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单词 Willingly
1. What we do willingly is easy. 
2. All things are easy that are done willingly
3. Many people willingly converted to Buddhism.
4. Love is like sentence spell always let people willingly addictions.
5. She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.
6. I would never willingly upset you.
7. People would willingly pay more for better services.
8. I can only speculate that he left willingly.
9. A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly.
10. One thing is certain - she won't resign willingly.
11. Philips willingly accepted this view.
12. In the theatre we willingly suspend disbelief .
13. They accepted willingly of the terms offered.
14. To keep his job, he willingly subordinated his own interests to the objectives of the company.
15. Sixty percent of voters said they would willingly pay higher taxes for better health care.
16. If we won't do it willingly, he'll make us do it.
17. The men who were as willingly pewed in the parish church as their sheep were in night folds.
18. I would never willingly go anywhere by boat(), much less go on a cruise.
19. When her mother suggested that she stay, Alice willingly acquiesced.
20. She would willingly have engulfed the baby.
21. He wants you to destroy willingly the barrier you've erected between Him and you.
22. A complete statement about the toll football players willingly pay for the right to say they play football.
23. Quite the opposite: they are willingly accepted by a diverse range of microbes, from Proteus and Azotobacter to E. coli.
24. In turn, Hugh willingly provided George with insights into the inner workings of the company.
25. Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly
25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Though she'd lost her job, she saved face by saying she'd left it willingly.
27. The Lions play a perplexingly soft defense, where they willingly allow teams to throw short, underneath passes.
28. I fell sick, when it was Thy will; so did other men, but I willingly.
29. Give me the luxuries of life and I will willingly do without the necessities. Frank Lloyd Wright 
30. And he, with his aptitude for deceit, would no doubt have accepted her gratitude willingly, however undeserved.
1. Love is a sweet tyranny, because the lover endures his torment willingly.
2. Many people willingly converted to Buddhism.
3. She would willingly forgo a birthday treat if only her warring parents would declare a truce.
4. A bellyful of gluttony will never study willingly.
5. To keep his job, he willingly subordinated his own interests to the objectives of the company.
31. There was then apparently an offer of pardon to others who submitted willingly to the royal authority without delay.
32. And Mellor willingly accepted her lavish hospitality - even though he was Arts Minister at the time and she was a film producer.
33. It was hard to imagine that children were willingly enduring such terrible conditions.
34. I knew Hertz Lipmann would have willingly made a false accusation against anyone, if the Party required it of him.
35. This was done by comparing the shorthand notes of several senior lobby members who willingly handed them over.
36. The Home Office was willingly cooperating with other authorities to ensure the events passed off peacefully and with due respect.
37. Zeus, who loved him no more than Hera did even though he was their son, willingly gave her leave.
38. He had killed her, not willingly, but driven by the Army impatient for good winds to sail to Troy.
39. She willingly abrogates the power that knowledge gives in order to remain in ignorance.
40. So would I. You need to be uncomplicated, maybe, to sacrifice yourself willingly.
41. At each meal she willingly cleaned her plate, eating ice cream and fried chicken until she felt bloated.
42. The borough willingly assumes its responsibilities to help and cope with refugees.
43. It was advice that very large numbers of gay men, desperate for leadership, willingly followed.
44. He bathed them, changed their diapers, and willingly helped, then and now, with every aspect of child care.
45. A whole week in Paris at Easter seemed to her something for which she would willingly have sold her soul.
46. Perhaps unconsciously I willingly let myself be fooled, just in order to please him and keep our relationship going.
47. They went willingly enough, but their hearts were on fire with jealousy.
48. The rabbit, she thought tipsily, does not willingly gaze down the barrel of the gun.
49. Florida's Supreme Court ruled the men had no right to privacy because they willingly took part in criminal activities.
50. No military general would willingly send his army into battle untrained and ill-prepared[], no matter how well-equipped.
51. You caught me, I came willingly, and we enjoyed each other.
52. Only when heavy raids on cities began would parents participate willingly in a future evacuation scheme.
53. Does the public really believe these stories are spilled willingly over friendly cups of tea?
54. It needed a two-sided commitment and, willingly or not, Niall was already committed, to another woman.
55. The Arab avant-garde was carefully muzzled and its rowdiest members sent off, willingly or unwillingly, to London and Paris.
55. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
56. She had stayed willingly in the secluded garden with the soldier, had not voiced a single protest at his boldness.
57. In contrast to other parts of the country, she noted, Southern Californians willingly drive long distances for fun and work.
58. The merchant, the client, had willingly stooped into the dungeon of lust.
59. And other black arts organizations had willingly shared their patron lists.
60. I brooded that my younger daughter was so messy that no one in her right mind would willingly room with her.
61. Whatever else it may have wanted, the blue tent wouldn't let its precious oxygen go willingly.
62. It was not the extra work - she did it willingly, willingly.
63. Momentarily at least, the deposit is willingly accepted by the seller.
64. But when he brushes his index finger against her, she grows faint, then willingly acquiesces to his request.
65. He more willingly identifies himself as Clinton's loyal lieutenant, ready to assume full command.
66. His correspondence was as voluminous as his knowledge, which was willingly shared with other scholars.
67. Anxiety and worry may inhibit parents from willingly backing away.
68. Why willingly let the fox into the chicken coop?
69. He did it quite willingly.
70. Afull of gluttony will never study willingly.
71. A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.
72. 'Very willingly,'said the mender of roads.
73. Want is also, repeatedly big degree the woman whom the Yong permits also can't willingly of the couple of husband pushes an another chemisette mattress altitude!
74. For the rose quartz will quite willingly blend with the source of Rhodocroshite if asked, and provide both the forgiveness and unity octaves through it's form.
75. Yet if any Wiccan works willingly for the good of the Craft, or for their brothers and sisters without pay, then it is to their greatest honor.
76. The locals seem to be cursed with an insatiable yen for the unknown and they bend to it willingly, fleeing for weeks, months even, into that vast spot in the middle called the outback.
77. I have never really been in battle, and if it is anything like a battle in dreams I would not willingly qualify myself to speak by the card on this point.
78. You have cleanliness but willingly wash his greasily lunch-box and dirty sneakers.
79. He was not willingly a prevaricator, and hated thoroughly to make explanations concerning it.
80. In principle we willingly admit the Russians'right to a share in the Italian Fleet.
81. There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother's age.
82. Our new Corporation Law should adopt the eclectic authorized capital system in order to let more and more economies participate in the competition willingly and ...
83. When baby's hands are separated, he can fiddle with each article willingly, and he is stimulated to study and engage many activities forwardly .
84. Most companies willingly correct what went wrong or, if that is impossible, explain why the situation occurred.
85. Hence his famous assertion that " no one does wrong willingly ".
86. Taking on such a puzzle might seem masochistic,(http:///willingly.html) but people willingly do so all the time.
87. Tuttle had not offered lodging, but the limner willingly slept in the stable with his mare for company, and ate in the kitchen.
88. We take a bow to thy native beauty, so humbly and so willingly.
89. Albatron"s wife - Azolla, in order to search for love has been missed, willingly, leaving their families abandoned women;"
90. They are not reluctant feeders, and eat frozen thawed food willingly.
91. An antipaladin must be of chaotic evil alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if he willingly and altruistically commits good acts.
92. "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. " Paul VI .
93. Consider the social network Foursquare, in which people not only willingly broadcast their location to the world but earn goofy virtual badges for doing so.
94. Your best motivator, wealth, must be willingly, fairly and generously divided among your team.
95. He won't support us willingly , he'll preach against us, and he'll despise our revolution.
96. He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly.
97. With these words I paid the money willingly and walked out of the fortuneteller's happily feeling that future is bright.
98. There are only two things a child will share willingly: Communicable disease and his mother's age.
99. I have read desultorily the writings of the younger generation. It may be that among them a more fervid Keats, a more ethereal Shelley, has already published numers the world will willingly remember.
100. He talked willingly now, with a kind of satisfaction and no trace of hesitancy or shame.
101. These men recognized this fact and willingly heralded the achievements of their contemporaries and predecessors.
102. This machine adopts imported conversion timing controlled technical, its running is reposeful, the cutting is exact, the machine willingly foaming necessary fixture.
103. "Willingly, " answered the waggoner, "but I have no glass in which I can give thee the wine.
104. For He does not afflict willingly Or grieve the sons of men.
105. He would willingly have been a martyr in the cause, had the cause admitted of martyrdom.
106. Likes to listen to you, and obedient, the aggrieved also willingly.
107. We indeed willingly concede, if any discussion arises over doctrine, that the best and surest remedy is for a synod of true bishops to be convened, where the doctrine at issue may be examined.
108. Willingly give thyself up to Clotho , one of the Fates, allowing her to spin thy thread into whatever things she pleases.
109. With these wishes, I willingly impart to all my Apostolic Blessing.
110. Other than 5% of the public who will willingly make a sacrifice to buy green vehicles, the other 95% of people will ask, 'What am I getting – what's the deal?'
111. There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we might grudge paying a ...
112. A mangled painful limb, which cannot be restored, we willingly cut off.
113. More than twenty thousand Dutch people helped to hide Jews and others in need of hiding during those years. I willingly did what I could to help.
114. Presenting sheerly logical tasks within the framework of how performing the task helps humans will help the IFP face the task more willingly.
115. Is not a love that was Sang Sang hover and willingly?




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