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单词 Typed
1. His secretary typed the letter and he signed it.
2. I typed three letters this morning.
3. Oops! I've typed two L's by mistake.
4. Has that report been typed up yet?
5. The letter consists of six closely typed pages.
6. This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.
7. This will need to be typed again.
8. This letter will need to be typed again.
9. The information is typed in by trained keyboarders.
10. He typed in his password to log in.
11. The doctor has typed her blood.
12. The secretary has typed up the whole contract.
13. The document had been typed on a small portable.
14. Every day he typed what he composed.
15. He was typed as villain in the theater.
16. I want it typed right away,[sentence dictionary] please.
17. I want that letter typed today.
18. She typed the details into the computer.
19. I typed up a report about the morning's events for our clients.
20. Her typewriter clacked noisily as she typed out the letter.
21. He had all the words he needed typed out and well rehearsed.
22. Look, you've typed " do " as'so " , and made nonsense of the whole sentence.
23. He deftly folded the typed sheets and replaced them in the envelope.
24. I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.
25. When the first draft was completed, Nichols typed it up.
26. As the screen lit up, he typed in his password.
27. The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again.
28. A CD-ROM can store more than 250,000 pages of typed text.
29. It would look more professional if the letter was typed.
30. I read it down the phone to a man called Dave, who typed it out.
1. His secretary typed the letter and he signed it.
2. I typed three letters this morning.
3. Oops! I've typed two L's by mistake.
4. The two of us stood by while two typists typed out the whole document again.
5. Every day he typed what he composed.
6. He had all the words he needed typed out and well rehearsed.
7. Look, you've typed " do " as'so " , and made nonsense of the whole sentence.
8. He deftly folded the typed sheets and replaced them in the envelope.
31. If typed or word-processed, use double spacing.
32. Mr. Bernstein wants that letter typed today.
33. These letters still need to be typed.
34. Keep it brief no more than two typed pages.
35. He typed all his own letters.
36. The invitations were typed by Sfirion and sent out.
37. The keys clacked as she typed.
38. This computer system converts typed words into speech.
39. The date is typed on the left-hand margin.
40. Now each character is sent to the printer immediately after it is typed.
41. Those that matched Darby's description had been borrowed from the newsroom and the wording of the death threat typed on them.
42. There was a letter on the front doormat bearing his name,[] manually typed.
43. He led me to his booth and typed a few keys on the control panel.
44. Books and papers were either remembered or copied, sometimes ten typed sheets at once, on carbon paper.
45. When you have typed the program in use the command Save in the file menu to save it.
46. He found two carbon copies of such a list, neatly typed.
47. Dougal flicked through the pages, dipping into the typed sections; the handwritten portions could wait.
48. You typed the articles, relieved me of the household chores and fed me royally.
49. Having completed these arrangements, I sat down, naked, on the box in the tub and typed my notes.
50. In the process, a small amount of blood is taken from the donor and typed.
51. A young policeman in a leather jacket painfully, letter by letter, typed my losses on an ancient machine.
52. Dust lay on the lintels and dust filled bird's prints, typed in the concrete.
53. You get feedback written on the margins on your page or typed on a separate piece of paper.
54. A single disk can contain 650 megabytes of data, equal to 200,000 typed A4 pages or 1,500 floppy disks.
55. Her three-page typed reply, when it was finally received, dropped like a bombshell.
56. Traditional spelling error detection and correction data is for typed input.
57. Julia resolved to double-check everything she typed today and stay late, if need be, to get up to date.
58. There was a momentary pause, and then the sentence he had typed was repeated in soft tones through the right-hand earpiece.
59. Out of curiosity, I ordered an appetizer off the typed list on the counter.
60. It suits me, she says to herself, pulling a thick, closely typed manuscript out of a jiffy bag.
61. And Goldberg, pursing his lips in concentration, flicking the hair out of his eyes, typed furiously on.
62. I never could understand why a letter typed with a word processor was any less personal than one produced with a typewriter.
63. It should be typed on A4 paper with double spacing and generous margins.
64. She wrote a few paragraphs and got up, the typed sheet in her hand.
65. In earlier days of Diversionary, Peterson said, actors feared being typed if they took roles in a gay theater.
66. Where does an artist like Kafka come from? he typed, squinting at his erstwhile friend's crumpled manuscript.
67. Some bug in the program meant when I typed in a letter I go a number instead.
68. His letters arrived in distinctive blue-grey envelopes typed by his sister.
69. The list is typed; a master copy is held by the store and another is sent on to you.
70. These stands can hold several hundred strips, on which are typed the guest's name, initials, room number.
71. I took a deep breath and with shaking hands I typed my letter of resignation.
72. Now I deal only in words and statistics that need to be typed into the system.
73. She had typed the letter immediately and then had run it upstairs for his signature.
74. There were four or five pages, typed single-space,[] answering all the questions that I listed above.
75. Once you have typed the command the quiz displays output as though the command had actually been executed.
76. She complies, and the marketing firm has her answers typed into a computer.
77. The value of the stamp collection should be typed in.
78. Anyone could have typed that message and his initial, she realised with dismay.
79. Such information as there was was typed in a number of different typefaces but all with fading ribbons.
80. The closest competitor the whole day was Arpaio, who earlier typed 44 words per minute.
81. Expletives are immediately deleted every time a piece of full-blooded dialogue is typed into its new system.
82. Check that you have typed exactly the filename you wanted.
83. Favorite recipes can be typed into the computer, organized by category and found quickly through a search function.
84. Whether is it typed in via the keyboard, generated via mouse movements or information received from any other external source.
85. The photocopying of typed sheets, although relatively expensive, gives clear and reliably consistent copies.
86. It is a typed double-spaced letter of two and a half pages.
87. He then typed in the correct background information, along with the date June 15, 1949.
88. This should be carefully typed or printed in the form that you anticipate using when the collection of data begins.
89. High quality dot matrix printing which looks nearly as good as material which has been typed.
90. This will go to be tissue typed and the results will be kept on the confidential register.
91. Paper plate a short run offset printing plate on which matter can be typed directly.
92. I typed out a rhapsody about the delectable meal I had eaten.
93. A long envelope from personnel relations lay on my desk with my name typed on it in bold print.
94. The surname should be written or typed in block letters followed by the title of the guest, and then the initials.
95. As well as typed text, they can produce large headings and graphics.
96. No wonder; in her entire career in the Civil Service she has never typed out anything remotely like it.
97. Many doctoral dissertation proposals will be as long as 60 or more pages typed and double spaced.
98. Then he sat down and typed a letter to every agony aunt he had ever heard of.
99. The file was then saved and its purpose was typed into the Description box.
100. She typed an original and two carbons.
101. I typed the letter o as the number 0.
102. Rudolph looked at the neatly typed report with distaste.
103. They have typed my blood.
104. The letter was typed in quadruplicate.
105. My report was typed in multiplicate.
106. Suggested length: 4-5 typed pages, double-spaced.
107. The documents have been typed into a portable computer.
108. My major work is typed.
109. It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point.
110. Yes sir. Would you like it typed or handwritten?
111. The publisher is death on sloppily typed manuscripts.
112. The neatly typed document was clear and carefully phrased.
113. Strictly speaking, the E programming language is a dynamically typed functional programming language, not a framework.
114. A kind of new typed robotic abrasive belt grinder was designed.
115. Keep in mind that when you use a typed DataSet, if the corresponding schema changes in the underlying database table, you will need to synchronize the schema in the typed DataSet.
116. If L has an implicitly typed parameter list, D has no ref or out parameters.
117. Aimed at the current status of petroleum slotted sieve tube, a kind of new typed slotted sieve tube with compound slot was developed.
118. This code block exemplifies the fact that the code using the untyped DataSet is not as elegant as the code that was written using the strongly typed DataSet.
119. It was a single typed yellow triple - spaced, with a folded page from a theatrical trade paper.
120. After you have typed text into SideNote, you may want to email the contents.
121. A manifestly typed language forces you to declare each variable and each function argument.
122. Its kinematics and kinetics law differs from those of the general moving beam typed suction pump.
123. From a programmera ?s perspective, however, it is more convenient and fail-safe to use strongly typed interfaces to access the state information.
124. The memorandums should be typed and double-spaced. They should be written as if your were presenting it to your business colleagues.
125. He glanced at the screen, typed "vitesse au sol" into The French king, and held it up for me to see the Chinese: "Groundspeed."
126. A typed table is a table that is defined with a user-defined structured type.
127. Each object expects specific, typed, input variables, and will perform error checking based on this.
128. The author used to be in the habit of choosing passwords that could be typed with one hand at different positions on the keyboard.
129. The most important blood types are in the ABO group, which can be typed for all humans and many other primates.
130. As rows in a table (a typed table) whose columns are defined by the attributes of the structured type.
131. It may be wove paper, vellum-smooth and shiny, or a bit of scrap, torn not quite straight, with a palimpsest of typed meeting-minutes showing through.
132. The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to bind the tenderer to the Contract.
133. The strongly typed DataSet offers advantages over the untyped DataSet in terms of speed and easy maintainability.
134. Free position typed operation panel and pendant MPG are protection design ensure quick and comfortable operation.
135. The current version of Apache only accepts typed arguments,[] although there is a version in the works that will properly allow untyped arguments as well.
136. The IDL discriminated union must have a typed tagged field to determine which union member will be used in the current instance.
137. The designing process for the accomplishment of double axial steering of heavy loading vehicles was achieved by the use of a kind of new typed six-bar mechanism.
138. If the value is known, it can just be typed into the editor; if not, the selection component can be used to select and search,() after which the value is populated back into the editor.
139. It is more professional to send in a typed rather than a handwritten letter of application.
140. The addresser should sign the letter by hand and in ink above the typed name which the typed post title follows immediately.
141. Notice that I typed the letter c and several Outlook contacts automatically appeared below.
142. Typing anything else (typically, a space or newline) also accepts and inserts the currently selected word, as well as whatever extra character you typed.
143. The original and two duplicate copies of the tender shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorised to bind the tenderer to the Contract.
144. An OCR machine is a form of scanner which converts typed or printed text into digital data.
145. For example, an order is sent as postal mail and is manually typed into the AS/400 system using a console program.
146. The passwords you typed do not match. Please retype the new password in both boxes.
147. Unhappy with his first draft of On The Road, Jack Kerouac stuck together 12ft reels of paper and typed flat out for 20 days to achieve the spontaneous composing technique he wanted.
148. The technology of direct digital frequency synthesis ( DDS ) , is a new typed synthesizer technology and signal frequency methods.
149. Yes, Mr. Smith. Would you like it typed or handwritten?
150. Reenter the characters you typed for New password to confirm.
151. Then, re-enter your password to verify that you typed it correctly.
152. The text you typed in the Name box appears in the Selection list.
153. While the children napped, I typed at my ancient typewriter. I wrote what I felt.
154. That is the function that displays a drop-down menu of words related to a search word that is typed into the search engine.
155. A kind of energy accumulation typed stretchable mechanism used in aerobat was designed.
156. Dr. Stone, do you want this paper typed and double-spaced?
157. The signal generation circuit includes a NPN typed switching transistor. Through a first resistance, base electrode of the switching transistor is connected to a first system power source.
158. The paper develops a newly typed microminiature creeping robot and analyses the driving principle the dynamic characteristic of the robot.
159. Selections will be overwritten by typed text and will be lost on cursor movement.
160. In word processing, a repetitive letter sent to more than one person in which the name and address are either individually or automatically typed.
161. The message part name is mandatory for interface typed variables, and optional for data typed variables.
162. On the contrary, metamorphism plus alteration typed deposits yield aggregative grains of rutile, having a relatively thick grain size.
163. A kind of spring energy accumulation typed stretchable mechanism used in aerobat was designed.
164. Ruby (being dynamically typed) makes it simple to write compact code that can be extended with a minimum of fuss.
165. Length: 8 - 10 typed pages, double-spaced in 12 - point type, stapled, with pages numbered.
166. Taking a certain typed shock absorber of inertia platform as an object of study, the finite element analytical method on the elastic property of rubber shock absorber was approached.
167. As source statements are typed, they are manipulated by an editor program and stored on disk.
168. The text should be equivalent to approximately six typed pages, accompanied by illustrations.
169. The envelope contained a typed, unsigned letter demanding £75,000 in cash.
170. Two days before the election he had a sealed letter , which he had typed himself, hand-delivered to the secretary of state, who was then third in line of succession to the presidency.
171. When a compound statement is entered interactively , it must be followed by a blank line to indicate completion (since the parser cannot guess when you have typed the last line).
172. For example, the default for a String typed attribute is blank string.
173. All written work should be typed and double-spaced, with standard margins.
174. On 29 October 1969, two letters – LO – were typed on a keyboard in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and appeared on a screen at the Stanford Research Institute, 314 miles away.
175. I typed 'Bach' into the search box, expecting to be flooded with results, but saw no music and only one post by a MOG user about why she thought Bach was a great composer.
176. Well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously typed ad.
177. The text should be equivalent to approximately two typed pages, accompanied by a map.
178. I wanted a copy of the letter, so I typed it twice.
179. The manager has (got) quire a few letters to be typed out before 12 o'clock.
180. Maybe you typed it into that spiffy new productivity app only to have it buried in other screens.
181. Variable-speed variable-frequency(VSVF), a new typed operational mode for the induction generator based wind power generation system is proposed based on the fractional frequency power transmission.
182. Each annotator stores its results in typed feature structures, which are simply data structures that have a type and a set of (attribute, value) pairs.
183. If the range variable is explicitly typed, make sure that the type is either the same as, or implicitly convertible from, the type of the elements in the collection it iterates.
184. While the children napped, I typed on my ancient typewriter.
185. Computer Science A data control character after which characters are interpreted as having been typed in the uppercase mode.
186. The artist's statement should be typed in the space provided in the entry label and saved as a soft copy in a compact disk for submission.
187. When she had typed several letters, she went to a filing cabinet and filed carbon copies.
188. Secondly, it is introduced that the new - typed digital valve is applied to the double - cylindered synchronous system.
189. According to the character of magneto-rheological fluids (MRF), a typed MRF controlling valve was designed.
190. Thus, a partner is really eventually just a typed service reference, where the typing comes from the service link type and the roles.
191. If the type annotation denotes a complex type with empty content, then the typed value of the node is the empty sequence and its string value is the zero-length string.
192. Dynamically typed languages like Ruby, Python, Groovy, JavaScript, and Smalltalk offer very high productivity due to their flexibility, powerful metaprogramming, and elegance.
193. You create a composite key as an anonymous type or named typed with the values that you want to compare.
194. The base URI of the document (or to be precise, of the document element, and therefore of the typed node element itself) is given as using an xml:base attribute.
195. Joanne impressed her boss by cranking out the typed report before noon.
196. Most courses require you to produce at least one assignment that is typed – thus having a desk-top computer or lap-top will come in handy.
197. The passwords you typed do not match. Please retype the new password in both edit boxes.
198. The shift means Google users will begin to see an ever-evolving set of search results appearing on their computer screens, potentially changing with each additional character typed.
199. Eleven - year - old Mark Wheeler from California typed out a warning signal using Morse Code.
200. Method: 54 cases of vascular dementia were typed and treated TQM.
201. The passive typed wrist joint structure was adopted to let the robot be conforming to the actual needs.
202. The name suffix that you typed already exists in the specified forest.
203. Bash keeps a record of what the user has typed exactly and writes it to a hidden file called .bash_history within the user's home directory.
204. The text you typed in the Name box now appears in the Selection list.
205. Scanner: An equipment that converts photographic or hand-drawn original into digital data. An OCR machine can converts typed or printed text into digital data.
206. For example, push "J" key to switch to Japanese input mode, push "S" key to save the typed text(), and push "Q" key to close this popup window.
207. A kind of new typed epicyclic gear transmission with few teeth differenced inner plane motion of spur gear and possessing practical value was put forward in this study.
208. We're not judging; this is being typed one-handed, and there are Twinkie marks all over the space bar.
209. An OCR machine can converts typed or printed text into digital data.
210. Methods Antibiotic susceptivity of P. aerogenosa was analysed, and the highly multidrug-resistant P. aerogenosa gene was typed by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD).
211. If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.
212. mobl is a textual, statically typed, compiled language that is primarily used through its Eclipse plug-in.
213. The rate of conversion will continue to decrease for the Typed funds to decrease the remaining inflated values.
214. An SSL VPN that simply denies users access as if they had typed an incorrect password would lead to numerous frustrating helpdesk calls to an already overburdened support department.
215. Optionally, a new Namespace be typed in place of default value.
216. Loosely typed services use generic parameter definitions that do not include an explanation of the message content in form of a schema.
217. They were typed records of his bets, going back a couple of years as far as I could judge.
218. In programming terminology, we say that readInt returns the value the user typed.
219. New storing device fits at the end of the keyboard cable connecting to the PC specialized to save all typed keys in it?
220. This extension is being designed to enable interoperability between dynamic languages in the same manner that the CLR enabled interoperability between statically typed languages.
221. Well, get string again is returning the address of the string the user typed in, D the address of the very first character like the letter D and storing that address in this variable s1.
222. Hundreds of interviews were recorded in longhand[/typed.html], typed up in single spacing and arranged in piles.
223. Format : Essays must be typed or word - processed, double-spaced , and adequately margined, should include a title, and need to observe the conventions of grammar and spelling.
224. Then I typed the letters "PNP" into the search bar at the top of the page.
225. Adds an instance of a typed or untyped dataset to the form or component.
226. As a new phenomenon in China , cityannexationresultsin problems of urban form, whichconsiderablylimitsthe urbandevelopmentsof annexation - typed cities.
227. The name suffix that you typed is already excluded from routing.
228. Another point about that is I singled out the long chapter called, Appraisal and Bestowal Revisited Is now what typed like, Even?
229. The stenographer is always goofing off in the company cafeteria instead of getting my letters typed.
230. Google Suggest automatically completes search queries by suggesting search terms that have been popular with other users who typed the same initial word.
231. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why it wasn't auto-completing my brother's work cell number when I typed his name.
232. When using SOAP as a remote procedure call (RPC) system, the SOAP parameters can be typed or untyped.
233. The inside address is typed directly below the date line at the left hand margin.
234. Having adopted the quadratic approximation of potential, we can solve the equation and get the approximately analytical solutions of Gaussian typed breath mode.
235. Let's assume that the user typed in a pretty short word we didn't run out of memory or anything crazy so here's the new feature.
236. It was a single typed yellow sheet, triple-spaced, with a folded page from a theatrical trade paper.
237. Implicitly typed arrays, a form of array creation and initialization that infers the element type of the array from an array initializer.
238. You have typed an invalid phone number. Please check the number and re - enter it.
239. You will spend less time in the designer as typed DataSets now fully decipher data source metadata, including foreign-key constraints and autoincrement seeds and steps, as shown in Figure 5 .
240. System programming languages are strongly typed to help manage complexity, while scripting languages are typeless to simplify connections between components and provide rapid application development.
241. Name each file clearly, either in block capitals or in jet-black typed capitals.
242. Please enter the same GRUB password again to verify that you have typed it correctly.
243. The official report which I've just typed off describes the meeting with Stalin in sufficient detail.
244. A toal of 44 isolates from the patients was detected and typed by using HSV type-specific DNA probes labeled with Digoxigenin and 32P,[] respectively.
245. For data typed interfaces (Business Objects), the part name is optional.
246. Taking certain typed ejection seat as the target of study, this paper established a finite element model to carrying out impact dynamics simulation.
247. Prepared typed, double-spaced entries are required to be short stories of a maximum length of 1000 words on any subject. Due: Thursday 31 March.
248. Raw homogenized in a CF - typed silo where it is continuously blended pneumatically which brings high efficiency.
249. The composite property is typed to the interface java.awt.Composite and all primitive drawing on the graphics surface done by the Graphics2D object is directed through its composite.
250. Double involute gear is a kind of new typed involute gear.
251. Essays must be typed or word-processed, double-spaced, and adequately margined , should include a title, and need to observe the conventions of grammar and spelling.




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