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单词 Dark ages
1. You're living in the dark ages, Mum!
2. Back in the dark ages of computing, in about 1980, they started a software company.
3. Richard is stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to his attitudes towards women.
4. What is this, the Dark Ages?
5. It was the middle of the dark ages.
6. In the Dark Ages, Power was the Church.
7. You're a brigand, a throw-back to the Dark Ages.
8. Please, let's not go back to the Dark Ages.
9. The dark ages to come will endure not twelve, but thirty thousand years.
10. Perhaps we are emerging from the Dark Ages of Community Care and we are moving into a new age of enlightenment.
11. Different to Lefortovo, back in the dark ages from the second floor of the hospital block at Vladimir.
12. The dark ages, as she called them, have covered most of her royal life.
13. The exhibition begins in the Dark Ages with early king-making ceremonies and symbols of sovereign power.
14. In the dark ages people like Edward got crucified or burned as witches.
15. Wycliffe came from the obscurity of the Dark Ages.
16. We the dark ages as a time of brutality.
17. Why are the Middle Mges called the Dark Ages?
18. So, these are the Dark Ages.
19. Many nine-to- fivers have switched over to the railroad to get through the "dark ages" of traffic until the mass rapid transit system is finished.
20. They weren't big on happy endings in the Dark Ages.
21. This repressive law takes gay rights back to the dark ages.
22. The medieval, Renaissance and modern collections cover more than a millennium, from the Dark Ages to the interwar period.
23. It was exactly as I had always imagined the Dark Ages to be, and in its terrible way it was apt.
24. But they're not hip-hop messiahs come to lead a supposedly stagnating genre out of the dark ages.
25. This was one more bit of debris from the capitalist system, from feudalism(), from the Dark Ages.
26. If the large living-dining area was post-Pompeii, the bathroom was late Dark Ages.
27. Myanmar's major cities of Mandalay and Yangon survive in the dark ages, with each apartment running on self-funded power generators.
28. Teacher: Why do we sometimes call the Ages the Dark Ages?
29. Tradition has it that the Saltire flag originated in a battle fought in East Lothian13) in the Dark Ages (832 AD). It is said that St.
30. Some education experts hail the change as a step forward from the ideological dark ages.
31. Ruiz - Geli is not interested in returning to the dark ages before Modernism.
32. The Naval Research Laboratory's telescope is known as Dark Ages Lunar Interferometer, or DALI.
33. In my view we going through two dark ages, which is probably a horrible metaphor.
34. In history the Dark Ages are regarded as having begun somewhere about the tenth century.
35. Despite debunking many of the legends of the Dark Ages, she can't quite stop believing in them herself.
36. But how are such observations possible if, initially at least, the Dark Ages were dark?
37. Carolus renaissance is a significant period of culture in the Dark Ages of Europe.
38. Back in 1980, I thought I'd plunged headlong into the journalistic Dark Ages.
39. Cutting emissions would push them from just above subsistence back, literally, to the dark ages.
40. Without innovation, we would still be living the Dark Ages.
41. But Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico, says that even the slickest minds on Madison Avenue are still in the prescientific dark ages.
42. The dark ages are the years in Europe between about 500 A . D . and about 1000 A . D .
43. No matter what I do, the Dark Ages will still last for 300 years.




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