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单词 Compile
1 The book took 10 years to compile.
2 We are trying to compile a list of suitable people for the job.
3 It takes years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
4 How would she compile her complaint to Tommy Makepiece?
5 Seniors also compile a series of graduation portfolios and participate in a portfolio defense.
6 Officers mounted the operation to compile evidence against seven men from around the North-East allegedly involved in the conspiracy.
7 Will local authorities be required to compile a register of people entitled to rebates before the council tax is implemented?
8 Most insurers and health-maintenance organizations compile formularies with committees of doctors and druggists.
9 Well compile a selection for special tribute in a future Lifestyle section.
10 Later chroniclers attempted to compile this information into histories of the Empire,[] and some ventured to make lists of reigning Emperors.
11 Section 143 requires local authorities to compile registers of land that might be contaminated and open them for public inspection.
12 Government officials now compile and release statistics quarterly, not monthly.
13 They learn how to compile and use book collections in school, in College and in children's libraries.
14 Arthur D.. Little has been retained to help compile the specifications, it was learned yesterday.
15 Lord knows, it took long enough to compile all the information stored in there.
16 Requisitions are used to compile an issue analysis sheet. 7.
17 It is our business to collect, compile and publish figures.
18 It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
19 The girl sat down with a police artist to compile a Photofit of her attacker.
20 They'll be working in harness with other doctors to compile the report.
21 Spring focus: Burks was the key to an offense that helped the Giants compile baseball's best regular-season record.
22 A councillor has no right to require an officer of the council to compile information for him.
23 The U.S. government's role was to use intercepted communications to compile intelligence on Escobar's support structure.
24 A 1995 reform measure gave Jones the go-ahead to compile a single state voter list.
25 He took office in 1951 and went on to compile one of the nation's lowest acquittal rates.
26 A86 is an extremely high performance assembler as it can compile 1000 lines per second of assembly language code.
27 It would allow staff members to plan future events and meetings as well as to compile a list for holiday cards.
28 It has taken Warren Ogden nearly 30 years to compile the information on these machines which began in the mid 1950s.
29 For example, the blizzard hit during the same week the government surveys workers and employers to compile the January employment report.
30 You should work out what your needs are and compile a list of suitable filename extensions.
1 The book took 10 years to compile.
31 Make more use of your tutors - compile a list of queries and then arrange to see a tutor for help.
32 She began to visit the families of sentenced persons in order to compile detailed dossiers on the more extreme sentence anomalies.
33 Their aim is to compile information which will send a frosty message to government environmental ministers.
34 Stage 3: Additional criteria would be defined and agreed with the client to compile the shortlist of target companies.
35 The idea would be to compile over a short period a national register of wealth holdings.
36 SkyCorder, which looks like a pager,[http:///compile.html] uses a pressure sensor to gather information and a microprocessor to compile the statistics.
37 If you enjoy games, why not compile a list of objective test questions to use in Trivial Pursuits?
38 Branches should try to compile and maintain a lists of people willing to help on a casual basis like this.
39 Those clients need not be known at compile time.
40 Compile and submit production statistics monthly report.
41 Prepare, compile, organize and distribute monthly business unit information.
42 Compile and execute new product process project plan.
43 Compile and execute new product mould project plan.
44 This is used at compile time for error checking.
45 These are configurable at runtime or compile time.
46 Compile, revise training material and working standard.
47 The default base name is specified at compile time.
48 Ceylon also ensures (at compile time) that the switch statement contains an exhaustive list of instance tests or, at a minimum, an else clause to provide complete coverage.
49 If JIT is enabled but used without adaptive optimization mechanism of some kind JIT tries to compile all methods at a startup time.
50 Check employees' expense reimbursement, compile vouchers and keep accounts .
51 Compilers inspect this information, at compile time, when importing metadata.
52 Compile all of the safety regulations, various management policy, punishment and award regulations and so on.
53 Question: When I try to compile using makefile, I get the error "bldrtn not found."
54 Responsibilities 1 . Participating to organize and compile budget estimate for projects . 2.
55 To compile LFS, you need to prepare a partition and a file system, and you also need to compile a compiler and system library.
56 You can compile applications that use the type REAL on every platform without making any changes to the source file.
57 The ANCC shall compile maker codes pursuant to the relevant state standards.
58 A compiler running under the emulator should be adequate for smaller projects or if you don't compile the software frequently.
59 Compile and analyze financial information accounts , such as general ledger accounts, documenting business transactions.
60 Manage complete jig in escalator factory, and compile operation manual and maintenance instruction about jig.
61 Alternatively, you can place source code under the /java directory structure and use the zero compile command from the command line to compile it.
62 Compile a computer program to compute the dynamic characteristics of spindle. Each natural frequency and principal mode of vibration is obtained.
63 The dimension information is handled completely at compile time, so no additional memory is required for storage.
64 However, to include tracing features in a deployed application, you must compile your instrumented applications with the TRACE compiler directive enabled.
65 Furthermore, using the nmon analyzer, you can download information into spreadsheets and compile nice-looking charts that senior management likes to see.
66 Article 4 No organization or individual may instigate[ ], instruct or force an enterprise to compile and tender a financial accounting report which is false or conceals any important fact.
67 This is the principle of the operator to compile a priority algorithm, and they hope to help you!
68 Mentally, at least, most of us could compile formidable lists of " do's " and " don'ts ".
69 In addition, the article take the blasting fume poisoning accident of a mine as an example, compile an emergency rescue preplan which provides...
70 You can change the compile command Jester uses in the jester.cfg file in Jester's main directory.
71 An interesting thing about Eclipse is that it uses an incremental compiler to compile your code as you type it in.
72 Whether you compile contract information or not, having clear contract information in advance helps immensely as a documentation and design aid.
73 To summarize, if you can compile the transition table, you can easily process the XPaths.
74 D FFT ( Fast Fourier Transform ) transform code, compile and can operate normally.
75 The utility model can culture the imaginative power of human, the creativity, and the ability to compile stories, estheticism, etc.
76 However, an attribute parameter must be resolved at compile time.
77 As discussed last month, I plan to use Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA) to compile the proxy.
78 Generally speaking, a constant expression is an expression that the compiler can evaluate at compile - time.
79 The third part of a number of components, respectively, compile and bind together the C program.
80 Service data related to vehicle, compile and feedback to CSD.
81 When you compile Geronimo from source, these libraries are placed into your local Maven repository and are accessible when you use the Maven build scripts to compile the phonebook client application.
82 You edit code, compile it, test it, and see how well it works.
83 To build the message adapter, you need to compile the WBCSCUSD program and link it into an executable load module.
84 Fortunately, we were not using the bits requiring GPL in our transcode service, so we just recompiled a new FFmpeg binary with different compile flags.
85 Compile, correct and improve process file and locale work file.
86 Code that was compiled without any optimization flags resulted in code that was approximately five times slower, so be sure to always compile with -O2 or -O3.
87 Compile the each equipment safety operation instruction and monitor the implementation status.
88 Most specifically, in the last column I reviewed algorithms to compile a so-called Deterministic Finite Automaton (DFA).
89 Sometime, a philosopher may write a note and compile historical data.
90 Since these are compile - time algorithms, violation of the preconditions will result in a compile-time error.
91 Java code and C primarily bind to a type early, within a compile step.
92 The final productivity booster is the lack of a compile step.
93 Being a bit of a power user, I like to be able to tell programs to make maximum use of my Athlon XP processor; I am able to do this at compile time.
94 VC ++ is used to call the assembly compiler to compile the assembler.
95 You can check syntax and compile CICS applications with the command line using the COBOL compiler.
96 Implicit conversions succeed only when the process loses no data; otherwise they fail and generate a compile or run-time error.
97 The numbers after the node names on the right-hand side indicate that it's the n-th concurrent compile.
98 The CICSWZ project has been set up so that the job generated will contain steps to compile the program using the integrated CICS translator and link this into an executable load module.
99 When the government wants to build, say, a bridge, it has to compile detailed cost-benefit studies,[http:///compile.html] Mueller points out.
100 It works by creating a hash from the preprocessed sources and the compiler options used to compile the sources.
101 For those processors that have an explicit compile phase, use-when filtering is intended to avoid compiling blocks of code that the processor couldn't execute.
102 The software designs adopt assembly language, C51 language to compile data sampling program and programs on protocol processing and data transfer conducted to USB interfacing chip.
103 The Press Workroom is where journalists can compile and transmit their coverage directly from competition venues.
104 In this usage, a compiler would compile BCPL code into an intermediate machine code called O-code.
105 COM - format programs are absolute code bound at compile time.
106 Compile the inspection and test plan of components purchased including process inspection and final acceptance inspection.
107 David, the high-maintenance user from product engineering, calls: "I need you to help me understand why I can't compile supercode.c on these new machines you deployed."
108 Thanks to the speed at which working code can be written and the lack of a time-consuming compile cycle, interfaces can be up and running in minutes and usable not long after that.
109 Introduces how to use AUTOLISP language in AUTOCAD software to compile macro command and program design for parameterizing and visualizing of hydraulic component.
110 From the memorial texture of mulberry-dyke fish-pond, compile a new discourse of Guangdong.
111 Compile and analyze financial information to prepare entries to accounts, such as general ledger accounts, and document business transactions.
112 If you do this, you will find that you can write code in your pluglet that references the classes and APIs in these external packages, and it will compile acceptably and even provide code completion.
113 During the use of C51 language, the problems of the configuration of the file, edit program, compile program, link program are analyzed and the methods of which are given.
114 It was aimed at illuminating the structure and elements of the management files, the handbook of management quality and the management procedure, and the methods of how to compile them.
115 Typically, expressions that refer to labels, variables, procedures, or functions are relocatable , since the final address of these symbols is unknown at compile time.
116 From two aspect of data frame analyze and elaborate content of data frame here, for help us to accurately understand and apply data frame, for compile high efficiency formality?
117 Compile the electrical part list with SAP, and electrical technics.
118 If it didn't compile and link, double-check the stages and ensure that there were no early warnings causing errors later on.
119 The advantage of compiled phase and run phase compile only once in the whole process.
120 So the distribution terms of the GNU C library determine whether it is possible to compile a proprietary program for the GNU system.
121 While using static assertions, always remember that the expression being checked must be evaluable at compile time.
122 Meanwhile under the CCS2000 development environment, we use C language to compile the DSP's software program. The result is good by making a test on the second-order system.
123 And, in a compiled Lisp program, that new language is just as efficient as normal Lisp because all the macro code—the code that generates the new expression—runs at compile time.
124 By using statistical data analysis, looked at unemployment rates, personal finance data, environment, health and living standards and crime rates to compile the ranking of 50 cities.
125 We compile the instruction list of AWCDPR by the method of sequence control.
126 BCB 6.0 compile a complete network chat rooms source code.
127 You will probably have to define different paths to compile each tier of the application, as well as paths to run unit tests, run the application, run XDoclet, generate JavaDocs, etc.
128 Once you have completed the all the required steps in the Configuration section, you are ready to compile and run the sample application.
129 In the Syntax testing module, the testing method of file identifier, key word, etc, which adopts computer compile technology, combining the structure characteristic of examined file, is researched.
130 One might either compile precomputed data into a program, calculate it when the program starts, or just remember results as you compute them.
131 As mentioned, Eclipse uses an incremental compiler, so it is not necessary to explicitly compile your Java files.
132 Although each developer can compile each code module into an assembly, this can force some types to be exposed publicly that are not exposed if all modules are put into a multifile assembly.
133 We were lucky to obtain funding to compile an inventory of a group of plants in the nettle family that grow in these caves.
134 Paper discussed soft PLC, include its superiority and the principle of PLC compile principle, emphasize studied PLC ladder digram compile technology.
135 Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition (O'Reilly, February 2005) includes full-featured examples that programmers can compile and run without special hardware.
136 The composite video, winner of an award STARMUS astrophotography competition, took over a year to compile in 2009 and 2010 from over 30 hours of exposure.
137 In order to improve the real-time ability of the system, every task is designed with the program mode of C language and compile language combined.
138 To try to verify dynamic code at compile time would likely walk you straight into the halting problem just like it would for many kinds of tooling.
139 Party A shall compile and assemble technical and commercial document, and shall program amendment and organize the negotiation.
140 Having introduced the compile technology into the process of NC code analysis, the process of NC code compile is divided into three stages:Lexical Analysis, Syntactic Analysis and NC Code Conversion.
141 I used it to compile default INI files in my application.
142 As a developer, you will recognize these steps as the normal procedure to configure, compile, and install most applications from source code.
143 It uses preprocessor to separate the parallel classes from users job program and dispatches them to host computers in PVM to compile and run there.
144 How can I compile a state machine into a dynamic link library ( DLL )?
145 You can compile and store a fairly simple repository of actual delivery times in a spreadsheet or database for future retrieval.
146 This file is a compile step and only stores symbolic data.
147 In this case, the pre-processor might produce a configuration file and the webservices.xml deployment file and call the Java2WSDL compile step.
148 A custom program would then compile the index, updating it automatically as page numbers changed and new terms were added.
149 The compiler provides a built-in function, which is evaluated at compile time, to determine the length of an array (e.g. len(a)).
150 However, functions in C cannot have free variables; all variables must be known at compile time, which reduces the expressiveness of function pointers as an abstractive mechanism.
151 Compile and link-edit the conversion program to create the load module to be deployed to CICS.
152 The compiler will after all very likely compile the above assignment into a single machine instruction.
153 Take the time to compile a list of responses to both types of questions and to itemize your skills, values, and interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses.
154 According to sub-system specification requirements and relevant information from pre-sale project team, compile Functional Specification Document for each sub-system.
155 How to realize during the compile - time code optimization?
156 Get the test to compile by adding the do-nothing withdraw() method to Account, then rerun the tests.
156 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
157 NET build environment to generate and compile source code from a virtual path.
158 The compiler and linker can compile and link source code program files into object code file that is executable to the virtual machine system.
159 On top of that, we introduced the new Codan static analysis framework as optional component to provide semantic error reports ahead of compile time.
160 Compile time normally consists of translating programs into a machine - independent byte code representation.
161 Due to the trapezoid thread's complicated machining, parameter programming can be used to compile its machining program to a subprogram.
162 This sort of abstraction is more useful in Java or other strongly-typed languages, because the calling code really does have a dependency on the cache object's type at compile time.
163 There they compile precious documents on the manners, government, religion, fauna and flora of the country.
164 In the last column, we wrote the logic to compile a set of XPath in a so-called Deterministic Finite Automaton or DFA.
165 Take part in the Mock-up review meeting, compile the input and output of the Mock-up review.
166 The server-side forms/subforms cache has been enhanced to compile formulas the first time the form or subform is accessed, and then to store the compiled result within the cache.
167 The "backtrace" work mentioned above also enables a feature called "dynopt" which uses information from JRuby's interpreter to turn dynamic calls into direct static Java calls at compile time.
168 If you find the GO TO statement is missing a reference to a procedure, the program does not compile correctly.
169 Recall that running the cheetah compile command on the Skeleton.tmpl file generates, a package containing a Python class called Skeleton that acts just like Skeleton.tmpl.
170 The pre-requisite to deploy TXSeries applications as a Web services is to compile them with 8 byte boundary.
171 On the basis of analysing their features of separate or simultaneous coduction, a technological route to build database and compile map simultaneously with minium cost is researched.
172 Authors design the maintenance processes, compile the operation schedule by Gantt chart and network diagram and analyze the schedule by deflection analysis method.
173 In a subsequent post I will compile a list of science titles from the New Scientist, Scientific American and related science-oriented journals and organizations.
174 Programmers can compile the Python source code to java byte code, running it on JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ).
175 Many businesses also compile nonfinancial informatin needed for decision making.
176 In this first step, it will only compile, run and collect application results and file storage.
177 Indeed, the time to fetch information from a repository -- be it a file or database server -- far exceeds the lapse required to compile and perhaps even execute a PHP program.
178 Using this option results in a much quicker compile time.
179 The errors were either fixed by the programmer or sent again to the key puncher until the compile listing was clean.




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