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单词 sudden
释义 Word family  noun suddenness adjective sudden adverb suddenly  sud·den /ˈsʌdn/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective  1  SUDDENLYhappening, coming, or done quickly or when you do not expect it 突然的,忽然的,迅速而意外的 a sudden change in the weather 天气的突然变化 Life is cruel, she thought, with a sudden rush of anger. 生活真残酷,她想,心头突然涌上一股怒气。 a sudden movement 突然的一动 Her death was sudden. 她的死很突然。2  all of a sudden SUDDENLYsuddenly 突然,突如其来地,猛然 All of a sudden the lights went out. 突然,灯都灭了。 —suddenness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussudden• Rebecca's decision to leave was very sudden.• The development is as sudden as it is dramatic.• A sudden boom followed in its wake, a new parachute flare splitting the night sky - a red target flare.• Depression is sometimes brought on by a sudden change in your life.• There's been a sudden change of plans.• However, this kind of relatively sudden decline in levels of satisfaction is not necessarily permanent.• It was as she turned to swim back that she felt the sudden grip of a pain across her back.• All of a sudden I know two things: why they were on the same brain cell, and how psychiatry works.• It can even be converted into sudden laughter, when one realizes how absurd the pretence is.• Don't make any sudden moves around the animals.• Then came the sudden peso devaluation that December, and Jimenez pulled out $ 70 million more.• I felt a sudden sharp pain in my stomach.• Why the sudden shift in sentiment?sudden change• Gradual changes are much less traumatic than sudden changes.• But a sudden change came over the spirit of his dreams.• She provides her own examples of sudden changes in behaviour, some of which are very close to Pope's characters.• Apple also said that selected Power Mac and Performa models are hampered by system freezes and sudden changes in colors.• Depression is sometimes brought on by a sudden change in one's life, such as coming into a Home.• A sudden change in water temperature can also be lethal.• Why this sudden change should have come about we do not know.Origin sudden (1200-1300) Old French sodain, from Latin subitaneus, from subitus “sudden”, from subire “to come up”sud·den adjectiveChineseSyllable  happening, done you quickly or or not do coming, Corpus when




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