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单词 Reinforce
1) We must reinforce the troops at the front.
2) Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.
3) Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.
4) A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.
5) We reinforce a troop again.
6) Ancient writings reinforce their claims to the land.
7) The delegation hopes to reinforce the idea that human rights are not purely internal matters.
8) Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.
9) The UN has undertaken to reinforce its military presence along the borders.
10) Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying.
11) Two companies were moved up to reinforce the front line.
12) Cultural and family values often reinforce this belief.
13) Both arrived together and seemed to reinforce each other.
14) Genetics is often used to reinforce existing prejudices.
15) Similar forms resonate and reinforce each other.
16) This will reinforce the trend to lower fertility.
17) It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method.
18) This helps to reinforce his status within the group.
19) Psychiatrists and other advisers may reinforce this attitude.
20) Shaping provides a way to reinforce approximations of the final desired behavior or result of behavior.
21) Clearly, then(),(http:///reinforce.html) housing policy operates at present to reinforce the nuclear family.
22) These data reinforce the evidence that serious endometrial disease is rare in women under 40.
23) We have referred to Piaget to make or reinforce a point about teaching.
24) Instead he used the choice to reinforce his hostility to change.
25) But in the end new technology was used to reinforce the old office relationships.
26) Initial disbelief in the disease concept and determination to find or reinforce one's own ideas on the cause of addiction.
27) We have not included much documentary work as the realism of documentary has often been used ideologically to reinforce notions of naturalness.
28) The stresses of family life and difficulties in parenting lie in structures of disadvantage and social policies which reinforce inequalities.
29) In any case, in focusing on particular states it tended to reinforce the state-centric view of International Relations.
30) Supermarkets themselves say they're catering for increasing customer demand, customers too seem to reinforce that attitude.
1) We must reinforce the troops at the front.
2) Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes.
3) Success in the talks will reinforce his reputation as an international statesman.
4) A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries.
5) We reinforce a troop again.
31) Simple reward charts can be used to reinforce either sitting at the table or finishing a meal for the 3-year-old and older.
32) Understanding the grammar rules may reinforce fluency and accuracy, but will not of itself enable you to speak correctly.
33) For the study of social need and welfare policy this is clearly right; yet it unwittingly helps to reinforce the stereotypes.
34) It is likely to be more difficult to change attitudes or behaviour through advertising than to reinforce them.
35) They also reinforce the natural link between our products and high quality, original cultural and leisure events.
36) As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control.
37) Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof.
38) To reinforce the sales pitch, the video van will return to the village next month.
39) It has a cult-like following with the potential to exploit gullible people and reinforce obsessional behaviour.
40) A small racist joke or ill considered sentence only serves to reinforce negative attitudes.
41) Ageist assumptions underlie policies in the social security field and not surprisingly therefore, these policies reinforce age discrimination.
42) In contrast to the redistributive capital tax considered in Section 8-3, the indirect effects reinforce the transfer.
43) This dualism tended to reinforce a form of psychophysical parallelism in ethology.
43) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
44) This implies significant negotiating skills in order to diagnose, manage and reinforce the outcomes of individual motivation.
45) Are the investments of these agencies helping to challenge or reinforce the historic sectarian divisions within the labour market? 3.
46) If multiple warheads are deployed, the different blast waves reinforce each other, increasing their destructive power.
47) In the present case Mr. Glick was fully entitled to, and did, point to practical considerations to reinforce his argument.
48) Non-verbal behaviours need to accompany and reinforce what you are saying, your verbal behaviour.
49) Once the states knew the message of the day, they could reinforce it as they saw fit.
50) In their interplay, the two developments tended to reinforce each other on an international scale.
51) In such circumstances, market forces may actually come to reinforce this development and contribute to unbalanced regional growth.
52) Mr Kinnock intends to reinforce his conviction that Labour is in a position to win in his keynote speech tomorrow.
53) I have so advised Mr Simpson but it might be helpful if you could reinforce the point.
54) Legislation will be introduced to reinforce the regulation of privatised utilities.
55) We might have expected this switch to reinforce the downward trend in the ratio of direct to indirect tax receipts.
56) The department also runs seminars on developing clinical and communication skills to reinforce the students' experience in the practices.
57) In both, it is assumed that the criminal law can and should be used to protect or to reinforce moral principles.
58) However, those exemptions and discounts merely reinforce the fundamental flaw at the centre of the council tax.
59) Without imperial authority to reinforce its moral precepts, it increasingly relied on high-minded exhortation.
60) The film should reinforce existing knowledge and then introduce further topics, concepts and principles.
61) Praise, symbolism, and token rewards will be used to reinforce results and behavior of value to the company.
62) Eventually you reinforce the child for using the turtle response spontaneously in conflict situations.
63) Such stories reinforce stock images of a regime that imposes population control by force.
64) A job program that provides genuinely equal opportunities for ghetto boys and girls will only reinforce the girls' economic edge.
65) These help to reinforce the hinge side of your doors against the use of force.
66) And in using these terms, we reinforce such attitudes and make them seem like something timelessly true about women.
67) Mr. Marlow Could my right hon. Friend reinforce the point that he has just made?
68) Internal tensions can be resolved through a creative channelling and thereby reinforce the group's own boundary.
69) Amplified vibration can reinforce the normal rhythm of speech and can greatly assist forming the right habits.
70) It has helped to reinforce the important contribution the Institute and its members can make in this area.
71) Living in an area of expensive detached houses can serve to reinforce one's sense of being middle-class.
72) The word-games reinforce spelling and reading skills, and encourage accuracy.
73) If so, the coming mergers will only reinforce an already established trend.
74) The depictions on paper money and coins reinforce national icons and symbols.
75) Colour coding in both these libraries was used to reinforce clearly printed visual signs.
76) If there were to be a reduction in the mark-up, then this would further reinforce the effect.
77) Contemplating the sweep of the development of some field of science can only reinforce that feeling.
78) We are told that irresponsible women get pregnant solely to reinforce their gender identity.
79) Some current trends reinforce this linear pattern, whereas others modify it.
80) Step five offers the opportunity for the AA member to reinforce the notion that the alcoholic can not live in a vacuum.
81) The emperors, too, and their advisers badly needed legal texts to reinforce their position as rulers.
82) To instil or reinforce responsible drinking attitudes and behaviour. 3.
83) Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
84) I think it would only serve to reinforce my fears.
85) These may either be addictive themselves or may reinforce the view that there is a pill for every ill.
86) But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists' view of literature.
87) The achievement of a goal will serve to reinforce the behaviour and so establish a causal connection between needs and goals.
88) Again, plenty of praise at this stage will help to reinforce the desired response.
89) Overall, research shows that the commercials are very meaningful to Guinness drinkers and reinforce its reputations as a tonic.
90) True, Newt Gingrich will pay $ 300, 000 to reinforce this image of fund raising run rampant.
91) Superposition is of the essence of waves, which can be added together to reinforce or cancel each other out.
92) This kind of experience can reinforce our sense of insecurity, as well as making the burden of sadness unbearably heavy.
93) This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces.
94) In most cases, the school environment tends to reinforce the influence of the home background.
95) They tend to respond to and reinforce public opinion, rather than shape it and lead it.
96) Reinforce this so your man won't feel pressure to become aroused.
97) It is there to serve the professionals and reinforce their efforts.
98) His suggestions can only reinforce the anti-male sexism inherent in some areas of child care work.
99) In some cases Bourdieu speaks of individual strategies intended to reinforce one's own position within the lineage.
100) You really need to calm down and take life more stoically to reinforce your position.
101) The resulting videos seem to reinforce the stereotypic idea that dark-skinned black women are not as attractIve as their lighter sisters.
102) Tolerance for democracy must be cultivated to reinforce our democratic institutions.
103) They have come to reinforce the message they left last time.
104) This allowed disaster relief experts to construct a new stone wall to reinforce the dam.
105) These decisions, in turn create bonds between the spouses and reinforce the marriage.
106) And the problem is compounded because managers Jan find both the books and the consultants to reinforce their narrow view.
107) Overprotective parents may bombard their young children with messages that reinforce their lack of mastery.
108) Current possession of human, physical and financial capital tends to reinforce itself in successive periods, although not completely so.
109) Such an analogy helps to reinforce the distinctive orientations of the two modes.
110) In actual fact, what the monarchy does do is to reinforce Britain's position in the world as an outmoded Ruritania.
111) It provides a variety of reading material from newspapers and other authentic sources, which parallel and reinforce each story.
112) The law of contempt does not apply to reinforce the decisions of administrative tribunals.
113) This qualification will put us a further jump ahead of competition and will reinforce our position as market leader in quality Hygiene Services.
114) Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
115) Groups of work-inhibited students may reinforce mutually held beliefs that school is a negative environment.
116) In some ways what the district councils do tends to reinforce the efforts of regional policy.
117) Perhaps I can intrude into my own column again at this point to reinforce the message.
118) The aim is to reinforce the correct patterns of movement which the patient has experienced under the guidance of the physiotherapist.
119) If the disability is psychologically based diagnostic systems based on the use of multiple and unvalidated skin tests may reinforce the delusion.
120) Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.
121) Hitherto they had deliberately promoted internally, which served to reinforce the already strong personal loyalty.
122) Here, as so often in the New Testament, word and sacrament mutually reinforce one another.
123) We will reinforce the rights of the individual in the world of work, and break down artificial barriers to advancement.
124) It is not unreasonable for parents to want schools to reinforce the values children are taught at home.
125) They have become devalued as people in their own right and everything that happens to them subsequently serves to reinforce this impression.
126) Group 4 was a floating reserve lying offshore in their landing craft until required to reinforce one of the other Groups.
127) As described in Chapter Five, the manager may use cryptic messages to reinforce this impression.
128) You can freeze a frame, rewind, replay and so on to reinforce a point.
129) Or whether mutually to reinforce their ability to perceive and understand this city - two viewpoints yielding a stereoscopic perspective.
130) Since then the increase in warning time has merely served to reinforce the view.
131) The growth of rural manufacturing and commercial dealings served to reinforce the integration of both into a single national economy.
132) Mobile forms of macrophage circulate in the blood, ready to be recruited into inflamed tissue to reinforce the cells already there.
133) Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin went on a scheduled vacation, evidently to reinforce the impression of business as usual.
134) Rather, people interpret and retain media information selectively to reinforce their existing attitudes.
135) In all likelihood, the racially polarized vote will reinforce Mississippi's negative image far beyond its borders.
136) Mr George has a reputation as a hawk on inflation and his move yesterday will reinforce his credentials.
137) Although rebound is a temporary reaction, it tends to reinforce insomniacs' belief that they can not sleep without medication.
138) It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
139) Here is another problem in constitutional law to reinforce the point.
140) Under normal circumstances these different rhythms give the same information about external time; that is, they reinforce one another.
141) With this proviso, the book can be recommended as readable and illustrated with several case-studies to reinforce the authors' points.
142) Answer guide: The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period.
143) Of course they not only reflect ageism in society but help to reinforce it and make it acceptable.
144) If all goes well, the skills develop interactively as they are supposed to, do complement and reinforce each other.
145) The purpose is to reinforce the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
146) As such, the bureaucracy, far from sustaining a universal interest, served to reinforce particularism in society.
147) Like most emergent phenomena, wear is liable to self - reinforce.
148) We should reinforce the downside of the windlass.
149) Reinforce and extend your understanding of revenue recognition.
150) Kissing also reinforce pair bonding, helping to maintain relationships.
151) Your positive response will reinforce her actions.
152) Third Corps was hard pressed and Meade sent V Corps and part of 11 Corps to reinforce Sickles in the Peach Orchard.
153) And some decompound production of foaming agent can reinforce the foaming ability of refining slag.
154) The company said they would reinforce areas and relocate residents if necessary.
155) The mould is spread on top of the ants' trap to reinforce its structure, as it hardens into a fibreglass-like material.
156) Functional training of defecation reflex was strengthened to reinforce the recovery of stoma.
157) In the meanwhile, it is very meaningful to discuss how to reinforce water energy management.
158) Anchorage technology is an important means of reinforce in the mine engineering.
159) To adapt to the rapid development of medicine and law and the impact of globalization of crime, it is necessary to reinforce the forensic pathology postgraduate general competence.
160) The tenth plant in China will further reinforce the leading market position of the Volkswagen Group.
161) By comparing main properties of pipe with FWRPM, FRP pipe, steel pipe, Cast iron pipe and reinforce concrete make know technical economic superiority of FWRPM pipe and its broad developing prospects.
162) So how do we reinforce the modern concept of nationalism?
163) We should reinforce the river embankment before the wet season.sentence dictionary
164) 1863 - American Civil War: Battle of Chattanooga begins - Union forces led by General Ulysses S. Grant reinforce troops at Chattanooga, Tennessee and counter-attack Confederate troops.
165) The wave is to reinforce itself after one round trip.
166) The Principles'general appliance obligation thus works to reinforce managers'preexisting socialization toward law compliance.
167) Vibro-jet method is to reinforce the soil by vibration and jetting.
168) This system is one kind of system software based on OS and its main goal is to reinforce the job management function of OS.
169) It is necessary to reinforce emergency ideological and political work in oil exploration industry as oil exploration activities are mostly carried out in unfrequented areas with unexpected happenings.
170) Rather, they should reinforce checks and balances and stimulate a debate.
171) Fully welded tubular steel frame with mirror finish, Full round bends. 2, heavy reinforce saddle leather.
172) In order to reinforce the frequency stability of Yunnan power grid, the update and field tests of generator primary frequency control function have been carried out since 2005.
173) An overarching priority is to reinforce professional staffing, which is much more profitable than clerical staff.
174) Taking on a specialty or a subspecialty can also be a way to reinforce your value to the company.
175) AA aims to change not only the behavior but the personality in order to reinforce sobriety.
176) He added that the Madagascan Senate is ready to further reinforce exchange and contact with the CPPCC and make efforts to the development of bilateral friendly ties.
177) But management, he assured, was going to reinforce the G-string distribution.
178) For each to beneficially reinforce the other, the intellectual property system must be harnessed to promote Internet freedom.
179) The thesis propounds some pointed measures on how to reinforce the concept of stock right cost in business supervisors.
180) When errors and old muscle memory patterns creep back into your game, simply recall the two key points and actively use your brain to reinforce the correct muscle memory pattern.
181) ' The captain then talked about the new signings: 'Milan are always on the look-out in the market to reinforce the team.
182) In his spring budget he will need to reinforce his commitment to retrenchment.
183) With MQ resin as reinforce filling materials, dimethicone as dilution agent, the transparency liquid silicone that used in spinning trademark was prepared by fumed silica.
184) In Boston an army unit was ordered out to reinforce the police.
185) They are very important to reinforce administer in construction technology of corrugated bream steeled protection fence, to enhance the construction quality and beautify environment.
186) There have been some successful efforts to reinforce schools, in places including Katmandu, Nepal , and parts of Turkey, he said.
187) The Gidbinn will reinforce the enchantments that protect the dockside from the evil that infests Kurast.
188) Pentagram 's graphics for the hotel reinforce and celebrate these contrasts providing a counterbalance between the city's sophisticated pleasures and edgy reputation.
189) Use a Highlighter - Use a highlighter to reinforce ideas you want to remember.
190) You may want to reinforce your leadership in a market or trounce a competitive brand.
191) Published in collaboration with Harcourt School Publishers-one of the top educational publishers in the United States-to reinforce connections between trade books and school texts.
192) Second, we need to further upgrade the delisting rules, elevate the delist standard and reinforce the capabilities to delist.
193) It did reinforce the recent question in her mind; had her resignation been hasty and foolish?
194) Reinforce and extend your understanding of accountingproperty , plant, and equipment.
195) Teacher use praises and rewards to reinforce children's positive behaves.
196) Reinforce your understanding of record keeping and reporting and search issues related to valuation allowances.
197) Whatever rhetorical device you choose, use it to reinforce your message, not to be cute or to show off.
198) To cure pit collapse with residual soil from granite, what measure can be chose is to backfill with bags of sand and infiltrate steel tube or reinforce steel bar to pin up filler.
199) Residents contributed to the project by providing in-kind labor to replant crops and vegetables, construct an irrigation system, reinforce dikes, and build new fencing.
200) It is significant for industrial firms to lower cost, increase efficiency and reinforce potence of competition and thus the applying possibilities appear unlimited.
201) For this purpose, we should improve the qualities of stock broker companies, strengthen the management of stock markets, increase investment and reinforce the legal system.
202) The substance also proved able to reinforce the effect of different cytostatics currently in use in the treatment of neuroblastoma.
203) Revealing the biological processes that can build and reinforce alcohol addiction will most certainly help to better target existing treatments and devise new ones to break alcohol's hold.
204) Improvement of material property or connector with reinforce panel can ensure safety.
205) Based on the above, technical support and theory reference are given for retting retaining wall design and reinforce.
206) Conclusion:Porphyra Polysaccharide in proper concentration can reinforce immune function in mice.
207) Based on the research, this paper give four kinds of prevention and cure methods, discuss the reinforce scheme and put forward that embalmment...
208) On the basis of relevant test, the curved bear capacity of carbon fiber cloth reinforce reinforcing bar steel fiber concrete beam is studied.
209) One big drill, “Baltops”, which took place in June, included a full amphibious landing in Estonia and a lot of planning on how to reinforce the Baltic states in a crisis.
210) To reinforce my position, I have in my hands, Chocolate: More Than 50 Decadent Recipes, by Dominique and Cindy Duby (Whitecap, $19.95).
211) After the reform of administrative examination and approval, social security administration should begin with the work to reinforce supervision.
212) A fundamental law of conditioning is that any pattern that is continually reinforced will become an automatic and conditioned response. Anything we fail to reinforce will eventually dissipate.
213) VENICE, Italy (Reuters) - One leaning tower is enough for Italy, according to local authorities in Venice who plan to reinforce the foundations of St. Mark's bell tower to stop it falling down.
214) We shall reinforce macro economic control and adjustment and improve the industrial structure of foreign investment.
215) Native English Speaking teachers co-teach in English lessons. When combined with English corner and Putonghua corner at recess, this helps to reinforce students' biliterate and trilingual competences.
216) But the tsunami created by Jerry's fans serves to reinforce the fanaticism over the meet - and - greet party.
217) The test result indicated that the compatibility of brucite fiber and cement is well, and the fiber can reinforce the cement liquid anti- crack ability.
218) Facing the global financial crisis at the time, Beijing promised to lower the threshold of financial credit and reinforce infrastructure constructions.
219) Japan must obviously see to the rebuilding of critical infrastructure, but should be careful not to overbuild, as that would reinforce deflationary pressures.
220) But It'should reinforce the point that, on hydrological grounds alone, conserving forest is often essential.
221) Andif he did a little better, we would go to great lengths to reinforce him.
222) It is hoped that both sides can enhance contact and coordination and establish a long-acting cooperation mechanism in order to reinforce their practical cooperation.
223) Denis Ranque, Chairman and CEO of Thales, has announced the reorganisation of his team in order to reinforce the international organisation and foster transversality in the Group.
224) Marines kicking down doors and murdering men, women and children in their pyjamas: nothing could better reinforce the caricature of trigger-happy superpowerdom on the rampage.
225) The way to reinforce the stirring effect and lower the stirring power is also given.
226) To solve this problem thoroughly, it is necessary to establish morals duty mechanism, compensate morals reproduction cost, creat social security system and reinforce feel grateful education.
227) The overall development of human being and the construction of socialist harmonious society interdepend and mutually reinforce, both in theory and practice to a high degree of uniformity.
228) Sheet metal used to reinforce and weatherproof the joints and angles of a roof.
229) To reinforce and perfect the system, measures should be taken in terms of philosophy, the placement of positions, recruitment, assessment, distribution of incomes, and unemployment.
230) Often, the courts remain a pliable tool to reinforce that power.
231) Glass fiber is used to reinforce material for increasing toughness, flexural strength, and tensibility in unsaturated polymer modified concrete.
232) Reinforce relationship by proving yourself within the workplace. Instead of slacking off , do the exact opposite.
233) By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them, you reinforce it.
234) It'shows that adding the low - quality ash can improve the ability of anti - eclipse of reinforce bar.
235) This article strives to reinforce the pertinence and feasibility by integrating theory with practice.
236) The ramie fiber was used to reinforce industrial aluminum for the first time.
237) She couldn't know that he'd dug them out of the bottom of his trunk deliberately for the occasion[], to reinforce his status as a lowly ranch hand.
238) Therefore, it becomes especially important to reinforce the research of collegians' morality-unconstraint.
239) Itend to agree with Chase Jarvis, who says "the best camera is the one that'swith you"—he's written a book and iPhone app, and created an online community, to reinforce this point.
240) Using a kind of fluorine polymer and HDI trimer to reinforce and conserve the paper documents was studied.
241) But no theory can replace that spirit, for any theory can be applied in an unscientific spirit, as a polemical device to reinforce prejudice.
242) Because of its lightness, endurance to corruptness, high strength and the convenience in construction, CFRP is used widely in the area of reinforce.
243) Reinforce the self moisture protection and retention of skin, give adequate moisturizing and nourishing to every skin layer, bring you watery and smooth skin.
244) Nurgaliyev on Friday ordered Dagestani police "to reinforce work to detect inside and outside sources of financing" for local insurgents.
245) Protect the goodwill ticket holder, at the same time; reinforce the responsibility of direct back hand.
246) The bone osteogenesis is happened in 1,3,4,5,7 zoon of head femur, and its useful for reinforce prosthesis.
247) That whole hebdomad is designated Teacher Appreciation Week at the National PTA. It's a time to reinforce aid and esteem because teachers and the education profession.
248) A metal ring designed to reinforce such a hole ; a grommet.
249) Then, two security personnel ask to reinforce to the security department with interphone instantly.
250) The ministry said the reference work would help users reinforce, learn or revive these dying languages and cultures before it is too late.
251) And so what you want to do, basically drawing upon the law of effect, is reinforce the pig for doing good things.
252) Carry handler website according to Germany (DMM) report points out, this action of sea boat group accords with chinese mainland to reinforce the trend that invests in Europe.
253) The core management for a modem hospital is that of human resource. It is very important to reinforce the management of hospital's human resources for enhancing hospital's development.
253) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
254) The results suggest that ovalbumin peptide can reinforce immune function of experimental mice.
255) AVP could reinforce the permeability of capillary to water in injury areas, and made encephaledema become severe.
256) The JCS issued an order to reinforce patrols in the area, and all South Korean fishing vessels to evacuate.
257) The list of correspondence , together with account name , appears to reinforce the criticism.
258) Conclusion: Reinforce community student's community patients'nurse, prevent typhoid propagation and extend.
259) In this paper, waste wood flour was used to reinforce high - density polyethylene ( HDPE ) .
260) In addition, the speaker will employ expressions involved in high expectedness, possibility, and reliability to convince audiences to take action or reinforce the existing attitude of listeners.
261) In tension-free herniorrhaphy, paying attention to reinforce transversalic fascia can effectively improve efficacy and reduce the complications.
262) Each of these sculptural installations, which collectively reinforce one another even as they successfully stood alone, filled the gallery with chilling haziness and premonitions.
263) The hope is that the BIONET guidelines will reinforce guidelines published in 2007 by the International Society for Stem Cell Research.
264) Then Adopt injection reinforce strata, reinforced timbering , stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support, roger good effect.
265) And take measures to reinforce them. Please set your mind at rest.
266) It would reinforce the tendency to use the UN to ratify the gains of surprise attack.
267) Polyvinyl fluoride resin reinforce soft stain remover is designed and constructed on the basis of soft stains remover. It is integrated with high strength steel pike stains removing device.
268) The discovery of Noah's ark would reinforce a literal interpretation of the Bible, says Claude Mariottini, an Old Testament professor at Northern Baptist Seminary outside Chicago.
269) Combining with job practice of his hospital, the author introduced the main methods to reinforce medical treatment quality control.
270) We should reinforce our efforts in tree planting , and forestation making to prevent and cure sandstorms.
271) Schools should try to reinforce positive behavior patterns in children.
272) If you don't know what to do with your hands, think about the message you want to communicate. As in ordinary conversation, your hands should simply help emphasize or reinforce your verbal message.
273) Retail banking has become increasingly concentrated in recession, and this decision will reinforce the survivors.
274) We successfully used autogenous periosteum to reinforce scleral defects in 3 patients after a pterygium excision.
275) Through helping others, members reinforce their own sobriety and build up self - esteem .
276) The slope is cover with soil at the position where the timber pile is thrown and sand or riprap is collected at the lower of soil covered to reinforce.
277) Using Bidirectional georgia to reinforce bridgehead embankment is new method of accounting for bumpingat bridge head.
278) So, at worst, a bitter contest could merely reinforce the gridlock, with a re-elected, more leftish Comrade Obama pitted against a still more intransigent Republican Congress.
279) We should improve legislation of environmental protection and reinforce law of environmental protection as soon as possible to restrain the extension of the transfer of environmental protection.
280) Chu States corvee aim to reinforce national military strength while its farm tax aim to strengthen national economic strength.
281) " United States Marine Corps officer pictures reinforce "the" structure.




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