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单词 Marriage
1. Marriage! Nothing else demands so much from a man! 
2. Marriage makes or mars a man. 
3. Marriage is a lottery with more blanks than prizes. 
4. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 
5. Marriage is a lottery.
6. When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 
7. To make a lasting marriage we have to overcome self-centeredness. 
8. Marriage is destiny.
9. Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards. 
10. Marriage goes by contrasts.
11. Marriage comes by destiny.
12. She has two children by a previous marriage.
13. The story begins with their marriage.
14. Marriage became an institution in ancient societies.
15. Their marriage took place amid a blaze of publicity.
16. Their marriage was a complete travesty.
17. No formal record of the marriage now survives.
18. His entry to the party coincided with his marriage.
19. I don't want to be a housewife after marriage.
20. Please accept my hearty congratulations upon your marriage.
21. She remained ambivalent about her marriage.
22. A taboo against sex before marriage.
23. Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties.
24. The marriage took place notwithstanding his objections.
25. They bantered him on the subject of marriage.
26. She was the child of a broken marriage.
27. You look great! Marriage obviously agrees with you.
28. Rose says so far the marriage has been unsatisfying.
29. I think their marriage is on the rocks.
30. They had a long and happy marriage.
1. She has two children by a previous marriage.
2. Marriage became an institution in ancient societies.
3. I don't want to be a housewife after marriage.
4. A taboo against sex before marriage.
5. The marriage took place notwithstanding his objections.
6. I think their marriage is on the rocks.
7. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty.
8. Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.
9. This is his second marriage.
10. I haven't thought about marriage yet.
11. There's no magic formula for a perfect marriage.
12. They have decided to ring down on their marriage.
13. She is his daughter from a previous marriage.
14. The marriage linked the two families together.
15. Their families are connected by marriage.
16. The marriage ended in divorce in 1996.
17. She felt trapped in a sham of a marriage.
18. He's trying to save their marriage.
19. Marriage should be founded on love.
20. She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage.
21. Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.
22. How did we get onto the subject of marriage?
23. Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage.
24. Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage.
25. You can't just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem.
26. Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society?
27. She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.
28. Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.
29. She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage.
30. Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born.
31. Her parents refused their consent to the marriage.
32. She rejected his offer of marriage.
33. True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty.
34. He moved away after the breakdown of his marriage.
35. Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.
36. Her marriage now lay in tatters.
37. His family were adamantly opposed to the marriage.
38. Compromise is an inevitable part of marriage.
39. May your marriage be blessed with faith,joy,and love.
40. After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.
41. I haven't thought about marriage yet.
42. She was discouraged in her marriage.
43. Marriage is a life of sharing.
44. The first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.
45. Their marriage culminated their long friendship.
46. She has three daughters from a previous marriage.
47. He found himself homeless after his marriage broke up.
48. There's no magic formula for a perfect marriage.
49. They have decided to ring down on their marriage.
50. The singer star's marriage got a lot of publicity.
51. Marriage between close kin is prohibited.
52. After ten years of marriage,[sentencedict .com] they are divorcing.
53. She is his daughter from a previous marriage.
54. A good marriage is based on trust.
55. The marriage ceremony was performed by the bishop.
56. The marriage linked the two families together.
57. The marriage was held to be valid.
58. Their families are connected by marriage.
59. She refused him/his proposal of marriage.
60. The marriage ended in divorce in 1996.
31. I have to admit, the idea of marriage scares me.
32. We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.
33. She was known to have had personal problems unconnected with her marriage.
34. The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
35. Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life.
36. I'm not sure if Karen is ready for marriage yet.
37. It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.
38. About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
39. They seemed to have the perfect marriage but the reality was very different.
40. The news of their marriage was not made public until three months later.
41. He was the innocent party in the breakdown of the marriage.
42. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
43. A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries.
44. She's a sentimental woman who believes marriage comes by destiny.
45. Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.
46. Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony.
47. The old law could sentence a woman to an unbearable marriage for life, but this is now all changing.
48. She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage.
49. The marriage began in a stormy fashion, but soon settled down.
50. Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: schooldays, marriage, old age.
61. She felt trapped in a sham of a marriage.
62. People still opt for monogamy and marriage.
63. He's trying to save their marriage.
64. Their marriage ended in divorce.
65. She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks.
66. Marriage should be founded on love.
67. Their marriage began to founder soon after the honeymoon.
68. He is desirous of her hand in marriage.
69. He has not advised his friends of his marriage.
70. When I was 35 my marriage broke up.
71. She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage.
72. Many women successfully mix marriage and career.
73. Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.
74. How did we get onto the subject of marriage?
75. Jackie and Bill are still trying to patch up their marriage.
76. In retrospect, I think my marriage was doomed from the beginning.
77. In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.
78. Both parties seemed to have a rather clinical view of the breakup of their marriage.
79. You can't just walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a problem.
80. Do you think they'll ever make a go of their marriage?
81. Is there a taboo against sex before marriage in your society?
82. If you fight for yourself, only you can win; when you fight for your marriage,[http:///marriage.html] you both win.
83. I know you both well and feel that your marriage will last for a long time.
84. Rosie's idyllic world came to an abrupt end when her parents' marriage broke up.
85. She is still coming to terms with the failure of her marriage.
86. Their marriage ended eight years ago in an acrimonious divorce.
87. I just want to wish you a happy marriage, happy, be deeply attached to each other forever!
88. My wife and I are very delighted to hear the news of your marriage.We send you both our love and hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life together.
89. Lots of people don't bother to go through a marriage ceremony these days.
90. It's not easy to apportion blame when a marriage breaks up.
91. Marriage is like a maze, build a marriage on the people themselves have been lost before.
92. My marriage has broken up. It has made me reclusive and unsociable.
93. She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage.
94. Our best wishes to the two of you for a happy marriage filled with all the good things.
95. How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage?
96. Eventually Sam persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage.
97. On the face of it, their marriage seems an improbable alliance.
98. His second marriage was annulled because he never divorced his first wife.
99. My heartiest good wishes on the 20th anniversary of your marriage.May the years to come bring every blessing to you both.
100. My sincere congratulations on your happy marriage and my best wishes to you two for a lifetime of happiness.
101. Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born.
102. Marriage changes you as a person in ways that you can't imagine.
103. The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.
104. I have to admit, the idea of marriage scares me.
105. Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon your recent marriage.
106. The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent.
107. We request the pleasure of your company at the marriage of our daughter Lisa.
108. Something like sixty percent of all married men will have an affair at some point in their marriage.
108. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
109. She was known to have had personal problems unconnected with her marriage.
110. There's been a lot of conjecture in the papers recently about the royal marriage.
111. What price a successful career if it ruins your marriage?
112. Her marriage is in trouble and she is desperately unhappy.
113. I'm delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage and now send you and your Frank my sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious life together.
114. The heavy expenses involved in his marriage celebration cancelled out the possible pleasure he'd have.
115. After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally to her music.
116. The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.
117. The Dotens have a deep conviction that marriage is for life.
118. I knew she had some fundamental problems in her marriage because she had confided in me a year earlier.
119. She blamed him for the failure of their marriage/blamed the failure of their marriage on him.
120. Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life.
121. Congratulations on your marriage.
122. I'm not sure if Karen is ready for marriage yet.
123. It is idle to pretend that their marriage is a success.
124. He confided to his friends that he didn't have much hope for his marriage.
125. George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin.
126. About 23% of men and women aged 25 to 34 told researchers they had previously cohabited with a partner without it leading to marriage.
127. Your marriage was very sudden. Have you thought things over properly?
128. His marriage to someone outside their faith was a great grief to his parents.
129. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children.
130. After twelve years of marriage, the two people began to drift apart.
131. They seemed to have the perfect marriage but the reality was very different.
132. congratulations on your marriage.
133. The news of their marriage was not made public until three months later.
134. He was the innocent party in the breakdown of the marriage.
135. Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.
136. Early marriage and procreation are no longer discouraged there.
137. A plural marriage is forbidden by many countries.
138. I can't stand the confines of this marriage.
139. The marriage signalled James's embrace of the Catholic faith.
140. He sacrificed his marriage to his vaulting political ambition.
141. The marriage took place at St Bartholomew's church.
142. The marriage had lasted for less than two years.
143. Venice was a painful reminder of her marriage.
144. May you have a long and fruitful marriage.
145. Their marriage was not solemnized in the church.
146. As time went by, their marriage turned sour .
147. She was the dominant partner in the marriage.
148. My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage.
149. The breakdown of their marriage was irretrievable.
150. His marriage was going through a bad patch.
151. The couple have sought help from marriage guidance counsellors.
152. He talked to a counsellor about his marriage difficulties.
153. She contracted a formal marriage to a British ex-serviceman.
154. Marriage had transplanted Rebecca from London to Manchester.
155. Mary and John took out a marriage license.
156. Did he propose marriage to you?
157. She feels very insecure about her marriage.
158. Chastity before marriage is still demanded in some societies.
159. The basis of a good marriage is trust.
160. He has two daughters from a previous marriage.
161. Lack of romance can kill a marriage.
162. He admitted that their marriage was in trouble.
163. First examine the entries on the marriage register.
164. He wooed the actress before marriage.
165. I opposed her marriage to Darryl.
166. It was his drinking that busted up their marriage.
167. They hid the troubles plaguing their marriage behind a facade of family togetherness.
168. Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values.
169. They will have chalked up 40 years of marriage this summer.
170. The failure of their marriage has got a lot of exposure recently.
171. Some people still think it is immoral to have sex before marriage.
172. They'll bring the date of their marriage forward from the 30th to the 28th.
173. Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage.
174. I'd got myself into this marriage and I jolly well had to get myself out of it.
175. Living separately from parents after marriage is all the mode.
176. Their attitudes towards love and marriage stand in stark contrast to those of their parents.
177. I don't really think I'm suited to this marriage lark.
178. She's a sentimental woman who believes marriage comes by destiny.
179. Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs[http://](), Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.
180. After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.
181. The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union.
182. The thrill wears off after a few years of marriage. You'll see.
183. Too many young people hurry into marriage without considering the responsibilities.
184. Sadly, after eight years of marriage they had grown apart.
185. It is worth remembering that previous wills are nullified automatically upon marriage.
186. It seemed that everyone had written off their marriage even before it had been given a proper chance.
187. She's a relation by marriage because she married my cousin.
188. Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.
189. People whose marriage has ended often battle over the children.
190. If her marriage becomes too restrictive, she will break out and seek new horizons.
191. Any two persons may marry in Scotland provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.
192. She still ached for the lost intimacy and sexual contact of marriage.
193. Marriage by a priest is lawful in England without another ceremony.
194. You'd better put the idea of marriage out of your head.
195. It has placed an almost unendurable strain on their marriage.
196. Her parents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage.
197. After twelve years of marriage(), they began to draw apart.
198. She makes very general assertions about marriage in the poem.http://
199. The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
200. The old law could sentence a woman to an unbearable marriage for life, but this is now all changing.
201. It was an action replay of the problems of his first marriage.
202. She's still carrying all that emotional baggage from her first marriage.
203. Living in this goldfish bowl of publicity would crack the strongest marriage.
204. She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage.
205. She got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage.
206. The book tells the story of a woman escaping from a suffocating marriage.
207. She saw marriage to him as a way out of the ruck.
208. The marriage on the basis of money is bound to break up.
209. The marriage began in a stormy fashion, but soon settled down.
210. My parents didn't approve of the marriage, so we eloped.
211. He was badly hurt by the end of his marriage.
212. Fred has given me no good reason for wanting to break up our marriage.
213. Marriage and the life I live just don't seem compatible.
214. This led the therapist to question Jim about his parents and their marriage.
215. Jeya feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged marriage.
216. Life often seems to be marked off into different periods: schooldays, marriage, old age.
217. All his friends remarked on the change in him since his marriage.
218. He was tricked into marriage by a false accusation of paternity.
219. His marriage had brought a slight mitigation of the monotony of his existence.
220. They are terribly upset by the break-up of their parents' marriage.
221. She tried to steer the conversation away from the topic of marriage.
222. Her marriage was in turmoil.
223. Their marriage had gone stale .
224. Love, the quest; marriage, the conquest; divorce, the inquest. Helen Rowland 
225.'s not a word, it's a sentence. Rodney Dangerfield 
226. Marriage is the chief cause of divorce. GROUCHO MARX 
227. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin 
228. Marriage is long enough to have plenty of room for time behind it. William Faulkner 
229. If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother. Sam Levenson 
230. Like good wine, marriage gets better with age - once you learn to keep a cork in it. Gene Perret 
231. We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations - we're doing everything we can to keep our marriage together. Rodney Dangerfield 
232. Before marriage, a man will lie awake thinking about something you said; after marriage ,[] he'll fall asleep before you finish saying it. Helen Rowland 
233. My marriage is on the rocks again, yeah, my wife just broke up with her boyfriend. Rodney Dangerfield 
234. Some people claim that marriage interferes with romance. There's no doubt about it. Anytime you have a romance, your wife is bound to interfere. Groucho Marx 
235. There are four pillars to a happy marriage: respect one another as individuals; (give) soft answers; (practice)financial honesty; (conduct) family prayer. Gordon B. Hinckley 
236. Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Groucho Marx 
237. I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry. Rita Rudner 
238. The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open. Groucho Marx 
239. As to marriage or celibacy, let a man take which course he will, he will be sure to repent. Socrates 




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