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单词 unreconstructed
释义  un·re·con·struct·ed /ˌʌnriːkənˈstrʌktɪd/ adjective  not changing your ideas even though many people think they are old-fashioned 思想僵化的,顽固守旧的,坚持过时观点的Examples from the Corpusunreconstructed• It was the unreconstructed Communists who continued in charge.• Not even the most unreconstructed Keynesian would ever claim that the General Theory was an easy read.• Among historical colleagues, Thatcherite Tories and unreconstructed Marxists alike are firmly snubbed.• Struggling with this recalcitrant material, the director, an unreconstructed romantic, slapped on the atmosphere with a lavish hand.• a group of unreconstructed Stalinistsun·re·con·struct·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  ideas your many Corpus even though changing think not they people




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