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单词 unpack
释义 Word family  noun pack package packaging packet packing packer adjective packed verb pack ≠ unpack package  un·pack /ʌnˈpæk/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]TAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE to take everything out of a box, bag, suitcase etc 打开〔盒子、包、手提箱等〕取出〔物品〕 I haven’t had a chance to unpack yet. 我还没来得及打开行李。 She unpacked her suitcase and headed for the beach. 她取出手提箱里的东西,往海滩那边去了。 Maggie carefully unpacked the gifts she had bought. 玛吉小心翼翼地打开她买的礼物。2  [transitive] to make an idea or problem easier to understand by considering all the parts of it separately 分析,剖析 Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3. 一些有关精神疾病的问题已在第 3 章作了分析。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusunpack• He said they were going to be unpacked.• But then one Friday night when I was unpacking all my things I started up an argument with Zen.• I've got my lot to unpack as well.• As he unpacked, he watched the news, Tranformer cartoons and a talk show.• The fingerprint expert was unpacking his bag.• By early afternoon he has unpacked nearly all the boxes and stacked them in the hall.• When at last she put the receiver down and went into the kitchen she found that Edward had unpacked the shopping.un·pack verbChineseSyllable  to take box, everything of bag, out Corpus a suitcase




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