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单词 Friction
1, Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine.
2, Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
3, Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.
4, The force of friction affects the speed at which spacecraft can re-enter the earth's atmosphere.
5, When you rub your hands together the friction produces heat.
6, Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children.
7, I'm exhausted from the constant friction between my boss and my colleagues.
8, Friction is common when three generations live together.
9, to cause soreness and warmth by friction.
10, Matches are lighted by friction.
11, His decision led to considerable friction in his family.
12, There is some friction among the family members.
13, The two schedules dovetailed together without friction.
14, The pistons are graphite-coated to reduce friction.
15, Putting oil on both surfaces reduces friction.
16, Rubbing the stones together produces friction.
17, Her requests for time off created friction with her boss.
18, There's a lot of friction between my wife and my mother.
19, When Joan returned to work,(http:///friction.html) the friction between them increased.
20, The force of friction slows the spacecraft down as it re-enters the earth's atmosphere.
21, There is a great deal of friction between the management and the work force.
22, Check your rope frequently, as friction against the rock can wear it away.
23, Border clashes have led to increased friction between the two countries.
24, Politics is a source of considerable friction in our family.
25, The constant friction between the young couple finally caused divorce.
26, Oil can reduce friction.
27, Friction between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat.
28, His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.
29, Me being at work causes friction at home.
30, A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.
1, Friction lowers the efficiency of a machine.
2, Friction gradually caused the sliding box to slow down and stop.
3, Having my mother living with us causes friction at home.
4, When you rub your hands together the friction produces heat.
5, Sara sensed that there had been friction between her children.
6, A detonator is any device containing an explosive that is actuated by heat, percussion, friction, or electricity.
7, I'm exhausted from the constant friction between my boss and my colleagues.
8, When Joan returned to work, the friction between them increased.
9, Oil can reduce friction.
31, There were also sources of friction between them.
32, Creative differences led to friction within the band.
33, It also reduced friction at the point of contact.
34, Rarely, according to Joni, did they end without friction.
35, That would be a neat salve for trade friction.
36, Try to decide how friction works in the example.
37, This question can become a major source of friction.
38, Movement inevitably involves friction, and friction inevitably means disputes.
39, Many machines use ball bearings to reduce friction.
40, Nevertheless, several issues have caused friction in recent months.
41, Sporadic friction with Madrid is inevitable and expected.
42, Heat can be produced by chemical reactions or friction.
43, You may feel a curious pulling-away sensation or friction.
44, External load torques, perhaps caused by friction,(http:///friction.html) give rise to a small error in position when the motor is stationary.
45, Diamond-tipped milling wheels are used to groove airport runways and station platforms to improve their friction when wet, thus preventing slipping.
46, Finally. the House of Lords was a prime domestic reason for Unionist acceptance of coalition. but a constant source of friction.
47, Pentrite can explode without a detonator if it receives a severe blow or strong friction.
48, It is easily damaged by friction as the diaper rubs against it.
49, This force is provided by the friction between the tyres and the ground.
50, Calluses are caused by friction from faulty foot mechanics, often from arches that are too high or too low.
51, They could, in short, be accommodated, without any undue friction.
52, But a warmer relationship depends on eliminating or at least smoothing down points of friction.
53, Friction embraces resistance or resentment on the part of key people who have to implement the plan.
54, All her consciousness was centred on that unfamiliar and earth-shattering friction.
55, Not wanting to cause friction with your partner is understandable, but it is worth bearing a few things in mind.
56, The tests will cover things like shock absorption, breathability, fit and sole friction.
57, At least a dozen lawsuits filed recently illuminate the racial and gender friction within the agency.
58, Meredith at first proclaimed his innocence but friction between the player and the club led to further disclosures.
59, Some of the most important sources of friction between the marketing department and other departments are as indicated below. 11.
60, Much of the friction stemmed from a debate about which technology to use.
61, It is important that all concerned understand the company's remuneration policies to prevent friction between different groups of workers.
62, This last proved a source of constant conflict and friction with the islanders.
63, But there still seems to be some friction between the two.
64, After about 5 minutes, ask them to share their observations about friction with their classmates.
65, Unfortunately, this is an aspect of organisation which causes enormous friction.
66, Waxing the skis helps them to slide better and some slopes have a lubrication system which further reduces friction.
67, There was more serious friction between the Headmaster and the Usher.
68, It means that energy is required to overcome the friction as well as to move forward.
69, Family relationships were also felt to suffer, with l6 carers specifically mentioning the friction and tension caused by their caring role.
70, The friction that others noticed in their exchange probably rested on unspoken criticism of each other's work.
71, If you over oil the skin it will be too slippery to enable you to build up the necessary friction. 1.
72, For all of them the lungs push air through a narrow opening where it causes friction of various kinds.
73, This friction reducing additive may be used in all the engine and transmission of your L.R. with beneficial results.
74, People will then not have to be burdened with the labels of friction and division.
75, The issue which initially caused greatest friction between the two was that of the war.
76, This also provides a convenient and acceptable way of avoiding adolescent friction with parents.
77, The friction between the satellite and the atmosphere generates great heat.
78, There is therefore inevitably a friction between the rigid pacta tertiis rule and the progressive development of normative standards.
79, Not that there is friction or divisiveness among the players.
80, The heat of the sun is caused by the friction produced against the air by this rapid rotation.
81, Despite the constant friction with Leo,(http:///friction.html) he made her feel gloriously alive.
82, It would not be long before exhaustion and a lack of privacy erupted in painful friction.
83, Friction between the generations is exacerbated when younger staff grasp the new idea and their creativity is suddenly released.
84, The conflict between Shetlanders and incomers is presumed in turn to cause friction between Shetlanders.
85, And under the plate, among the spinning wheels, diamonds and rubies do battle against friction.
86, The decision caused friction between Estrada and Islas, who knew from experience that education is a ticket out of minimum-wage work.
87, Latency is friction in telephone wires that can cause delays in the response time of action gaming.
88, Teenage children begin to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of friction in the family.
89, In some places, friction along a fault plane has produced polished and striated surfaces.
90, This reduces the interleaf friction and thus softens the ride.
91, There is a strong ethnic community and this causes friction in the community because of the lack of jobs.
92, Two wooden benches, unoccupied, their surface polished by human friction, repeated the corner made by their adjacent walls.
93, Often this gives just enough friction for the spanners to grip.
94, However, this apparent simplicity hides the vital role that friction plays in the process.
95, For much of the time there was continuous subcutaneous and repressed friction, broken by occasional and emotionally trying attempts at reconciliation.
96, Just removing this one major source of friction and attacks on self-esteem may contribute to easier successes.
97, Thirdly, output increases with the height of the blades since, lower down, wind speed is reduced by friction.
98, Rapidly the temperature climbed to 5000 C as friction with the atmosphere turned the kinetic energy of the craft into heat.
99, There has been serious friction between the two army commanders.
100, At the studio, there was growing friction between Horton and Bella Lewitzky, the dancers' artistic parents.
101, Variations of load and friction torques with speed can also be taken into account.
102, Her tweed skirt was soaking and its friction rubbed sore patches behind her knees.
103, Another friction point is the red-ink state budget(/friction.html), which has been running a deficit of several billion dollars.
104, Factionalism between user subgroups can cause friction which in turn neutralises the democratic process.
105, In our fifty years together we both worked out plans and decisions without any friction.
106, Look at the following examples of friction with your partner.
107, His belting experiments, too, focused on costs more than on horsepower or coefficients of friction.
108, Pay is a continuing source of friction with the workers.
109, As a result of such differences there was sometimes friction between those waiting to be purged and the permanent staff.
110, On rocky ground the friction of rope over crests and round corners much reduces fall impacts.
111, The rock is a very compact andesite lava, generally sound, with a reasonable degree of friction.
112, It's bound to cause friction, and that's not fair with Terry's wedding coming up.
113, The new marketing evangelism at National Geographic has caused considerable friction within the organization, particularly at the magazine.
114, This can lead to friction, acrimony and lack of co-operation between functional groups.
115, The hairs have overlapping scales, which gives them a rough texture and increases the friction between goat and snow.
116, Any friction at the hammer pivot will slow down the movement of the hammer, tending to make the action sluggish.
117, He felt the friction of the ride in his teeth.
118, Water along shore and bottom is slowed by friction, while friction-free water in the center moves faster.
119, It was a part of folk wisdom that providing houseroom for a widowed parent could lead to intense family friction.
120, Boundary friction is independent of the guide material used.
121, Fillers include modifiers, extenders, plasticizer and low friction additives.
122, Oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction.
123, A low inherent friction and adhesion value also reduces wear.
124, Fuzzy parameters in design of dry friction clutch are analyzed. Mathematical model of fuzzy multi-aim optimization for this kind of clutch is established.
125, The analogy between internal friction increment and overstress due to strain-rate sensitivity is clarified.
126, The effect of sliding velocity and the current density on electrical friction and wear performance of the Ag-MoS_2-G-CNTs was studied.
127, When the pump shaft and the packing heat generated by the friction depends on water-sealed tube to live on the water to seal circle to fill cool!
128, The results showed that the quality of draw textured yarn by using polyurethane friction disc was better than that by using ceramic friction disc.
129, The study on the hydro viscous brake shows that a coupling relationship exists among the parameters of oil film thickness, hydro viscous torque and friction disc speed.
130, Friction from wind resistance raises the spacecraft's outer temperature to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
131, The change from two-dimension electric drawing design to the three-dimension has been obtained in the friction press design.
132, Friction is an important factor influencing positioning precision of the AC servo controlled XY worktable.
133, Friction - The resistance to relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
134, Anti-forest plant communities and pastes cohesion value of the friction angle increased with soil depth, the change is different.
135, This paper introduces the practical application of PLC and PT in the double disk friction brick press transformation, and expound the ways to realize the control system and its advantages.
136, In grinding the process, some measures, which can strengthen the impulse and friction force, would be advantageous to the mechanochemical effect strengthening.
137, The shallow - water effect, pressure gradient. Coriolis force and bottom friction are considered in this model.
138, His career and flamboyant style led to friction with congregation elders.
139, It analyzed and proved in theory that at present there exist not only liquid friction but also solid one in gauge denierer.
140, In this paper the graphic calculation, CBL system and force sensors used to measure the maximum of static friction between two objects are introduced.
141, And values of cohesion under stepped loading are larger than those under stepped loading with shear zone, but the two methods have little influence on values of friction angle.
142, The test apparatus to friction disc of wet clutch in automatic transmission can change some test parameters, such as sliding velocity, turning inertia, normal applied force and lubrication volume.
143, The result shows that friction power loss of mechanical seal is less than that of O - ring.
144, The mechanism by which friction coupling degrades gyro performance should be clearly understood.
145, The effect of forming steps, load curve, friction and lubrication, technical hole of the part on distribution of blank thickness was analyzed.
146, Under Wilhelm II Germany took an imperialistic course that led to friction with neighbouring countries.
147, Gear tooth surface appearance affects strongly friction and lubrication property of gear.
148, The influences of the angle of internal friction, the angle of wall friction to the direction of principal strain rate are analyzed.
149, The friction and wear properties of PTFE and POB filled PTFE composites are studied by using a reciprocating tribometer .
150, Accordingly the measurement, the negative friction may be expressed as a interpolation polynomial.
151, the coefficient of friction.
152, Consequently, the exhaustion rule conserves judicial resources and reduces friction between the branches of government.
153, The anti-slide reliability is reduced when the positive correlation among the friction coefficient between fill and ground and the friction angle of fill is applied.
154, Under the mild temperature condition, the organic friction modifiers possess significant friction-reducing performance and further provide better energy economy effect.
155, The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture.
156, Air bearing linear stage is a common equipment for precision measurement due to its low friction advantage. It, however, needs a driver, such as the motor, to move.
157, The roughness of friction surface has a small influence on the average TIR radiation temperature, but has a much higher influence on the local highest TIR radiation temperature.
158, Anti friction coatings applied to all round parts to reduce 'bedding in' and enhance lubricant bonding properties.
159, An example is the innovative reverse flow cooling system which delivers thermodynamic and friction improvements.
160, Friction on the cost reduction team invariably leads to the disintegration of the project.
161, Bursae are saclike cavities or potential cavities that contain synovial fluid located at tissue sites where friction occurs (eg, where tendons or muscles pass over bony prominences).
161, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
162, The research indicates that volume modulus, cohesion and internal friction angle of coal seam around the roadway have a great influence on stress distribution.
163, ADVANTAGE - The mechanism solves the problem of slipping friction between planet gears and planet gear shafts.
164, To determine the steady state response of a dry friction damper blade excited by a periodic force, an analytical method is developed.
165, Friction acts on moving bodies and brings them to a stop.
166, With increasing the applied load and sliding velocity, the friction coefficients decrease.
167, The stainless steel mesh belt is one kind of friction drive by the continuous mode transportation material machinery.
168, In most machines friction consumes effort, with the result that less work is got out than is put in.
169, As a conclusion, the reasons of vibration are that the oil-seal ring create friction and axles flutter exceed standard.
170, To increase the friction between a videotape and the guide roller, the surface of the guide roller is a mirror face.
171, Friction characteristics of PC and its alloys can be explained by adhesive friction theory, and wear of th...
172, The maximum pressure, the maximum friction coefficient and the highest film temperature all occur in the vicinity of pitch point.
173, By optimizing the double objective function of basic steady load and friction moment, the structural parameters were determined. The material of every unit in the friction pairs was selected.
174, The clamping of the friction disk is caused by the outwardly rolling of the steel ball along the slop rolling track under eccentric force.
175, Firstly, in accordance with the materials of the vertical static load test of the single pile, the author analyses the laws of the axial force, lateral friction and end resistance of the piles.
176, The friction forces keep invariable with load increasing and the friction forces increase with sliding velocity increasing for MPS/OTS composite SAMs.
177, The influences of load, friction coefficient, seal gap, seal height are calculated.
178, ZJ044 type shot blast cleaning machine is suitable for surface rust removal and strengthen of engine connecting bar, gear, shell cover wall, clutch friction part.
179, A new method of predicting breakout and abnormal mould friction by the difference between measured value and predicted value is put forward . The result shows that the way is feasible.
180, In designing a machine it is necessary to reduce friction as much as possible.
181, That friction is more likely to be a molecular phenomenon closely associated with adhesion.
182, Main causes of throwing turret are: friction torque of friction clutch of turret traversing mechanism is not enough, and worm gear and worm of traversing mechanism are not self-locking.
183, The phenomena such as low speed friction, system steady-state error, limit cycle oscillation, and static-slip caused by the frictions exists in gun control system of tanks.
184, Methods The ball was placed on the root cap coping and the socket on the base of overdentures, so that we could get the retention for making use of the friction between the ball and the socket.
185, Since there are some problems on 380DB clutch, such as weak torque capacity and friction disc burnout, the new 395DB clutch is developed.
186, A buffer is placed between the dynamic shaft and friction wheel, which may be a very good method to solve the problem.
187, Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies.
188, A new method for processing the hexagonal hole in the axle by hot backward extrusion on the friction press was proposed, which threw away the traditional milling or slotting method.
189, Friction buffer is widely used in large caliber machine gun, which can absorb redundant energy when the automatic mechanism recoils.
190, The friction and wear properties of the sintered samples were analyzed.
191, The conclusions of this dissertation can be applied to the optimal design of dry friction dampers for the future turbomachineries.
191, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
192, The equation of equivalent coefficient of friction available has drawback.
193, However, the friction coefficient between Ni and APS increased with sliding velocity increasing and reduced with load increasing.
194, Analyses parameter have inclined angle, pipe diameter size, gas liquid ratio and friction factor and so on.
195, We have calculated plasma density distribution, temperature distribution, impurity radiation power loss in SOL with friction.
196, The most weakness part is on both ends' thread so we introduce the friction and butt-welding on solid suck rod.
197, The rubber premix is based on heat resistant rubber, lubricants, friction stablizers and fillers.




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