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单词 SOS
释义  Related topics: Telephone, telegraph, BroadcastingSOS /ˌes əʊ ˈes $ -oʊ-/ noun [singular]  1. TTTCTa signal or message that a ship or plane sends when it is in danger and needs help 〔遇险船只或飞机发出的〕紧急求救信号 → mayday2  TCBMESSAGEan urgent message that someone is in trouble and needs help 紧急求助的消息 This is an SOS for a Mr Tucker, whose mother is seriously ill. 紧急寻找塔克先生,他的母亲病重。Examples from the CorpusSOS• He then requested flares for landing and then put out an SOS that they were on fire.• An SOS talisman is obtainable at many chemists.• Their frantic SOS message was picked up by a Coast Guard vessel.• I mean, are we the only ones who heard the SOS?• Roebuck was visiting his family at Bathurst, about five hours drive west of Sydney, when he received the SOS call.• The civilian operator who took the SOS call may have heard the voice of her killer.• This is a textbook position in which to use the SOS redouble.Origin SOS (1900-2000) S and O, letters chosen because they were easy to send by Morse code, but often understood as short for "save our souls"SOS nounChinese  message ship a or a that signal Corpus




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