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单词 barrage
释义  Related topics: Weaponsbar·rage1 /ˈbærɑːʒ $ bəˈrɑːʒ/ ●○○ noun  1  [countable usually singular]PMWSHOOT the continuous firing of guns, dropping of bombs etc, especially to protect soldiers as they move towards an enemy 掩护炮火,弹幕,火力网barrage of a barrage of anti-aircraft fire 高射炮火网2  [singular]ASK A QUESTION a lot of criticism, questions, complaints etc that are said at the same time, or very quickly one after another 连珠炮似的批评[问题、投诉等]barrage of a barrage of questions 连珠炮似的问题Examples from the Corpusbarrage• a barrage of anti-aircraft fire• US warplanes continued their barrage again this morning.barrage of• City officials faced a barrage of angry questions from local residents.Related topics: Waterbar·rage2 /ˈbærɑːʒ $ ˈbɑːrɪdʒ/ noun [countable]  TATTWa wall of earth, stones etc built across a river to provide water for farming or to prevent flooding 拦河坝,堰堤 → damExamples from the Corpusbarrage• He and Jimmy lay beneath the wagon as a barrage of hailstones beat hard on the planks above.• Instead of charging bulls, Professor Ito bravely faces a barrage of puns.• In a welcome burst of committed journalism, the press also let loose with a barrage of criticism.• For at least a month before Christmas we were subjected to an endless barrage of ads for fattening festive foods.• The authority is hoping to collect as much information as possible on the Tees course fishery in the light of the river's barrage development.• Lopsided and vulnerable, he tried to climb the barrage and get to the second balloon.• Blacks, as groups or individually, continued the barrage of written complaints during the Calvin Coolidge administration.• The barrage will be beyond it, round the·rage1 nounbar·rage2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of dropping continuous firing the guns,




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