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单词 pump
释义  Related topics: Mechanicalpump1 /pʌmp/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable]TEM a machine for forcing liquid or gas into or out of something 泵;唧筒;抽水机;打气筒water/air/beer etc pump (=for moving water, air etc) 抽水机/抽气机/啤酒泵等hand/foot pump (=operated by your hand or foot) 手压[摇]泵/脚踏泵petrol pump/gas pump (=for putting petrol into cars) 汽油泵stomach pump (=for removing the contents of someone’s stomach) 洗胃泵 →4  See picture of 见图 BICYCLE 1 →5 see picture at 见图 bicycle12  [countable usually plural] a) British English a flat light shoe for dancing, exercise, sport etc 〔跳舞、锻炼、运动等用的〕平底轻便鞋 b) American English a woman’s plain shoe with no laces, buckles etc 〔式样简单的〕无带浅帮女鞋 a pair of leather pumps 一双无带女皮鞋 →5 see picture at 见图 shoe13. [countable]MOVE something OR somebody an act of pumping 抽吸;泵送;抽运 → heat pump, → all hands to the pumps at hand1(37), → prime the pump at prime3(4), → parish pumpExamples from the Corpuspump• The leak was reportedly from a pump in the plant.• a pair of blue leather pumps• After two miles he came to a garage on the left, a small affair with old-style hand-operated pumps and a little office.• The device which I call a Wurly costs no more than a standard pump to run.• These stones extend down the watercourse, over which water flows with the aid of a simple submersible pump.• But just as likely, his brief time alongside the men at Midvale ran together with his years at the pump works.• At once, Poole could hear the throbbing of the pumps as precious air was sucked out of the lock chamber.• A visitor treks to the pumps from the darkened viewing room of the aquarium by opening an unmarked door.stomach pump• Even 40 years ago, Thames river police who fell into the river were taken straight off to be stomach pumped.• She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.• His stomach pumped out acid into his system.Related topics: Industrypump2 ●●○ verb  1  move in a direction 朝某方向移动 [transitive always + adverb/preposition]MOVE something OR somebody to make liquid or gas move in a particular direction, using a pump 〔用泵〕输送,抽运〔液体或气体〕pump something into/out of/through something The fire department is still pumping floodwater out of the cellars. 消防人员仍在用水泵从地下室里往外抽积水。2  move from under ground 从地下移动 [transitive]TI to bring a supply of water, oil etc to the surface from under the ground 从地下抽出〔水、油等〕 We were able to pump clean water from several of the wells. 我们能从几口井里抽出干净的水来。pump gas American English (=put gasoline into a car) 〔给汽车〕加油 He got a job pumping gas for the hotel guests. 他得到一份为宾馆客人的汽车加油的工作。3  move in and out 进进出出 [intransitive] (also pump away)MOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move very quickly in and out or up and down 剧烈地来回[上下]移动 My heart was pumping fast. 我的心怦怦直跳。4  use a pump 使用泵 [intransitive] (also pump away)MOVE something OR somebody to operate a pump 操作泵[唧筒]pump at The furnace man’s job was to pump away furiously at the bellows. 火炉工的工作就是用力推拉风箱。5  come out 出来 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]LIQUID if a liquid pumps from somewhere, it comes out suddenly in small amounts 〔液体〕涌出,涌流pump from/out of Blood pumped from the wound. 血从伤口汩汩涌出。6  ask questions 提问 [transitive] informalASK A QUESTION to ask someone a lot of questions in order to get information from them 盘问,套问pump somebody for something I tried to pump him for information about their other contacts. 我试图从他嘴里套出有关其他联系人的情况。7  DRUGS 药物pump somebody full of something informalMD to put a lot of drugs into someone’s body 让某人使用大量药物 athletes pumped full of steroids 大量使用类固醇的运动员8. EXERCISE 锻炼pump iron informalDSO to do exercises by lifting heavy weights 举重9. MEDICAL TREATMENT 治疗have your stomach pumped MHto have a medical treatment to remove things you have swallowed, using a pump 洗胃10 pump something into somebody/something phrasal verb a) pump bullets into somebody/something informalSHOOT to shoot someone several times 将多发子弹射入某人身体/某物b) pump money into something to put a lot of money into a project, investment etc 在某事物上注入大量资金11 pump out phrasal verb a) MAKEif something such as music, information, or a supply of products pumps out, or if someone pumps it out, a lot of it is produced 〔音乐〕连续播放;〔信息或产品〕大量提供,大量供应 Music pumped out from the loudspeakers. 喇叭里一直播放着音乐。pump something ↔ out propaganda pumped out by the food industry 食品行业的大量宣传b) pump something ↔ outMOVE something OR somebody to remove liquid from something, using a pump 用泵抽出〔某物中的液体〕 You’ll have to pump the boat out. 你得用泵把船里的水抽出来。12 pump something/somebody ↔ up phrasal verb a) TTAIRto fill a tyre, airbed etc with air until it is full 给〔轮胎、充气床垫等〕充满气 SYN inflateb) INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT informal to increase the value, amount, or level of something 增加〔某物〕的价值[数量,水平] The US was able to pump up exports. 美国有能力增加出口量。 Come on, pump up the volume (=play music louder)! 快点,把音量开大!c) MPto increase someone’s excitement, interest etc 使兴奋,使更感兴趣;给〔某人〕打气→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspump• I pressed in, remained, pumped.• Actually, Cotton needs pumping about as much as Charles Barkley needs prompting.• Up to 60,000 temporary jobs are expected to pump an estimated $ 2 billion in wages into the local economy.• He pumped away furiously.• We were able to pump clean groundwater from several of the wells.• As you know, blood begins to settle in the lowest part of the body as soon as the heart stops pumping it around.• When the water is pumped out if there is much oil in it the crew knows the casks are leaking.• They have not pumped up taxes; personal and corporate income taxes have remained at reasonable levels.• Emergency crews were called to pump water from 7 houses.pump something into/out of/through something• A fan pumps the air out of the hose.• Rough weather has all but stopped efforts to pump that oil out of the upside-down hull.pump gas• After two years of college, Swensson completed a two-week Standard Oil training course and went to work pumping gas.• Before he made it to Broadway, Kelly pumped gas.• He wanted to be an auto mechanic, but, really, he pumped gas.• He bootlegged whiskey, pumped gas, worked in a steel mill handling hot wire, stole hubcaps.pump from/out of• But a lot of the water being pumped out of the ground is as nonrenewable as oil.• And then I pump out of this canvas bag into that.pump somebody for something• Viktor wanted to pump Jody for more information about her program.From Longman Business Dictionarypumppump /pʌmp/ verb [transitive] pump money/millions etc into somethingFINANCE to put a lot of money into a business, plan etcThe government has already pumped a huge amount of money into the project.→ See Verb tableOrigin pump1 1. (1400-1500) Middle Low German pumpe or Middle Dutch pompe, probably from Spanish bomba2. (1500-1600) Origin unknownpump1 nounpump2 verbChinese  liquid forcing Corpus gas for or a Business machine




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