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单词 Scheduled
1. They are scheduled for arraignment October 5th.
2. The book is scheduled for publication in the autumn.
3. Three runs of trains were scheduled last year.
4. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
5. The plane was scheduled to depart at 8.30.
6. The buses don't come as scheduled.
7. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
8. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.
9. We'll be stopping here for longer than scheduled.
10. The substance has been scheduled as a poison.
11. Embarkation was scheduled for just after 4 pm.
12. A presidential election was scheduled for last December.
13. The hospital is scheduled to open March 6.
14. Splash-down is scheduled for 5.30 am.
15. The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.
16. Elections are scheduled for November.
17. I'm scheduled to arrive in LA at 5 o'clock.
18. Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.
19. The completion of the building is scheduled for May.
20. The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive at noon.
21. The film is scheduled for release next month.
22. The whole row of houses is scheduled for demolition.
23. The women's magazine is scheduled to premiere tomorrow.
24. The ship was scheduled to cast off at 8pm.
25. Her first album is scheduled for release in September.
26. The elections are scheduled for mid-June.
27. She is scheduled to give a speech tonight.
28. The meeting was originally scheduled for March 12th.
29. A special news program preempted the scheduled shows.
30. Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th.
1. They are scheduled for arraignment October 5th.
2. The book is scheduled for publication in the autumn.
3. Three runs of trains were scheduled last year.
4. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
5. The plane was scheduled to depart at 8.30.
6. The buses don't come as scheduled.
7. All scheduled airline services will be affected by the strike.
8. The completion of the building is scheduled for May.
9. The Prime Minister is scheduled to arrive at noon.
10. A special news program preempted the scheduled shows.
11. The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.
12. Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter.
31. The sale is scheduled for tomorrow.
32. Splashdown is scheduled for 0500 hours.
33. Prices include scheduled flights from Heathrow.
34. The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.
35. Next month was scheduled to you.
36. Talks were scheduled for Rome the following month.
37. He is scheduled to deliver the keynote address at an awards ceremony.
38. This program will be broadcast half an hour later than the scheduled time.
39. Hawk's visit was scheduled to link in with the meeting in Harare.
40. One of the scheduled events is a talk on flower arranging.
41. The Grand Prix is scheduled to take place on July 4th.
42. A meeting of minds was not reached during the first session, but another session is scheduled for tomorrow.
43. There are signs that the new party aims to field candidates in elections scheduled for February next year.
44. The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.
45. The publication of her memoirs is scheduled for the autumn.
46. The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.
47. We will not cancel your holiday less than 8 weeks before the scheduled departure date .
48. Their patience was sorely tested as yet another delay to the scheduled service was announced.
49. The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38.
50. The volume of scheduled flights is straining the air traffic control system.
51. The convicted murderer and rapist is scheduled to be executed next Friday.
52. The delegation is scheduled to land in Beijing tomorrow morning.
53. An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.
54. The election is scheduled to take place at an unspecified date in the autumn.
55. One of the scheduled events is a talk on alternative medicine.
56. Meetings are scheduled to take place all over the country.
57. The next round of talks is tentatively scheduled to begin October 21st in Washington.
58. The band was scheduled to begin rehearsals for a concert tour.
59. The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.
60. The airline has more than 90 scheduled departures from here every day.
61. Maiji Mountain Grottoes was scheduled by the State Council of China.
62. The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.
63. A new comedy is scheduled for the 9 p.m. time slot .
64. Are you going by a scheduled flight or by charter.
65. Repair work is scheduled for completion in August.
66. The dedication ceremony is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 19.
67. Meeks is scheduled to appear in court February 5.
68. The opening ceremony is scheduled for Friday.
69. No new talks are scheduled.
70. A trial is scheduled to begin April 2.
71. The project is scheduled for completion by early 1994.
72. A preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 11.
73. Heritage Festival, scheduled April 26-May 5 this year.
74. That process is scheduled for completion in June.
75. Some 3,000 aircraft are scheduled for delivery.
76. No women were scheduled to make major contributions.
77. The central bank is scheduled to release the figure this week.
78. Its sharply divided report now is scheduled to be released next month.
79. Sir Peter was scheduled to sign for one hour, but gave way to popular demand and stayed for three.
80. The case was remanded to a lower court, where arguments are scheduled to begin in August.
81. Free slide programs, lectures, films and outdoor cookouts are scheduled evenings throughout the summer.
82. A federal bankruptcy court is scheduled to review the petition late this month.
83. The seaplanes that do remain are small aircraft, not generally used for scheduled passenger services.
84. The work's scheduled to last 18 days, but the contractors are working round the clock to try and finish sooner.
85. Bail was set at $ 60, 000 pending an initial court appearance scheduled for Monday.
86. The first assembly flight for the station had been scheduled for November.
87. Although Dole was ducking out, the debate will go on as scheduled.
88. Scheduled for completion by October 1999, the line will have one intermediate stop at Barajas Airport.
89. The first few programs are scheduled for completion during the summer of 1986.
90. At Commerce, Huang was scheduled to receive 37 intelligence briefings during his 18-month tenure, records show.
91. The vice presidential debate is scheduled Oct. 2 in Hartford, Conn.
92. Early departure A guest who checks out before his/her scheduled departure date.
93. Next April, the government is scheduled to increase the consumption tax from 3 percent to 5 percent.
94. He always had their maid squeeze some fresh juice when Lorna Lewis was scheduled to put in an appearance.
95. Various airline industry estimates suggest that a one minute delay in scheduled aircraft departure costs between £130 and £750.
96. Construction is to start immediately and is scheduled for completion in October 1998.
97. A hearing is scheduled for Friday to discuss issues related to the death penalty.
98. S., it is economically impossible to produce extra copies after our scheduled publishing date.
99. The bookmaker told Kalra he had befriended Cronje and was planning to fix the matches scheduled to be held in March.
100. Lawmakers initially had been scheduled to vote on the bill Friday, but postponed the balloting for lack of sufficient votes.
101. Mr Major, meanwhile, cancelled a scheduled visit to Manchester to watch the Test match and worked on his speech instead.
102. The state occasionally tests for drugs before scheduled bouts but only if a fighter has a history of drug abuse.
103. He is scheduled to count $ 13.35 million against Jacksonville's salary cap next season.
104. Barbour canceled a scheduled trip to Atlanta on Wednesday to be available for an announcement, according to campaign aides.
105. Organised by the Eastern Sporting Sidecar Association, the first of 12 scheduled meetings this year has attracted a top class entry.
106. Vice President Al Gore is scheduled to lead the closing ceremonies on Aug. 4.
107. An estimated 12, 000 new apartments are scheduled to be built in 1996, raising the flag about too many apartments.
108. Biehl and Green are scheduled to appear in court Feb. 22.
109. Parliament is scheduled to review the new tax bill tomorrow.
110. A legally binding agreement to implement this 14-page political declaration was scheduled to be drawn up in the first half of 1992.
111. Tomorrow, talks are scheduled to begin on a new musicians contract to replace the collective bargaining agreement that expired Friday.
112. The bill is scheduled to be reconsidered next week, and that spawned a gay rights protest Wednesday at the Capitol.
113. Weld was scheduled to speak Wednesday night when convention organizers intend to stress economic issues.
114. In public, the duke continued to make plans for the coronation of Edward V, still scheduled for 22 June.
114. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
115. Oil change, check and adjustment services follow every subsequent 6,000 miles, with a major service scheduled every 36,000 miles.
116. Barton said it was no accident Republican leaders scheduled the vote on April 15.
117. The conference is scheduled to go ahead come what may.
118. Two other such joint exercises, involving marine and amphibious forces, were already scheduled to start on Aug. 3.
119. S.-brokered peace agreement in Bosnia as 2. 9 million people prepare to vote in national elections scheduled Saturday.
120. It is scheduled to end later this year, with maintenance in the budget for the future.
121. However, it has scheduled three extra round trips between Phoenix and Las Vegas on Sunday, to accommodate people staying there.
122. The committee is not scheduled to vote on Herman until next month, after Congress' two-week Easter recess.
123. He realized his blunder about eight minutes before his scheduled 7: 36 a. m. tee time.
124. The court is scheduled to consider the issue July 25.
125. For instance, landowners who find their land scheduled for housebuilding may enjoy an immediate increase in capital value.
126. A concert scheduled for April, more daringly, will offer a whole program of unfamiliar work.
127. Initially scheduled for Basingstoke on February 9, the trial was postponed when heavy snowfalls made travel absolutely impossible for many athletes.
128. This will follow completion of the fourth phase of Line 2 running southeast to Giza, now scheduled to open in 2000.
129. The operation is scheduled to run from April 25 to May 20.
130. Reagan's television appearances furthermore were carefully scheduled to take place just prior to critical votes on his budgetary and tax policy.
131. It was confirmed yesterday that the meeting scheduled for Doncaster on 27 October is to be transferred to Carlisle.
132. First flight was scheduled for December 1963 but due to fuel tank leakage the programme fell well behind schedule.
133. Debt service payments to commercial creditor banks, suspended in November, were scheduled for resumption at the end of February 1991.
134. Wednesday, the Senate is scheduled to consider the balanced-budget amendment, a notion that has been argued for decades.
135. Hearings to consider a Proposed constitutional amendment outlawing affirmative action were scheduled.
136. Connahs Quay were angry over Halkyn's decision to call off their match at Pant Newydd an hour before the scheduled start.
137. Thus, Chirac had good reasons to believe that his majority in the National Assembly would lose the elections scheduled for 1998.
138. A formal ceremony inaugurating the short extension to the northwestern branch was scheduled for August 25.
139. His first interview recently was at 8 a. m. and his appointments were scheduled back to back until midnight.
140. The £55m project is scheduled for completion in June 1995.
141. Kaczynski was scheduled to begin seven days of mental tests Saturday in his Dublin prison cell.
142. A formal ceremony had been scheduled to take place in May but never went ahead.
143. Elections for the new assembly were scheduled for June 1973, but before that date there were local council elections.
144. Stahl's report is scheduled to air tonight after the news.
145. Sometimes, it may be wise to arrange for the mortgage advance to come a day or two before completion is scheduled.
146. Authorities said the commercial flight maneuvered to avoid a collision and landed as scheduled.
147. We asked patients to return to the study clinic if they required medical attention between scheduled study visits.
148. Having finished with his coursework that spring, he was only scheduled for thesis hours in the fall anyway.
149. Canseco was charged with simple battery and was scheduled for a bond hearing Thursday.
150. The formal announcement is believed to be scheduled for September, with modest volumes to be deliverable around November time.
151. That part of the debate should come to a head in December, when commissioners are scheduled to formally approve the projects.
152. Few, though, believe Britain will join the single currency when it is scheduled to begin in January 1999.
153. There was a slight delay in the departure of her scheduled plane out of Dulles International.
154. However documentation on further specifications are not scheduled for release for another 18 months or so.
155. The ball, scheduled for April 18, raises about $ 350, 000.
156. I am like a shipwrecked survivor holding fast to the debris, awaiting the arrival of the scheduled liner.
157. The hearing is scheduled to continue April 1 with additional testimony on April 11, 12 and 26.
158. It is unclear whether Perot will be allowed to participate in the three scheduled presidential debates, as he did last time.
159. The hearing was scheduled to be held in Los Angeles, where the league was headquartered until December.
160. His resignation from a job scheduled to end in 2003 followed shortly afterwards.
161. Whitehead, the geophysicist, was the first scheduled for awakening, then Kaminski, then Hunter.
162. The civil action, filed by the victims' families, is scheduled to go to trial April 2.
163. This study demonstrated the need to do more careful appraisals of anthropometric measurements on a regularly scheduled basis.
164. The Industry Ministry was scheduled for abolition, to be replaced by a State Committee directed towards drafting industrial strategy and privatization.
165. Wegner is more concerned with the river runners who are scheduled to travel through the canyon during the flood.
166. Hideo Nomo, who was hit hard in his last start, is scheduled to start again Monday against the Florida Marlins.
167. Access for Windows developers kits are scheduled for release the first quarter of 1993.
168. Ruth Smith and Lyn Saunders check the noticeboard to see when they are scheduled to take up their positions on checkouts.
169. Now he was scheduled to undergo a second surgery the next day to repair nerve and disc damage in his spine.
170. Only Forbes, Hostettler, Klug and Wolf had been scheduled to attend the dinner.
171. The new port at Laem Chabang, on the eastern seaboard, was scheduled for completion in 1991.
172. In the corridors outside, tight-faced women sweep by guests and scheduled performers.
173. It was unclear whether a meeting would be scheduled before Congress adjourns next week.
174. The only gala performers currently scheduled to perform at inaugural balls the following night are Estefan, Franklin and Yearwood.
174. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
175. Renovations planned at the Barnes are scheduled to coincide exactly with the planned tour.
176. There was speculation that it was going to be in two weeks when baseball owners were scheduled to meet in Philadelphia.
177. The Bears have had two of their scheduled fixtures washed out and suffered a heavy defeat at Edinburgh.
178. An initial seismic survey will be completed in 1993 with exploration drilling scheduled to begin early in 1994.
179. The 11-judge en banc panel is scheduled to consider the case Nov. 20.
180. Completion of most of the station still is anticipated by the end of 2002 as scheduled, Trafton told the panel.
181. A trial in that case is scheduled to begin in Houston on April 8.
182. The play opens Monday and is scheduled to close March 20.
183. After the scheduled 1995 opening of the Newton Cap scheme, the picturesque valley around it will become a great local amenity.
184. In a speech broadcast on state radio on the same day, she insisted that the elections would be held as scheduled.
185. Brunell is scheduled to count $ 13 million against the Jaguars' salary cap in 2001.
186. During follow-up, adverse events were looked for systematically at all scheduled and unscheduled visits.Sentencedict
187. Dole, who is scheduled to speak last, decided to skip a presidential debate Saturday in South Carolina.
188. Princess Diana spent a busy day in Tyne and Wear as scheduled.
189. Meetings were still going on in Manchester in a last-minute attempt to avoid today's scheduled hearing in the High Court.
190. The product is going into beta test, and if that goes as planned, it is scheduled for delivery this July.
191. This weekend's scheduled coronation is also being stalked by the political season.
192. Maintain and update consignment stock record , monitor consignment shipments with scheduled deliveries.
193. The new highway is scheduled for completion by the end of the year.
194. The listing would go ahead as scheduled on December 16.
195. These rich deposits are scheduled for large - scale extraction in the future.
196. Time during which a computer is not scheduled for use, maintenance , alteration, or repair.




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