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单词 rant
释义  rant /rænt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  SHOUTto talk or complain in a loud excited and rather confused way because you feel strongly about something 大声激昂地说;怒气冲冲地抱怨rant about She was still ranting about the unfairness of it all. 她仍在怒气冲冲地抱怨这件事不公平。 Why don’t you stop ranting and raving for a minute and listen? 你别大喊大叫的,稍停一会儿,仔细听好吗? —rant noun [countable] a 15-minute rant about the evils of modern society 对现代社会的种种弊端长达15分钟的愤怒声讨→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrant• All that is left for a man with only an ageing cohort of supporters, is to rant.• Thompson was ranting about American youth again.• Wilson let him rant and clutched Pilade to her.• Coach Bill Oates does not rant and rave on the sideline.• She ranted and raved for hours.• The night staff finally congregated outside my room trying endless combinations of key card whilst I ranted and raved.• The actor is ranting, flinging spittle.• When Buck and Ratso go to another greasy spoon, a crazy is ranting in the background.• She did not rant or rave or otherwise make a spectacle of herself.ranting and raving• Our task is to understand our Ego, so that we can recognise its ranting and raving.• Matilda was still ranting and raving against the absent Earl for getting himself captured.• Its as if he was ranting and raving when he said it.Origin rant (1500-1600) Early Dutch rantenrant verbChinese  complain rather a and Corpus in to talk excited or loud




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