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单词 stair
释义  Related topics: House, Buildingsstair /steə $ ster/ ●●● S2 W3 noun  1  stairs [plural]DHHTBB a set of steps built for going from one level of a building to another 楼梯 → upstairs, downstairsup/down the stairs Jerry ran up the stairs. 杰里跑上楼去。the top/head of the stairs I left my briefcase at the top of the stairs. 我把公文包遗忘在楼梯顶端了。the bottom/foot of the stairs ‘Lisa, ’ he cried from the foot of the stairs. “莉萨。”他在楼梯脚喊道。 We walked up four flights of stairs (=sets of stairs). 我们往上走了四段楼梯。 →4  See picture of 见图 STAIRCASE2  [countable]DHHTBB one of the steps in a set of stairs 梯级 Lucy sat down on the bottom stair. 露西在楼梯最下面的一级上坐了下来。3. [singular] literaryDHHTBB a staircase 〔室内的〕楼梯4. below stairs British English old-fashionedLOW POSITION OR RANK in the servants’ part of a large house, in the past 〔旧时〕在佣人住的地方Examples from the Corpusstair• The original idea was that the library would be symmetrical with the entrance and stairs in the centre.• Every flush meant carrying a bucket of water up three flights of stairs.• The second stair creaks when you step on it.• Would it be best to accept another cup of tea before trying to climb the stairs?• As I climbed the stairs I wondered if I could handle the present situation calmly and tactfully even a bit subserviently.• They carried her up and down the stairs, sang her songs.• Friends will call, thundering up and down the stairs.• I can hear him on the stairs.• Her head pounding, she took the stairs to the second floor two at a time.• I heard footsteps coming up the stair.Origin stair Old English stægerstair nounChinese  built steps a for of set Corpus going




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