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单词 Undertaking
1. She discouraged me from undertaking the work.
2. Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking.
3. Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.
4. Making the house habitable was a major undertaking.
5. She gave a solemn undertaking to respect their decision.
6. He was entrapped into undertaking the work.
7. Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable.
8. Getting married is a serious undertaking.
9. Small businesses are a risky undertaking.
10. He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking.
11. Good luck in this enormous project you are undertaking.
12. We will succeed his undertaking that he has not finished.
13. Both organizations gave an undertaking to curb violence among their members.
14. The landlord gave a written undertaking that repairs would be carried out before the end of the month.
15. The factory failed to honour its undertaking to stop dumping waste into the local river.
16. It's a mammoth undertaking - are you sure you have the resources to cope?
17. The MOD gave an undertaking to Saville that it had provided him with all relevant material.
18. It promised to be a more difficult undertaking than might appear at first sight.
19. He gave an undertaking not to leave the country before the trial.
20. Remember to see your doctor before undertaking vitamin therapy.
21. He associated himself with his friend in a business undertaking.
22. In those days, the trip across country was a dangerous undertaking.
23. He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.
24. We have to decide if this is a worthwhile commercial undertaking.
25. He has sunk half his fortune into a new business undertaking.
26. The construction of the tunnel is a large and complex undertaking.
27. This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking.
28. The project high-lighted the key role of the expert advisors which are used by farm managers in undertaking their roles.
29. All clients need individualised care: we need to question the practicality of clients undertaking bed rest and elevating limbs.
30. Both were accused of aiding and abetting the transfer abroad of £2.6m of St Piran assets in breach of the undertaking.
1. Starting a new business can be a risky undertaking.
2. Organizing the show has been a massive undertaking.
3. He associated himself with his friend in a business undertaking.
4. In those days, the trip across country was a dangerous undertaking.
5. He is interested in buying the club as a commercial undertaking.
6. We have to decide if this is a worthwhile commercial undertaking.
7. He was entrapped into undertaking the work.
8. Their motives for undertaking this study are highly questionable.
9. He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking.
10. He has sunk half his fortune into a new business undertaking.
11. This is not a suitable time for launching forth on a new business undertaking.
31. Released from prison, Rudd travelled around the country, undertaking surveys and checking information at first hand.
32. Nevertheless, many agrochemical companies are undertaking extensive research programmes on biological control.
33. In undertaking such a vast development programme as the Mahaweli Project, it is perhaps inevitable that unanticipated problems arise.
34. Yet it is structure which gives to any undertaking its distinctive shape and identity.
35. This will be a major undertaking and one fraught with the possibility of unintended consequences.
36. The problem resulted from work the company is undertaking as it tries to improve access for its customers.
37. Let a thousand flowers bloom while we cultivate and improve our own gardens through such efforts as the Pew group is undertaking.
38. Those undertaking the drainage were quick to stake their claim to the best bits of land.
39. Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. Everyone has a flock of opinions ready to be wished upon anyone who will accept them. If you are influenced by "opinions" when you reach DECISIONS, you will not succeed in any undertaking. Napoleon Hill 
40. Sometimes the headhunter receives a fee for that advice without even undertaking an executive search.
41. Those who regard marriage as a religious sacrament may be concerned to convey the seriousness of the undertaking through symbolism and ritual.
42. This is a demanding undertaking that allows little leeway for the fragility of those attempting it.
43. Now that you have considered these empirical studies, you should be more capable of undertaking your own study.
44. Once that confidentiality is dissipated by the use of the documents in open court, primafacie the undertaking lapses.
45. For not the least of Henry's problems was how to raise the money required for the accomplishment of such an undertaking.
46. If the supplier is on an equal footing with the buyer there will be no implied undertaking.
47. Textbooks on research methods rarely mention the problems that arise when undertaking research on controversial topics or conducting it in sensitive locations.
48. It is a vast undertaking at considerable cost and hence a very brave venture in the current economic climate.
49. The purchaser should be prepared to sign a target's confidentiality undertaking.
50. He gave an undertaking that his government would not adopt aggressive measures in future.
51. Lastly,() breach of such an undertaking or court order will amount to a contempt of court.
52. He is currently undertaking research into batting techniques against fast bowling.
53. This left Boeing in the odd position of undertaking to sell new Airbus aircraft.
54. In 1965, an undertaking was given that only serious breaches of the Act should be proceeded against.
55. In the late 1980s, the United States embarked on a major undertaking: the human genome project.
56. I wish I had discovered his method of undertaking glassfibre repairs with clean hands and no brush years ago.
57. With their hierarchical authority and functional specialization, they made possible the efficient undertaking of large, complex tasks.
58. It was a mammoth and indeed crippling undertaking and by the end of the Darius reign the vast empire was in decline.
59. The undertaking is applied equally to the House of Lords.
60. Adopt and record a written plan for undertaking internal reviews which states the frequency of reviews.
61. Mr. McLoughlin I give the undertaking that I will meet any delegation that my hon. Friend wishes to bring to me.
62. Our greatest lack is not money for any undertaking, but rather ideas, If the ideas are good, cash will somehow flow to where it is needed. Robert H. Schuller 
63. In 1820, a voyage to Australia was a hazardous undertaking.
64. By August the government was trying to pacify protest by undertaking to summon an elected consultative assembly.
65. Yet, such an integration would entail a highly ambitious legal and political undertaking.
66. It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which, more than anything else, will determine its successful outcome. William James 
67. Snyder felt duped, and in late December he alerted the media that he was undertaking a fast to the death.
68. It can require the undertaking concerned to provide all necessary information and all relevant documentation in its possession.
69. Planning may also deter purchasers from undertaking opportunistic acquisitions for short term motives without regard to long term strategic aims.
70. If a separate confidentiality agreement has not been signed an appropriate undertaking can be embodied in the heads.
71. He was not released until he had been forced to sign an undertaking not to bring any charge against his aggressors.
72. Before undertaking any such flight make sure that your aircraft is properly equipped with de-icing equipment.
73. The hazardous nature of this undertaking is not in dispute.
74. The club gained a reputation for undertaking strenuous walks frequently covering seventy miles between Saturday afternoon and Sunday evening.
75. Many precautions have been devised to avoid contamination, but scrupulous housekeeping is essential in any laboratory routinely undertaking the reaction.
76. But changes in product-liability laws, a much bigger undertaking, remain stalled.
77. The vendor is likely to agree to the target's providing this information only if the purchaser enters into a confidentiality undertaking.
78. The traditional way of undertaking market research is through using questionnaires but there are difficulties in gathering information by this method.
79. Enterprises may be collaborators on one undertaking and competitors on another, at the same time.
80. In short, therefore, public interest immunity arises as an issue ancillary to the implied undertaking.
81. Before his release he was made to sign a written undertaking that he would not use religious groups for political ends.
81. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
82. Another group of supervisors from light manufacturing industry are undertaking a conversion course to catering supervisor.
83. The acquisition by the corporate purchaser may be the purchase of the vendor's entire assets and undertaking.
84. Many had, during marriage, distinct conjugal roles and were therefore quite unaccustomed to undertaking partners' household tasks.
85. Tutors and students undertaking study for these programmes should familiarise themselves with these regulations.
86. The document also contained an undertaking to deepen co-operation in trade, economic development and science and technology between the two regions.
87. All the students are undertaking work placements in local businesses one day a week for 12 weeks.
88. That undertaking seemed to be developing into a commitment to conduct a private murder investigation in a foreign country.
89. For the undertaking m a dominant position, valuable lessons are to be learned from these examples.
90. Groups seem to be most successful when undertaking tangible projects, as Black Mountain was when building its second campus.
91. Article 7. Issuance, form and irrevocability of undertaking.
92. I think that they are hazardously undertaking the task.
93. He is determined to go through with the undertaking.
94. Today is the undertaking start, today I and my brother likely are the succuba game and Cai Wulong are the same, is how same?
95. It's time for all governments in the world to seriously consider alternatives to the tobacco industry as a profit-making undertaking.
96. So if somebody comes along and says No,no,everybody dies alone, and dying as part of a joint undertaking is impossible, they're just saying something false.
97. The unexpected ruins plans. Perhaps the undertaking was superficially and inconsiderately designed: Risk of being blown out of proportion.
98. To increase our understanding of the health implications of ageing, particularly in less developed countries, WHO is undertaking the Study on global ageing and adult health (SAGE).
99. The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13 - 15, triggering the Convertibility Undertaking.
100. "We are currently undertaking osteological and forensics studies, but it will be some months before we have this information and we can compare it with the isotopic information, " he said.
101. Meantime, they were disadvantageous in Britain - China trade undertaking huge trade deficit.
102. Communication safeguard bureau is in charge of bisect class standard undertaking editing.
103. China Henan International Cooperation Group Co. Ltd. (abbreviated ad CHICO ) has begun to face the international market and started its undertaking through arduous effort since its founding.
104. A home nurse is likely to be ending much time undertaking domiciliary duties and much of the work is concerned with the elderly and chronic sick and their long term care.
105. The experimental research indicates the proposed evaluation model of rural information undertaking public satisfaction has higher goodness of fit.
106. Is the BGI's undertaking a sign of things to come, where in-house industrial training becomes more suitable than post graduate study?
107. Article99 The year's premiums retained by an insurance company undertaking property insurance shall not exceed four times that the total of the actual capital fund plus public accumulation fund.
108. Due to special features of the damage causer, the claimant, and the mode of undertaking liability, building the regime of international liability for environment damage is bound to fa.
109. The first premise of our undertaking should be noncontroversial: it is simply that economic change is important and interesting.
110. Confirmation means a definite undertaking of the confirming bank, in addition to that of the issuing bank, to honour or negotiate a complying presentation.
111. That's only going to be true if dying as a joint undertaking is impossible.sentencedict .com
112. The results showed that ketotifen is a new chemical structure type and effective anti-simian-malaria drug, and the observation of its antimalarial effect against human malaria is undertaking.
113. He is thus a disciple of the noble ones undertaking the virtue - Uposatha.
114. In undertaking a research and development project, we found that neuron model is inadequate owing to its defects such as those inherent in its structure and in its capability of information storage.
115. Current, head office of group of Chinese oil natural gas, undertaking extensive reform and recombine.
116. In order to achieve the objectives of the 11th Five-Year Plan, the transfer network for power system telecommunication is undertaking a new and challenging mission.
117. Black Sea simultaneously is also undertaking the Russian energy transportation pipeline's important channel task.
118. People do need loneliness. When we are concentrating on an undertaking or a research finding, loneliness and solitude shall be leisureliness of time.
119. Ms Helsper added: "It is clear that internet users do not shy from taking action when they think their partner might be undertaking activities that they are not comfortable with."
120. Other projects undertaking assigned by Sales Effectiveness Manager to increase sales force effectiveness.
121. The undertaking department should conduct an expert argumentation on the lawfulness of the major administrative decision-making plan.
122. After undertaking careful analysis to coxal blemish, can adopt concrete step to undertake handling according to different situation.
123. In the first and second chapters, the author elaborates the basic problems concerning the undertaking of safe port, including the standards, meaning, scope and subject.
124. Ageing warmheartedness and kind-hearted natural . has ready in the interest of the peace undertaking to expend self capability.
125. This paper is divided into five parts. Chapter One mainly introduces the theoretical basis of the salvor undertaking the tortuous liability.
126. This series of four articles aims to outline the key aspects of this approach to internal audit and to provide an insight into undertaking internal audit more effectively.
127. However, each kind of material demonstrated that the university graduates start an undertaking the success ratio to be low, start an undertaking the path to be beset with difficulties.
128. Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking bank to honour a complying presentation.
129. Therefore, no delay should be allowed in developing drilling devices characterized by safety in undertaking the task and favorableness to the health of the participating policemen and policewomen .
130. When a nominated bank has aa deferred payment undertaking it is without recourse to the beneficiary.
131. SIFE ShenZhen University congratulate beforehand on the success to the activity and do hope that SIFE ShenZhen University can make a contribution to the public welfare undertaking.
132. That joint undertaking, conducted in late July, confirmed the man's infection with the H5N1 virus.
133. Holding a forged seafarer certificate or undertaking duty in a faked name.
134. Deathbed Solicitude is a and rising, great and glorious undertaking.
135. Members undertaking SMSF audits will also need to hold a practicing certificate issued by one of the three bodies and have relevant professional indemnity insurance.
136. Analyzed an undertaking of various responsibility type and strength for punishment and accountancy law responsibility for under for illegal details method at the same time.
137. Yutaka Kawashima also suggested that the Universe Development Undertaking Group organize an inspection team to thoroughly ascertain the reason why the satellite could not enter geosynchronous orbit.
138. The business scope covers the area of undertaking services for various types of tender invitation projects.
139. Active innovative undertaking activities bring forward a large number of medium and small enterprises, accelerate technology innovation and reformation, and solve a lot of employment problem.
140. The environmental protection has become the common call and the joint undertaking of the universe.
141. My second published paper in physics was a joint undertaking with my good Hungarian friend, L.
141. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
142. We will not reserve the places for those whose parents have not signed letter of undertaking.
143. Undertaking the other task and relevant work assigned by working committee, management committee and office of municipal old-age work committee.
144. The author discusses several aspects concerning the undertaking of safe port warranty, and then puts forth own opinion and make some suggestions for the legislation in this respect.
145. Walking is something you can do with others, in the sense that it can be a joint activity,a joint undertaking.
146. Yet the government does not have the expertise or experience to construct a national network—an enormous undertaking in such a vast, largely unpopulated country.
147. So the penman concludes the procedure of enforcement undertaking according to the practice of the Intermediate People Court of Nanjing.
148. Disappear assist when undertaking intercessory to consuming dispute, can issue intercessory book, and have legal effectiveness.
149. The research and application of assumption of risk is on the core of risk undertaking in outdoor sports.
150. Now admittedly,dying as a joint undertaking is far rarer than dying alone.
151. Today, many experts, including members of the Texas Water Development Board, recommend undertaking a major project to ensure future sustainability, such as a desalination plant on the Gulf Coast.
152. Starting from April 1, 1999, the exchange rate under this Convertibility Undertaking has been moving from 7.75 to 7.80 by 1 pip (i. e. $0.0001) each calendar day.
153. Two major planks of the technical measures are the provision of a Convertibility Undertaking in respect of the Aggregate Balance and modifications to the Discount Window facility.
154. As the risk investment fund has gradually been away from the investment track of the new undertaking, it is replaced by the informal (ishapeless) personal risk investment (Angel Investment).
155. The paper introduces the problems about undertaking, construction and fund of contract labor service, which are common in construction enterprise.
155. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156. They are based in Anglesey, where the duke is undertaking air sea rescue duties.
157. In July, 2006, our company newly established artistic palisade processing factory undertaking processing and installation project.
158. To independently start an undertaking is the time tidal current, is the university graduate's bounden responsibility.
159. Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history.
160. Such a situation destine I can't reach high goal very , what undertaking does it can't achieve either.
161. Above the pyramid on the great seal of the United States it says in Latin: God has favored our undertaking.
162. Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.
163. METHODS:19 patients undertaking PBSCT were given treatment of hyperhydration, diuresis, alkalinizing , mensa and antivirus medicine. The clinical risk factors and outcomes of the HC were analyzed.




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