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单词 rebel
释义  Related topics: Groupingsreb·el1 /ˈrebəl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  PPGsomeone who opposes or fights against people in authority 造反者;反叛者 Anti-government rebels attacked the town. 反政府的叛乱分子攻击该镇。rebel forces/soldiers 叛军/叛兵 the rebel leader 叛军首领2  DISOBEYsomeone who refuses to do things in the normal way, or in the way that other people want them to 〔拒绝按常规办事、我行我素的〕反叛者,叛逆者 Alex has always been a bit of a rebel. 亚历克斯向来有点叛逆。Examples from the Corpusrebel• rebel soldiers• She was a rebel, who horrified her family by rejecting a promising career in law to become an actor.• Anti-government rebels have seized the radio station.• The house churches are not natural rebels, and only want to be left alone.• A large number of rebels escaped to the east as the army closed in on Jaffra.• That extreme, impolitic candor was one of the characteristics that made Rice a perfect rebel and a considerably less perfect leader.• a teenage rebel• This not only altered the strategic military balance in favour of the rebels, it also gave them an important psychological boost.• This was construed by some to mean that the rebels were planning attacks against these facilities.• Or inside the fences with the rebels?• The rebel cavalry were on the left of the second line.• The rebels attacked an airfield, exchanging fire with Russian troops.• In his black leather jacket and chains he looked every inch the young rebel.rebel forces/soldiers• As many as 200 civilians and an unknown number of military personnel died during heavy fighting between government and rebel forces.• The men and women I had known as rebel soldiers in the mountains now wore suits.• As rebel forces loyal to Nabiyev approached the capital, a state of emergency was imposed on Oct. 22.• Krayon's palace has been taken over by rebel forces and we are in the midst of this mix.• With a glass, the rebel soldiers... could be distinctly seen.• Three of the rebel soldiers and one government soldier were killed.• A problem deserving consideration is how strong the rebel forces actually were.• The rebel soldiers were imprisoned and taken to·bel2 /rɪˈbel/ ●○○ verb (rebelled, rebelling) [intransitive]  1  DISOBEYto oppose or fight against someone in authority or against an idea or situation which you do not agree with 造反;反抗;反叛rebel against teenage boys rebelling against their parents 不服从父母的青少年2  written if your stomach, legs, mind etc rebel, you cannot do or believe something you think you should 〔胃、腿、头脑等〕不听使唤 He knew he ought to eat, but his stomach rebelled. 他知道自己应该吃点东西,但是他的胃在闹别扭。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrebel• When the federal government refused this request, the Southern States rebelled.• Finally, however, Presley rebelled.• The first question concerns the individual, structural, and cultural factors that motivate people to rebel.• Young girls like to rebel a little.• Women are rebelling against domestic drudgery.• Typically, at the time, he is rebelling against his parents, his teachers, and his church.• There was only one thing she could do, though everything within her rebelled against it.• Teenagers tend to rebel against people in authority.• And both Sly and Jimi rebelled against the narrow-mindedness in which they grew up.• The slaves were punished for rebelling against their owners.• No wonder that many grown women rebel against them.• Her parents wanted her to go to university, but she rebelled and went to live on a commune.• The eastern provinces are likely to rebel if they are not given more freedom.rebel against• The novel tells the story of a teenager who rebels against his father.• In Croatia, Serbs rebelled against the republic's authorities.Origin rebel1 (1300-1400) rebel “rebellious” ((13-21 centuries)), from Old French rebelle, from Latin, from bellum “war”reb·el1 nounre·bel2 verbChineseSyllable  authority fights who opposes someone against or people Corpus in




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