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单词 Intermittent
1. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.
2. Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
3. The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers.
4. Did you hear the intermittent sound outside?
5. It's a cold night here, with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind.
6. It is most noticeable on any intermittent signal.
7. There were clouds and intermittent rain during the festival.
8. There will be intermittent thunderstorms throughout the day.
9. Digestive system Stomach pain, bloating, belching, intermittent diarrhoea.
10. The rain has diminished to an intermittent drizzle, but it is still cold.
11. Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive.
12. Several hundred fans, already cold from intermittent rain, slept in the station overnight.
13. The afternoon will be warm but unsettled, with intermittent light rain.
14. Frequent church hopping, intermittent attendance and inappropriate outbursts of anger by the husband can also be signals.
15. He was also involved in intermittent solo projects and recordings over the years.
16. Unwittingly she was operating the intermittent reinforcement principle in support of a bad habit!
17. The parasite has been nurtured by abject poverty, intermittent political chaos and, some charge,(/intermittent.html) international indifference.
18. Surveillance of health problems may be brief and intermittent. 3.
19. We started to climb, accompanied by intermittent snatches of bird song: wood warbler, garden warbler and willow warbler.
20. After two days of intermittent fighting, order was finally restored.
21. His health was excellent; only for the last four years of his life did he suffer from intermittent fever.
22. Under any circumstances the track would be challenging, but intermittent rains have left the turf and red clay sodden and slick.
23. So I led a peaceable life, isolated from the intermittent scientific squabbles over who had first rights to which animals.
24. It is likely that these coherent structures originate through an intermittent instability of the velocity profile.
25. But by now most of us well know that these intermittent statistics are the damnedest of lies.
26. The duration is usually less than 24 hours, but some people experience constant or intermittent discomfort for days.
27. The prominence of the Nevilles ended in disaster and the influence of the Percies was at best intermittent.
28. In addition, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular accidents and in particular intermittent claudication occurred more frequently in diabetics of both sexes.
29. She gave a two month history of symptoms typical of intermittent small bowel obstruction before requiring a limited right hemicolectomy.
30. These fluctuations probably result from interaction between phasic gastroduodenal motility and intermittent pancreatic secretion of neutralising bicarbonate.
1. After three hours of intermittent rain, the game was abandoned.
2. Although she made intermittent movie appearances, she was essentially a stage actress.
3. Did you hear the intermittent sound outside?
31. The handouts are intermittent; the amounts vary, as does the regularity of payment.
32. Elderly patients with multiple sensory deficits may experience intermittent feelings of dizziness, especially when walking or turning.
33. The ceasefire was still intact at the end of February, despite intermittent shooting and shelling.
34. Sufferers also complain of headaches, intermittent blurred vision and vision sluggishness.
35. Intermittent drainage, underground watercourses and vast cave systems are features of the karst.
36. Is the contact of the learner with the target language group likely to be intermittent rather than extensive?
37. For the moment we have to rely on intermittent subcutaneous injections which impose quite definite restrictions.
38. Between the pathologists and police communication was intermittent, for they were parted by more than space.
39. Carotid sinus hypersensitivity may result in either an intermittent drop in blood pressure or bradycardia, or both.
40. The intermittent, flickering reality that obsesses Gael is, from the Catholic perspective, itself but a delusion.
41. Intermittent rear wipers and fingertip radio controls under the steering wheel are valuable additions.
42. Intermittent radio failure on board the boat also hampered the rescue mission.
43. Intermittent Headache Headaches separated by period of days or weeks usually fall into the vascular or muscle-contraction categories.
44. Fifty four children had intermittent or continuing mild symptoms not requiring further prednisone during the first year.
45. During the Apollo 14 flight, another problem arose after the intermittent abort signal mentioned in intermission 3 had been solved.
46. Intermittent war rages across Ulthuan once more as the Dark Elves consolidate their hold on the northern lands. 602 Caradryel dies peacefully.
47. In a normal labour intermittent auscultation with a Pinard stethoscope could not be regarded as an inadequate or negligent form of assessment.
48. Her parents and brothers waited till the sound of guns was no longer intermittent but continuous before they started for the seashore.
49. One school of thought within psychology is that we tend to get hooked into behaviour patterns if they produce intermittent rewards.
50. It may sound like an intermittent road drill combined with a jet plane.
51. Intermittent intervals of moonlight would mean not having to use flashlights, when he and Larsen entered the enemy's territory.
52. These interesting observations certainly justify further evaluation of intermittent treatment in a controlled setting.
53. Recent studies of intermittent turbulence within chaotic systems are being applied to process control with considerable success.
54. This suggests that it will need thermal mass to make the best use of the intermittent heat gains that it receives.
55. In many cases, however, it is expressed as an intermittent grumbling of practitioners rather than as a systematic counter-argument.
56. Intermittent periods of activity were seen thereafter but the timing, amplitude, and duration of this activity was unpredictable.
57. But in postoperative testing, both children were visually alert with full eye movements, although each showed intermittent strabismus.
58. Patient 101 - presented at the age of 66 years with intermittent diarrhoea.
59. He can walk and his speech is not affected, but he suffers from poor concentration and intermittent double vision.
60. She is the sort of person who works with intense but intermittent effort.
61. The period saw in most Western countries a series of intermittent and disjointed efforts to remedy this state of affairs.
62. Would you give the definition of intermittent claudication?
63. Early symptoms: cold limbs, numbness, paresthesia, intermittent claudication etc.
64. Intermittent tap-water supplies should be regarded as particularly suspect.
65. In the daytime intermittent rains freshened all the earth.
66. Intermittent clutch or accumulator seal performance.
67. Mainly rare smooth muscle tumor, a longer course of disease, dysphagia more intermittent.
68. Most common like has the blood flushes intermittent fever, losing sleep, the function to reduce, the mood fluctuation, the palpitation chest stuffily and so on.
69. The effect to the vibration of components of intermittent transmission chain is non-linear, which is caused by the stiffness change of drive sprocket's torsion and driven sprocket's crankle.
70. Mild Tetany of hind limbs, staggering, falling and intermittent convulsions.
71. The fields of observation were unclear, the blood stream was slow, granular and intermittent. Blood stasis was observed in the top loops of capillaries and venulae.
72. Today much of the world cannot make use of large quantities of variable and intermittent renewables without using natural gas to provide the needed "fill-in" power.
73. Objective : To study the effects of Myocardial ultrastructure of capillary vessel during intermittent hypoxia training.
74. These energetic intermittent slugs of gas cause the initial dislodgement of solids and the subsequent breakup of agglomerates.
75. The average active power in intermittent operations can be displayed, which is highly effective for consumed-power measurements.
76. There are three types, intermittent fever fever and relapsing fever.
77. By microwave-isted extraction and intermittent microwave radiation heating, the new technology of obtaining Porphyra haitanensis polysaccharides was studied.
77. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
78. Secondly , kinematics and statics of the planetary intermittent mechanism are studied.
79. Dozens of inventors—maybe a hundred—contributed to your intermittent windshield wiper.
80. However, in this way, the camcorder included image signals can only be partial, and is intermittent.
81. There are three types, intermittent fever, remittent fever and relapsing fever.
82. Rapid - Inflation Intermittent Pneumatic Compression for Prevention of Deep Venous Thrombosis.
83. By 1989, Ford alone had sold 20.6 million cars with the intermittent wiper, and made a profit that has been calculated at five hundred and fifty-seven million dollars.
84. The sulfonation of highly crosslinked macroporous styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers (60% DVB) by microwave heating was studied. The high power set and intermittent heating mode was adopted.
85. As the main work of this paper , this thesis suggests an intermittent performance analysis method.
86. A model was developed for the kinetics of the liquid-solid phase reactions in a intermittent reactor, such as the leaching process of stibnite in the antimony hydrometallurgy.
87. The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant.
88. Metal wire: money is intermittent, the real one is continuous.
89. The yields are compared with the operation modes of continuous feed diafiltration (CFD) and intermittent feed diafiltration (IFD) by model calculation and experiment.
90. Further research is required on " Intermittent criticality ", " triggers, stress shadows and implications for seismic hazard ".
91. Objective To research the drug fever caused by the antituberculotic medicament in the during short-course intermittent chemotherapies.
92. Conclusions (1) In the cases with intermittent exotropia, the zero disparity stereoacuity, the crossed disparity and uncrossed disparity stereoacuities are abnormal.
93. Highly spatially intermittent flux is responsible for generating the anomalous viscosity.
94. Only 1 patient required intermittent dilation once a week for 6 months.
95. Patients with LCS accompanied by intermittent claudication adopt a forward - bending posture during walking.
96. Methods 9 patients lower abdominal aortas were intermittent strapped and blocked by sterilized rubber tube and shoelace during operations.
97. The static and dynamic characteristic of paper-conveying is studied under the intermittent and continuous feed way on a vacuum paper-feeding experimental device being developed.
98. The ship to paddle blade wheel OARS bihan OARS, put the intermittent push to Samuel whirly propulsion (the OARS wheel for continuous operation).
99. To investigate the effects of intermittent hypoxia on the hippocamp al synaptic plasticity in rat.
100. We describe a 45-year-old woman with a 20-year history of endometriosis presenting with a 3-year history of intermittent cramping periumbilical and lower abdominal pain.
101. Accumulator is used in hydraulic press driven by pump-accumulator. The high pressure pump with small flow can put working liquid into the accumulator in the intermittent working time of press.
102. Fragrant garden during the summer around, low-ceilinged building of other Ju flavor ... sitting on those wooden chair, the ears heard the intermittent sound of the piano.
103. When intermittent failure in the hydraulic fluid pellet has hindered valve seat's correct homing.
104. This paper introduces a computer control system for machining intermittent noving columniform worm with transcendental surfaces.
105. About 10 percent of people with PAD have intermittent claudication.
106. To evaluate the effect of Synoptophore training for the deterioration of postoperative intermittent exotropia.
107. To work under low-speed, heavy-load, swing, intermittent motion, mud and water, the hydraulic turbine using solid lubricant embedded bearing is superior to that using liquid lubricant.
107. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
108. The medical term for this condition is " intermittent claudication. "
109. Aim To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of Panhematin for acute intermittent porphyria(AIP).
110. It suggests a possible intermittent reattachment of the separated free shear flow, consequently lower the correlation on the side face of the building models.
111. It is a real-time and opening industrial control network which can be used in the intermittent or in the successional control system course.
112. The most common clinical presentation is bowel ischemia with some degree of SBO. Howeer, if hernias are easily reducible, the clinical presentation may be intermittent or transient.
113. Moreover, if you have access only to a remote database, you might have trouble with intermittent or slow access to your network.
114. An intermittent river, about , 2' km (700 mi) long, of the Simpson Desert in north-central Australia.
115. For superheated steam and clean gas, a valve outlet mach number below 0.4 is recommended for continuous operation and below 0.5 for intermittent operation.
116. Objective To study the optimal time for operation of intermittent exotropia , so that we can orthopia strabismus and attain normal binocular function.
117. Contact Mark. Intermittent marks adjacent to the weld line resulting from the electrical contact between the electrodes supplying the welding current and the pipe surface.
119. Method Using the Yan′s far and near random-dot stereogram to examine 69 intermittent exotropia patient′s stereoacuity before and after the operation.
120. Abjective: To establish the rabbit arteriosclerosis mold caused by chronic intermittent hypoxia, and probe into the correlative malgenic mechanism.
121. The intermittent injection desolvation method is used to accumulate the sample the graphite furnace surface.
122. Combine induced uresis with intermittent catheterization is thought to be useful in renew the function of bladder, improve urination symptom, reduced the values of residual urine and the syndrome.
123. The vibration of the bearings of the agitator in an intermittent distillator was eliminated and the agitator became stable, reliable, and efficient through some structure improvements.
124. Fatigue occurs when the interval of intermittent tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle is shortened to a certain degree and the contractile tension declines.
125. Objective To investigate the effects of continuous tracheal gas insufflation (CTGI) combined with biphasic intermittent positive airway pressure (BIPAP) ventilation on dogs with spontaneous breathing.
126. Conclusion Chronic intermittent hypoxia can increase rat liver microsomal ERD and ANH activities. The mechanism is related to up-regulation of CYP3A2 and CYP2E1 expression at the transcriptive levels.
127. Conclusion: Modulating the operative quantum may improve the success rate of operation for intermittent exotropia on the base of having far stereopsis or not.
128. Intermittent steam injection can increase the specific volume, swept volume and utilization ratio of heat, and can improve formation of seepage in oil reservoir so as to improve flooding effect.
129. Objective : To observe the clinical efficiency of intermittent self catheterization of the paraplegic patients.
130. The effect of intermittent flood upon the radial variation of tracheid features of Taxodium ascendens was investigated.
131. Objective To evaluate the difference in myocardial protection of continuous potassic warm oxygenated blood perfusion compared with intermittent potassic cold oxygenated blood perfusion.
132. Prevents the breath myospasm to cause to suffocate, when necessity makes a great effort the tube incision, the intermittent positive pressure gives the oxygen.
133. Thep-benzoquinone was oxidized to open the ring and formed other intermittent products such as butanol, butanone, propanoic acid and ethanediol.
134. Continuous, daily collaboration between stakeholders and the project team is a far superior way to ensure project progress than the intermittent production and sign-off of formal documents.
135. She had also suffered from dysesthesia in the right lower leg and intermittent claudication.
136. Summary of Background Data. The patient presented with 3 months of neck pain and intermittent right arm radicular symptoms.
137. Intermittent - Intermittent errors show up on an irregular basis and can be indicative of a nascent problem, such as when a hard disk logs a series of write errors,(http:///intermittent.html) showing that the drive may fail.
138. There are three types, intermittent fever, remittent and relapsing fever.
139. Microbe assimilation plays a leading role in the intermittent reaction.
140. The sequential damage of stereopsis in intermittent exotropia is uncrossed disparity, crossed disparity and zero disparity.
141. A 19-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with a10-day history of intermittent odynophagia, voice changes, and fever.
142. Using urban sewage, the intermittent aeration was applied for shortcut nitrification and nitrosobacteria was cultivated by inoculation.
143. An intermittent river of northeast Australia flowing about 837 km (520 mi) northwest to the Gulf of Carpentaria.
144. EPDM is rated at 250 H intermittent service and 225 H continuous service.
145. Cases were therefore heard before the intermittent justices who applied the law impartially.
146. Oar oar oar ships to change paddle wheel forward, the oar oar paddle wheel instead of the intermittent advance of the roundabout forward (continuous operation).
147. In similar fashion, South Korea has been given little in return for intermittent friendliness and substantial aid.
148. N: There are three types, intermittent fever , remittent fever and relapsing fever.
149. Palpitation, lustreless, complexion, dizziness, blurring of vision, shortness of breath, lassitude, pale tongue with tooth prints, thready, weak or intermittent pulse.
150. Proper amount EGR inducted can dramatically enhance the combustion rate and decrease the pressure rise rate, but too much EGR would result in unstable even intermittent combustion.
151. The crustal movement in Three Gorges Reservoir Area has been intermittent uprising movement since Cenozoic era.
152. Plugging in the PF30 and plugging the analyzer into each of its AC outlets, we confirmed that the conditioner is indeed capable of zapping all but the faintest and most intermittent AC line noise.
153. In 1969, Ford came out with a new, electronic intermittent windshield wiper, the first in the industry.
154. Currently, in the actual production, MRP system is calculated on a time span through sub-total demand and net demand, and to express the demand for materials with the intermittent time series.
155. SEDER BOQER, Israel — Renewable energy is often intermittent and unreliable, but with the right storage technology, it can become a substitute for baseline power.
156. Experimental comparison was also made between the continuous bubble method and the intermittent bubble method of diazomethane.
157. Main function and characteristic: This machine is a vertical type machine, three sides sealing, intermittent high-accuracy liquid packing machine.
158. In data communications, a mode in which data is transmitted at a specific data signalling rate during controlled, intermittent intervals .
159. The late arrival of scattered portions of the signal causes problems such as fading, cut-out (cliff effect)(), and intermittent reception (picket fencing).
160. One of the guards said, "That's the man who invented the intermittent windshield wiper."
161. The characteristics of intermittent signal system was discussed for the purpose of better application.
162. A clear operative field is achieved by active, intermittent suction of blood from the PN bed.
163. The idea for the intermittent windshield wiper entered his mind.
164. Night, the vehicle must be "courteous", in the face of the other party does not change the high beam, immediately reduce speed and use the notice to the other variable intermittent light shade lamps.
165. Contact Bounce. The intermittent and undesired opening of relay contacts during closure.
166. Methods:Aminophylline and lobeline hydrochloride were used in treatment of 83 newborn babies with intermittent apnea and statistics by tested in Chi square test for comparison.
167. Moreover(/intermittent.html), intermittent fires burn away the undergrowth that might accumulate and make any eventual fire uncontrollable.
168. Different lifting time of the automatic lifting device can be set according to the intermittent drying technique, and both manual and automatic controls are available.
169. CONCLUSION: An early operation for the intermittent exotropia and the instruction of synoptophore after the operation are suggested for rebuilding binocular single vision.
170. Objective To study the curative effect and the feasibility of the treatment of synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) for breath failure of the newborn infant in basic hospitals.
171. The mathematical model of the process of intermittent heating was established on the basis of similitude principle and a hybrid simulation experiment was conducted systemically.
172. This principle initiated a kind of completely new designing method for higher ordered intermittent mechanism based on the combination of fundamental mechanism.
173. The intermittent control of wipers is related to the control switch, control relay and its control mode of the wipers operating circuit.
174. Common body cooling, afraid of the cold, pain and intermittent claudication or acromegaly ulcer and gangrene.
175. B . Amenorrhea may persist , or intermittent vaginal bleeding , spotting, or brown discharge may be noted.
176. AIM: To evaluate the effect of the fusion function training on the binocular vision rebuilding in patients underwent intermittent exotropia operation.
177. Marginal contribution analytical method commonly used in intermittent industry can also be used for economic analysis of production and operation of solid products in petrochemical industry.
178. Objective To discuss the operative timing of intermittent exotropia and observe the effect of adjustable suture use in strabismus surgery.
179. Intermittent mild vaginal discharge without abdominal pain was noted during her intermenstrual period.
180. A bird watcher is familiar with local, common birds but may not be able to easily identify rare or intermittent visitors.
181. For lesions involving the internal maxillary artery or other deep branches, massive or intermittent oronasal hemorrhage may be encountered.
182. A satisfactory result of chaos synchronization is obtained at very low cost of control in the case of appropriate intermittent control period and associated coupling coefficient.
183. Objective To investigate the characteristics of the AC/A ratio in children with intermittent exotropia.
184. How does ability control him, make oneself not intermittent alternant sex gluttony, anorexia?
185. Expounds the basic working principle and clinical application of intermittent heating treatment instrument for cervical vertebra.
186. Today, under the sky with intermittent rain, God seemed to pout, looked gloomy.
187. Results All of 60 cases have intermittent claudication,(http:///intermittent.html) lower limb numbness and pain.
188. Conclusions - Rifalazil did not improve exercise performance or quality of life in patients with intermittent claudication.
189. The unsoundness growth of fusion function was the major pathogenetic factor in intermittent exotropia.
190. Cyanoacrylate introduced into the eyes will attach it self to the eye protein and well disassociate form it over intermittent periods, generally covering several hours.
191. The ideal mode that combine induced uresis with intermittent catheterization of uresis function training in the patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) is expatiated.
192. The results showed: from pith outward, the tracheid length and diameter and cell wall thickness of Taxodium ascendens wood with or without intermittent flood all increased.
193. Rounds of automatic rifle fire crackled into the air throughout the day, punctuated by the intermittent sounds of explosions.
194. It's not a mechanical ( LCD ) fault but only an intermittent display problem in view finder mode.
195. Methods: 31 cases with neurogenic intermittent claudication were treated with calcitonin for 8 weeks.
196. After earning engineering degrees and a doctorate, he invented the intermittent windshield wiper systems used on most automobiles from 1969 to the present.
197. METHOD Under the same conditions of microwave power and extraction time, methanol, alcohol, toluene, acetone and hexamethylene were used as the extractant to carry out intermittent extraction.
198. The continuous working and operating mode eliminates the abuse of the unavoidable differences among product batches in intermittent production, and raises the availability ratio of equipment.
199. This machine is a vertical type machine, three sides sealing, intermittent high - accuracy liquid packing machine.
200. Objecties . To elucidate the mechanisms of neurogenic intermittent claudication in lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
201. It and reversing current different is not to be, but with a anode intermittently stop, because the intermittent power supply current interrupted, cathode potential with time periodically change.
202. The movie tells the story of Robert Kearns ( Greg Kinnear ), who invented the intermittent windshield wiper back in the 70s.
203. At a subsequent syncopal attack, 24 hours ambulatory ECG was repeated and found intermittent complete atrioventricular block with prolonged ventricular asystole up to 19.4 sec.




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