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单词 unrecorded
释义 Word family  noun record recorder recording adjective recorded ≠ unrecorded verb record  un·re·cord·ed /ˌʌnrɪˈkɔːdɪd◂ $ -ɔːr-/ adjective  RECORD#not written down or recorded 未写下来的;未记录的;未登记的 Many of the complaints have gone unrecorded. 许多投诉都未作记录。Examples from the Corpusunrecorded• Alas, the author of this historic remark is unrecorded.• Freedom from the restraining hand of a squire or a parson no doubt encouraged enterprise but it meant that much activity went unrecorded.• None the less, unofficial exports between neighbouring countries are likely to continue to increase, but to go largely unrecorded.• On this battleground no act of bravery, no deed of chivalry, would go unrecorded.• Selvon and Harris may have written in the freedom of knowing that they came from largely unrecorded backgrounds.• The black economy refers to those unrecorded economic transactions conducted on a cash basis with a view to illegal evasion of tax.• Clearly, many crimes go unrecorded, either because they are undiscovered, or because they are not reported to the police.• Much of the research thus goes unrecorded in the standard bibliographies and data-bases.gone unrecorded• Throughout history, countless good deeds have gone unrecorded.un·re·cord·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus recorded down or not written




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