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单词 preventative
释义  pre·vent·a·tive /prɪˈventətɪv/ adjective  preventive 预防(性)的,防备的 preventative measures 预防措施 —preventatively adverbExamples from the Corpuspreventative• The Ministry of Agriculture statement said that the warning had been intended as preventative advice.• It is primarily preventative and treats the whole person rather than just the ailment.• MSAs would allow people to pay for routine and preventative health care out of pre-tax savings.• These include quality small batch production, set-up reductions, preventative maintenance, production control, supplier partnerships and employee development.• You can use the Alexander Technique as a preventative measure: after all, prevention is better than cure.• She wrote a one-page paper on preventative medicine, another on how stuffed animals were made.• Iridology, however, stresses preventative medicine, catching illness in the early stages.• This strategy would facilitate crucial improvements to preventative services such as family care centres and counselling facilities.pre·vent·a·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus preventive




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