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单词 retrain
释义 Word family  noun trainee trainer training retraining adjective trained ≠ untrained verb train retrain  Related topics: Trainingre·train /ˌriːˈtreɪn/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  SETto learn or to teach someone the skills that are needed to do a different job 〔为从事新工作而〕接受再培训;对…再训练 One solution is to retrain the long-term unemployed. 一个解决办法是对长期失业的人进行再培训。retrain as She’s hoping to retrain as a teacher. 她希望接受再培训当老师。 —retraining noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretrain• The other basic parts of managing the dream are recruiting meticulously, rewarding, retraining, and reorganizing.• Why do the retraining efforts of self-defeating organizations tend to create at least as many difficulties as they resolve?• After a gap for her family she is retraining in Radiology.• Few approaches would produce more positive results on the actual curriculum in schools than review and retraining in this field.• In that case, unions intend to demand significant job retraining programs for displaced clerical staff.• All of this implies an urgent, increasing and ongoing need for training and retraining throughout the profession.• He called for retraining workers for better-paid jobs.• A federal program was set up to retrain workers who have lost their jobs.• To stop this happening, you have to retrain your bladder to hold larger amounts of urine.From Longman Business Dictionaryretrainre‧train /ˌriːˈtreɪn/ verb [intransitive, transitive]HUMAN RESOURCES to learn new skills or to teach someone the skills needed to do a different jobWe bought new software and had to retrain everyone to use the database. —retraining noun [uncountable]He undertook eight weeks of retraining.→ See Verb tablere·train verbChineseSyllable  to the teach learn someone Business or skills Corpus that to needed are




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