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单词 reboot
释义  Related topics: Computersre·boot /ˌriːˈbuːt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  TDif you reboot a computer, or if it reboots, you start it up again 重新启动(计算机)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreboot• Sounds like we need to think about rebooting that logic program.• If a program crashes you usually have to reboot the computer.• Try rebooting the machine and see what happens.• Only then could he decide if it was safe to reboot the system.• The fix is simple but excruciating for Tandem to say - reboot the system.• To reboot the systems, just switch them back on again and keep hitting returns when asked about loading VAPs etc.From Longman Business Dictionaryrebootre‧boot /riːˈbuːt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]COMPUTING if you reboot a computer, or if it reboots, you start it up againYou will have to reboot your computer after installing the software.→ See Verb tablere·boot verbChineseSyllable   Corpus if if Business it computer, a reboots, or you reboot




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