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单词 retreat
释义  Related topics: Militaryre·treat1 /rɪˈtriːt/ ●○○ verb [intransitive]  1  army 军队PM to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle 撤退 OPP advance The rebels retreated to the mountains. 叛乱分子撤退到山区。 They were attacked and forced to retreat. 他们受到攻击,被迫撤退。2  move back 后退 written a) BACK/BACKWARDSto move away from someone or something 后退;离开;退避 He saw her and retreated, too shy to speak to her. 他看到她就躲开了,不好意思跟她讲话。retreat to/from/into etc Perry lit the fuse and retreated to a safe distance. 佩里点燃导火线,退至安全距离。 It was not a conscious choice to retreat from public life. 退出公众生活并非有意为之。 b) LESSif an area of water, snow, or land retreats, it gradually gets smaller 〔水、雪或土地〕范围缩小 The flood waters are slowly retreating. 洪水正在慢慢退去。3  change your mind 改变主意CHANGE YOUR MIND written to decide not to do something you were planning to do, because it was unpopular or too difficult 撤回〔计划〕retreat from The Canadian government has retreated from a plan to kill 300 wolves. 加拿大政府取消了要杀死300头狼的计划。4  quiet place 安静的地方LEAVE A PLACE to go away to a place that is quiet or safe 退隐,躲避retreat from/into/to After the noise of the city he was glad to retreat to his hotel room. 经历了城市的喧嚣,他乐得躲进酒店的客房里。5. retreat into yourself/your shell/fantasy etc THINK ABOUTto ignore what is happening around you and give all your attention to your private thoughts 遁入沉思/幻想等中6. finance 金融 technical if shares etc retreat, their value falls to a lower level 〔股价〕下挫,下跌→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretreat• The dignity of the law has met the volatility of Nature and has been forced to retreat.• In 1443, the Hungarian army advanced into Serbia, and the Turks were forced to retreat.• Lieutenant Peterson shouted the order to retreat.• Gold prices retreated after reaching a record price yesterday.• Pretty and earthy, she can be aggressive or retreat believably, and has some nice scenes with her extended family.• Jim saw me approaching and quickly retreated down a side street.• Seven years earlier, she had retreated from marriage to protect her career; now she would marry to defend her independence.• Even then these stubborn blue lines retreated in fairly good order.• It's for throwing at them as you retreat into the living room.• As his father approached, Richard retreated steadily, never once daring to stand his ground against him.• On trembling legs, she retreated towards the door.• "You haven't heard the last of this!'' shouted Spencer, retreating up the stairs.• After the battle, Santa Anna retreated with his forces.retreat to/from/into etc• The Nasdaq Composite Index advanced as much as 7. 28 then retreated to 1001. 39, ahead 3. 09.• She had already started to retreat into eating when she felt upset.• Destiny tapped Colin Powell on the shoulder and he sold a million books before retreating to his Virginia mansion.• We accept our responsibility not to retreat from interpreting the full meaning of the covenant in light of all of our precedents.• I retreated into my shell, being painfully shy in the first place.• Why such a startling retreat from the nearly unanimous support for the free processing zone 18 months ago?• Pop art directly challenged what was increasingly seen as abstract art's esoteric retreat from the world.• A comic gives children the opportunity to retreat into their own world; it is a very private thing.retreat from• The administration is retreating from its goal of buying 75 Stealth bombers.retreat from/into/to• This caused his further retreat to a cave on Mount Kolzim.• Friends of the Earth accused the government of retreating from a firmly-stated commitment to identify contaminated land.• The watchman retreated to get on with his cooking and perhaps ponder his next step.• She wanted only to be free of this, for the lake to clear, so she could retreat to her task.• Ralph retreated upstairs to his room.• He retreated from it into callousness.• Bill and his men would retreat to the rhododendron bushes and radio to the sniper teams on the roof.Related topics: Military, Religionretreat2 ●○○ noun  1  of an army 军队的 [countable, uncountable]PM a movement away from the enemy after a defeat in battle 撤退 OPP advance Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow 拿破仑从莫斯科的撤退 The rebel forces are in full retreat (=retreating very fast). 叛军全线溃退。 The bugler sounded the retreat (=gave a loud signal for retreat). 司号兵吹响撤退号。2  movement back 后退 [singular, uncountable]BACK/BACKWARDS a movement away from someone or something 后退;离开;退避retreat from Ten thousand years ago the ice began its retreat from Scotland. 一万年以前冰开始从苏格兰消退。3  beat a retreat informal to leave a place quickly 快速离开 I saw my aunt coming and beat a hasty retreat. 我看到我姨妈来了,便赶快离开。4  change of intention 意图的改变 [singular, uncountable]CHANGE YOUR MIND when you change your mind about something because your idea was unpopular or too difficult 〔立场的〕改变,放弃retreat from a retreat from hard-line policies 放弃强硬政策5  place 地方 [countable]PLACE a place you can go to that is quiet or safe 僻静处;静养所,静居所 a country retreat 乡村静居所6  thought and prayer 冥想和祈祷 [countable, uncountable]RR a period of time that you spend praying or studying religion in a quiet place 〔宗教的〕静修(期)on (a) retreat I spent three weeks on retreat in Scotland. 我在苏格兰静修了三个星期。7. finance 金融 [singular, uncountable] technical a situation in which the value of shares etc falls to a lower level 〔股价的〕下挫,下跌Examples from the Corpusretreat• Stock prices turned downward today in a retreat led by IBM.• It appeared to represent a retreat in the face of international criticism.• Today's statement represents a retreat from their previous position.• a retreat for writers and artists• They were forced to beat a hasty retreat and arrived at their rendezvous with Morris's patrol on time.• An army in retreat can be even more dangerous than one that is advancing.• Thereafter, the conventional insistence on the balanced budget under all circumstances and at all levels of economic activity was in retreat.• The room was an intimate retreat from the rest of the house.• the presidential retreat at Camp David• The soldiers made a strategic retreat.• Most of the Others were too paralyzed with fright to move; but some began a slow, stumbling retreat.• But the playroom is to be absorbed into the retreat and conference centre next year.• The retreat of Marxism has been paralleled by the ascendancy of the New Right.• And the other thing I think is, you need to get out of this retreat full retreat• He informed us that our brigade was to be the rear guard of the army, which was in full retreat.• Pope interpreted this movement to mean that the enemy were in full retreat.on (a) retreat• The prayer opposite was composed last year by deacons on retreat before they were ordained priests and missionaries.• The only trouble was this: the sepoys kept on bravely coming forward, while he and his men kept on retreating.• We called another time and they said they were all out on retreat.• Rain beats on the canvas tent in which she is staying on a retreat with other Innu.• He hung up his sword and went on a retreat to Manresa, where he authored Spiritual Exercises in 1522.From Longman Business Dictionaryretreatre‧treat1 /rɪˈtriːt/ verb [intransitive]1journalismFINANCE if shares etc retreat, their value falls to a lower levelIn Frankfurt, share prices retreated as the market consolidated recent gains.The Dow Jones Industrial Average retreated 10.07 points to 11,199.46.2to decide not to continue with a plan, idea, agreement etc because it is too difficult or no longer worth doingJapanese buyers have retreated after paying huge prices for U.S. properties in the past.retreat fromLast week it became the latest corporate raider to retreat from a takeover contest.→ See Verb tableretreatretreat2 noun1[singular, uncountable] journalismFINANCE a situation in which the value of shares etc falls to a lower levelThe stock market retreat came just as crop prices were starting to recover.2in retreatCOMMERCE if a company, industry, market etc is in retreat, its performance is less good than beforeWith the Tokyostockmarket in retreat, the central bank is likely to be even more cautious about agreeing corporate loans.3[singular, uncountable] when someone decides not to carry out a plan, idea, agreement etc because it is too difficult or no longer worth doingretreat fromThe decision to return the company to profitabilitymarks a retreat from its fast-growth strategy.Origin retreat2 (1200-1300) Old French retret, from retraire “to withdraw”, from Latin retrahere; → RETRACTre·treat1 verbretreat2 nounChineseSyllable  from away after Business enemy Corpus to the move




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