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单词 Retribution
1. They fled because they feared retribution for the genocide.
2. Violent retribution soon followed.
3. His armies invaded their lands in retribution.
4. People are seeking retribution for the latest terrorist outrages.
5. Victims are demanding retribution for the terrorist attacks.
6. Members of Parliament clearly feared retribution from their constituents.
7. Do evil actions bring retribution after death?
8. He saw his suffering as retribution for the sins of his past life.
9. She saw the sentence as just retribution on the man who had assaulted her.
10. Retribution spawns revenge and the president is up next.
11. An outraged public demanded swift justice and retribution.
12. Upon his release, Osceola vowed retribution; on December 28, Thompson was slain by the Seminoles in retaliation.
13. Could it be some sort of retribution for sending a 440k gif file last week?
14. Replacing a system of retribution with one of restorative justice is, however, an uphill battle.
15. It is, I suppose, divine retribution for the treatment your whiteness receives in certain doctors' surgeries.
16. The boy's parents believe his illness is divine retribution for their sins.
17. He was being sought by their gestapo in retribution for his warlike acts.
18. She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses.
19. The victim did not report the incident for fear of retribution.
20. He didn't want any further involvement for fear of retribution.
21. His view is that prison sentences must be long enough to satisfy the requirements both of retribution and deterrence.
22. This gave them the freedom to make trouble all over the shop without fear of retribution.
23. The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution.
24. His utilitarianism required a practical(), socially useful justification for punishment; retribution was totally inadequate.
25. There is a final item in the cascade of causes and consequences, a retribution for pollution that seems almost biblically apt.
26. These men were despots, meaning they could kill their subjects without fear of retribution.
27. The new offence becomes the occasion for another and now legitimized act of retribution.
28. It carried with it, implicitly, the threat of extreme retribution.
29. I croaked, wanting to say something, anything, to delay heavenly retribution.
30. But after escaping to join another gang, Devi carried out a singular form of retribution.
1. They fled because they feared retribution for the genocide.
2. Violent retribution soon followed.
3. Do evil actions bring retribution after death?
31. Anyhow, something dreadful in the way of retribution had occurred, in the nature of things.
32. As if by retribution, the sick electrician made a remarkable recovery and the pumps resumed their efficient, reliable operation.
33. For Mankins, seeing Harris die was simple retribution for a heinous crime.
34. The child who has been bumped typically views the act as intentional and worthy of appropriate retribution.
35. Alternatively the violation can be inverted; like a black comedy, or the assertion of a stark revenge or retribution.
36. The chamber also said companies fear retribution from regulators they tattle on.
37. Her two sons sought retribution for their father, but Rlta would rather her sons died than become murderers.
38. If California fell into the ocean, would it be divine retribution for making movies like this?
39. Employees need to be able to express their feelings without fear of retribution.
40. Her two sons sought retribution for their father, but Rita would rather her sons died than become murderers.
41. One might also point to the fear among many politicians of electoral retribution if radical measures turn out to be unpopular.
42. But seldom has a military miscalculation been so gross and retribution so immediate.
43. In addition, some custodial parents do not pursue collection of child support because they fear retribution from the nonpaying parent.
44. But of course he had, and my clumsy attempt to avoid detection only served to make the retribution fiercer.
45. Nicephorus' fleet harried the accessible southern coasts in retribution, but made no firm gains.
46. A story of indiscretion and retribution set in windswept Cornwall.
47. The Justice Model's philosophy consequently relied heavily on retribution as at least a partial justification for punishment.
48. But now we have completed the first of a series of ethical tests and a worrisome cycle downward toward retribution is evident.
49. Another piece of divine retribution for all those hours spent ticking others off came relatively recently.
50. The very nature of anonymous reports naturally prevented any possibility of retribution against wrong-doers reporting the incident.
51. You will achieve more in this world through acts of mercy than you will through acts of retribution. Nelson Mandela 
52. She has maintained that the charges were being brought in retribution for leaving her employment contract early.
53. It is studded with ancient Dwarf runes of vengeance and retribution.
54. Some officials felt that the bombings were retribution for the killing of the hijackers.
55. The Security Council has wisely ruled out the death penalty(), however much it might seem justified as retribution.
56. Yet most of the time they resist the temptation to exact retribution, despite the abundant opportunities the game affords.
57. The earthquake was seen by some people as divine retribution.
58. He traded places with a young married man, who was to be slaughtered in retribution for an escaped prisoner.
59. Homosexuals, they claim, have declared war on nature, and nature has exacted an awful retribution.
60. There were few things more calculated to endear a prince to his subjects than a display of stern retribution on unjust officials.
61. We can accomplish nothing by seeking retribution for his death.
62. The press campaign and the Falangist demands for retribution were perfectly consonant with Franco's own view of the 9 February events.
63. Templar's Verdict is now a primary skill of Retribution.
64. Law is written and administered retribution and conflict resolution.
65. In the future, humanity will suffer nature's harsh retribution.
66. Restitution is more important than retribution.
67. Is this not the retribution we waited years for.
68. If that wasn't retribution , what was?
69. Evil actions will bring retribution.
70. Those who take delight in other people's pain will suffer retribution sooner or later.
71. Crusader Strike ( Retribution ) cooldown reduced from 10 to 6 seconds.
72. They are putting in place a program in Mexico to help combat drug-related violence by allowing people to make untracked reports to reliable sources to avoid having retribution visited against them.
73. Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule.'.
74. Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India.
75. "The Pantaloon in Black, " in which a big negro named Rider struggles with grief over his wife Mannie's early death and ends up killing a white man and getting lynched in retribution.
76. Modern penological thought discounts retribution in the sense of vengeance.
77. The President promised a swift and effective retribution against the terrorists.
78. Now it appears the judges of this rabbinical court are out for retribution.
79. Those who take delight in ot IT human's pain will suffer retribution sooner in a while.
80. Finally, in the angle of integral punishment justification, we canconform and reestablish the standpoint on the issue of punishment to attempter in the theory of retribution and utility.
81. Figure 25-2: This is how most users perceive error message dialog boxes. They see them as Kafkaesque interrogations with each successive choice leading to a yet blacker pit of retribution and regret.
82. Intellect will be removed from retribution itemisation. A new trainable ability Purified Armor will grant intellect based on armor value.
83. As for penal theory, in the early days of the classical school, some scholars claim intent penal theory, but the majority of the classical school scholars claim retribution penal theory.
84. May the table set before them become a snare retribution and a trap.
85. The writer thinks that restorative justice forms the value basis & Victim - Offender Mediation oppositetotraditional retribution justice.
86. She admitted that her comments suggesting that karmic retribution may have caused the devastating earthquakes in China were blithering.
87. The retribution will be that of not being able to hold one's own wealth long.
88. Laws should not be based on the subjective concept retribution. Killing people does nothing but coarsen society.
89. To shake off the necessity of retaliation and retribution, we should recognize the danger of the trickiness of reason,[http:///retribution.html] and realize the positive role that enlightenment plays.
90. According to superstitious belief , this is because of retribution for bad deeds.
91. May the table set before them become a snare; may it become retribution and a trap.
92. It was not just a simple transplanted model of the stereotypical preachment, but also was a retribution against the illusory concept of transformation.
93. His right hand suddenly ordered divine retribution to stand by.
94. Or imagine a world in which personal revenge, retribution [ ], getting even is only a keystroke away.
95. Nor have I so read or interpreted Holy Writ, as to understand that the disclosure of human thoughts and deeds, then to be made, is intended as a part of the retribution.
96. Drowning person greedy tour information, immediate retribution, the surface of Dayton festered.
97. The president promised swift and effective retribution against the terrorists.
98. It is as if it were necessary, before a reign of justice appears, for everyone to suffer a cruel retribution—some for their evilness, and some for their lack of understanding.
99. Forgive,() and leave his further retribution to the Power that claims it!
100. All its passion of comradeship among Allies , of retribution upon the common fee dominated our minds.
101. They dismiss concerns that some of the Africans who flocked to Libya under Mr. Gadhafi's policy of pan-Africanism might be subject to retribution.
102. His admiration goes out to the characters who defy the sordidness of life and, risking all the dangers of retribution, live beyond good and evil, in magnificence.
103. Stokely Carmichael said that white America had declared war on black America and there was no alternative to retribution.
104. Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China.
105. Happiness and courage, retribution or justice are secondary ends for them.
106. The French were in a state of postwar shock and clamoring for fearful retribution.
107. See ye not, she is the scarlet letter, only capable of being loved, and so endowed with a millionfold the power of retribution for my sin?
108. However, their reign is all but over and already they run scared of the possibility that they cannot escape retribution.
109. Retribution paladins have been deleted, replaced with a same level loladin.
110. The historic mission of the retribution theory has already completed, its base value should be negated, but the author does not deny its modern value.
111. In a broad sense, utilitarianism covers both humanitarianism and retribution, thus both are components of utilitarianism.




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