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单词 Get well
1. Do you think he will ever get well?
2. They sent a get well card.
3. I hope you get well again soon.
4. I'm sorry you're ill - I hope you get well soon.
5. It will be to your advantage to get well in with the leaders of the committee.
6. We are all hoping for his mother to get well soon.
7. When you're ill, wanting to get well again is often half the battle.
8. He knew he was helping those children get well.
9. Get well soon -- we all miss you!
10. He must help himself to get well.
11. He and the Democrats will get well, or try to(http://), by clamoring for passage of the reform bill.
12. Homeless patients receive medication to get well enough to return to the streets where they live until their next psychotic episode.
13. Did you get well along with your accommodating family?
14. We miss your laughter in class. Get well soon.
15. I hope you get well soon.
16. He will soon get well.
17. My dear friend, think positively and get well soon.
18. Sunshine helps people who have been sick get well more quick.
19. I've been fortunate to find a career that I love and, what is more, I get well paid for it.
20. What I'm trying to do is to empower people, to give them ways to help them get well.
21. Just as I started to think that I was never going to get well, the illness began to recede.
22. The scornful rider gave the fox no chance to get well away.
23. Mind you any food in our stomach was going to get well and truly shaken up.
24. I would like everyone to pray for my grandmother to get well.
25. The five-year-old confined to a London hospital bed has been given a postal pick-me-up with get well cards from school pupils.
26. Her only hope is an operation, but even then she may not get well.
27. A terrible roaring sound began to emanate from the doomed building, and the bystanders were ordered to get well away.
28. Her defiance also seemed to strengthen Roy's resolve to put up with the treatment and get well.
29. The children gastroscopic examination is safe and reliable, they cured with proper medicine, will get well.
30. If you give this apple to a sick person, he will get well soon.
31. Objective To investigate the experience of the specialized nursing of toxic epidermolysis, improve specialized nursing care and accelerate patients get well soon.
32. Convalescence is the period when you are still sick after you get well.
33. I guarantee that if you take this medicine, you'll soon get well.
34. Conclusions Main side effect of leflunomide in treating lupus nephritis is infection. Aborative nursing can improve the patient's condition and help them get well.
35. We introduce the SAR raw data compression coding application with the improved code book and get well experiment effect.
36. They get well along in public, but their personalities don't really click.
37. You should go out and meet people, try to get well - connected.
38. Now you must obey the doctor's enjoining. Stay in bed until you get well.
39. Thus they lived from day to day, each hour hoping that the father would get well and that the glass-works would soon start up.
39. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
40. However, they did not aware that can lead to negative impact on kid growing and shaping characters, such as locking independent , being selfish , being toughly get well with others.
41. In the summer, the tarmac could get well over 150 degrees F. Standing out there with leather-soled shoes could give you second-degree burns!
42. Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
43. Bicubic interpolation is an effective way to get well - qualified high - image, but with high load.
44. If given the same treatment again, he's sure to get well.
45. We were all hoping that Rick would get well soon.
46. To get well known on the power performance of traction motor system is very important and meaningful for the parameter matching design of electric vehicle power train .
47. Although the wound wasn't serious, this time Ralph didn 't get well.




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