemployment and sluggish manufacturing is -- unsurprisingly -- China.
100, It was shown that, to prevent the fibroplasia and traction retinal detachment, early management of the wound and vitrectomy within 2 weeks were the treatments of choice.
101, All that the method of sociology demands is that within this narrow range of choice, he shall search for social justice.
102, Fluoro-quinolones still remain the drug of choice for the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
103, Radical surgical therapy is the main procedure of choice but it can not control the latent micro-metastatic foci.
104, External ethmoidectomy is a method of choice for malignant lesions.
105, That last one, called Tychonoff's theorem, is yet another equivalence to the axiom of choice.
106, All of these changes have contributed to providing people with a wider range of choice in how to live their lives--which is a key factor in happiness.
107, Parotidectomy with facial nerve dissection has become the procedure of choice in removal of parotid gland neoplasms because of the resulting low recurrence rate.
108, Conclusion In cases of intrahepatic cholelith complicated by bile duct stricture surgery combined with hepatic segmentectomy should be the therapy of choice.
109, These days, the computer is the writing implement of choice.
110, Fire up your kernel configurator of choice, and include the HDAPS drivers in your config.
111, William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, vigorously defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion.
112, The range of choice of the lower layer was limited by the higher layer.
113, Magnesium sulfate is the drug of choice for seizure prevention.
114, When end grain must be joined to edge or face grain[ ], the joint of choice is the mortise and tenon. More on this later.
115, Simply add a few drops of your scent of choice to 1/4 cup baby oil in a small plastic bottle.
116, Meanwhile, it also stresses the importance of individual freedom of choice and action.
117, Metoclopramide is the antiemetic drug of choice in pregnancy in several European countries.
118, Fluoroquinolones and the third generation of cephalothins still the drug of choice for the treatment of typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
119, Local administration of prostaglandins to the vagina or the endocervix is the route of choice because of fewer side effects and acceptable clinical response.
120, This is one of the reasons why some mathematicians dislike the axiom of choice.
121, Conclusion Oblique coronal scan is superior to other scanning methods, is the method of choice for ACL disease diagnosis.
122, Background: Non-surgical treatment has become the therapeutic method of choice in hemodynamically stable patients with liver trauma.
123, Innovations that have been pioneered include open boundaries, programs of choice, site-based decision making, inclusion of special needs students, and cost recovery services.
124, Medical liability includes the default liability of medical contract and tortious liability, the court respecting the patient's right of choice agrees with the contract law.
125, GPS data structure combining the characteristics of choice and to determine compression method.
126, And it is not a question of choice, but an inescapable fact.
127, These advantages give the United States a wider range of choice in its conduct of foreign affairs, but they don't ensure that its choices will be good ones.
128, Secondly, he has to understand the margin of choice he has available to it.
129, VBT should be the adjuvant treatment of choice for patients with endometrial carcinoma of high - intermediate risk.
130, First, this article introduced Yaari's Dual Theory of Choice, and then studied the effect between self-insurance, self-protection and market insurance according to Yaari's Dual Theory of Choice.
131, Imatinib is now the treatment of choice for most newly diagnosed patients. Excellent responses, in terms of symptom control and haematological parameters, are usually obtained.
132, So, read my lips ! Virginity social disease; it's the matter of choice.
133, The diagncstic effects of choice transbronchoscopic bronchography with 60% megluc- amine diatrizoate compound in 31 cases were observed.
134, Those persons conveniently ignore such critical concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality.
135, Powroznik's bait of choice for pitching is an Attraxx Jacabug, a new prototype creature bait designed by Powroznik for the James River.
136, Conclusion MRI is the method of choice to the evaluation of the prostate cancer.
137, Surgical intervention is the treatment of choice for the majority of elderly patients with a displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture.
138, Different negotiant will differ according to oneself and located ambient conditions and choose different mechanism, this kind of choice can change as conditional change.
139, The vessel of choice for these pirates in the early days was the galley, whose oars allowed them to overtake merchant vessels caught in light wind.
140, As former Chief Justice Warren Burger declared in Buckley v. Valeo, "the enlightened labor legislation of our time has enshrined the secrecy of choice of a bargaining representative for workers."
141, Fett's weapon of choice is a sawed-off BlasTech EE-3 rifle.
142, You could do Ebay , or dating or indulge another foible of choice.
143, Her field of choice—Noetic Science—had been virtually unknown when she first heard of it, but in recent years it had started opening new doors of understanding into the power of the human mind.
144, In 1847, the prioress was young,[] a sign that the circle of choice was restricted.
145, Today's target of choice may be AIG, but this has been true since Ida Tarbell and the trust-busters made John D. Rockefeller the most hated man in America.
146, For these reasons, agar rapidly replaced gelatin as the hardening agent of choice for bacterriological work.
147, The anterior decompression and fusion is the method of choice.
148, The bacteria, apart from bacteroides, are nearly all penicillin sensitive and crystalline penicillin with metronidazole are the antibiotics of choice initially until sensitivities are known.
149, Mold a large cast iron foundry of choice for the production, use and a large number.
150, Extract files into current directory, named folder, or favorite folder of choice.
151, Previously, MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) was the oxygenate of choice, but fell out of favour in 2004 when it was found to contaminate ground water.
152, The rich history and cultural heritage as well as diversity and sheer size give plenty of choice, whatever the age and income bracket.
153, The Novotel Plovdiv is the hotel of choice for visitors to Plovdiv.
154, For most cooling water applications, corona discharge is the method of choice because ultraviolet light produces less than 0.5% ozone versus about 1.5% for corona discharge for the same energy input.
155, Conclusion Echocardiography has high value on diagnosing cardiac myxomas, it is the method of choice to diagnose cardiac myxoma.
156, Bain believes that once it offers its investors this sort of choice in Asia, it will be practically impossible to insist on 2/30 the next go-around.
157, Transurethral urethrotomy was believed to be the treatment of choice for urethrostenosis and urethratresia.
158, Conclusions Endoscopic placing of a per manent netlike shape-memory alloy stent might be a treatment of choice for the managment of upper urinary tract atresia instead of open surgery.
159, The oriental value of the private international law is altering and are the rules of choice - of - law.
160, Anticoagulant therapy is the treatment of choice for cancer - associated thrombosis.
161, The range of choice is also big, is a global manufacturer of all countries!
162, But currently the research method of choice and evaluation which is about Distributor in Supply Chain is few.
163, There is great freedom of choice among ideas, dresses, food, and social customs in America.
164, Conclusions: Suprathoracic anastomosis is a reasonable surgical procdure of choice for the treatment of esophageal carcinoma.
165, Java itself isn't guaranteed to become the development platform of choice in this emerging network - centric world.
166, The most famous hybrid car of choice is still the Toyota Prius, the first mass-produced model.
167, Windows 7 is the operating system of choice for new laptop demos at IDF.
168, Ultraviolet light and nitrous acid are the mutagens of choice for T. viride -285. They are highly effective when used together.
169, With this in mind, we finished our educational evening off with a round of Kilkenny ,() agreeing that in future it definitely would be our light beer of choice.
170, The name is very affirmatory, without mutation, without the leeway of choice or metabolic pattern.
171, Instead, some of the statements turn out to be equivalent to the axiom of choice (AC), while others—the Boolean prime ideal theorem, for instance—represent a property that is strictly weaker than AC.
172, Renal transplantation is the treatment of choice for patients with end-stage renal disease. It corrects most of the metabolic abnormalities that cause renal osteodystrophy .
173, Harder and easier choices are arranged along a continuum of choice.
174, People's attitude is suspicion of axiom of choice and axiom of parallelism.
175, Flower of choice mint, gold and pleasant chrysanthemum and so on can eliminate oil of tumid plant essence of life to massage, hold concurrently lightsome with life-giving effect,[Sentencedict] very appropriate.
176, The up-to-the-minute news and messages these embassies post show that the micro blog has become the medium of choice for foreign diplomatic agencies to conduct public diplomacy.
177, Metoclopramide (Reglan) is the antiemetic drug of choice in pregnancy in several European countries. There was no increased risk of birth defects.
178, As to respect of choice cooking range, must consider to avoid sootiness fire burn, of an efficient gas furnace and good and ventilated establishment taking lampblack chance is necessary.
179, Conclusions For acute arterial ischemia of the lower extremity, emergency arteriotomy of femoral artery plus embolectomy is the treatment of choice.
180, "Over time, we think that consumers will adopt the mobile phone to be the payment method of choice," Schulz said, though she added that people won't completely abandon plastic credit cards.
181, Piperazine citrate is the drug of choice in the treatment of Ascaris infestations.
182, Conclusion Bladder mucosal antrectomy is a treatment of choice for multiple superficial bladder tumors in senile patients.
183, The organism may not be penicillin sensitive, so flucloxacillin is the drug of choice.
184, Pane, design and tweed still are the mainstream, rurality is another kind of choice.
185, Subtotal thyroidectomy with tracheal suspension is the treatment of choice for tracheomalacia complicating large goiter.
186, Using a customized missile launcher as her weapon of choice.
187, Redemption places us upon the plane that Adam and Eve might have known, i. e. , sonship through the Eternal Son, had they used their power of choice Godward.
188, They are self-proclaimed "stone-pelters", named after their weapon of choice.
189, According to the trade name of choice, to submit application for registration.
190, Since the "9.11"attack, anthrax becomes the world's first postal disease and terrorists' biological weapon of choice.
191, Whosoever having gone to another's house, and partaken of choice food, does not honor that host by offering food when he repays the visit — know him as an outcast.
192, The range of choice of VISO series shaft seal is wide.
193, For other developing countries, there is in principle a wider range of choice in exchange rate regimes, provided these are backed by the appropriate macroeconomic and structural policies.
194, But the first chewing gums typically relied upon the natural latex known as chicle -- still the gum base of choice for some upscale gum brands and certain regional markets.
195, But this rate jumped to 3.5 times per hour immediately after the female had been groomed by a male -- and her partner of choice was likely to be the hunky monkey that did the grooming.
196, Weapon of choice: A magnifying glass, a copy of How to Be a Detective and an inspired imagination that transformed him from an unassuming projectionist into a heroic detective.
197, Do not want credulous ad in cure, hospital of choice distinctive specialized subject makes effective treatment!
198, In addition, a portion of proceeds goes to CARGO's charity of choice, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital(R).
199, It was still the club drug of choice in London last summer, says Fiona Measham, of the University of Lancaster.
200, Shiny G-string bikinis and fluorescent fluffy snow boots were the exhibitionists ' costume of choice at the world's biggest and brashest dance music party.
201, Article 33 Hong Kong residents shall have freedom of choice of occupation.
202, Hungarian Turan will drive a Fiesta, while Abarth Grande Punto is the car of choice for Andorran Llovera.
203, Europe and the United States first-line anti - bacterial skin infection drug of choice!
204, I"ve seen success as a drug of choice. I"ve seen great minds and prolific imaginations disappear up their own ass, strung-out on their own self-importance.
204, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
205, Carotid stenting is the treatment of choice for extracranial cervical carotid artery aneurysm.
206, Jacobson, though, thinks the Internet will be the delivery method of choice.
207, This absoluteness of the act of choice does not alter the relativity of each epoch.
208, He noted that the Russian AK-47 rifle, a weapon of choice among insurgents around the world, was invented during a pig year.
209, The freedom of choice is by nature free choice by oneself.
210, The treatment of choice for OSA is CPAP therapy, which provides a steady stream of air through a mask that is worn during sleep.
211, Aquatic delicacies top its menu of choice, including fresh and delicious Icy Shrimps and Sashimi.
212, He has no freedom of choice in any direction whatever.
213, Another important role of aspirin anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatism, the treatment of rheumatic fever, rheumatoid arthritis drug of choice.
214, Buy it today and find out why this is the book of choice of thousands of successful nursing students and carries the endorsement of the National Student Nurse Association (NSNA).
215, This paper has introduced the production technology and prescription of the PU Nappa leather , and the impact on BASE performance of choice of the fabric cloth.
216, You'll also save time by taking advantage of the tools available on your UNIX system of choice.
217, Be as consistent as possible, but remain flexible when your method of choice isn't working any longer.
218, In storage environment , SCSI protocol is the protocol of choice for block storage management.
219, Chapter IVdescribed the cycle of regional economy evaluation index system for the establishment of goals and ideas, the design of the framework, the target selection, evaluation method of choice.
220, Freedom of choice is another American valu absent from school life.
221, The Griffin iMic is our audio input device of choice.
222, A wide range of choice among the elevator trucks produced, will allow to satisfy any need of handling of goods.
223, The programme is very flexible a large range of choice options to accommodate candidates'preferences.
224, Use of materials and putting in top form and die out of the core material of choice.
225, Cotton and hemp, ruleless design and unique pattern are all the reasons of choice for freedom-love people.
226, Their drug of choice was a potent intoxicant they called hashish.
227, Segmental duodenectomy and simple tumor resection are curable for benign PTD, while for malignant PTD the therapy of choice should be pancreatoduodenectomy.
228, You could go as far as to have a hard drive loaded up with your operating system of choice and set up for maintenance and troubleshooting situations and keep it in the spare caddy.
229, Purpose Objective To investigate the mesenteric artery embolization diagnosis, surgery time, the operation mode of choice.
230, If I had only one complaint it would be that she's rather fond of moving on to trying to bite through my ear lobe, and with teeth as sharp as hers, this is not always the happy ending of choice.
231, In general , double hashing is the probe sequence of choice when open addressing is used.
232, The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.
233, The dollar the most liquid of these hard currencies and so the reserve currency of choice.
234, Because Arabidopsis thaliana has special biological character, it has became the model system of choice for research in plant biology.
235, This is not the range of choice between the two.
236, If the gallbladder must be removed, laparoscopy is the method of choice.
237, With 140 local exchange rates the user can compare up to four currencies of choice.
238, When it comes to raw potential and what you can make the most of, Scrin's Eradicator Hexapod is the Epic Unit of choice.
239, Is the line stock futures to see the tools of choice.
240, The authors recommend it is a method of choice in pediatric surgery.
241, As soon as I discovered freedom of choice I started doing different things.
242, Freedom of choice is another American value not absent from school life.
243, This Rosetta Stone community language exchange site lets you find penpals using custom search criteria, then exchange emails with your penpal in your language of choice.
244, Cohabitation is the living arrangement of choice, meaning that fewer couples are willing to make that definitive commitment and tie the knot.
245, Packet Filter (PF) -- an open source solution designed by the OpenBSD development community -- is the OpenBSD method of choice.
246, The choice is yours regarding stored procedure language of choice; however, the most commonly used languages are Java and SQL PL.
247, Statuses too come ready made, and the range of choice among them is limited.
248, Hostess Spores are the method of choice for mushrooms. Millions could show up for a family reunion.
249, It was concluded that to treat the osteolytic defect of bone with NNB was a method of choice.
250, The unawakened one experiences freedom in the presence of choice and hope.
251, The interface of choice is the C run time routines, as opposed to WIN32 APIs, and routines conforming to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) threads for simplicity and clarity.
252, And yet there will be no supping of champagne - ordinarily the chancellor's drink of choice - at No 11.
253, SONET has long been the medium of choice for delivering services over metropolitan-area networks ( MAN ).
254, Therefore, DUS is the method of choice to study hemodynamics of portal hypertension and should be used routinely before and after operation.
255, Conclusion: MRI scan is an accurate method of choice in the diagnosis of close injury of Achilles tendon, therefore, it is helpful in the surgical planning of Achilles tendon tear.
256, Decision making is the process of choosing, and many decisions have a broad range of choice.
257, Damascus , the capital , is their city of choice, then Aleppo.
258, It wants to slowly dethrone the almighty dollar as the currency of choice in most global trade deals.
259, Colors are added to increase the range of choice for consumers but they have to be carefully chosen since some dyes and pigments can cause problems.
260, There is the recognition that friendships are formed , in contrast with kinship[sentence dictionary], through freedom of choice.




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