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单词 Gaze
1 I shifted uneasily under his gaze.
2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
3 He shifted his gaze from the child to her.
4 His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.
5 Her gaze met Michael's for a split second.
6 He kept his gaze fixed on the car ahead.
7 She found herself unable to meet his gaze.
8 I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed.
9 She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
10 Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual.
11 Her gaze followed Simon's through the archway.
12 Her gaze rested on the old man's mouth.
13 Ellen smiled uncomfortably and lowered her gaze.
14 His gaze fastened on the jewels.
15 Her eyes fell before his steady gaze.
16 Her gaze fell on Kate's tousled hair.
17 His gaze travelled over her face.
18 She felt increasingly uncomfortable under the woman's steady gaze.
19 Pop stars are constantly exposed to the public gaze.
20 She refused to meet my gaze.
21 He had an extraordinarily penetrating gaze.
22 Her steady gaze did not waver.
23 He turned his gaze on me.
24 His gaze roamed over her.
25 He could not meet Connor's steady gaze.
26 Her gaze drifted around the room.
27 His gaze settled on her face.
28 I met his steady gaze.
29 Death, old age, are words without a meaning, that pass by us like the idle air which we regard not. Others may have undergone, or may still be liable to them--we "bear a charmed life", which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies. As in setting out on delightful journey, we strain our eager gaze forward.
30 The lake is like an open book, day like the steady gaze of a reader.
1 I shifted uneasily under his gaze.
2 She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze.
3 He shifted his gaze from the child to her.
4 His eye/gaze roved hungrily about the room.
5 Her gaze met Michael's for a split second.
6 He kept his gaze fixed on the car ahead.
7 I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed.
8 She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings.
9 Her gaze sharpened, as if she had seen something unusual.
10 Her eyes fell before his steady gaze.
11 He had an extraordinarily penetrating gaze.
12 He examined the man with a penetrating gaze.
13 Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.
14 His gaze was rigidly fixed ahead.
31 My eyes met his icy gaze.
32 His gaze flickered an instant.
33 His gaze flickered over her.
34 Her gaze was suddenly intent.
35 She lifted her head to gaze at him.
36 She followed the direction of his gaze.
37 Her gaze was fixed seawards.
37 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
38 His gaze flickered over the room.
39 He met my gaze without flinching.
40 She dropped her gaze .
41 I felt so self-conscious under Luke's mother's intense gaze.
42 She returned his gaze steadily.
43 He examined the man with a penetrating gaze.
44 Phil turned his gaze towards the older man.
45 She fastened her gaze on him.
46 His gaze locked with hers.
47 She turned to meet his gaze.
48 His gaze held her in thrall.
49 His gaze was rock steady.
50 Under his intense gaze she felt uncomfortable.
51 She let her gaze wander.
52 He didn't dare to meet her gaze.
53 His gaze/eyes rested on her face.
54 He sat down,() purposely avoiding her gaze.
55 She met his gaze without flinching.
56 She shifted her gaze from me to Bobby.
57 He blushed under her angry gaze.
58 Her gaze was drawn irresistibly to the scene outside.
59 His gaze wandered round the room.
60 He met her gaze .
61 Her gaze fixed on his and held it unblinkingly.
62 Rebecca's gaze rested on the child thoughtfully.
63 She deliberately averted her gaze when he came in.
64 She fixed him with a level gaze.
65 He turned a cold, reptilian gaze on me.
66 His father's unblinking gaze was fixed on the fire.
67 His deep blue gaze held hers.
68 His gaze was rigidly fixed ahead.
69 Leonora met his gaze without flinching.
70 She melted under his gaze.
71 Ben looked at me in horror for a moment and then dropped his gaze.
72 She shifted her gaze away from the group of tourists.
73 The dark gaze narrowed.
74 She tipped her chair back and fixed her gaze full upon him.
75 They fixed their gaze on the dark line of the coast ahead.
76 She felt foolish and unsure under his piercing gaze .
77 I followed her gaze and spotted a new arrival at the far side of the room.
78 She lowered her gaze to the hands in her lap.
79 Her gaze fell upon a small box at the back of the shop.
80 I can't gaze into my crystal ball and tell you what will happen!
81 You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.
82 She avoided his gaze.
83 I could feel his malevolent gaze as I walked away.
84 The general turned his gaze from one person to the other present at the summit meeting.
85 He lay helpless in the street under the pitying gaze of the bystanders.
86 The interior was shielded from the curious gaze of passersby.
87 I noticed, behind the neutrality of his gaze, a deep weariness.
88 Her gaze settled on a door, and she wondered what was on the other side of it.
89 In his last years, he lived almost entirely secluded from the public gaze .
90 I gaze at the pond in awe.
91 Annie suddenly felt uncomfortable beneath his gaze.
92 No, but I've averted my gaze a few times.
93 Willie continued to gaze at the materials.
94 Idly, he let his gaze drift across the horizon.
95 And exposing himself to that censorious and supercilious gaze?
96 The dare of her gaze was the proof.
97 I gaze absently out of the window, wondering.
98 Lisa felt her flesh burn beneath the bold gaze.
99 He kept his gaze on one particular tree.
100 I averted my gaze and felt uncomfortable.
101 Dexter saw Blanche gaze at Parkin with sadness.
102 The full force of that old gaze.
103 A barely perceptible delay as you gaze through it.
104 She allowed her steady gaze to flicker from the glass which she had been holding firm.
105 I gaze at the unopened books with dead eyes, and the pack of cards is as uninviting as yesterday's milk.
106 She cleared a space, offered him a seat and met his gaze levelly.
107 Tony looked up and smiled, but his gaze seemed to slip off her forehead.
108 She lay down on the bed beneath Jack's gaze, and spread her shirt wide open on the sheet.
109 At this point, I gaze about the room, stretching a bit.
110 He stepped back from the microphone and lowered his gaze, lost in painful emotion.
111 The blond man had nodded a greeting to her, and Carol had been aware of his appraising gaze.
112 The great men held the room in their gaze, even the back corner by the windows.
113 Nodding, he chewed thoughtfully, his rapturous gaze on the plate.
114 Sometimes she stared at them in disbelief and they turned away from the clarity of her open blue-grey gaze.
115 He turned to gaze at the lake and then shook his head in a knowing way.
116 She broke this news to me gently, casting her clear gaze towards the window in preference to seeing my hurt.
117 He turned to gaze with cool appraisal at his secretary, sitting sullenly all this time.
118 As soon as she drifted into sleep, she was back in the Close, her gaze locked on the white huddled figure.
119 He nodded slowly and she felt his gaze drift to the gold band on her wedding finger.
120 He averted his gaze from the Fermoyle house, where Jozia might be watching him this very moment.
121 Jewel-bright windows, veiled in lead, gaze on slender arched bridges across the Cam.
122 Her erratic gaze paused briefly on the broken nail she was picking with her other hand.
123 Nathan's gaze flickered over her, his own thoughts hidden behind eyes reflecting the soft glow of the bedhead lamp.
124 In it the artist portrays a disheveled thirty-one-year-old Morisot averting her gaze from the viewer.
125 He felt the wide gaze of the french windows at his back and the awareness put his timing out.
126 Rows of simple wooden benches drew her gaze towards the altar, where candles burned beside a tall, plain wooden crucifix.
127 Artistic and cultural disabled-led practice which positions its gaze towards this interface begins to reflect the struggle.
128 His body and amused gaze point at the camera,(http:///gaze.html) and he holds a cigarette in his free hand.
129 In terms of young people, two major social concerns served to invite the psychiatric gaze.
130 As if she felt her sister's gaze, Susan swung round on the piano-stool and asked her to sing come carols.
131 Meredith wrenched her gaze from the sad little scrap of paper and looked about her.
132 Usually Sara saw him as a bronzed, athletic man with a steady gaze, manly features and narrow hips.
133 It ceased abruptly and her gaze left his to wander down his body, stopping only to rest upon his nakedness.
134 For no reason at all, she shivered and dropped her gaze.
135 Connelly blinked myopically, trying to clear his gaze, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.
136 The tap-tap boy with the crooked gaze stood in the open doorway, grinning as usual.
137 She allowed her gaze to flick up every time the hand passed the twelve.
138 I will still gaze out the window as I write; they will still toil, but now in their dark home.
139 Throughout our long conversation his head is constantly in motion, eyes darting to and fro consciously avoiding my gaze.
140 I averted my gaze, taking in a deep breath then just to prove I could.
141 In the Zirgana mountains large red deer softly returned their gaze from an apprehensive distance.
142 His movements were slow, his gaze abstracted, as if he were composing a poem in his head.
143 Toni turned her gaze back to the fireplace to grasp a newly feigned interest in the bright flames.
144 And if you want funny peculiar, simply gaze upon Thierry Boutsen's reverse-flip bird's-nest tonsure.
145 She looks up at him, holds his gaze for a second or two, then drops her eyes.
146 They reveal precisely what can not be expressed through the closed categories of language or encompassed by the gaze alone.
147 Whether diplomatic activity should be shielded from the public gaze is a matter for debate.
148 Behind her back, Mitch looked sceptically at his editor and Richie grinned, his gaze on Maggie's retreating figure.
149 His gaze moved from her startled face down the length of her body and lingered on her slim bare legs.
150 For an instant, his gaze had shifted to the bedside cabinet, where their whisky glasses stood beneath the lamp.
151 Does the gaze fall on the impaired body or on social barriers?
152 His gaze came back to George, still sprawled over the control desk.
153 Yet when he spoke of himself, his gaze frequently wandered, as though in search of visual ballast.
154 The window behind the stove, and picture window over the table, allowed us to gaze across the darkened canyon.
155 More short-haired young men gaze through leaded windows or carry burdens across alienating landscapes.
156 The shop owner continued to gaze out at the blue air which fell away below, just ten yards from his feet.
157 They directed their gaze on Miss Bedwelty, confirming the worst./gaze.html
158 She met his eyes without flinching, a mutinous sparkle enlivening the depths of her own grey gaze.
159 Through the beaded curtain she could see the devoted gaze of the women in the front row.
160 Isabel wrenched her gaze from the limp body at her feet.
161 Next moment every head turned to gaze skywards as a brilliant red star flared into life high above Bethlehem House.
162 When he raised his gaze to inspect his face, Lat found his eyes agleam with the intensity of his fervour.
163 During his travels, Mithra was thought to see all - nothing could be concealed from his gaze.
164 If you are still out of work, the tribunal has to gaze into its crystal ball.
165 There was a small basin filled with water at one end of the mattress and I was told to gaze into it.
166 Now the slow burn of his steady gaze awakened feelings within her which were scary.
167 Under his critical gaze, Claudia ate scrambled eggs and bacon instead of her usual slice of toast.
168 He met Jinneth's gaze steadily, until her smile faltered and she turned away to speak into her husband's ear.
169 It watched her, unwinking, until she reached the room behind the shop and shut the door on its crimson gaze.
170 Nervous, she thought, or apprehensive about something, the way his gaze never quite settled on any one object.
171 At one end, she placed her sculpture of Pilgrim, so he could gaze into the water at his reflection.
172 Riders avoid our faces, and gaze down on our skull crowns where the bone jigsaw cleaves.
173 When Ryan read the charge of homicide of Menendez, Franco lowered his gaze from the bench and stared at his feet.
174 He is also replacing his receiver and turning to gaze thoughtfully out of the window.
175 We look at each other, and then, drop our gaze to hide our confusion.
176 She was tense, almost afraid to breathe, almost afraid to meet his gaze.
177 Fontaine cast his gaze out into the parking lot for a few minutes.
178 The back avoids eye contact and confrontation, but it may invite the surreptitious gaze.
179 As he continued to gaze down into the sunlit water a sound intruded into his mind.
180 He was standing close, holding her breathless with his gaze, every inch of him exuding male sexuality.
181 The rabbit, she thought tipsily, does not willingly gaze down the barrel of the gun.
182 Tommaso's gaze flickered over her, appraisingly, and he had made no such reckoning of Caterina, as Davide grasped.
183 Though his features looked as if they'd been carved from stone, in the depths of his gaze something stirred.
184 For the second time in his talk, Stafford rested his gaze on Cantor.
185 We gaze until the cold air makes our shivering unstoppable.
186 Surere was returning his gaze out of candid, friendly eyes; convinced eyes.
187 My father glanced at it then returned his gaze to me.
187 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
188 His mouth curved in amusement, but his narrowed gaze was thoughtful, as though her observations had surprised him.
189 It was Corrary who pointed, and drew their gaze to the dark shadow on the water.
190 As spectators we are positioned as the eye of the camera and we gaze upon an apparently natural and unmediated scene.
191 His enigmatic features gaze down in every public place of assembly.
192 Matron was equally dignified, with a towering cap of white linen and a penetrating gaze.
193 Though his eyes were weakening by the moment, his gaze was still more acute than that of the blossoming ape.
194 P.P. showed no consistent shifts of gaze to a target.
195 In photos from this period, the flinty gaze is not yet apparent.
196 That causes their gaze to slide along with the movement of their heads, leaving them confused and nauseated.
197 Nathan's gaze flicked over sails, lines, winches and compass, in a swift visual check.
198 Hinn focused his gaze on the opposite end of the stadium, near the top.
199 Neither of us cries but we are obviously repressing deep emotions, and peo-ple, sensing this, avert their gaze.
200 He let his gaze rest upon the awed and silent faces that fringed his passage, but without seeing them.
201 She switched her gaze from the street to the boatyard.
202 Waking up to that penetrating ice-blue gaze was enough to throw anyone off balance for the rest of the day.
203 I really should have had an accountant to act as a buffer, and filter all money issues through his skeptical gaze.
204 What dreary offices we inhabit, I thought as I allowed my gaze to travel round this miniature version of my own.
205 The assessing gaze that Willie had fixed on me was gone.
206 He looked up at her after a long time, almost bringing both eyes into alignment with the intensity of his gaze.
207 She ignored his lecherous gaze and scanned the sea of faces for Stephen.
208 Its vibration harmonizes all my thoughts and feelings, as I gaze fixed into the depths of this greatest of flowers.
209 He stared off toward a cluster of people near the fireplace and I followed his gaze.
210 Set amidst green and fertile hills its skyline is stunning and its landscapes inspire a long and dreamy gaze.
211 But before I duck in, I pause a moment to gaze at the rapidly changing color of the sky.
212 The afterbirth was large, and the good woman narrowed her gaze.
213 Roman watched the delicate colour flood her face, his dark gaze unreadable.
214 This and more already happens on satellite and cable channels, which are under the more lenient gaze of the Cable Authority.
215 The woman keeps shifting her gaze from Cote to stare at the pads with a kind of fascinated horror.
216 At last his gaze came to rest on Maeve, and his eyes widened, and a smile curved his lips.
217 Art, it seems, is the perpetual recidivist, always ducking back into the aesthetic as soon as vigilant life averts its gaze.
217 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
218 Frankie blinked in the bright light, then turned his gaze reluctantly to the arched alcove on his left.
219 Her face staring, staring into the darkness, trying to gaze herself into another world.
220 Surely he deserves better of me than to gaze at him with my policeman's eyes.
221 Wearing a chic, low cut dress and heavy gold chain she meets our gaze with a challenging look.
222 The focus of his gaze has a startlingly piercing quality; an intensity that seems to strike at your very core.
223 She raised her gaze from the gunman and looked at Jean-Pierre.
224 I can gaze seductively into a camera lens and give you that look of pure lust and desire.
225 I said evenly, keeping my gaze level and steady and my posture perpendicular and upright.
226 Proximity, physical appearance, direction of gaze, and gestures and facial expressions all affect our perceptions of one another.
227 The relieved Prince grunted an acknowledgement, then leaned forward to gaze critically in the mirror.
228 This may be the wrong time for the party to avert its gaze.
229 Matthew looked up from the picnic basket as though aware of her intent, serious gaze.
230 Her gaze followed Vitor's through the archway into the living-room.
231 If Clarke had intended to pursue his enquiries further, he obviously thought better of it under that formidable gaze.
232 Here you gaze across the terraced vineyards and orchards to the bare limestone summit of Mont Vertoux.
233 It was that bitter rivalry that led us to lift our gaze to space-but what we have seen has transfigured us.
234 He smiled a lot, and looked at Connie the way kids gaze at adults who give them bountiful attention.
235 We gaze across the breakfast things like an old married couple, and I remove a smear of marmalade from the tablecloth.
236 Her gaze lighted on her only daughter and her face softened.
237 His gaze was full of pity, anguish, and supplication.
238 He listened sullenly, with averted gaze.
239 The painter has omnivorous exploratory gaze.
240 It's a cold and ungenerous gaze on reality, with an enormous analytical backbone.
241 So he sat , with a steadfastly vacant gaze , pausing in his work.
242 An urchin who had frequently seen him before, stopped to gaze.
243 When turning suddenly, he caught my gaze fastened on his physiognomy.
244 Two lovers embrace on the Nydegg Bridge , gaze wistfully into the river below.
245 With steady gaze he awaited confidently the moment for administering the restorative.
246 Sometimes, when I am seized by tiresomeness, I and gaze at the sky absently.
247 Emil smiled tolerantly and stood looking down at her with his old, brooding gaze.
248 Rem's gaze grew unfocused. " You fail to see the potential, Doctor. "
249 The gaze were filled with care, stringency, trust, and also hope!
250 All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor.
251 To gaze out onto the above, to behold the quintessence of mind, the elegance of reality.
252 But a smoldering gaze - you know what that looks like - 53 means hes hot for you.
253 He decided not to look at the ground but just gaze straight ahead and shuffle along.
254 Avery met Byrne's mirror - visored gaze and nodded his head.
255 A pain in his head made the walls waver before his gaze.
256 Amy stand rivet to the spot and gaze at the entrance.
257 He looked out of the window in the direction of the woodman's gaze.
258 Do gaze at the front road, the rearview mirror is used to avoid the trouble.
259 She followed her mother's gaze and had her eyes momentarily captured by Mr. Langhorn's unsmiling ones.




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