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单词 Bureaucratic
1. Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.
2. The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction.
3. Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. The report revealed a major bureaucratic muddle.
5. The government has created a bureaucratic monster.
6. The report revealed a great deal of bureaucratic inefficiency.
7. The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.
8. There was a bureaucratic muddle over his appointment.
9. The organization is highly bureaucratic.
10. The department has become a bureaucratic nightmare.
11. The company was inefficient because it was highly bureaucratic.
12. Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.
13. Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.
14. Is there any way of getting round this bureaucratic bottleneck?
15. The long bureaucratic struggle was over, and Alsop rejoiced.
16. The procedure for getting funding approval is so bureaucratic!
17. It is too rigid and bureaucratic.
18. Yet government was not in any strict sense bureaucratic.
19. Gender is a bureaucratic solution to an antisocial habit.
20. The bureaucratic swamp soon recovered its grip.
21. It was another bureaucratic snafu.
22. Financial, technological and bureaucratic obstacles would remain.
23. Many employees in bureaucratic governments feel trapped.
24. Chennault and Alsop were losing the bureaucratic war.
25. The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.
26. In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil.
27. The forces for change in the government are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.
28. They have decentralised the company and made it less bureaucratic.
29. Doctors are complaining that the system is cumbersome and bureaucratic.
30. We got bogged down in a morass of detail and bureaucratic red tape.
1. Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.
2. The little money that was available was tied up in bureaucratic red tape.
3. The asylum seekers had to contend with continued bureaucratic obstruction.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. Bureaucratic power has encroached upon the freedom of the individual.
5. In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil.
31. Bureaucratic wrangles were conspicuous at every level.
32. They prefer market mechanisms to bureaucratic mechanisms.
33. I see your tenderness in the bureaucratic print.
34. This was a central tenet of the bureaucratic model.
35. Call it another case of bureaucratic bungling.
36. At best(http://), what will emerge from this bureaucratic morass is an entirely new paradigm for dealing with cross-border studies.
37. Too many bureaucratic controls will lead to too little profit.
38. One of the simple pleasures of Great Groups is that they are almost never bureaucratic.
39. But they are overwhelmed by bureaucratic regulations and by their inordinately high case loads.
40. The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
41. That distribution system fails at the bureaucratic level and in terms of the direct transport available.
42. Order and group conformity through bureaucratic systematization became the rule of the day; disobedience and open rebellion the rare exception.
43. The Democratic Republic is very bureaucratic, very much full of class distinctions.
44. There is also evidence that bureaucratic advancement may be obtained by successful efforts to cut back on departmental expenditure.
45. Thus economic models of bureaucratic behaviour usually involve a theory of legislative behaviour in which politicians aim to maximize their electoral support.
46. He had quit, he said, because he no longer knew what to say when head teachers complained about bureaucratic interference.
47. The administrators in Gamma behave in accordance with the bureaucratic ideal.
48. There is a vast continuum between bureaucratic behavior and entrepreneurial behavior, and government can surely shift its position on that spectrum.
49. Bureaucratic bottlenecks, internal corruption and bribery topped the concerns when dealing with government.
50. In addition, a bureaucratic agency may be given preferential access to some inputs, such as land, through planning legislation, for example.
51. The assumption that large authorities are costly and bureaucratic is wrong, according to the Regional Council.
52. It acts as the sole broker in the bargaining and competition for resources between bureaucratic organizations.
53. It has also created difficulties in furthering their cause effectively-be it in the courts or through bureaucratic channels.
54. The bureaucratic style can be very efficient in a stable environment and when the organisation is of a large size.
55. The partnership purchases workers' compensation and liability insurance, which reduces the bureaucratic burden on participating companies.
56. If Northgate ignored the bureaucratic niceties of prospecting licences, it also ignored the legal niceties of land ownership and trespass.
57. It was a bureaucratic battle that was to drag on for more than five years.
58. The Treasure Island measure started as a simple bill to make what appeared to be a mundane bureaucratic change.
59. Large-scale, bureaucratic organizations are the dominant features of the political landscape.
60. A whole range of behaviour is subsumed under the umbrella of bureaucratic self-interest.
61. The Cabinet as an institution does not have an adequate bureaucratic infrastructure to enable it to perform a coordinating role.
62. An alliance between workers, peasants and petty bourgeoisie necessitates a bureaucratic authoritarian regime. 2.
63. But the government, in pursuit of high-minded ideals,(http:///bureaucratic.html) has created a bureaucratic monster before which small business-people flee in terror.
64. In the United States, the emergence of bureaucratic government was given a particular twist by its turn-of-the-century setting.
65. Given the objectives of the newsletter, written requests for information should avoid bureaucratic forms as much as possible.
66. He had a deep contempt for the bureaucratic mind and took particular delight in circumventing bureaucratic obstruction.
67. So let bureaucratic quibbles take care of themselves, he decided.
68. It became logically possible for bureaucratic structures to perform all four input and all three output functions.
69. The growth of bureaucratic power since 1900, Handlin wrote, had begun ominously to encroach upon the freedom of the individual.
70. In the bureaucratic model, there is a close analogy with the theory of the firm.
71. Industrialists were exasperated by the obstacles to creating joint-stock companies, the morass of red tape, bureaucratic sloth and corruption.
72. Perhaps it has got bogged down in meetings and bureaucratic structures.
73. The exercise of bureaucratic functions reflects the way the state apparatus as a whole functions.
74. Governor William Donald Schaefer in Maryland set up a red-tape telephone hotline on which citizens can report cases of bureaucratic mismanagement.
75. He championed, cajoled, fumed and fussed through years of bureaucratic shuffles to save the project.
76. Uniscan was not complex, but simply based upon consultation at the highest bureaucratic level, with occasional ministerial meetings.
77. Conventional public administration sees the problem of bureaucratic power in these terms.
78. Bureaucratic control binds individuals through incentives and disincentives to behave in predictable ways.
79. Made me indignant in the same way virtuoso bureaucratic behavior still provokes me.
80. By some bureaucratic error I was never recalled, and because of this I never became a Giovane Fascista.
81. She was recently hauled off a train by the police on some bureaucratic pretext and escorted under protest to the station.
82. At worst, they become a time-consuming bureaucratic substitute for the real thing.
83. The Rational / Bureaucratic model can produce overly restrictive formal systems that stifle initiative and reduce responsiveness to change.
84. This makes the bilateral game one in which legislators learn about bureaucratic biases and manipulate penalties for deceit.
85. Its components are none other than the economic, political, military, royal, and bureaucratic branches of the social order.
86. But the bureaucratic model developed in conditions very different from those we experience today.
87. All investigations, nomatterwhat the books said, depended on bureaucratic processes.
88. The haphazard bureaucracy of the early Meiji years was reorganized into a formal bureaucratic hierarchy, its entry governed by examination.
89. Two forces inherent in the current dialectical relations between mass pressure and bureaucratic reforms tend to undermine it.
90. This is but an extension of the expertise which Max Weber claimed to be the foundation of bureaucratic power.
91. More will become involved if given the opportunity to experiment free of regulatory restraints and bureaucratic interference.
92. In essence, internal relations previously based on hierarchies and bureaucratic authority are being gradually transformed into actual or surrogate market transactions.
93. The official procedure for obtaining a visa can turn into a bureaucratic nightmare.
94. Cabinet sub-committees, bureaucratic sub-committees, commissions, boards and quangos provide the channels for processing corporatist interest intermediation.
95. The power of the officials stems from their understanding the processes and procedures that characterise the bureaucratic organisation.
96. Don't try to fool us with all those facts and bureaucratic rhetoric.
97. If so, then Social Darwinism would work just as selectively in government where the bureaucratic struggle is reputedly severe.
98. By 1976, the union had become torpid, old, and bureaucratic.
99. Brown demonstrated that courageous leadership can make a difference in ending racial discrimination, perhaps more so than bureaucratic bean-counting exercises.
100. The popular use of hierarchical is of a system which is synonymous with the popular usage of bureaucratic.
101. But there are strings attached, and a fresh bureaucratic and political obstacle course lies ahead.
102. Since that time bureaucratic foot-dragging and dare it be said? politics have continued to delay the project.
103. As for hospitals, they are the essence of everything bad about bureaucratic organization.
104. Authorizing expenses, travel and recruitment are forms of bureaucratic control rather than manifestations of subordination.
105. Private practice is burdened by bureaucratic demands in a hostile climate.
106. At this point, economic incentives and bureaucratic rules alone are impotent to make him a useful citizen.
107. It is too easy just to chalk this struggle up to bureaucratic bungling.
108. Now then, the proper name for it is the Bureaucratic Spatio-Temporal Effect, but we call it Bureauspace for short.
109. Their limited national horizons and bureaucratic rivalries and material interests preclude it.
110. It is prone to generate new social divisions of a hierarchical kind based on political or bureaucratic position.
111. It was newly furnished in a style guaranteed not to offend, a nice compromise of bureaucratic orthodoxy and modern functionalism.
112. It is rooted in history, embedded in bureaucratic culture, and encouraged by outside groups.
113. Cattle stealers had to outwit a government with a modern, bureaucratic structure.
114. Former rally driver Jean Denton is battling to reduce red tape and bureaucratic burdens on small firms and start-ups.
115. In the post-war period some democratic elitists detected a major flaw in this notion of bureaucratic rationality.
116. Landowners who get caught up in this bureaucratic runaround receive no compensation for their economic loss as a result of wetland determination.
117. Perhaps more serious was the failure to understand, or accept, bureaucratic mores which were at the centre of the system.
118. Top company executives say they are well aware of the tendency of big companies to become more bureaucratic.
119. Trying to enforce the law regulating the length of passenger buses has been a bureaucratic nightmare.
120. But the bureaucratic tendency to expand has generated a stepladder of well-paid officials.
121. In contrast to the Rational / Bureaucratic model, formal authority relationships are minimized in the Collegial / Consensus model.
122. Now the Vaccines for Children program has become a new bureaucratic monster with a life of its own.
123. It has been proved that Lothian has low bureaucratic costs and provides an above average standard of services at low cost.
124. The Burger King organisation operates a highly bureaucratic control system.
125. Bureaucratic control does not allow the direct transmission of economic advantage across generations.
126. For all of its own bureaucratic strictures,(Sentencedict) the diplomatic corps had the sympathetic ears that Liang was looking for.
127. Bureaucratic forms of administration would reduce the state's capacity to direct the economy effectively.
128. Each power is hedged about with qualifications and bureaucratic safeguards.
129. But somehow her name had slipped through some bureaucratic crack.
130. We can characterise this as rule by the non-elected with power in the hands of a bureaucratic elite.
131. In the background are grumbles over falling standards, inadequate facilities and bureaucratic overload.
132. Delays within the bureaucratic maze eventually allowed the opportunity to slip by.
133. These are the kinds of conflict recognized as lying behind the bureaucratic politics of colonialism.
134. Midge protested at what she saw as bureaucratic interference in what should have been a private grief.
135. In this secondary category falls financial control - seen by many as boring, bureaucratic and uncreative.
136. Indeed, viewing society as a whole as an organization, we see that bureaucratic structures may generate a self-confirming equilibrium.
137. Postmodernism points to a more organic, less differentiated enclave of organization than those dominated by the bureaucratic designs of modernity.
138. Organisations that apply for the DoI's research cash say that bureaucratic procedures and shortage of staff are to blame.
139. Concerns that were aired by many transit executives last month were just a big bureaucratic misunderstanding, says Rep.
140. He sees the range of legal and bureaucratic constraints upon them as being the main limitation on their developing into self-sustaining businesses.
141. It needs an industrial strategy founded on commercial logic rather than shortsighted bureaucratic principles.
142. In bureaucratic terms, Armstrong was the keystone in the arch of Heath's economic strategy from the autumn of 1972.
143. I doubt whether lasting improvement is likely from political or bureaucratic initiative.
144. Such opposition to bureaucratic intrusion drove a wedge between many working-class people and the Fabian socialists.
145. One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.
146. These pressures often mirrored both bureaucratic rivalries and personal attitudes.
147. And behind the scenes, playing the role of bureaucratic busybody, was Joe Alsop.
148. He had worked his way up the bureaucratic ladder, but he was no more financially secure than when he had begun.
149. All the bureaucratic disclosures and red tape in the country can not offset either.
150. Starting with the bureaucratic senior officers who seem to have lost the plot on what policing should be about.
151. Evelyn is the operations manager who loads Savage down with bureaucratic minutiae and company rules before asking for a urine sample.
152. The growing burden of paperwork is persuasive evidence of bureaucratic indifference to the economic consequences of red. tape.
153. Mr Premji apparently told him that the green card scheme was bureaucratic and unworkable.
154. Mangano described a complicated,() time-consuming bureaucratic process that the insurance programs are required to undertake to set their reimbursement rates.
155. Added to this are the inefficiencies in the implementation of the decisions of the politician through the bureaucratic process.
156. It is no good advocating a more participative style of leadership if the organisation is dominated by a bureaucratic structure.
157. There are lots of bureaucratic hurdles to deal with when adopting a child.
158. Bureaucratic organizations are slow to respond when conditions change, and housing authorities were no exception.
159. In the latter case every change tends to become a pay issue and another bureaucratic burden on the organization.
160. Some come like Marmeladov to get a job on the appropriate rung of the bureaucratic ladder.
161. In addition to this, the bureaucratic leaderships do not facilitate bringing revolutionary Marxist educational mate rial to the ranks.
162. Marxism sees bureaucratic power as a matter of relations between classes.
163. Travel suppliers have become somewhat more bureaucratic about what they will and will not refund.
164. Bureaucratic governments can do none of these things easily, thanks to their civil service regulations and tenure systems.
165. This is a classic example of bureaucratic inefficiency.
166. The prison official is icily polite and bureaucratic.
167. It isn't unknown inside information, but it's bureaucratic.
168. The result in many cases was bureaucratic chaos.
169. I don't like the complex bureaucratic procedure.
170. But the plan is plagued by bureaucratic in-fighting.
171. Eventually I wearied of the bureaucratic infightings.
172. The celestial pole corresponded to the position of the emperor on earth, around whom the vast system of the bureaucratic agrarian state naturally and spontaneously revolved.
173. From the beginning, it was a bureaucratic regime which ruled from the top down.
174. Mafia deputies in the Italian Parliament launched a bureaucratic counterattack against the planners.
175. A filibustering blowhard of a politician, Dod would use bureaucratic wrangling to further the Federation's aims and hinder the efforts of those who would expose their chicanery.
176. The new President was about to undergo his first experience of the bureaucratic steamroller.
177. The 1990s saw the full opening up of the country's economy. Returnees have helped change its culture into one that is dynamic, open and less bureaucratic.
178. BILL EVERS: "If we put a bureaucratic hand on this, we will stifle the capacity for modern technology to give us a better shot at the students learning the material."
179. The temptation is to laugh at the bureaucratic imbecility of such wrangling.
180. From bureaucratic cuneiform to monumental hieroglyphs, early writing systems were mostly divorced from speech.
181. There are many reasons why IBM nearly went belly-up, not least the fact that Big Blue had become a bureaucratic monster.
182. The following three aspects form the institutions of discipline in modern schools: bureaucratic institution in managing students, standardized evaluate institution and examinatorial institution.
183. But large-scale efforts to computerise health records tend to run into bureaucratic, technical and ethical problems.
184. Imbued with a bureaucratic aversion to nomadism and a Victorian relish for the Hindu caste system, they adjudged many Indian tribesmen, Pardhis included, to be preordained crooks.
185. A canny bureaucratic infighter , Moorer made no pretense of academic subtlety.
186. Is this an example of a solid company man placing his conviction about a public need above his well- developed instinct for bureaucratic self-preservation?
187. But even adjusted for bureaucratic hyperbole the government response is hefty.
188. Local group Theatre du Pif will present Overcoat, an English play based on the century-old masterpiece by Nikolai Gogol about the alienating world of a bureaucratic office in St Petersburg.
189. In China, small industrial enterprises generally adopt paternalistic management and unavoidably have bureaucratic airs.
190. It has three aims: a) restoring capacity of the individuals; b) reordering and organizing their new world; and c) assisting the victims to deal with the bureaucratic relief emergency program" (6).
191. Those people who predicted an exercise in bureaucratic blandness were confounded.
192. The finance bill, though bureaucratic, is not a Wall Street killer.
193. But their hands have always been tied by bureaucratic machinations.
194. His bureaucratic reshuffling in 2009 was as enhancing the authority of his brother - in - law , Chang Song - taek.
195. Given this pricing policy, everybody wants leave at Christmas, and so a bureaucratic bodge job is duly handed down from on high.
196. Far better to have your leaders pay lip service to "freedom" and "human rights" as they coercively mold you into a docile little manikin fit for their desired bureaucratic utopia.
197. Many of these nations have or seek to acquire nuclear arsenals; some are stirred by religious zealotry; and only a few have robust bureaucratic control mechanisms to inhibit the use of these weapons.
198. Last year, U.S. buyout giant The Carlyle Group CYL.UL walked away from three years of talks to buy Xugong, China's top construction equipment maker, after hitting bureaucratic buffers.
199. There has since been the bureaucratic equivalent of a gold rush.
200. Our negotiating position would reflect not bureaucratic compromise but careful analysis of consequences and objectives.
201. The forecast is almost certainly a mix of wishful thinking and bureaucratic self-preservation.
202. The promise to build a new district is no mere bureaucratic bravado.
203. Moreover, numerous agencies have the power to monitor and block shipments, creating a bureaucratic quagmire.
204. Long hours are often a reflection of an organization's bureaucratic inefficiency.
205. Unfortunately, an organisation structure can get fossilised over time and develop into a highly bureaucratic institution.
206. Yet effective investment anywhere has to be planned in some way, either on the input side by the price and quantity of available capital or on the output side by bureaucratic fiat.
207. There is never a shortage of entrants sent in by people baffled by bureaucratic language and befuddled legalese.
208. It was the result of a bungle: a bureaucratic rule - change misleadingly announced and over - excitedly reported.
209. This political and bureaucratic game of musical chairs has the entire world on a knife edge, continued uncertainty and lack of confident decision making worsening sentiment.
210. The Italian press has slammed what they claim is a return to the bureaucratic straightjacket of the Mussolini era.
211. Since online teachers are unencumbered by much of the disciplinary and bureaucratic nonsense of brick-and-mortar schools, they can devote far more time to actual instruction.
212. Laws on the books already require new efficiency standards for household and commercial appliances. But they have been backlogged in a tangle of missed deadlines, bureaucratic disputes and litigation.
213. From the view of bureaucratic and democratic systems, the order of participative management system and routinization is the foundation or premise of the democratic system operation for th...http://
214. Regulators also put up bureaucratic hurdles before individuals setting up websites.
215. This was predictably opposed by the State Department on bureaucratic grounds.
216. If seeking self-insurance, he can continue to lie by that bureaucratic machinery dozing off, but unfortunately, besides the snoring of bureaucratic machinery, he also heard roar of history.
217. The fund would be independent of bureaucratic and political meddling.
218. China has a 1500-year history of bureaucratic administration, during which the main problem was to control the rapacity of local officials.
219. However, in practice it seems that logical data modeling proves to be little more than bureaucratic busywork that provides little real value to your organization.
220. Repeated attempts to remove the technical and bureaucratic hurdles at national frontiers come to nothing.
221. Just asking for permission to take off can involve days of bureaucratic gantlet-running, and still end in rejection.
222. Dislike the theory of bureaucratic administration, polycentric governance supplies new ideas for public affairs.
223. International aid workers say they continue to face bureaucratic delays over access to the regions in the Irrawaddy Delta region that bore the brunt of Cyclone Nargis.
224. As a chapter in the Economic Survey on the "Micro-foundations of Growth" argues, even "India's unpardonably large bureaucratic costs are like a valuable resource buried under the ground".
225. But now, the old centralized bureaucratic Indian state is in steady decline.
226. As well as the gulag, Mr Solzhenitsyn's titanic willpower triumphed over other adversaries: cancer, censorship and Soviet bureaucratic intimidation.
227. Historically speaking, the ultimate example of securing power by building a large bureaucratic apparatus whose interests are inextricably tied to your own is Stalinism.
228. When the Trade Federation blockaded the peaceful system of Naboo, Valorum circumvented bureaucratic procedure by dispatching a secret mission of Jedi ambassadors to negotiate an end to the crisis.
229. Blame it partly on a bureaucratic tradition in business and the government that isn't flexible enough to accommodate women who want to take time off to have a family.
230. Quality is a parallel process, has its own rules, standards and reporting staff the new bureaucratic hierarchy and structure, unrelated to quality reporting as normal.
231. Several former executives described Skinner as having no tolerance for bureaucratic double talk, one noting that he has a "good crap detector."
232. To bring in a new mine can take 20 years of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo, about what it takes to build a nuclear reactor in the U.S.
233. The question has bugged me ever since; Is this an example of a solid company man placing his conviction about a public need above his well- developed instinct for bureaucratic self-preservation?
234. When confiscates the bureaucratic capital, a part of national capitals Confiscation and so on.
235. My effort to broaden the President's choices involved unusual bureaucratic difficulties.
236. The sweat of labour washed away his bureaucratic [ official ] airs .
237. What's mere , bureaucratic tradespeople's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence.
238. Still, Samsung supporters contend the company is actually the victim of bureaucratic excesses in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and its counterparts in Europe and Australia.
239. Polycentric governance is a new theory of public management, providing the governing logic different from bureaucratic administration theory for public affairs.
240. A canny bureaucratic infighter , Moorer made as pretense of academic subtlety.




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