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单词 unidentified
释义 Word family  noun identification identity adjective identifiable unidentified verb identify  un·i·den·ti·fied /ˌʌnaɪˈdentɪfaɪd◂/ adjective  NOT KNOWan unidentified person or thing is one that you do not know the name of 未被识别的,身份不明的 An unidentified man was spotted near the scene of the crime. 有人在犯罪现场附近看到一名身份不明的男子。Examples from the Corpusunidentified• The three bodies found in the river remain unidentified.• Three of the victims remain unidentified.• Most of these were between the age of 15 and 30, and the majority who died were unidentified.• An unidentified caller contacted the police and gave the names of the men involved in the robbery.• Unix International worked with both Unix Labs and Sun on the guide, along with a third, unidentified company.• It is clear that the unidentified factor in this example is climate.• On July 31, for instance, unidentified fighters attacked a police station in Bendery, killing two people.• Five men were wounded by an unidentified gunman in Belfast city centre yesterday.• Two unidentified gunmen opened fire on the Consulate van.• A large unidentified object was spotted floating in the sea near our ship.• The body remained unidentified until the police checked dental records.un·i·den·ti·fied adjectiveChineseSyllable  person is you one Corpus an or unidentified thing that




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